How to create an email address on Gmail, Outlook and Yahoo, how to create a second Gmail address? (Explanations, FAQ tutorial)

How to create a second Gmail address? (Explanations, FAQ tutorial)

Gmail is also associated with Google Calendar, A practical tool to plan events, meetings, reminders, birthdays … You can:

How to create an email address on Gmail, Outlook and Yahoo

Discover the steps to create an email address on the main electronic email services.

Valérie Soriano / Published on January 18, 2023 at 10:00 am


To send and receive electronic messages, transfer a document quickly or carry out online procedures, you must now have an email address recorded in your name. Whatever the messaging account chosen to use it, a few steps are required to create an account with an attached email address. Find out how to easily create your email address on Gmail, Outlook and Yahoo.

Create an email address on Gmail

  • Go to the Google account creation page, then enter your name, first name and user name for your future email address,
  • Write your password then confirm it. Validate by pressing Following,
  • Find out your phone number (optional step) to receive a six -digit validation code from Google,
  • Then specify your date of birth and gender. For this part, you have the choice to personalize your response or to select Unspecified,
  • Validate your phone number then click on Send (or prefer to choose Not now, If you want to validate it later),
  • Enter your validation code received by Google then press To validate,
  • At this stage, Google invites you to use your phone number more for other services: select Yes I accept Or Ignore,
  • Then choose your customization settings: Express in a single step or manual in 5 steps, then click on Following,
  • Confirm the personalization settings and cookies at the bottom of the page,
  • Validate the rules of confidentiality and conditions of use of Google.

Your account and email address are now created on Gmail.


Create an email address on Outlook

  • Go to the Outlook account creation page,
  • Determine your new address (you have the choice between:, or and click on Following,
  • Create your password then select Following,
  • Enter your first name and last name then press Following,
  • Specify your country and date of birth, click on Following,
  • At this stage, Microsoft requires a verification method to identify robots. Click on Following, Then answer the question asked.

Your email address is created on Outlook: stay connected if you want to use it immediately.


Create an email address on Yahoo

  • Go to the Yahoo account creation page,
  • Subscribe your name and surname, choose your Yahoo email address and enter your password and your birth year,
  • Click on Continue To accept the general conditions of use,
  • Enter your phone number to secure your account and receive a validation code by SMS,
  • Enter the received code, then select Authenticate.

After this last step, you have your Yahoo email address.


How to create a second Gmail address ? (Explanations, tutorial + faq)

Need a second Gmail address ? Discover our full tutorial and our easy explanations to create a new address !

In today’s digital world, having a Gmail address is essential. But did you know that it was possible to create a second address ? If you do not know how to do it, do not look, in this article, you will discover a detailed tutorial, clear explanations and a complete FAQ to guide you step by step in the process. Good reading !

archive gmail

Quick access (summary):

Create a second Gmail messaging address in #Short

  1. Go to the Gmail website
  2. Click on “Create an account”
  3. Complete the requested information
  4. Personalize your account
  5. Check your identity
  6. Finalize the creation

A Gmail address, what is it for ?

A Gmail address is a Electronic email account provided by Google. It allows you to send and receive emails, but also access other Google services (Google Drive, Google Calendar, Google Docs).

For a more detailed explanation for the usefulness of the Gmail address, we invite you to read more !

Of course, your address you offer the possibility of sending and receiving emails. This is one of the most common and widely used means of communication, especially in the professional world (also staff, but less and less frequent with social networks).

Thanks to Google Drive, a feature integrated to Gmail, you have an online storage space To save and organize your files. You can create folders there, download documents, photos, videos, presentations, etc. It’s a mean Very simple to share files with other people by sending them sharing links, which allows them to access the files you have chosen to share.

Gmail is also associated with Google Calendar, A practical tool to plan events, meetings, reminders, birthdays … You can:

  • Create events
  • Organize them in your calendar
  • Define reminders
  • Share your calendar with other people
  • Receive invitations to events

You will therefore understand, Your Gmail address gives you access to a wide range of Google services. For example, with Google Docs, you can create, modify documents and collaborate online text, while Google Sheets allows you to work on spreadsheets. You can also Access youtube To watch and download videos, to Google Maps for navigation, to Google Keep to take notes…

And finally, it is interesting to know that Your Gmail address can be used as an identifier to connect to many other online sites and services. This facilitates access to these platforms and prevents you from having to create an account on each of them. In addition, if you use several devices (your computer, your smartphone or your tablet), the synchronization of your Gmail address allows you to easily access your emails, contacts and preferences on all these devices.

Who may need an address on Gmail in 2023 ?

Already, Personal users (you and me), who can create a Gmail address for their personal needs:

  • Sending and receiving emails
  • Managing their schedule with Google Calendar
  • Storage and sharing of files via Google Drive
  • Access to services such as YouTube

For Independent professionals and workers, A Gmail address is precious to establish an online professional presence, communicate by e-mail with customers and colleagues, collaborate on documents thanks to Google Docs, share calendars for meeting meetings, etc. It is difficult to create a professional world without dedicated email address … here is how to create it.

Students can also take advantage of a Gmail address for their academic needs: communicate with teachers and classmates, share files and collaborate on school projects, receive reminders and notifications concerning courses and events, and access Online learning tools. In general, schools or university establishments automatically create an email address to all their students.

Email news

During the job search, A professional email address is often required. Gmail can then be used in this context to apply online, receive recruiters communications and submit documents (CVs and cover letters).

