How to change the Wi-Fi Bbox password? | Bbox Actus, how to change the wifi password from your Bbox?

How to change the wifi password from your bbox

You have just taken out an internet offer Bbox Fit, Bbox Must or Bbox Ultym ?

How to change the Wi-Fi Bbox password ?

You are Bouygues customer and want to access the Bbox administration to change the Wi-Fi password Bbox ? Through this guide, find the procedures to follow regarding the configuration of the BBox password and how to choose an appropriate Bbox Wi-Fi code to guarantee better online safety.

You are not yet Bouygues customer ?

  • The essential
  • To change the BBOX Wi-Fi mode, it is necessary to connect to theBbox administration interface via a Ethernet cable.
  • It is recommended change regularly its Wi-Fi Bouygues password to protect its network from fraudulent connections and hacks.
  • A BBOX Wi-Fi password must ideally contain a minimum of 8 characters. It must be composed of figures, special characters and letters in lowercase and capital.

Why change the Wi-Fi Bbox password ?

Perplexed woman

THE Bbox Wi-Fi password Allows you to secure your internet connection so that only people with the code can connect. It is also recommended to Change Wi-Fi Bbox password regularly to avoid fraudulent connections and any hacks.

A fraudulent connection parasit the connection and slows the internet speed. Computer hacking can have even more harmful consequences, whether it is the Personal data collection or even the Connection to illegal sites From its Wi-Fi network.

By subscribing to an internet subscription, Bouygues Telecom allows Change the Bbox Wi-Fi code For many services (Wi-Fi, customer area, management interface), in order to secure your Internet connection and avoid possible intrusions and unwanted hacks by external users.

Changing the Frequently Wi-Fi Wi-Fi password makes it possible to ensure the safety of its Wi-Fi network, each password change also allows you to make a clean sweep of the devices (smartphones, tablets, computers. ) which connects to its network. THE Bbox Wi-Fi code must thus be indicated again so that they can again access the network.

Which Wi-Fi Bbox code to choose ?

Closed padlock

The choice of Wi-Fi password is essential to ensure the safety of its internet network at home. This secret code, also called security key Or WPA encryption key, is configured by default on all Bboxes. It is generally made up of 10 to 63 characters, A mixture of numbers and letters (in capital letters and lowercase).

This Bbox password is generally rather complicated to remember and very long to inform for each device. Change this Bouygues Wi-Fi code Allows you to facilitate new connections and define a BBOX Wi-Fi code easier to remember for all members of your home.

Be careful however, it is advisable to follow some Safety recommendations To choose a Wi-Fi password difficult to be properly protected. The Bouygues password must contain at least 8 characters made up of a mixture of numbers and letters (tiny and capital letters) and also special characters ( ! $ *,). Bouygues also recommends using a maximum of letters on the keyboard and not only the most common characters.

Some safety rules for the Wi-Fi password never communicate your password to a third party, differentiating your password according to the accounts and regularly changing Wi-Fi key are important basic measures to respect. It is also preferable not to save your passwords with a browser and not to send them by email either.

How to change the Wi-Fi Bbox code ?

How to access the Bbox interface?

In order to be able to make any modification of the Wi-Fi Bouygues settings, it is necessary to connect to the BBOX administration interface. To connect, just enter Mabbox.Bytel.Fr Or In the search bar of its browser (by making sure to be connected to the Internet via Wi-Fi or an Ethernet cable).

This management platform gives access to many features such as Change the Bouygues box password But also allows you to modify other Wi-Fi settings:

  1. It is thus possible to Cut the Wi-Fi According to pre -seated timetables. Go to the “Wi-Fi time slots” tab to program the time you want to remove your Wi-Fi signal (for example at night).
  2. How Check the quality of your Wi-Fi connection On each of his devices ? Internet speed can be slowed down by many external factors. It is first of all necessary to check several parameters to increase the performance of its Internet connection (optimized Bbox, network safety, use of Wi-Fi CPL, etc.). It is also possible to consult the list of devices connected to its Wi-Fi network.

