How to activate private navigation on Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera, Brave…, Download Opera for Computers – Opera
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1. First, click on the “Menu” tab at the top right of your Firefox browser.
How to activate private navigation on Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera, Brave…
Private navigation has become an omnipresent functionality found in all modern browsers. But what is behind this name ? How to activate it ? Is it sufficient to protect herself ? We answer all these questions in a row.
What is private navigation ?
Let’s start with the beginning. Private navigation was introduced in 2005 with the launch of Safari 2.0. Google Chrome followed 3 years later when it was launched. Firefox and Consort will soon follow, everyone adding their little touch. However, in broad outline, the operation of private navigation is the same from one browser to another: your navigation data, the information entered into the forms and cookies is deleted upon closing the private navigation window.
Attention ! Private navigation does not make you anonymous
It would be easy to be fooled with iconography worthy of great spy films, a color change for the interface going towards the darkest … And yet no, private navigation does not guarantee your anonymity on the web. The only information not to be saved is:
- Navigation history
- Cookies
- Online forms inputs
Regarding the rest (IP address, data flow), everything is clear in clear for governments, your Internet access provider and advertising management. In addition, if you authenticate with an online service or a social network, it will also be able to follow your activity and adjust the advertising grant. As we will see below, there are other ways to protect ourselves from this type of intrusive tracking.
How to activate private navigation ?
Go to private navigation on Google Chrome
On computer
1. For manual access, simply go to the menu, via the icon symbolizing three points at the top right. Then click on new private navigation window to open a new window on the screen.
2. For faster access, the user can make the keyboard shortcut CTRL + MAJ + N under Google Chrome to open a new private navigation window.
On smartphone or tablet
On the mobile platforms, you can access the private navigation of Chrome by pressing the “…” at the bottom right then on “Nouv. nav tab. private “.
Go to private navigation on Microsoft Edge
On computer
1. Click on the icon ” . », To the right of the address bar, to open the Edge menu.
2. Then click on “New INPRIVATE window” to open a private navigation window.
3. The open window will be black, so that you can spot it at a simple glance. An inprivate button is also visible to the right of the address bar.
On smartphone or tablet
On mobile platforms, you can access Microsoft Edge Inprivate navigation by pressing the “…” at the middle in the middle then on “new inprivate tab”.
Go to private navigation on Mozilla Firefox
On computer
1. First, click on the “Menu” tab at the top right of your Firefox browser.
2. In the drop -down menu displayed, select the line “New private navigation window”. You can also use a keyboard shortcut. For Firefox, it is this: ” CTRL+MAJ+P »».
On smartphone or tablet
On the mobile platforms, you can access the private browsing of Firefox by accessing the tabs menu, a small rectangle located at the bottom right. From this menu, press the middle tab with a mask icon then on ” +” to open a new private navigation tab.
Go to private safari navigation
On computer
1. In Safari, click the File button at the top of the screen.
2. Click on new private window. Alternatively, you can press the keys simultaneously Shift + CMD + N.
On smartphone or tablet
On iPhone and iPad, you can access Safari’s private navigation by pressing the “tab” button at the middle and then on “private”. In the private navigation menu, press the ” +” to open a new tab.
Go to private navigation on Brave
On computer
1. Open the Brave customization and control center by clicking on the dedicated icon, at the top right of the browser, then select “new private window”. To go faster, use the keyboard shortcut ” CTRL + MAJ + N »».
2. You are now surfing in incognito mode. You can check the private nature of your navigation thanks to the icon representing glasses, to the right of the address bar.
On smartphone or tablet
On mobile platforms, you can access Brave’s private navigation by accessing the tabs menu at the bottom right. In this menu, pressure on the “private” button at the bottom left will activate private navigation. It only remains to open a new tab by pressing the ” +” button at the bottom of the screen.
Go to private navigation on opera
On computer
1. Click the Opera button at the top left. A menu appears.
2. Click on “New private window”. You can also use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+shift+n.
On smartphone or tablet
On the mobile platforms, you can access the private navigation of Opera by pressing the three bars at the bottom right then on “private mode”. A private navigation tab will then open.
Go to private navigation on Vivaldi
On computer
1. Click File in the menu bar at the top left. A menu appears.
2.Click on “New private window”. You can also use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+shift+n.
On smartphone or tablet
On Android, you can access Vivaldi’s private navigation by accessing the tabs at the bottom right. In this menu, the button pressure with a ghost icon at the bottom left will activate private navigation. It only remains to open a new tab by pressing the ” +” button at the bottom of the screen once the private navigation is activated.
How to be truly anonymous ?
Initially a project initiated by the US Navy to protect its communications, Tor is an open-source network which allows you to quantify your data and have it transit by several “nodes” before they arrive at destination. Onion browser is the best way to use TOR, especially to access Dark Web. However, more general and brave navigators offer a TOR mode for navigation.
Tor is anonymous in the sense that it hides your location and your navigation activity, but there are limits. Although they cannot see your navigation activity or the data encrypted by Tor, your ISP can always see that you use Tor. You can also be identified if you log into an online account or provide details to a website while using Tor.
Use a VPN
Despite a different operation of TOR, a VPN can help you achieve the same purpose: anonymize your navigation. A VPN works by encrypting your communications on any device you use, including the phone, laptop or tablet. It sends your data through a secure tunnel to servers of the VPN service provider. Your data is encrypted and redirected to the site you are trying to reach.
As a result, it is impossible for a third party to locate you geographically by your IP address or for your Internet access provider to spy on your navigation since everything transits by servers and is strongly encrypted. No more for an advertising management to target you since all the best VPNs offer an advertising blocker.
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