And then of course, businesses can also benefit from the use of Gmail addresses for their employees, mainly to communicate effectively internally and with external partners and share files, plan meetings. As with students, employees of a company are generally created a professional address by their company automatically.

Actually, Everyone needs an email address (not particularly a Gmail address, but an email address, yes) !

Why want to create a 2nd email address ?(5 reasons)

Separation of roles Separate your personal and professional activities using distinct email addresses to maintain a clear distinction between communications and work-related information and those related to life.
Privacy and Security If a main e-mail address is compromised or receives too many spams, it may be wise to create a second address to maintain better confidentiality and online security. You can use the new address for less priority online interactions or to register for sites where you are not sure of the security of your data.
Motor mail management To better control your main reception box by limiting unwanted emails and the newsletters to which you are subscribed. You can redirect less important communications or online registrations to your secondary address.
Organization and classification An additional e-mail address can be used for specific use: online purchases, social media accounts, subscriptions to services, etc.
Flexibility and diversity Offers greater flexibility in your online interactions. For example, you can use it to test services, register for free trials, create temporary accounts, or for specific projects where you prefer to keep your communications separate.

Tutorial: how to create a second Gmail address ?

Create a second Gmail address from another email address

Here is the procedure for creating a new address on Gmail from another email address:

To create a second Gmail address from another email address, you can follow the following steps:

  • Access the Gmail website: https: //
  • If you are already connected to your other Gmail account, log out by clicking on your profile photo in the upper right corner, then selecting “disconnection”.
  • On the connection page to Gmail, click on the link ” Create an account »Located below the connection form.

Connect to Gmail or create a new account

  • Google will ask you who you want to create an account: for you, for your child, or for work. Select the corresponding option
  • Fill in the requested information : your first name, your name, the desired user name and password for your new Gmail address.
  • In the “Username” field, you can choose a new username for your Gmail address. Make sure the username you choose is available (anyway, you will see an indication in real time if the username is already taken, and you will not be able to use it).
  • Then click on “Next”.

Fill the information necessary for the creation of

  • On the next page, you will have to Provide a valid phone number To check your account. Enter your phone number and click “Next”.
  • You can choose to receive the verification code by SMS or by voice call. Select the option that suits you and click on “Next”.
  • You will receive a verification code on your phone. Enter this code in the appropriate dialog box on the Gmail account creation page.
  • Once you have checked your account, you can Customize the settings of your new Gmail address, such as profile image and privacy preferences.
  • After configuring your preferences, click on “Next” to access your new Gmail reception box.

And there you go, your second email address is created on Gmail ! From now on, you will only have to choose which one of your addresses you want to use. If you have very distinct use for each of the two addresses, be careful not to be mistaken.

Create a second Gmail address with the same account

It is not Not possible to create a second Gmail address with the same account. Each Gmail address is unique and requires a separate account.

If you want to have a second Gmail address, you will need to create a new separate Gmail account. To do this, refer to the previous part of this article.

Bonus: Create a new Chrome profile with your Gmail address

A Chrome profile is a personal data and parameter set Used by the Google Chrome web browser to provide a personalized experience for each user. Each Chrome profile is associated with a user And contains its own information: navigation history, favorites, extensions, themes, recorded passwords ..

Choose who uses Chrome thanks to the profiles

To create and manage Chrome profiles, you can Access Chrome profiles By clicking directly on your active profile (round icon at the top right of the toolbar).

To create a new Chrome profile, simply:

  • Click on the round icon at the top right of your screen to display existing chrome profiles
  • Click on the “Settings” icon next to “Other profiles”
  • Select “Add” to create a new profile
  • You can then choose to connect this new profile to one of your Gmail addresses by selecting “Connect”
  • Connect to your Gmail account
  • Customize your profile and create it

Frequent questions about the creation of a second Gmail address (FAQ)

Frequent questions about the white brand

Is it really possible to have 2 Gmail addresses ?

Yes, of course, you just have to follow our tutorial, and your second Gmail address will be created in a few clicks !

In the event that I create a second address on Gmail, what is my main e-mail address ?

When you create a second address on Gmail, Your main address remains the one you used when creating your initial Gmail account. The new address you created will be considered an additional address linked to your main account. This means that you can send and receive emails from this new address, but Your main address will remain the same.

When you connect to Gmail, you will always use your main address to connect to your account. However, you can choose the address from which you want to send an email using the “de” field when composing a message.

Good to know : All the additional addresses you add to your Gmail account are linked and accessible via the same reception box. You will therefore not need to connect separately to consult the emails of each address.

I want to put access to my two mailboxes on my phone, how to do ?

Here is a simple procedure to set up:

  1. Make sure you have the Gmail app installed on your phone. If you don’t have it, you can download it for free from the App Store (for iPhone users) or the Google Play Store (for Android users).
  2. Open the application Gmail on your phone.
  3. Connect to your main Gmail account using your email address and password.
  4. Once connected, Press the menu icon (generally represented by three horizontal lines) in the upper left corner of the application.
  5. Scroll down and press the “Settings” or “settings” button.
  6. In the settings, search and press the option ” Add an account“” .
  7. Choose “Google” from the options offered to add an additional Gmail account.
  8. Follow the instructions to enter the email address and password from your second Gmail account.
  9. Once you have added the account, You can switch between your two mailboxes By pressing the account icon (generally representing your profile photo or a letter) at the top of the Gmail application and by selecting the account you wish to consult.

Repeat 4 to 9 steps to add access to your second Gmail mailbox on your phone. You will be able to consult and send emails from the two accounts from the Gmail application on your phone.

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