How the bonus works on the purchase of a vehicle? |, Purchase of a vehicle: how the ecological bonus works? |

Purchase of a vehicle: how the ecological bonus works

The benefit of the ecological bonus can be combined with that of the conversion bonus , This allows, in cases where your vehicle acquisition is eligible for both, to reach greater aid (bonus + bonus).

How the bonus works on the purchase of a vehicle ?

The automotive bonus system aims to promote the choice of a clean or little CO2 vehicle.

Evolution of the ecological bonus 2023

From January 1, 2023 ::

  • The ecological bonus applies to vehicles (private car category) operating exclusively to electricity, hydrogen or a combination of the two, and having a mass less than 2.4 tonnes. Category M2 vehicles benefiting from a weight exemption, and having a total authorized load in charge less than or equal to 3.5 tonnes can also be eligible for the bonus.
  • The cost of acquiring the vehicle must be less than 47,000 euros .
  • The amount of the aid is set at 27 % of the acquisition cost All taxes included, increased if necessary the cost of the battery if it is taken up for rent.
  • The bonus is capped at 5,000 euros For individuals and 3,000 euros for legal persons.
  • Individuals whose reference tax income per share is less than or equal to 14,089 euros can benefit from an increase of 2,000 euros in their bonus.
  • For any bonus granted from January 1, 2023, it will only be possible to receive a new one after a period of 3 years.

Publications on the ecological bonus

  • Decree No. 2023-886 and the decree of September 19, 2023 evolve the conditions of eligibility for the ecological bonus and introduce the environmental score to determine the eligibility of new electricity cars. See also: the press release of September 20, 2023 on Economy.gouv.FR and the Ecological Bonus article: conditions of granting on companies.gouv.Fr.
  • Ecological bonus, aid for the acquisition of little polluting vehicles: what changes in 2023 ? – January 10, 2023.
  • GRISE CARD: Tax horse prices 2023. public service.FR, January 9, 2023.
  • The decree of December 4, 2022 changes the methods of management of aid for the acquisition and rental of little polluting vehicles. He specifies in particular the list of parts to be provided in support of the requests for the payment of aid. legifrance.gouv.Fr.
  • The possible billing period of these vehicles is extended until June 30, 2023 (for vehicles ordered before 12/31/2022).
  • Decree No. 2022-1085 of July 29, 2022 modifies the eligibility threshold to the ecological bonus for rechargeable hybrid vehicles. It also established a transitional period during which heavy vehicles ordered until December 31, 2022 and billed until June 30, 2023 will be able to benefit from the ecological bonus.

In order to promote the acquisition of little polluting vehicles, two additional devices aim to orient consumers to the cleanest models: the ecological bonus and a penalty hit the most polluting models.

In addition, the ecological bonus can be associated with a premium for converting vehicles.

What is the ecological bonus ?

THE Ecological bonus constitutes financial aid allocated to any buyer Or tenant (holder of a rental contract of a duration greater than or equal to two years) of a little polluting vehicle.

From January 2023 This aid applies to vehicles (private car category) operating exclusively to electricity, hydrogen or a combination of the two, and having a mass less than 2.4 tonnes. Category M2 vehicles benefiting from a weight exemption, and having a total authorized load in charge less than or equal to 3.5 tonnes can also be eligible for the bonus. The 2023 developments of the bonus come from decree n ° 2022-1761 of December 30, 2022.

Until December 2022, the bonus applied to vehicles with a CO2 emission rate less than or equal to 20 g/km (electric, hydrogen or rechargeable hybrid) respecting the conditions set for articles D251-1 et seq. energy.

Ecological bonus: the main texts

  • Decree n ° 2021-977 of July 23, 2021 relating to aid for the acquisition or rental of little polluting vehicles
  • Decree n ° 2021-37 of January 19, 2021 relating to aid for the acquisition or rental of little polluting vehicles
  • Decree n ° 2020-1526 of December 7, 2020 relating to aid for the acquisition or rental of little polluting vehicles
  • Decree n ° 2014-723 of June 27, 2014 modifying decree n ° 2007-1873 of December 26, 2007 establishing assistance for the acquisition of clean vehicles

How is the amount of the ecological bonus calculated ?

