How to contact Bouygues Fiber customer service?, Bouygues free customer service 1064 | Free Bouygues number: 09 71 07 91 13

1034 and 1064 Free: Bouygues customer service | ��09 71 07 91 13

Note that you can also contact the operator’s customer service from your smartphone by identifying yourself on theCustomer area application of Bouygues Telecom, available on iOS and Android.

Bouygues Fiber Service Customer: How to contact Bouygues ?

By email, by phone, by post or in store, discover all the ways to quickly contact Bouygues and all of his services. Optical fiber explains to you how to subscribe a fiber subscription, contact Bouygues Telecom Fiber customer service in the event of a problem with your fiber offer.

How to contact Bouygues Fiber customer service ?

There are different ways to contact Bouygues Fiber customer service if you want to take out an offer or if you encounter a problem with your current subscription. Here is a summary table of the different Bouygues contact methods:

Subscribe a bouygues fiber offer
Terminate your current offer

+33 660 614 614 from abroad
3106 for the subscription service

Our advice: contact Bouygues fiber customer service by phone

On the Bouygues site, you are offered to be recalled by an advisor by clicking on the button ” Recall me »». Handling is very fast especially if you already have a customer area. If you want to subscribe to a fiber subscription or meet a Bouygues fiber failure, you can reach Bouygues customer service by phone via different numbers.

Bouygues box Contact: which contact to subscribe a fiber bbox ?

If the subscription can be done in a few clicks from the Bouygues website, it is also possible to take out a Bouygues fiber subscription by phone.

  • You can compose the 614 from your mobile;
  • THE 1064 from a Fixed position or the mobile of another operator;
  • THE +33 660 614 614 If you are abroad;
  • THE Selectra partner number : 01 82 88 35 60. You can benefit from the help of a Bouygues partner advisor which will allow you to carry out a Bouygues eligibility test before orient yourself towards the offer most suited to your needs.

You have planned to move ? Optical fiber has designed a page helping you in your Bouygues Telecom Fiber move.

Test your Bouygues fiber eligibility

What phone number in the event of a problem with Bouygues fiber ?

It is possible to contact Bouygues customer service by phone in the event of a problem with fiber. Technical assistance, also operating for ADSL, is available from Monday to Saturday, from 8:00 a.m. to 8 p.m.

  • You can compose the 614 from your mobile (The waiting time is free and then the call is deducted from your package);
  • THE 1064 from a Fixed position or the mobile of another operator;
  • THE +33 660 614 614 If you are abroad. This call is billed at the same price as a call to France;
  • THE Selectra partner number01 82 88 35 60: If you want to terminate your current offer and compare the offers of the moment with an expert advisor.

You want to compare fiber offers ?

Bouygues Bbox Fiber number: timetables and prices

You wish to contact Bouygues customer service ? Find in this table the opening hours of customer service. These are non -surcharged numbers.

Bouygues Fiber Customer Timetables and Prices

Number Hourly Rate
614 Monday to Saturday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m Free
1064 Monday to Saturday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m Free
+33 660 614 614
(from abroad)
Monday to Saturday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m The call is billed at the same price as a call to France according to your package
01 82 88 38 15 Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m Selectra free partner number

Can we contact Bouygues fiber customer service by email ?

In reality, It is not possible to contact Bouygues Telecom by email. You must therefore go to their site, where you can connect to your account, which will already allow you to Carry out most of the procedures linked to your line (change of offer, termination, move . )).

The most practical is undoubtedly to use theBouygues application On your smartphone: it is pleasant to use and works without hitch. If you don’t already have it, it can be downloaded via Google Play Store and Apple Store.

After identifying yourself, you access the full information of your customer service and you can ask all the questions you want via a live chat. These are not emails strictly speaking, but you can also get answers from Bouygues advisers via the Private messages from their Facebook or Twitter page. In general, feedback is fast since the interest of social networks is to allow an almost instant return.

