How to connect to its BBOX interface? | BBOX Actus, connection to the network configuration interface – Bouygues Telecom Entreprises

Bbox Admin

“Password” by default: 1234

How to connect to its BBOX interface ?

The BBOX administration interface provides many features and services. From the Bbox interface, it is possible to check the quality of the Wi-Fi, change the name of the network or even cut the Wi-Fi during certain time slots. Discover in this article how to connect and use the BBOX interface.

Bbox interface: how to access it ?


L’Bbox interface consists of an administration interface that allows you to configure and assess all the services related to your BBOX subscription (Wi-Fi, BBOX equipment, fixed telephony).

BBOX management services features allow you to configure a remote access to it, to change its Wi-Fi security key or even Filter masked numbers linked to the fixed telephony service.

To access the BBOX interface, simply follow the steps below, ensuring that your computer is connected to the network by an Ethernet cable during the first connection:

  1. In the browser address bar, enter Mabbox.Bytel.Fr or Then press Enter.
  2. By default during the first connection to the BBox interface, you must enter admin As an identifier and password.
  3. Once connected to the Bbox administration interface, it is advisable to change your password. To do this, click on “Modification of the password” in the “Advanced Configuration” section.

For the following connections, the Wi-Fi connection is sufficient to access the services of Bbox management. Note that for those who have the old version of theBbox administration interface, The procedure is the same.

What are the Bbox management features ?

The Bbox Administration Interface

The BBOX Block of the Administration Interface includes all the information and services related to its BBOX equipment. Since this section, it is possible to carry out the following operations:

  • Find information regarding BBOX equipment such as the model or serial number of it.
  • General Bbox management with in particular the possibility of Configure access control and to determine time slots For each of the equipment connected to Wi-Fi. It is also possible to carry out all technical operations, such as configuring the firewall or Redirection of ports.
  • Configure Remote access of the Bbox administration interface.
  • Activate them Event notifications By going to the “Notifications” tab in the “Box Services” section and click on “On”. In the “Alerts” section, it is possible to configure your notifications.

Configure Remote access to the BBOX management service can also be a useful service by allowing to connect to the administration interface from any device. For configure the remote access service The first time, it is necessary to do it from your Bbox network, then follow the steps below:

  1. Once connected to the Bbox administration interface, click on “Remote access” in the Bbox block.
  2. A window opens and just click on “activate”.
  3. The remote access service is activated, then go to the “Internet” block of the Bbox management interface to raise the IP address.
  4. The IP address can then be completed in a browser search bar to access its administration interface from any device (smartphone, tablet or computer).

To take advantage of the remote access service from the BBOX administration interface, it is essential to Configure a “strong” password. Generally this means a password made up of figures and letters containing at least a capital and a special character.

The Bbox Wi-Fi Administration Interface

The Wi-Fi part of the BBOX management interface makes it possible to configure and assess all the specificities of its Wi-Fi network. In the Wi-Fi block of the Bbox interface, it is possible to:

  • Change the name of the network (SSID) and modify the Wi-Fi security key (password).
  • Define Wi-Fi operating schedules in the “Wi-Fi time slots in general (it is possible to cut Wi-Fi at night for example). The service is compatible with the “access control” of the connected devices mentioned above
  • Check the quality of Wi-Fi and change the frequency of Wi-Fi. By default, the 2.4GHz frequency is used, the more recent 5GHz frequency is however accessible according to the Bbox model and makes it possible to limit interference.
  • See the list of connected or disconnected devices at Wi-Fi.

Change the Wi-Fi password is certainly one of the most useful services to avoid long and complex default codes. To make this change, here are the steps to follow:

  1. In the Wi-Fi section of the Bbox administration, select “Wi-Fi network” and click on the arrow on the right.
  2. In the “Wi-Fi” configuration “window, select Wi-Fi security” WPA/WPA2 “and” AES “as an encryption mode. It is then enough to modify the password of the safety key.
  3. Click on “Apply”.

Note that to make this change, it is necessary to be connected to the Bbox network via an Ethernet cable. THE network name or SSID can also be modified in the “Advanced parameters” section.

How to change the Wi-Fi password from the old Bbox interface ? Once connected to the Bbox management interface, you must go to the “Wi-Fi configuration” section in “Advanced configuration” and enter “Admin” in both boxes. Then just enter the new password (WPA key) in the “Security” tab and validate.

The Bbox Administration Interface Telephone

The BBOX interface telephone block allows you to manage all the telephone services related to its BBOX offer. Since this section, the following services are accessible:

  • Access to the call journal, call transfer and ringtones.
  • The possibility of filtering unknown numbers. To do this, you must go to the “Call parameter” section and select “Filter the masked numbers”.
  • Consultation of your vocal messaging.
  • Call a phone number by clicking on “My number”, then click on the 3 points, and finally “Call a number”. Once the number is composed, just get your phone to be put in contact.

You want to take out a Bbox offer ?

Bbox Management: What are the available diagnostics ?

In addition to all the information and services accessible from its BBOX interface, it is also possible to carry out diagnostics of its equipment. A “diagnostic” tab thus allows you to carry out tests and obtain a lot of technical information.

For the most comfortable with technology this allows you to obtain valuable information to solve a problem. This can also be useful for providing technical details in the event of contact with Bouygues to resolve a breakdown or a problem of equipment.

It exists 4 types of tests Accessible from the “Diagnostic” tab of the Bbox management interface:

  1. Ringing or echo tests for Bbox fixed telephony.
  2. Debit tests, DNS performance, connectivity tests or even the analysis of bandwidth consumption for theInternet Bbox.
  3. The scan of wireless networks to assess the quality of Wi-Fi Bbox.
  4. The test of access to the IPTV service for the Bouygues Bbox TV quality assessment.

Bbox Admin

Important: For security reasons, it is essential to be connected to the Internet Entreprises box with a network cable or by the WiFi network of the Internet box in order to be able to access the configuration interface.

To access the network setting interface, open your internet browser and type the following address: http: // or http: // admin.bbox.FR: 8080

“Username” by default is: admin

“Password” by default: 1234

It is strongly recommended to change your password using the following menu:

Maintenance> User Account

Note: After a “reset factory”, my internet box finds the default password “1234”.

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