The bonus amount is determined according to the motorization vehicle and sound purchase price.

From January 2023, the amount of the aid is set at 27 % of the acquisition cost All taxes included, increased if necessary the cost of the battery if it is taken up for rent.

The bonus is capped at 5,000 euros For individuals and 3,000 euros for legal persons.

Note: the cost of acquiring the vehicle must be less than 47,000 euros .

Individuals whose reference tax income per share is less than or equal to 14,089 euros can benefit from an increase of 2,000 euros in their bonus.

Until December 31, 2022, the ecological bonus was capped at 6,000 euros for electric vehicles and € 1,000 for rechargeable hybrid vehicles.

Another device: the electrical retrofit bonus

The retrofit is a technique making it possible to transform a thermal car into an electric, which can be entitled to an aid fixed by article D251-5 of the energy code.

Aid can reach 80 % of the cost of transformation, capped according to the status, the use of the vehicle and the reference tax income (RFR) by share:

  • 6,000 euros for an individual whose RFR per share is less than or equal to 6,358 euros
  • 6,000 euros for an individual considered as “big roller” for professional reasons, up to 14,089 euros from RFR per share
  • 2,500 euros for an individual not considered “big roller”, having a RFR per share between 14,089 and 22,983 euros
  • 2,500 euros for legal persons

The retrofit can also apply, under resource conditions, to vans, two wheels, three wheels or quadricycles.

  • Everything about the electric retrofit – Ecology.gouv.Fr
  • Decarbonation: Launch of an action plan for the automotive retro -firm – Economy.gouv.FR, April 2023

Is there a bonus for two wheels, three wheels and quadricycles ?

Since January 1, 2017, electric vehicles with two or three wheels and quadricycles, if they do not use lead battery, can benefit from a bonus introduced by decree n ° 2016-1980 of December 30, 2016.

Electric assistance (VAE) bike is also eligible for state aid, conditioned on the allocation of local aid, in accordance with article D251-2 of the energy code.

Decree No. 2020-656 of May 30, 2020, which strengthened the ecological bonus on June 1, 2020, aligns the amount of the bonus for the purchase of a (VAE) on the aid allocated by the local authority, in the Limit of 200 euros.

  • Ecological bonus for a 2, 3 wheels or an electric motor quadricycle, public service
  • Bike bonus: Help for the purchase of an electric bike, Economy Portal.gouv.Fr
  • Electric assistance bonus, Service and Payment Agency (ASP)

How to receive the ecological bonus ?

You can ask that the aid either deducted from the invoice by the seller or then make the request on the official Primealaconversion website.gouv.Fr.

The Service and Payment Agency (ASP) publishes a complete section on the ecological bonus and the conversion bonus, with a series of detailed practical cases.

Other devices for clean vehicles

  • Aid for converting fuel from thermal vehicles to bioethanol are implemented in certain region of France. public service.FR, June 2, 2022.
  • Decree n ° 2022-809 of May 14, 2022 establishes assistance in the acquisition or rental of taxis accessible in wheelchair, electric or classified Crit’Air 1 whose CO2 emissions are less than or equal to 170 grams per kilometer. The system concerns Parisian taxis as specified by the AIDE-BERNISE, and is not combined with the ecological bonus and the conversion bonus.
  • A zero rate loan to finance the acquisition of little polluting vehicles in areas with low mobility emissions (ZFE-M)
    Since January 1, 2023, a zero -rate loan experiment (PTZ) for the purchase of an electric or hybrid vehicle or for the transformation of a thermal vehicle into electric is possible, under conditions, in low emissions areas Mobility (ZFE-M).
  • A microcredit “clean vehicles” for modest households
    Cumulative with the ecological bonus and the conversion bonus, this loan is intended for people or households with difficulties in access to classic banking credit or in fragile professional situations. This aid concerns the purchase of a new or little polluting vehicle (PDF – 445 KB). This system is guaranteed by the State up to 50 % of the amount subscribed. To obtain this loan, you must contact a social support service which will accompany you in all the administrative procedures for the assembly of the file and the presentation in front of an approved bank.