You want to take out a Bbox offer ?

Change the Bbox password from the old interface

Bouygues gives the possibility of Change the Bbox password To avoid possible external hacks during internet connections. Bouygues recommends modifying the Wi-Fi password From its first connection and after Each reset of its internet box. What is the procedure to follow for Change the Wi-Fi Bouygues password ?

It is first of all imperative to connect to the Bbox network by a Ethernet cable. For those who benefit from The old administration interface, The procedure is as follows:

  1. Type mabbox.Bytel.FR or in the browser search bar and validate.
  2. Enter the Bbox password from the administration interface and validate by clicking on “Connect”.
  3. Choose “Wi-Fi configuration” in the “Advanced Configuration” section. Fill the fields by entering “admin” in the two boxes.
  4. In the “Security” section, enter the new WPA key (Bbox password) which must consist of 10 to 63 characters. The alternative option “Generating a key” allows you to define a new random Wi-Fi password.
  5. Then modify the Wi-Fi password and validate. The Wi-Fi security key is now secure !

The old interface concerns those with a Bbox Sensation, Bbox Miami and Bbox Miami offer+.

Change the Bbox password from the new interface

For Change the Wi-Fi Bbox password from the new interface, The procedure is somewhat different. As with the old interface, however, it is necessary to be connected by Ethernet cable to the network before following the steps below:

  1. Find out the MABBOX address.Bytel.FR or in the browser search bar and validate.
  2. Enter the Bouygues Wi-Fi code from the administration interface and validate by clicking on “Connection”.
  3. In the “WiFi” section, choose “WiFi network” and click on the arrow on the right.
  4. From the “WiFi Configuration” window, select “WPA/WPA2” then “AES” as an encryption mode.
  5. Change the Wi-Fi password and click on “Apply” to validate.

Bbox Fit, Bbox must and Bbox Ultym subscribers have the new Bbox administration interface.

How to change the name of its Wi-Fi network ?

You would like, for security reasons, Change the name of its Wi-Fi Bouygues network (also called SSID) ? This modification is also possible in the Bbox administration interface.

For Change the name of the Wi-Fi Bouygues, Just go to the advanced settings. Once in this section, go to “Wi-Fi configuration” and “General” to then make the modification in “Name of the SSID network”.

How to change the wifi password from your bbox ?

You want to change the wifi password of your Bbox Bouygues Telecom in order to memorize it more easily, or to secure your Internet connection ? We explain how to proceed in this guide !

  • The essential
  • THE WiFi Bouygues Telecom password allows to’Access your Bbox wireless network on your devices and of secure.
  • THE Bbox safety code by default is available on thelabel at the back of your internet modem or on the map who accompanies it, depending on the box model you hold. It is also possible to find it via theBBOX administration interface.
  • Depending on the offer held, it is possible to Change Bbox password from the old or the new configuration interface.

What is the WIFI code of the BBOX of Bouygues Telecom ?

THE Bouygues Telecom WiFi code allows Make the Wireless Internet connection possible Between a compatible device (computer, tablet, smartphone, game console, etc.) and your Bbox. THE Bbox wifi password also serves Protect your Internet connection against possible intrusions and hacking, by limiting its access to members of your home only.

When you surf the web, your connection is secured by a WPA encryption key. After entering the WiFi code of your Bbox Bouygues Telecom On your domestic devices, the latter are identified by the BBOX by means of their Mac address and are thus authorized to connect to the wireless network of your home.

For even more security, it is possible to activate the Mac address filter via theBBOX administration interface. By activating this parameter, you are assured that only the peripherals whose Mac address you have informed can access the wireless network of your BBOX.

