How France has become orange?, Open a France Telecom-Orange line

Open a France Telecom-Orange line

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How France has become orange ?

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France Telecom became Orange

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The history of France Télécom has very closely followed the lightning rise and the eventful evolution of telecoms from the 1970s until today. The PTT and France Telecom no longer exist, but the current telephone network owes a lot to the installations of this “historic operator” whose name remains very present on the market.

Take advantage of Internet packages and mobile packages Orange

Take advantage of Internet packages and mobile packages Orange

At the end of the 1980s, the France of President François Mitterrand was preparing for a small revolution: a European directive has just introduced competition on the telecoms market. Indeed, the European Union wishes to liberalize the sector within its Member States. In a country where the telephone has been almost since its origin a public monopoly, this requires in -depth change, which can only be done in several years. Thus was born, in 1988, the France Telecom brand, resulting from the PTT administration and still very subject to the State, which is then its only shareholder. Difficult to imagine today that at that time, one still does not suspect the generalization of mobile telephony, nor of the emergence of another to come: Internet: Internet.

the opening of mobiles to competition

The creation of the brand France Telecom Gives the signal of the opening of the French market to competition: in 1992, SFR first opened a competing GSM network and offers fixed telephony with the “7” of Cegetel. Then, in 1994, it was Bouygues Telecom’s turn to offer its offer on the mobile market.

It was not until the year 2000, after the failure of the rapprochement with Deutsche Telekom by crossing Orange.

It is above all intended to become an international brand for France Telecom. The pioneers of the mobile phone no doubt remember Ola, Mobicarte and of course Itineris. At first, it is only these “mobile” brands that are grouped under the orange hat: indeed, it is not a question of frightening the very many Subscribers to the France Telecom Fixed !

France Telecom, born in 1988, only became 100% orange in 2013

Throughout the 2000s, the advent of the Internet will cause many upheavals on the telecoms market. The state gradually disengaged from capital and in 2004, it passed below the 50%mark, making France Telecom a private enterprise. This seeks to extend its international positions and develops its activities Internet service provider under the Wanadoo brand, which we still find today in certain email addresses.

The year 2006 marks a stage for France Telecom. It is at this time that Orange becomes the unique brand of France Telecom for fixed telephony, and this worldwide. There are only a few local exceptions in certain countries. It was also in 2006 that the internet subsidiary in turn became orange.

However, there are still a few steps to be crossed: for example, it will be necessary to wait until the year 2011 for the national network of France Telecom agencies to become ” Orange stores »». And it was not until the following year, in 2012, that the French fixed lines were also renowned orange. This time, it’s done ! All internet, TV, fixed and mobile telephony offers the same name: Orange. And it is ultimately the July 1, 2013, Following a last vote in general meeting, which France Telecom officially becomes Orange. In the meantime, a new competitor appeared in France, first of all on the Internet offer – fixed telephony – TV in 2007, then on the mobile offer in early 2012: Free.

France Telecom disappears but remains the installer of the local loop

Since 2013, France Télécom therefore no longer exists officially. However, the name is still often quoted by telecom installers, or simply suggested by current operators, who obviously do not wish to advertise a direct competitor, the parentage between France Telecom and Orange being today obvious for consumers. For what ? Because of local loop.

Indeed, whatever your operator, it is very rarely owned by all the cables which connect its server to your home. And the local loop is precisely this part of the network that goes from home to the local housing of your operator.

It is a safe bet that the phone socket that is installed at home, and especially the pair of copper wires which connects it to the network of telecoms, through cabinets in the basements of buildings or on sidewalks in the streets , up to central telephone, have been deployed by Ptt in the 70s and 80s, or by France Telecom from the 90s.

This considerable investment, which has spread over decades, with strong acceleration from the 1970s, was estimated at 28 billion euros by the “gendarme” of telecoms in France, theArcep (Regulatory authority for electronic communications and posts).

Another 39 million France Telecom lines !

The local loop is 39 million lines in France (Arcep data) and this is the reason why the France Telecom number of origin continues to serve as a reference to locate your installation. Thus, whatever your operator, it will refer to the France Telecom connection if you move or if you encounter problems that require a Troubleshooting on the Local Local of France Telecom. Especially since the 2 precious copper sons are also used for the ADSL, which remains the privileged mode of connection to the Internet of the French with 22.3 million subscribers. (Arcep data).

All operators, and not only Orange, are now running out of this exercise which requires less and less often the movement of a technician. And you know it is useless to contact the France Telecom customer service For a moving or a line opening: there is no longer any ! Everything today goes through your operator who is directly responsible for procedures with Orange.

Towards the end of the copper sons

Today, the ADSL network in copper wires is gradually replaced by fiber.

Very high speed, mainly by fiber, which still represented only 7.1% of all subscriptions in 2012, is constantly increasing.

