How to create a Google Entreprise account? Examples – Inputkit, Tape 1: Create a Google Cloud account | Apigeee

Tape 1: Create a Google Cloud account

Did you know that a good local seo Allows you to generate 1000% more trafficking that the SEO not locally targeted? Creating a Google Entreprise page can significantly increase traffic on your online platforms! By optimizing the integration of certain keywords related to the location of your business and by putting forward your positive reviews online, you increase your chances of being referred by the Google search engine. Furthermore, Improve your local positioning is the key to attracting nearby customers to your branches. This will allow you to build a network of regular customers and, by the very fact, to ensure a stable income For your organization.

How to create a Google Entreprise account? + Examples

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  • Client experience
  • Employee experience
  • Online reputation
  • Patient experience

In the current context where customers now do several research on the web before choosing a product, the e-reputation of your business plays a crucial role in acquisition new customers. In this sense, it is of great importance to optimize your online presence in order to appear in the search engine. However, improving your positioning in search engines to improve your online reputation can be a challenge, especially if you are not familiar with the concept of Organic SEO (SEO).

Download now: -> Free guide 13 Models of responses to online reviews (positive and negative)

How can you optimize your online presence so as to improve your positioning on the most popular search engine, or Google? To get there, the Creation of a Google Entreprise page is a must for your organization.

According to Semrush’s study, Google has more than 4.3 billion users as well as 92% of the market share. In this sense, creating a Google Entreprise account is a significant asset for your organization. Thanks to this profile, you will not only be able to appear more easily in the results of this search engine, but you can also get precious Google opinion which will testify to the quality of your services. This is a great way to improve your online reputation as well as your natural referencing!

You do not know how to create a Google Entreprise account or how to ensure its optimization? In this article, discover precious advices To learn how to manage your Google Entreprise account as well as Best practices to follow To respond to your Google online reviews.

Why create a Google Entreprise account?

The importance of Google reviews for your business

During the Zero Moment of Truth, That is to say the period before the purchasing decision, Internet users do research and compare the different options available to them. In this sense, creating a google account my business is a great way to show your potential customers your credibility as an organization.

According to E-Marketing analysis, 87% of Internet users rely on online opinions Before making a purchase decision. To this end, you can invite your satisfied customers to leave positive opinions online on your Google Entreprise page. This will attest to the satisfaction of your customers and will put your prospects with confidence. This is a must to acquire new customers, but also to improve your e-reputation as well as your positioning in search engines.

Did you know that a good local seo Allows you to generate 1000% more trafficking that the SEO not locally targeted? Creating a Google Entreprise page can significantly increase traffic on your online platforms! By optimizing the integration of certain keywords related to the location of your business and by putting forward your positive reviews online, you increase your chances of being referred by the Google search engine. Furthermore, Improve your local positioning is the key to attracting nearby customers to your branches. This will allow you to build a network of regular customers and, by the very fact, to ensure a stable income For your organization.

Overall, creating a Google Enterprise account is essential to obtain precious online reviews that will improve your e-reputation. Good management of your opinions as well as your Google my business page will increase your online visibility, which will allow you to acquire new customers. This is an essential strategy to ensure the sustainability of your business!

Free guide 13 Models of responses to online reviews (positive and negative)

How to create a Google Entreprise account?

Steps to create a Google Entreprise account

Since Google is the most used search engine in the world, it is essential to optimize your online visibility and create an account Google Company. This sheet will allow Internet users to know your Business hours, your address, your products And services, your phone number as well as the address of your website In the space of a single click! In addition, the locations of your branches will be automatically shared on Google Maps to your potential customers during local research. Interesting, isn’t it?

You want to create a Google Business page, but don’t know how to do it? To help you, here is Nine easy steps which will allow you to create your own Google Entreprise account to obtain more potential customers:

1. Access the connection page of Google my business and click on “Manage now”.

2. Connect Using your Gmail account. If you don’t have one, create one before the procedure.

3. Enter the name of your business in the section “Find and manage my business”.

4. Register the name, address, opening hours and telephone number of your business, then share them on Google Maps.

5. Via the section “Products” of your Google account my business, Create a offer of products and services accompanied by descriptions and of Pictures To better garnish your Google file my business. This will allow you to give a better overview of your business to your potential customers. You can also support these products / services from connections leading to your website to provide your prospects with fast and efficient service.

6. Compose interesting publications To inform your customers of your new Products, services, promotions Or Events to come. By writing publications accompanied by interesting visuals, you show Google that your file is up to date, which will encourage him to refer to potential customers. In addition, you can build an active community thanks to relevant information as well as special events.

7. Optimize your local SEO (SEO) by integrating some Local keywords during the descriptions of your Products / Services, your publications, or even in the Name of your business. This is an excellent strategy to improve your visibility on SERPs during local research.