Without WiFi Bouygues Telecom key, Your internet connection would not be private and anyone near the signal of your box could connect freely. By allowing several users to connect to your network, your flow will be shared between the different connected devices; which will inevitably lead to reducing the speed of your connection ! In addition, making your connection public can also affect your confidentiality, allowing malicious people to collect your personal data.

The WiFi safety password also allows access to theAdministration interface of your Bbox.

Bouygues Wifi code: where to find the default password ?

The default wifi key of a Bbox Bouygues Telecom takes the form of a series of characters, composed of figures and letters in capital and lowercase. Depending on the BBOX model you have, the WiFi key can be in several locations:

  1. Most of the time, it is possible to find the default wifi key on theLabel stuck at the back of your Bbox. In order to identify it more easily, the follow -up of characters is preceded by the mention WPA PSK.
  2. On some Bbox models, you will find a Carte blanche slipped on top. The default wifi password of your internet box is written at the back of the latter. Once you have read the WiFi code, remember to put the card back on its initial location.

You can also find the default password of your BBOX by going to theConfiguration interface online, provided you have never changed the latter.

Bbox wifi password: why change ?

It is possible to Change your Bbox wifi password for several reasons. First, the default WiFi code is generally not the easiest to remember, due to its length and its complexity. It can therefore be judicious to Define a customer code easier to memorize, in order to facilitate your next connections.

On the other hand, if you have communicated your WiFi password to a neighbor and find that your Internet connection has been slower since then, you can opt for a new safety key in order to Take advantage of more efficient connection flows On your devices. Indeed, when you change the password of your BBOX, all peripherals are automatically disconnected from the network.

It is strongly recommended to opt for a new wifi key sufficiently diversified to properly protect your network. To do this, Bouygues Telecom recommended to choose a password made up of at least 8 characters and containing figures and letters in capital and lowercase, as well as special characters.

How to change the wifi password from your bbox ?

The procedure for Change your WiFi Bbox password differs slightly according to the offer and the box that you hold. In any case, this change can be made at any time since theBBOX administration interface.

During your first connection to the new administration interface, it will be necessary to carry out a quick installation. To do this, select Start installation. Then click on the button Wireless And define the access password that will allow you to connect to the interface later. You can now configure the WiFi network name and password. If you connect for the first time on the old interface, it will in this case be necessary to enter the identifier and the connection password “Admin” To access your BBOX settings.

Before changing your WiFi password, make sure your computer and Bbox are on and connect the two devices using a Ethernet cable. It is indeed necessary to use a wired connection, because when you have changed the WiFi safety key from your BBOX, you will no longer be connected to the Internet.

Change the WiFi password from your Bbox from the new administration interface

You want to compare BBOX offers from Bouygues Telecom ? call him 01 86 65 29 98 Or ask to be recalled for free !

Customers of an internet offer currently offered by the operator (Bbox Fit, Must Or Ultym) have access to the new administration interface. Here are the steps to change your wifi password:

  • First connect your computer to the WiFi network of your BBOX via an Ethernet cable.
  • Inform the address https: // mabbox.Bytel.Fr Or In the address bar of your Internet browser to access the administration interface of your Bbox. Connect by pressing Entrance, then entering your password and clicking on Connection.
  • Then select the tab Wireless, Then choose WiFi network and click on the arrow located on the right.
  • From the window WiFi configuration, Select WiFi security WPA/WPA2 and the mode of encryption Aes.
  • Change the password and click on Apply To confirm the choice of your new WiFi safety key.

Change the WiFi password from your Bbox from the old administration interface

Customers with an internet offer that is no longer marketed by the operator (Bbox Sensation, Miami Or Miami+) have access to the old administration interface.

  • First connect your computer to your BBOX using an ethernet cable.
  • Access the administration interface of your BBOX by entering https: // mabbox.Bytel.Fr Or in the address bar of your browser, then press Entrance And connect using your username and password.
  • Select Wi-Fi configuration in the section Advanced configuration, Then inform “Admin” in both boxes before validating.
  • From the tab Security, Enter the password of your choice or click on Generate a key, In order to obtain a randomly encryption key randomly.
  • Finally validate your choice and voila !