Contact Bouygues Fiber customer service by mail

You can completely write to the Bouygues Telecom consumer service to share a situation. In general, postal mail is used during a complaint or more complex dispute. Here’s the address :

Consumer service
Bouygues Telecom TSA 59013
60643 Chantilly Cedex

On the operator’s website, you can find all the information related to the complaint. If you are experiencing a situation that could not be set by contacting customer service, you are fully guided on how to proceed, since sending a complaint to the solicitation of a mediator.

You want to change operator ? Contact a Selectra advisor who will take care of the termination and guide you to the partner offer best suited to your needs.

Benefit from Bouygues Fiber customer service in Bouygues store

550 Bouygues shops are installed in France. There is necessarily one near you. To find out, do not hesitate to use the geolocation service set up by the operator on his site.

Moving to the store has several advantages: obtaining personalized advice, compare the offers proposed in detail and, if you order, be able to leave with your equipment Under the arm at your exit. It is recommended to provide documents useful for the purchase of an internet box or a mobile package. Check, valid identity document, proof of address ..

Contact Bouygues Bbox Fiber for professionals

Bouygues fiber pro customers have different numbers to contact Bouygues customer service. Customer service is open from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. It is possible to be contacted by a Bouygues advisor if you wish by simply clicking the dedicated button. Another option, make an appointment in store to meet a priority advisor. To obtain assistance for the fixed, your BBOX Business, networks or internet:

  • compose the 0 800 942 342 (Free call from a fixed or mobile position in France), from Monday to Friday, from 8:30 am to 7 pm;
  • If you are abroad, the number put in place is the +33 9 81 66 40 33;
  • For mobile assistance, do the 617 from a mobile Bouygues Telecom or the 0 825 825 617 (€ 0.15/min + call price) Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.;

Whether you are an individual or a professional, there is no shortage of ways to contact operator Bouygues ! With each need, its solution in short ! You can discover all information regarding Bouygues HD TV offers on the page concerned and watch TV on the Internet with Bouygues fiber.

1034 and 1064 Free: Bouygues customer service | ��09 71 07 91 13

The 1034 and 1064 allow Bouygues customer service to be attached for free from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. You have a question, a problem or you want to subscribe, terminate or change your internet or mobile package offer ? We explain all the possibilities available to you to reach Bouygues customer service for free !

  • The essential
  • There are different means ofAccess customer service for free of the operator Bouygues Telecom: the phone, there Faq, THE chat, Instant messaging of social networks and the Bouygues forum.
  • Companies also have access to a Specific customer service, where specialized advisers are able to provide them with the help they need.
  • Bouygues offers several free numbers : THE 1064 from a fixed and the 1034 from a mobile.
  • THE Bouygues free customer service can be reached from Monday to Saturday, from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. for individuals and from Monday to Friday, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. for professionals.
Free bouygues number: summary

Free bouygues number for bouygues customers 614 from a mobile
Free bouygues number for customers prepaid card 634 from a mobile
Free bouygues number from a fixed 1064 (or 1034 for prepaid card customers)
Bouygues Telecom customer service hours Monday to Saturday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m
Customer service from abroad +33 660 61 46 14
Subscribe a Bbox 09 71 07 91 13SOUSSCRY online

Bouygues Customer Service Free: How to reach the Bouygues number free ?

You are an individual and you have subscribed to an offer Triple Play Bouygues Telecom (Internet + TV + landline), mobile Or quadruple play (internet + TV + landline + mobile), or you want to do it ?

Know that several solutions are available to you if you wish to contact the Bouygues customer service for free To get the answers to your questions.

What a bouygues number compose ?

Are you Bouygues customer ? *

Does your question concern a package: *

Discover the number to contact Bouygues Loading

Not yet customer ? Join Bouygues customer service by phone

At first, if you are not yet customer at Bouygues and you want obtain informations On the offers offered by the operator, you can reach the free commercial service by composing the 3106 From a fixed position. Thus, you will be able to obtain the information necessary for your decision -making from a Bouygues advisor, with regard to the choice of your offer: package Bbox (Fit, must, ultym), package Bouygues or package B & you.