Ecological bonus: Additional resources

  • The detailed scales 2023 of the ecological bonus and the conversion bonus (PDF – 1.26 MB) – Primealaconversion.gouv.Fr
  • Ecological bonus for a car, among the antipollution measures, on the Public Service site:
  • Conversion bonus, ecological bonus: all aid in favor of the acquisition of clean vehicles – Ecology.gouv.Fr
  • I change my car: help with the purchase of a clean and economical car. Ministry of Ecological Transition
  • The ecological bonus-malus system for a vehicle purchased abroad, the European Consumer Center
  • Because LABELLING ADEME: site of the agency of the ecological transition

Modified September 21, 2023

Purchase of a vehicle: how the ecological bonus works ?

Bercy Particular Info

In order to promote the acquisition of clean vehicles, so -called “ecological bonus” assistance supports the acquisition of zero emission vehicles. How can you benefit from it ? We take stock.

The ecological bonus evolves: a minimum environmental score is required

As part of the energy transition and the national “green industry” strategy, the ecological bonus evolves from October 10, 2023. From now on, the vehicle purchased or rented must benefit from a minimum environmental score to be eligible for this aid. Until now, only gas emissions caused by the vehicle on the road have been taken into account to benefit from the aid. The publication of decree n ° 2023-886 of September 19, 2023 relating to the packaging of eligibility for the ecological bonus and the decree relating to the methodology for calculating the environmental score and the minimum score value to be achieved for eligibility At the ecological bonus confirm this new provision which will further evaluate the carbon footprint of a vehicle (manufacturing location, battery performance etc.)) .

What is the ecological bonus ?

The “ecological bonus” is a purchase aid, which promotes new or used vehicles with a low carbon footprint. This aid is conditioned on many criteria including the ecological score of the vehicle and the tax revenues of the applicants.

Which can benefit from the ecological bonus ?

To request the ecological bonus, you must respect the following conditions:

  • be a Physical person major justifying a home in France Or A legal person justifying an establishment in France or state administration,
  • buy or rent as part of a contract of a duration greater than or equal to two years, A motor vehicle with motor.

The vehicle can be an electric car, an electric van, a two or three wheels or quadricycles with an electric motor . Note that You can also benefit from the ecological bonus for the purchase of a used electric vehicle (car or van).

Classic or electric bikes are eligible for ecological bonus. To find out more about the bike bonus, go to our article: bike bonus: everything you need to know !

What are the changes in the ecological bonus for the year 2023 ?

Since January 1, 2023, The ecological bonus for the acquisition of a new vehicle is reserved:

  • to private electricity cars whose acquisition cost is less than € 47,000 and the mass of less than 2.4 tonnes ,
  • with electric vans ,
  • to two or three wheels and quadricycles with electric motor,

The amount of aid can amount to € 5,000 for the acquisition of a car and € 6,000 for a van. These aid amounts are increased by € 2,000 for households whose reference tax income per share is less than or equal to € 14,089, or maximum aid of € 7,000 for the acquisition of a car and 8,000 € for a van.

From October 10, 2023, Vehicles must answer also at a minimum environmental score. This score as well as its precise calculation method are defined by regulation (see box at the top of the article).

December 15, 2023, The list of vehicles eligible for this environmental score will be communicated by the Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME).

What are the conditions for the ecological bonus for a purchase or a rental in 2023 ?

  1. From January 1, 2023 to October 9, 2023:
  • The ecological bonus applies to Particular Cars operating exclusively to electricity, hydrogen or a combination of the two, and having a mass less than 2.4 tonnes. It also applies to category M2 vehicles benefiting from a weight exemption, and having a total authorized weight in charge less than or equal to 3.5 tonnes.
  • The cost of acquiring the car must be less than 47,000 € €.
  • Also eligible for the bonus van and vehicles belonging to category N2 benefiting from the weight exemption provided for in IV of article R. 312-4 of the highway code and a total authorized weight in charge less than or equal to 3.5 tonnes, operating exclusively to electricity, hydrogen or a combination of the two
  • The vehicle must not have been previously subject to a first registration in France or abroad and must be registered in France in a final series.
  • He must not be sold by the buyer or the holder of a rental contract in the year following his first registration nor Before having traveled at least 6000kilometers.
  • Also eligible for motor vehicles with two or three electric wheels, electric motor quadricycles, cycles, and electric trailers for cycles, which do not use lead battery .
  1. From October 10, 2023:

A new criterion will be applied from this date to new electric cars. To be eligible for this aid, the vehicle must also respond to a minimum environmental score. This score takes into account the whole environmental impact of a vehicle from its manufacture to its use on the road.