Once you have changed the WiFi code of your Bbox, the default password present on the label at the back of your Bbox or on the provided card, becomes obsolete. To find your new connection password, it will now be necessary to go to the tab Wireless of the administration interface of your Bbox.

Should we change the name of your bbox ?

It is not compulsory to change the network name of your Bbox, or Ssid, When you change your wpa key. However, you should know that it is quite possible to personalize the name of your Bbox, whether for security reasons or for a whole other reason. To do this, please follow the following few steps.

Change the name of your Bbox via the new administration interface

  • Check that your computer is connected by Ethernet cable to your Bbox.
  • Connect to the administration interface of your BBOX by entering https: // mabbox.Bytel.Fr Or in your browser’s address bar.
  • Select the block Wireless, Then choose WiFi network and click on the arrow on the right.
  • From the window WiFi configuration, Go to the menu advanced settings.
  • In the field Network name (SSID), Enter the new name you want to give the WiFi network of your Bbox and validate your choice.

Change the name of its Bbox via the old administration interface

  • Make sure your computer and bbox are well connected together using an Ethernet cable.
  • Connect to the configuration interface of your BBOX by entering https: // mabbox.Bytel.Fr Or in the address bar of your internet browser.
  • Go to the menu advanced settings, then click on Wi-Fi configuration.
  • Select the section Generalness And replace the name of your Bbox in the field Network name (SSID).
  • Click on To validate To save your modification.

Once you have changed the name of your BBOX, all devices so far connected to the network of your box will be automatically disconnected.

Updated on 02/09/2023

Enzo is a specialist in the Bouygues supplier and more generally smartphones.

How to change the WiFi Bbox Bouygues password ?

You have just taken out a bbox offer ? Here is how to change a WiFi Bouygues password to protect their Internet connection and thus prevent anyone from accessing their network. What are the Bbox procedures to change its WiFi password ? What new password to choose and how to modify the name of your network ? Answers right away !

You want to take out a bouygues offer ?

  • The essential
  • A BBOX WiFi password is essential for Protect access to its network Internet.
  • It is recommended Change WiFi Bbox password When using its first use and each reset.
  • You can change your WiFi Bouygues password from theBbox administration interface.

WiFi password: what is it ?

WiFi network

You have just taken out an internet offer Bbox Fit, Bbox Must or Bbox Ultym ?

To be able to connect to your network for the first time, regardless of your Bouygues eligibility (ADSL or optical fiber), it is necessary to enter a Bbox wifi password.

This security code ::

  • has between 10 and 63 characters,
  • is made up of figures and letters, in lowercase and uppercase,
  • is unique in each Bbox.

Although this is optional, it is recommended to Change your WiFi Bouygues password recurrently, during your first connection and every time you reset your modem.

Change WiFi Bbox Bouygues WiFi password to protect your WiFi network

It is recommended Change WiFi Bbox password in order to secure access to its Internet connection. Indeed, only people who have the WiFi password of your Bbox in their possession can connect to your network.

This allows you to avoid any risk of fraud or hacking. In case of Pirated WiFi connection, You may not only benefit from a reduced connection speed or a jerky connection, but you mainly expose yourself to larger dangers (connections to illegal sites, downloads from your WiFi network, hacking your personal data, etc.)).

Change WiFi Bouygues password thus has the advantage of strengthening access to your connection but also to disconnect all any devices (computer, smartphone, tablet, etc.) Affiliated to your network. Indeed, with each change of WiFi Bbox password, the WiFi connection of your Internet offer is interrupted and you must enter your New Password from all your devices.

How to access the settings of your Bbox ?

First of all, know that it is possible to change your WiFi Bouygues password from the BBOX settings. To do this, you can connect:

  • in wifi,
  • with the help of an ethernet cable.