If you do not have a landline, you can also Make you recall for free by a Bouygues advisor. To do this, you just have to:

  1. Select the section Assistance at the top of the home page on the website;
  2. Click on the option Contact us insert ” EMERGENCIES “ ;
  3. Then click on I am not yet a customer ;
  4. Select your need for information;
  5. click on Be called upon by an advisor.

You will then be redirected to a new page where you will be asked to enter the mobile phone number on which you want to be recalled. Once the latter is entered, click on Call me back in order to be contacted for free by a Bouygues advisor who will best respond to all your requests.

Already customer ? The 1064 free Bouygues from a fixed

If you are already Bbox or mobile customer and that you want information or help on your current subscription offer, you can Compose free on 614 From your Bouygues Telecom mobile line or the 1064 From your landline phone.

If you are Mobicarte Customer, You can then join the Free bouygues number by composing the 634 From your mobile Bouygues, or the 1034 From your fixed line.

In addition, Bouygues Telecom provides you with Emergency number reachable 24 hours a day, 7 days a week : THE 0800 29 1000. In this way, you can declare directly to the operator, the loss or theft of your mobile phone for example. Calls to this issue are free when made from your landline phone.

You want to change operator ?

Bouygues number free 1064 unavailable: what are the alternative solutions ?

If the Bouygues free customer service is busy, There are many other ways to contact Bouygues customer service.

Whether on Internet, by Postal mail or in a shop. Bouygues Telecom remains available to answer your questions for free.

Get help from a Bouygues advisor for free via the Internet


Another solution is to go through the Internet to get help for free from a Bouygues advisor, or a customer who has already encountered the same (s) that.

To do this, 3 possibilities are available to you: the tool of online chat On the website, instant messaging on social networks of the operator or even, the Bouygues forum where advisers and customers can provide you with precious help.

  • By clicking on the tab Assistance At the top of the page, you access Different tutorials on several themes (Internet, television, landlines, mobile, offers and invoices, internet key and tablet, future customer, based on frequently asked questions by customers. They precisely detail the steps to follow in the event of loss/theft of your mobile, or problems on your Bbox or mobile package for example.
  • Once connected to your personal space Online, a Personalized assistance via chat is available. A Bouygues advise will help you with general questions relating to your subscription. On the other hand, they are not empowered to respond to technical questions as the termination of your subscription for example. THE chat is therefore the means of contact to favor if you want obtain general information, quickly and in all simplicity.
  • Whether you are a customer or not, it is possible to contact an advisor for free from the social networks of the operator: Facebook Or Twitter. Once on one of the two pages, click on Send a message Or Private message To expose your request. An advisor will answer you from Monday to Saturday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., in just a few minutes.
  • If you cannot find the solution to your problem on theonline assistance, THE Bouygues forum can then be of a great appeal ! Go to the section Assistance, Go down to “the community is there to help you” and click on I go. It is then possible to seek the answer to your problem from the main sections, or to enter your question directly via the search bar, in order to see if it has already been asked and if someone has possibly brought the solution. Otherwise, you can always ask a new question on the forum. THE Bouygues advisers, as well as customers who have already faced the same problem as you, will be able to help you !

Note that you can also contact the operator’s customer service from your smartphone by identifying yourself on theCustomer area application of Bouygues Telecom, available on iOS and Android.

Contact Bouygues by post


It should also be noted that Bouygues Telecom leaves his customers the opportunity to write to him by sending him a Postal mail.

In total, they are 3 addresses at your disposal depending on the nature of your message or offer. Apart from the cost of the postal stamp which rises to a few cents of euro for the shipment of your letter, you have nothing else to pay !

Indeed, if you want to make a complaint with the consumer service In order to declare a dispute and possibly request compensation or a commercial gesture, you can send your letter to the following address:

Bouygues Telecom, Consumer Service, TSA 59013, 60643 Chantilly Cedex.

If you just want to write to Bouygues customer service In order to put an end to your subscription for example, you will have to send your post to this address:

Bouygues Telecom, Consumer Service, TSA 59013, 60643 Chantilly Cedex.

