How to cancel a call referral to your mobile phone? | Prixtel, desactivate call referral

Desactivate Reference of Call

After this step, click on call transfer (depending on the smartphone model and the Android version, it can be in a submenu). Once in call transfer, you will see the references that are activated or not. By clicking on the transfer that interests you, you can deactivate it.

How to cancel a call referral to your mobile phone ?

As we know, your mobile phone is your faithful companion on a daily basis. But you would happen sometimes, especially when he starts ringing or vibrating in the middle of a professional meeting or even during a dinner with head to head. So in order not to be disturbed, you have activated the calling function of calls to another line or to your voicemail. But now that your meeting or your evening is over, you want to cancel this call referral function. You do not know how to do it ? The mobile operator Prixtel explains how to quickly cancel the calling back to your mobile phone.

What are the cancellation codes of the call referral to a mobile ?

The call referral, also called a call transfer, makes it possible to return the calls of your correspondents to another fixed or mobile phone number or directly to your answering machine.

Depending on your needs, there are several types of programmable calls: call transfer to non -response, inaccessibility, occupation, or systematic (unconditional referral). You can configure these different types of call transfer directly from the digital block of your mobile phone using specific codes.

In the same way, several cancellation codes exist to deactivate a call referral to your mobile phone.

Cancel a systematic call for your mailbox or to another number

If you have transferred all your calls to your voicemail by dialing ** 21*, you must now deal with # 21 # then press the call key to cancel the appeal to your answering machine.

And if you preferred to send all your phone calls to another fixed or mobile number (your company’s secretariat, for example), handling is the same to delete this type of call transfer: just deal On your smartphone # 21 # then press the call key to validate the transfer of the transfer.

Disable a call referral to non -answer

Rather that the calls are returned to your voicemail when you do not answer, you have set up a referral to another number by typing ** 61* ? To cancel this call referral to non -answer, simply dial # 61 # then press the call for sending a call to validate.

Remove a call transfer to occupation

If you have transferred your calls to another mobile or fixed line only when you are already online with another interlocutor (by composing on your mobile the ** 67*), you must type # 67 # and press the key Sending a call to deactivate the Call Transfer to Occupation.

Cancel an appeal to inaccessibility

You may not know it, but it is possible to send your calls to another line (mobile or fixed) when you have no network or when your mobile is off (it’s practical when you are on vacation and that you cannot consult your mailbox).

To activate this type of call transfer in case of unavailability, simply type ** 62*Followed on the recipient number of the dismissal and the #key, then you must press the call for sending a call to validate.

To delete this call referral to your mobile phone, it’s even simpler: type # 62 # then press the call for calling to confirm the deactivation.

Good to know : The activation and deactivation of the call referral are instantaneous and free, but the calls returned can be billed in off-form or dedicated to your mobile plan according to the conditions applied by your operator. Better to consult the pricing guide for your package before activating the referral of calls to your line.

How to cancel the call transfer to an Android smartphone ?

If you have activated the call transfer directly to the settings of your Android smartphone (therefore without using the calling codes), the manipulations explained above will not work to deactivate a calling back.

You must cancel the transfer of calls to your phone settings. To do this, go to the phone application, click on the 3 small points at the top right then on settings or call settings.

After this step, click on call transfer (depending on the smartphone model and the Android version, it can be in a submenu). Once in call transfer, you will see the references that are activated or not. By clicking on the transfer that interests you, you can deactivate it.

Disable call transfer to a Samsung phone

If your Android phone is a Samsung, you can access this option to cancel the call referral by opening the phone application (white phone on a green background). Then unfold the menu by pressing the three small points located at the top right (above the contacts). Then go to Settings, then in Additional Services Call Transfer. Click on the transfer you want to cancel and deactivate to cancel the calling back.

How to disable call referral to an iPhone ?

If you have an iPhone, the procedure to deactivate the call referral is different.

You have to go to the adjustments of your Apple smartphone then in the phone section and click on call referral. You can then cancel the calling back.

You want to know if the Call Reference option is enabled before your meeting start ? Look for the small icon representing a phone and an arrow to the right in the status bar, in the upper part of the screen of your iPhone.

Another tip, to check whether a call referral is activated or not on your mobile phone, just deal with the code *# 21# and validate with the keystand.

Desactivate Reference of Call

This service allows you to transfer your calls to another mobile or fixed national phone number or your voicemail, when you go on vacation, for example, or simply when you do not wish us your calls.

How it works ?
To activate the referral of calls:

Select the menu “Settings”, “Call parameters” Or “Call configuration”
Choose “Reference of calls”
Then select the type of dismissal (unconditional, so unreachable; on non-response, if occupied)
Enter the referral number, then validate

You can also manage the call referral without going through the menu of your phone, using the following codes:

The codes of calling for appeal:
Type of dismissal Activation Deactivation
Unconditional dismissal ** 21*644# OK ## 21#
Referral so unreachable ** 62*644# ok ## 62#
Referral if occupied ** 67*644# OK ## 67#
Referral if no answer ** 61*644# OK ## 61#
How to deactivate the referral of calls ?

You just need to cancel the calls from the mobile menu, or using the codes of referral.
• or by composing the code ## 002# To cancel all references.


The service is free, and the call receipt is billed according to the prices in force.

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