Then you just have to go to a web page and type the following address: https: // mabbox.Bytel.Fr. You can also enter the following series of figures:

Bbox Change WiFi password: how to go about it ?

Depending on your Bouygues Internet offer, you will have access either to the new management interface or older.

Change WiFi Bouygues password from the new interface


Here are the steps to follow to Change your WiFi Bouygues password From the new interface:

  1. From the Bouygues Telecom administration interface, click on the section Wireless,
  2. Select the tab WiFi network.
  3. In category WiFi configuration, Click on the WiFi safety key WPA/WPA2.
  4. Here is the default BBox password, you can then change the WiFi Bbox password by replacing it with another of your choice.
  5. Click on Apply To validate your change.

If you do not know which password to enter but you still want to secure your connection, you can also go to Generate a key to obtain a random bbox wifi password.

Change WiFi Bbox password from the old interface

If you have the old administration interface, especially if you have an old Bbox offer such as the Bbox Miami For example, here is how to proceed to Change your WiFi Bouygues password ::

  1. On your interface, go to the section Advanced configuration.
  2. Select the tab WiFi configuration.
  3. In the tab Security, Type your new WiFi Bouygues password, where the default safety key is located.

Again, you can click on Generate a key To enter a random bbox wifi password.

Note that encryption of your safety key must be Wpa. If the new interface offers this default encryption, the old leaves the choice between Wpa And Wep, which is less secure.

What interface according to my Bbox offer ?

The table below summarizes what is the interface to which you have access according to your bbox offer and therefore what is the procedure to follow to Change your WiFi Bbox password.

Bbox Sensation, Miami and Miami+ offers are now more marketed, They have given way to the Bbox Fit, Must and Ultym offers, which you can discover by calling the 09 87 67 18 00.

Change WiFi Bouygues password: how to choose your WiFi Bbox password ?

The WiFi password of your Internet box offer is determined by your Internet access provider. He is often long and complicated to remember.

You no longer find the paper on which you noted it ? You have to type it once or twice before seizing it properly, repeating it several times to your friends when they come to you ?

The solution ? Change your WiFi Bbox password For a simpler password ! However, this new password must also ensure the safety of your WiFi network.

It is therefore important to choose a Bbox WiFi password:

  • which has a substantial number of characters,
  • which is made up of figures and letters,
  • which contains letters both in capital letters and tiny,
  • which has no personal data,
  • which is not a password already used.

Think of a WiFi Bouygues password that talks to you, without being too easy to decipher.

How to change the name of your WiFi Bbox network ?

When you go to your BBOX settings to change your wifi password, you can also change the name of your network to make it more personal.

This allows you to recognize it more quickly when you select your WiFi network to connect.

The name of your WiFi Bouygues network is titled Ssid, You can find it and modify it by following these few steps:

  1. On your interface, go to Advanced configuration then click on WiFi configuration.
  2. Go to the section Generalness.
  3. Here you will find the box Network name (SSID).

You can then erase the default Bbox name and replace it with a new WiFi Bouygues network name. Do not forget to validate your change before leaving.

You want to take out a Bouygues Internet offer ? Discover all the offers by calling the 09 87 67 18 00 In order to find the best partner offer according to your needs.

Frequently asked questions

How to find the password of a WiFi connection ?

It is possible to find your wifi password from your computer in the tab “Wireless“, then in the tab”Security“Then checking the box”Show“”. The current password is then displayed in the tab and you can change it if necessary.

Should we change the name of your bbox ?

It is not compulsory to Change the network name of your Bbox, or SSID, when you change your WPA key. Changing the name of your box just allows you to personalize it to recognize it more easily among the different boxes that you can capture according to your location.

Updated on 03/13/2023

Emmanuelle is in charge of the creation of news and guides for Echosdunet. It deals with many telecoms and pages dedicated to operators.

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