On the other hand, if you are a customer B & you, You will then have to contact the postal service specifically reserved for this purpose:

Bouygues Telecom B & You, Consumer Service, TSA 59013, 60643 Chantilly Cedex.

Go to one of the Bouygues stores to get help

You want to know where the nearest Bouygues store is ?

Finally, a last contact option is possible. It is indeed a question of going to one of the 550 Bouygues shops In France !

If you know a Bouygues store near you, go directly to it or make an appointment on the site.

If you don’t know what is the Bouygues shop closest to you, you can easily find it using geolocation on the website ! To do this nothing easier, simply go to the Bouygues website and click on the Boutiques tab at the top right. You can then Fill in your locality (address, city or postal code) or be geolocated.

Once you have found theclosest Bouygues agency of your home, you have access to Boutique opening hours and you can even make an appointment, In order not to have to wait. A Bouygues advisor will then take care of you directly ! You just have to click on the option take an appointment relating to the corresponding store; Then, to choose the niche that suits you best from the weekly availability hours offered.

Why contact Bouygues customer service free on 1064 ?

You may have to want Join Bouygues customer service at 1064 for various reasons :

  • A question about the use of a phone;
  • A question on a Bouygues mobile package or a Bbox;
  • A request for assistance following a breakdown;
  • A Bouygues subscription change;
  • Options management;
  • Termination of an offer.

Free Bouygues customer service for professionals: what is the free bouygues number dedicated ?

Companies, like individuals, also have various contact possibilities to be linked to the Bouygues Telecom customer service.

Whether by phone or on the Internet, professionals who wish to benefit from a Bouygues offer or who have already taken out one, can indeed obtain reactive and personalized aid.

By phone: contact an advisor with a free bouygues number for pros

If you wish to subscribe to the services of a Bouygues offer As a business or simply obtaining information, the operator provides you with the following two numbers:

Calls and services to these numbers are free from a fixed line.

You can also remind you of a working day from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. by selecting the section Pro/companies and by clicking on Contact us. From there, you can click on the tab Recall me, Located at the top right of the page to which you are redirected. By entering your contact details, you will be remembered from the next availability niche of customer service For Bouygues professionals.

Inasmuch as Bouygues customer, to reach thetechnical assistance to obtain help regarding your possible problems of Bbox Business, internet or fixed telephony; Advisers will be able to help you at 0 800 942 342. This number is completely free in France, whether you call a landline or mobile phone.

By Internet

Bouygues also leaves you the Possibility to benefit from assistance on your website. To do this, the operator offers two separate interfaces which he intends to two different types of companies: the companies with less than 10 employees and the companies with more than 10 employees.


THE Pro customer service is thus reserved for companies with less than 10 employees. The latter provides more than 3000 specialized advisers In France, available online or in shop in the Spaces reserved for professionals !

In addition, Bouygues Telecom is well aware that a company must be continuously operational to meet the requirements of its customers. This is why companies with access to Pro customer service benefit from exclusive advantages such as: rapid interventions at the workplace in order to resolve the problem as quickly as possible, mobile loans within 24 hours, etc.

THE companies with more than 10 employees As for them, benefit from a Business Customer Space which allows them to quickly find a solution to their problem in the event of a breakdown of their Bbox Business For example. Indeed, a section ofonline assistance is made available to businesses so that they can quickly and quickly solve a problem of fixed/mobile or internet telephony.

Bouygues customer service number of a free fixed: when composing it ?

THE Bouygues customer service For individuals can be reached by phone from Monday to Saturday, 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. However, some time slots will be favored if you want to be put in touch quickly and wait a minimum of time. Indeed, the ideal hours to contact the Bouygues customer service and wait as long as possible, are between 11 a.m And 6 p.m.

About the customer service For the pros, the latter can be reached from Monday to Friday, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. In addition, you can contact theProfessional technical assistance Available between 8 a.m. and 10 p.m., from Monday to Friday (excluding holidays) and reminded you by an advisor dedicated to professionals in just 15 minutes.

Updated on 09/07/2023

Enzo is a specialist in the Bouygues supplier and more generally smartphones.

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