8. Integrate the link of your website To your Google my company file to increase your online traffic. You can also garnish your file calls for action (CTA) To encourage your customers to come and visit you.

9. Regularly answer Google questions and opinions left on your Google account my business to increase your e-reputation. Customer service entirely dedicated to online opinions will transmit a feeling belonging to your Internet users. This is a great way to build a community based on trust and the respect. This will considerably increase the commitment and loyalty of your customers!

How to optimize your Google Entreprise account?

How to properly manage my Google Entreprise account daily

Once you’ve created your Google Enterprise account, you now need Optimize it regularly To attract new prospects to your organization. However, the management of a Google Entreprise account can be complex, especially for the less familiar with concepts such as The online customer experience where the local positioning. In this sense, can you ensure the right management of your Google Enterprise account to attract more customers within your company?

To help you, here is Nine good practices to follow In order to manage your company my company on a daily basis daily.

Free guide 13 Models of responses to online reviews (positive and negative)

1. Make sure to complete your Google file my business

A Google file my well -stocked business will allow your prospects to obtain the desired information in the space click. In this sense, take care to fill out well the entire sections of your file when creating your Google Entreprise account. In order to make your task easier, here is a small list of the different sections to fill in your account:

  • Your business name;
  • Your address ;
  • Your phone number ;
  • Your opening and closing hours;
  • Your website link;
  • Your field of expertise and attributes;
  • Your products and services;
  • Your business description;
  • Your answers to questions asked regularly.

2. Write a full description of your business

To make your services better known to Internet users, why not write a full description of your organization? To this end, when you create your Google Entreprise account, do not forget to write a short text which represents the essence of your business. This description appears on your Google Entreprise file: this is a golden opportunity for your prospects to learn more about the expertise of your organization!

When you write the description of your business:

  • Use them 750 characters at your disposal taking care to integrate your Clées information in the First 250 characters ;
  • Repeat your assignment, your values and your goals ;
  • Use a keyword linked to your local positioning or to your field of expertise To optimize your visibility in potential customer research;
  • Do not repeat any information already appearing in another section of your file. When creating your Google Entreprise account, use your description rather for you stand out from your competitors By explaining how your offer differs from competition and what your customers like the most of your services.

3. Publish at least once a week via your Google account my company

Although this subject was discussed previously, we remind you of the importance of publishing regularly via your Google account my company (at least once a week) To report to Google that your account is active and up to date. To achieve this, what could be better than regularly writing publications With regard to your customers? These precious information on your Products, services, events and promotions coming are a gold opportunity to generate a commitment From your current customers, but also to show Google that you keep your page up to date. Thus, the famous search engine will be more brought to you recommend to new prospects and will improve your positioning In search results. This is why creating a Google Entreprise account is an asset for trafficking in your website as well as for your acquisition of new customers!

4. Quickly answer online questions and opinions via your Google account my business and empathy

When a customer writes an online question or opinion, it is essential to answer them as quickly as possible. To this end, throughout the management of your Google Entreprise account, pay attention to the feedback from your customers.

Make sure to respect best practices in terms of online customer service to optimize customer satisfaction. A Proactive and empathetic customer service will soon show your customers that it is at the center of your priorities. These responses rapid And human generates a considerable commitment from Internet users and will show your prospects that you are a business trustworthy. This is a great way to win new customers while improving your e-reputation!

5. Update your information regularly to increase your chances of being recommended by Google

A company with information that is no longer valid limits the acquisition of customers. After all, each additional click risk of doing you lose your prospects. In addition, Google favors up -to -date companies to provide customers with the best possible experience.

In this sense, after having created your Google Entreprise account, do not forget to update your profile information. From the slightest change of address, phone number or even website, make sure you The accuracy of the data shared on your Google Entreprise. Thus, you will allow your customers to contact you more easily and optimize your appearance in the search results.

6. Add owners and managers to facilitate the management of your Google my company account

Following the creation of your Google Entreprise account, management and update your business can be a real challenge! This is why we invite you to share this responsibility with your managers as well as owners of your different branches.

In order to enlighten you, here is how to add users to help you better manage your Google Entreprise account:

  1. Sign into your account Google my business ;
  2. Register the name of your business;
  3. Press the section “Users” of your profile;
  4. Add or delete users to share the management of your Google my business account.

7. Stand out by optimizing your product and services offer according to the needs of your Internet users

In client experience, It is crucial to know how to adapt your products and services according to the needs of your customers. However, this also applies to your online services, especially when it comes to creating a Google Entreprise account.

Pay attention to the questions and opinions of your customers online, then adapt your service offer according to their Display needs. In this sense, take care of to update the section of your products and services to show your customers that their opinion is heard and considered. This is a great way to improve your online customer experience via your Google account my business.