When they are more advantageous, the provisions of articles. 251-1 to D. 251-13 of the energy code in their writing prior to the decree of September 19, 2023 relating to the packaging of eligibility for the ecological bonus for new electrical private cars to reach a minimum environmental score remain applicable to vehicles that have not been previously the subject of a first registration in France and abroad, ordered or whose rental contract was signed before December 15, 2023 included, provided that their invoicing or the payment of the first rent intervene on March 15, 2024 at the latest.

What is the amount of the ecological bonus ?

  • For the acquisition of vehicles of the private car type, the amount of the aid is set at 27% of the acquisition cost All taxes included, increased if necessary the cost of the battery if it is taken up for rent. The bonus is capped at 5,000€ for individuals And 3,000€ for legal persons.
  • For the acquisition of van vehicles, The amount of the provided for aid is set at 40 % of the cost of acquisition all taxes included, increased if necessary the cost of the battery if it is taken for rent, within the limit of 6,000 € € If the vehicle is purchased or rented by a natural person,4,000 € € If the vehicle is purchased or rented by a legal person.
  • For motor vehicles with two or three wheels and quadricycles with new engine which does not use lead battery and whose maximum net engine power is greater than or equal to two kilowatts or three kilowatts in application of the 2002/24/ EC Directive of the European Parliament, the aid is 900€ €.
  • For used vehiclesoperating on electricity and/or hydrogen , Help is fixed at 1000€ €.

The amount of the ecological bonus for the acquisition of a private car or a new van is increased by 2,000 € when the vehicle is purchased or rented by a natural person whose Part reference tax income is less than or equal to 14 0 89 € (and then reached up to € 7,000 for a private car and € 8,000 for a van) . Since January 1, 2023, a natural person can only benefit from a bonus by vehicle category only once every three years.

What are the steps to take to benefit from the ecological bonus ?

Two possibilities are available to you to benefit from the ecological bonus:

  • Either the aid is deducted from the vehicle invoice, or the first rent in the case of a rental, directly by the dealer, which then makes you the advance (without being at all held),
  • Either this is paid to you by the Service and Payment Agency (ASP)After you have made the request yourself, after the purchase of your vehicle, here: Prime to convert vehicles and ecological bonuses 2023.

The request for help must be made no later than 6 months Depending on the date of vehicle billing.

In the case of a rental, the request for help must be made at the latest within 6 months of the date of payment of the first rent.

  • In the case of a bonus advance by the concessionaire

The dealer takes care of the bonus advance by withdrawing it from the vehicle’s sale price (TTC). The amount of the bonus must then be identified on the invoice by a specific line. The concessionaire, agreed with the ASP in order to be able to proceed to this advance, is then reimbursed by the latter.

  • In the event that your dealer does not practice bonus advance

You must make it the request yourself from the ASP . Your request can be made directly online.

The benefit of the ecological bonus can be combined with that of the conversion bonus , This allows, in cases where your vehicle acquisition is eligible for both, to reach greater aid (bonus + bonus).

These content may also interest you

  • Conversion bonus: how to benefit from it ?
  • Bike bonus: everything you need to know !
  • Maprimerenov ‘: the premium for energy renovation
  • How to benefit from the energy check ?