8. Optimize your content with keywords related to your local positioning

As mentioned earlier, it is crucial to optimize your Local SEO In order to appear in the results of local research carried out by your customers nearby. Such optimization will be greatly beneficial for your online referencing: this is a must to acquire new prospects!

To this end, do not forget to include Relevant keywords with your local positioning During your publications, ads and promotions. When you create your Google account my business, you can even integrate the name of the city from your point of sale on your file. This is a good strategy to improve your visibility during local research.

9. Add your various points of sale on Google Maps

Finally, when creating your Google my business account, link your various points of sale to your account, then share them via Google Maps To optimize your local SEO. This referencing tactic will allow you not only to appear in the local research of your prospects, but will greatly improve your chances of being located in the Google Local Pack During online research. These first three results of local research will increase your online visibility and allow you to easily acquire new customers!

How to respond to online reviews of your Google Entreprise account?

Of course, an essential part of the management of your business is to respond to online reviews. Whether positive or negative, these feedbacks have an impact on double-edged on The acquisition of new customers as well as your e-reputation.

If your positive opinions allow you to ensure your prospects the quality of your products and services, some negative opinions can affect the success of your business. In addition, according to the HubSpot study, 90% of customers expect a quick response from customer service. According to the same source, 60% of these customers define this speed as an answer obtained in less than ten minutes. In this sense, it is crucial to monitor your online questions and opinions and answer them faster possible.

Following the creation of a Google Entreprise account, demonstrate empathy and of proactivity. Thank your customers For the time they give you: testify to your gratitude to positive opinions and offer relevant solutions to your unsatisfied customers. Such management of your account will undoubtedly improve your acquisition of new prospects as well as the commitment of your current customers!

You do not know how to answer your online reviews via your Google page my company? To help you, here is Three fast steps To respond to your online opinions in record time.

1. Connect to your Google account my business by selecting your establishment name on the Google search engine, or by selecting your establishment sheet via Google Maps.

2. Push the button ” Notice “.

3. Select “Reply”, “Change the answer” Or ” Report an inappropriate opinion “ According to the desired action.

Positive Google reviews

How to properly manage Google Positive Reviews? Our expert advice in the field

Once your Google Company account has been created, it is now time to invite your customers to leave you online Google positive reviews.

How can you respond to Google Positive Reviews after having created your Google Entreprise account? To help you, here is Seven good practices to follow:

  1. Personalize your answer With the name of the author of the opinion as well as the type of service rendered to give a human touch to your interaction;
  2. Thank the customer For his positive opinion and testify to the gratitude for the time he invests in the success of your business;
  3. Underline the particularly positive points in the customer opinion in order to attract the attention of Internet users to the qualities of your service offer;
  4. Answer customer advice with a Your authentic and professional ;
  5. Write a brief message To avoid losing the client’s attention as well as other Internet users;
  6. Offer him to invite other satisfied customers has Share their positive opinion online On your Google my business;
  7. Invite it to to stay in contact With you via your Google my business or your newsletter to know your events and promotions to come.

Google negative reviews, a reality for some business

How to manage negative opinions on your Google Entreprise page?

Although positive opinions are an asset for your business, negative opinions can be harmful to your brand image. Indeed, an organization that does not pay attention to customer dissatisfactions is likely to acquire a bad reputation, in addition to neglecting the opportunity to improve your customer experience.

In addition, according to the analysis of Search Engine Land, 75% of companies do not even bother to respond to their online opinions. In this sense, after having created your Google Entreprise account, stand out from your competitors by responding to customer reviews, positive as negative. This will allow you to improve your e-reputation and rectify some customer dissatisfaction!

You do not know How to respond to negative customer reviews? Here is Nine tips to follow To respond to your online opinions after creating your Google Entreprise account:

  1. Validate first if Google opinion is a spam from a malicious person or a competitor. If it is authentic, Avoid deleting it ;
  2. Quickly respond to negative opinion, ideally in Less than twenty hours ;
  3. Thank the customer for the precious time he has invested in your business and underline that his opinion will allow you to improve your customer experience ;
  4. Excuse yourself with the customer for the unpleasant experience he has lived in your company;
  5. Use a Your professional and empathetic To show the customer that you are well intentioned;
  6. Inquire on the source of his dissatisfaction in order to offer relevant solutions in connection with the problem presented;
  7. Avoid invalidate customer emotions or frustrations so as not to attract the attention of Internet users;
  8. Offer the customer to continue the conversation by email, phone or office in order to avoid attracting the attention of other Internet users to the negative opinion;
  9. If you manage to Settle customer dissatisfaction, Invite the Internet user to change his negative opinion in positive opinion. Keep this practice in mind when you create your Google Entreprise account!

How Inputkit can help you manage and increase customer reviews of your Google Entreprise account

You run out of time to respond to your online opinions? You are afraid of not providing a good answer during negative feedback? If this is your case, the Google’s customer review solution of Inputkit Google is made for you!

Thanks to our solution, you can encourage your satisfied customers to leave you an opinion online after a satisfaction questionnaire customer or a store customer experience. These invitations entirely automated will allow them to respond to good time, either One to two o’clock After the lived experience. In addition, our response rate of 49% by email And 57% per sms will also allow you to collect valuable opinions which will attest to your qualities as a business. When you create a Google Company account, this is a good strategy for getting more positive reviews on your Google my business!

Once you have created your Google Entreprise account, our centralized management will also notify you in real time during a customer dissatisfaction. This functionality, accompanied by a Filter for non-reply opinions, will save you Several hours of management. If you experience certain difficulties during your answers, know that our solution is equipped with a artificial intelligence capable of responding Fully personalized and automated to your customer reviews. This is a must to optimize the management of your customer service!

Finally, our solution offers a dashboard that brings together Evolution reports of your online notice numbers and average score of each of your branches. Thanks to this feature, you can compare the results of your points of sale in order to have the right time as to your customer satisfaction by branch. This centralized management also allows you to compare yourself with the medium of the industry to find out where you are visiting your competitors. Following the creation of your Google Entreprise account, this functionality is an asset to ensure the longevity and good service of your business!

Finally, the creation of a Google Entreprise account is a must for your organization. Follow our best practices to increase your visibility on search engines and acquire new customers!

How to create a Google Entreprise account? First of all, Connect to your Gmail In order to create your Google Entreprise account. Enter the name of your business On the search engine of Google Entreprise, then create the file of your organization. Register business name, phone number, opening hours And address To facilitate access to information for your Internet users. Garnish your profile with descriptions And Pictures of your offer of products and services In order to better inform them about the field of expertise of your business. Subsequently, write regularly relevant publications accompanied by interesting visuals To keep your profile up to date. Integrate it Link of your website On your file and include a appeal to action To encourage your customers to call you now. Also take care of Answering questions and online opinions left by your community in order to maintain your Good e-reputation. These are excellent practices to keep in mind when you create your Google Entreprise account!

How to manage your Google Entreprise account? Make sure you have completed all sections of your Google Entreprise file, then Put it regularly with some information And relevant publications which will prick the interest of your target customers. Optimize your content through the integration of Local keywords and accompany everything about Good quality visuals In order to add a human touch to your business. take care of Answer your online questions and opinions To maintain your good e-reputation, then stand out as a business in adapting Your service offer based on the comments received. Finally, pin your various branches on Google Maps in order to allow customers nearby to find you more easily. Remember that you can also share the responsibility for your Google Entreprise account by adding Owners and managers To update your content regularly!

Now that you have created your Google Entreprise account, you need help to manage your online opinions? Do not hesitate to plan a fully personalized and free demo of our solution with our team of online opinion experts. This will allow you to improve your customer acquisition as well as your e-reputation while saving you precious management hours!

Step 1: Create a Google Cloud account

The first step is to create a Google Cloud Console account. This section explains how to create a Google Cloud account. If you have already configured Cloud Identity or G Suite for your organization, you can take the next step (step 2: create a Google Cloud project).

NOTICED : These instructions involve the creation of a Google account with your professional email address and activation of Google Cloud access for this account. If you prefer to configure Cloud Identity for your organization, see the Configure Cloud Identity page.

If you choose to configure Cloud Identity, you must validate the domain.

To create a Google Cloud account, proceed as follows:

Connection to Google, option

  1. Open Google Cloud Console in a browser.
  2. When you are invited to connect, create an account by clicking on Create an account ::
  3. Follow the instructions to record your professional email address as a Google account. You can also use a Gmail account or another Google account.
  4. Access Google Cloud Console and accept the Google Cloud use conditions. Noticed : You don’t need to activate Google Cloud to use APIGEE Hybrid. A free trial with $ 300 credit is offered if you want to test Google Cloud services.

Configure Cloud Identity

If you prefer to use Cloud Identity to manage your organizational identity with APIGEE, remember the following points:

  • General information on Cloud Identity is available in What is Cloud Identity or in the Cloud Identity Help Center.
  • Cloud Identity offers several methods to create users in your organization, including synchronization tools with your LDAP server and the possibility of configuring the SSO unique authentication service.
  • The use of Cloud Identity with Google Cloud provides a Google Cloud organization, which allows a more hierarchical configuration of resources. Although this is not necessary for hybrid apigee, it may be useful if you plan to use other Google Cloud services or if several members of your organization access the product.
  • To use Cloud Identity, you must validate the property of the domain you plan to use.

Next step


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Last update on 2022/07/22 (UTC).

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