Learn more about the ecological bonus

  • The ecological bonusOn the Service-Public website.Fr
  • How the ecological bonus works on the purchase of a vehicle ?On the ECOW website
  • The ecological bonusOn the website of the Ministry of Ecological Transition

What the law says

  • Energy code
  • Decree n ° 2023-886 of September 19, 2023 relating to the packaging of eligibility for the ecological bonus for new electrical private cars in the infringement of a minimal environmental score
  • Order of September 19, 2023 relating to the methodology for calculating the environmental score and the minimum score value to be achieved for eligibility for the ecological bonus for new electricity cars
  • Decree n ° 2022-1761 of December 30, 2022 relating to aid for the acquisition or rental of little polluting vehicles
  • Decree n ° 2022-960 of June 29, 2022 relating to aid for the acquisition or rental of little polluting vehicles

Ecological bonus, aid for the acquisition of little polluting vehicles: what changes in 2023 ?

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You want to change your car for a less polluting vehicle ? For the purchase of a new or electric, hydrogen or hybrid vehicle, the scales of the ecological bonus were reviewed on January 1, 2023, according to a decree published in Official newspaper December 31, 2022. The rules for granting the conversion premium have also been reworked. Public service.Fr take stock of all changes.

A decree dated December 30, 2022 modifies the aid system for the acquisition or rental of little polluting vehicles.

The ecological bonus is state aid to buy or rent a vehicle. It can be an electric or hydrogen vehicle or a combination of the two as an exclusive source of energy, new or used:

  • Car and van: electric, hydrogen or combination of the two, new and used vehicle;
  • 2 or 3 engine or motor quadricycle: electric, new vehicle only.

Its amount is determined according to the motorization of the vehicle and its purchase price.

A natural person can only benefit from it once every 3 years.

The new amounts of the ecological bonus in 2023

Only vehicles registered in France in a final series are concerned.

The ecological bonus applies to vehicles (private car category and van) operating exclusively to electricity, hydrogen or a combination of the two, and having a mass less than 2.4 tonnes (for a new car). Category M2 vehicles (N2 for vans) benefiting from a weight exemption, and having a total authorized load in charge less than or equal to 3.5 tonnes, can also be eligible for the bonus.

The cost of acquiring the vehicle (new car) must be less than € 47,000.

The aid amounts set for January 1, 2023 are as follows:

  • For the purchase of vehicles of the new private car type, the amount of the aid is set at 27 % of the cost of acquisition all taxes included, increased if necessary the cost of the battery if it is taken for rent. The bonus is capped at € 5,000 for individuals and € 3,000 for legal persons.
  • For the purchase of vehicles of the new van type, the amount of the planned aid is set at 40 % of the cost of acquisition all taxes included, increased if necessary of the cost of the battery if it is taken up, Within the limit of € 6,000 if the vehicle is acquired or rented by a natural person, € 4,000 if the vehicle is acquired or rented by a legal person.
  • For new vehicles with 2 or 3 -wheeled motor and quadricycles which do not use lead battery and whose maximum net engine power is greater than or equal to 2 or 3 kilowatts the aid is € 900.
  • For used vehicles that use electricity, hydrogen or a combination of the two as an exclusive energy source, aid is set at € 1,000.

To note : The amount of the aid is increased by € 2,000 when the vehicle is acquired or rented by a natural person whose reference tax income per share is less than or equal to € 14,089. So the bonus can reach up to € 7,000 For the most modest households.

It is increased by € 1,000 If you live overseas, provided you circulate with the new vehicle for 6 months or more according to its acquisition.

To receive the ecological bonus, you can request that its amount be deducted from the invoice by the seller or the dealer, or make the request directly on the official website .

Conversion bonus: new rules from 2023

The conversion premium, which can be added to the ecological bonus within the limit of the cost of the vehicle, is an aid granted, under conditions of income, when buying or renting a little polluting vehicle in exchange for The scrapping of an old diesel or petrol vehicle. You can only perceive it once.

Since January 1, 2023, you must have a ReReference tax from share less than or equal to € 22,983 To benefit from it: above this threshold, there is no longer a scrap premium.

The conditions to benefit from it

The basic conditions are always required:

  • Be a major or legal natural person domiciled in France;
  • Keep the new vehicle at least 1 year or make a minimum of 6,000 km at its wheel;
  • Put a petrol vehicle registered before 2006 or diesel registered before January 2011 (Crit’Air 3, 4, 5 or not classified).

New award criteria have been added since January 1, 2023. As is the case for the ecological bonus, a weight limit is now set. The vehicle you want to acquire should not weigh more than 2.4 tonnes (excluding van). On the other hand, it should not cost more than € 47,000 (€ 50,000 for the van whose energy source includes petrol, natural gas, LPG, ethanol or Superethanol). Finally, the shot vehicle should be destroyed in an Approved Vhu center (vehicle out of use) which will be responsible for recycling it. Destruction must be done within 3 months preceding or within 6 months of buying the new vehicle.

Room amounts

  • If your reference tax income per share is less than € 6,359, the amount of the premium amounts to 80 % of the acquisition cost, up to a limit of € 6,000 for a car that uses electricity, the hydrogen or a combination of the two as an exclusive energy source; € 4,000 for a car whose energy source includes petrol, natural gas, LPG, ethanol or Superethanol (Crit’air 1 model).
  • If your reference tax income per share is less than € 14,089 and the distance between your home and your workplace is greater than 30 km or drive more than 12,000 km/year with your own vehicle for professional reasons : the premium is 80 % of the acquisition cost, up to a limit of € 6,000 for the purchase of a car which uses electricity, hydrogen or a combination of the two as an exclusive source; of € 4,000 for a car whose energy source includes petrol, natural gas, LPG, ethanol or Superethanol (Crit’air 1 model).
  • If your reference tax income per share is less than € 22,983 (this includes persons whose reference tax income per share is less than € 14,089 but whose home-work distance is less than 30 km): the premium is € 2,500 for the purchase of a car that uses electricity, hydrogen or a combination of the two as an exclusive source .

How to get it ?

You have two possibilities. Either the concession advances the amount and you have nothing to do. Or you will have to submit an online request on the website of the Ministry of Ecological Transition . You have 6 months to do so from the billing date or the date of payment of the first rent for a rental.

You will need to provide three documents: the gray card of the new vehicle, that of the model sent to the scrap and your bank identity statement (RIB).

To note : If the reference tax income is more than € 14,089, there is no premium for a new car whose energy source includes petrol, natural gas, LPG, ethanol or Superethanol.

The electric retro -fits premium

The retrofit is a technique to transform a thermal car into an electric car.

Retrofit aid is capped at € 6,000 for a car:

  • For individuals whose tax reference income per share is less than or equal to € 14,089 and whose distance from the home at the workplace is greater than 30 km or performing more than 12,000 km per year as part of their professional activity with their personal vehicle.
  • For individuals whose reference tax income per share is less than or equal to € 6,358.

The aid is capped at € 2,500 in other cases (for a reference tax income less than or equal to € 22,983).

Surprise ZFE

If you live or work in a low -emission zone (ZFE), you can benefit from an additional bonus of € 1,000. New: it is no longer necessary for the community to assign aid for the State to grant an additional € 1,000; You just have to reside or work in one of these areas to obtain them. Thus, if this aid is accumulated with the help of the local authority, the Surprit ZFE can reach € 3,000.

What about the two wheels, three wheels and electric quadricycles ?

If you opt for a two -wheeler, a three -wheeled or an electric quadricycle, you can receive a bonus up to 1,100 €, in addition to the ecological bonus, if your reference tax income per share is less than or equal to 14,089 € €. Beyond this level of income, the aid is 100 €.

The conditions to be respected to benefit from it:

  • The vehicle must operate on electricity only;
  • Do not use lead battery;
  • be bought or rented for a period of 2 years;
  • be registered in France with a final number;
  • have a power equal to 2 or 3 kilowatts;
  • be used for at least a year or travel 2,000 km before reselling it.

To know : To answer your questions about less polluting mobility aid systems, the government has set up several platforms:

Conversion bonus: to submit your request and consult all the information relating to the device.

I change my car: to assess the cost of using your vehicle and the order of magnitude of the economic and environmental profit made thanks to the purchase of a cleaner vehicle.

I drive in electric: to inform you about the electric vehicle.

To note : As part of the reception of the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris 2024, exceptional help is set up until December 31, 2024 for Ile -de -France taxis for the acquisition or long -term rental of vehicles adapted to the transport of people with reduced mobility and wheelchair users.

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