The slowness of this progression is obviously linked to the difficulty and cost of setting up a new network throughout the territory, which require major work and important investments, even if it is possible to partly use existing installations.

Orange always n ° 1 ?

Take advantage of Internet packages and mobile packages Orange

Take advantage of Internet packages and mobile packages Orange

Today, Orange is a major player in the international telecoms market with 143 million mobile customers in the area, mainly in Europe, but also in Africa and the Caribbean. Orange is also one of the world leaders in telecommunications services to multinational companies under the Orange Business Services brand (source: Orange 2022 annual report).

So, the historic “weight” of France Telecom allowed the Orange brand to keep its position as a French leader despite competition, both in the internet field, now linked to TV offer and to fixed telephony, only in mobile telephony ? You probably know, the answer is yes. According to Arcep, Orange is acclaimed by users for the 12th consecutive year.

Still according to the 2022 annual report, the ex-France Telecom now has 287 million customers and is also leading on very high speed with orange fiber, which is increasing with 1.3 million additional fiber customers on The year 2022 ! Strong growth which can be explained both by the low initial number of subscribers and by the group’s desire to quickly deploy the fiber throughout the territory.

And on the French mobile market ? It’s still Orange that dominates with 241.9 m mobile customers and 143 m mobile customers in the area. Note all the same that the latter is the mobile operator who is experiencing the best progression.

And now here is Orange Bank

Orange Bank online

Today, Orange has already turned to the creation of new services for its customers, especially the media through Orange TV. but that’s not all ! Since 2008, there is a money transfer and mobile payment service, ” Orange Money “, Proposed in African countries where Orange is present. Since June 2016, Orange Money has also been available in France to send money to Côte d’Ivoire, Senegal and Mali. This service already has nearly 30 million customers.

In 2017, the group’s news focused on the launch of Orange Bank, initially in France, then in Spain and Belgium. Orange thus becomes a full -fledged banking operator, in partnership with Groupama insurance. What can justify the arrival of a telecoms group in the world of the bank ?

Orange’s response is simple: 85 % of interactions with the bank today go through the smartphone. Online banks have gained 14 % market share in 3 years in France and this trend will only increase with the explosion of mobile uses.

Orange Bank obviously offers 100% mobile access to facilitate daily bank as well as instant and innovative services, designed for mobile. The full banking offer is intended for individuals, orange or not customers: bank account, bank card, savings, consumer credit and even insurance and real estate credits in a second step. Finally, Orange can also rely on its network of more than 500 shops throughout France.

Source: Orange Bank presentation

Internet, telephony, TV: current offers

Take advantage of Internet packages and mobile packages Orange

Take advantage of Internet packages and mobile packages Orange

Finally, we could not conclude this article without a brief overview of Orange public offers.

On the fixed side, now is the time to test your eligibility for fiber: the will of the operator to have customers access to fiber allows you to enjoy advantageous prices: the “triple play” internet – telephony offer Fixed – TV is offered from 2 ‘, 99 € per month for 12 months in very high speed with the fiber thanks to the Fiber Livebox package.

On the mobile side, you will find many packages, with or without commitment, blocked or not, from € 8.99 per month, excluding promotion. Finally, the “open” offers that bring together all fixed and mobile uses can allow you to save money by bringing together all your subscriptions at the same operator.

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Open a France Telecom-Orange line

Orange operator, formerly France Telecom, is not only service provider such as fixed and mobile telephony or the Internet, but also the telephone network manager. In this context, he is the interlocutor of choice for the opening of a telephone line.

How to open a France Telecom line ?

France Telecom has been called Orange since 2013, any fixed line France Telecom is therefore carried out by contacting this operator.

Several cases may arise at the opening of a line:

Open a France Telecom line

Accommodation is connected if:

  • A telephone or internet line has already been implemented in the past;
  • one or more telephone sockets are present in the accommodation.

In this case, just reactivate the line. Activation times for an internet line are 10 to 15 days.

The accommodation is not connected if:

  • There has never been telephone access, if the accommodation is new for example (connection period of 57 days);
  • There is no active line, for example if there has been too important since the last subscription is terminated.

Then France Telecom line creation requires a connection and therefore the intervention of an orange technician.

To make your connection request, contact Orange on 08 10 00 98 49

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How much is the opening of a France Telecom line ?

The simple opening of a line is done at Prices dependent on the operator, These remain in a low amount, they are generally added to the first invoice following the subscription of the contract.

If it is necessary to make a connection, the intervention of an orange technician is essential. Depending on the work carried out, the cost of this intervention may vary. As of June 1, 2021, a simple connection was offered at a flat rate of € 69 incl. If other work is necessary, the range of orange services is very wide to cover them. Housing connection work is generally at the expense of the owner.

How to contact France Telecom for the opening of a line ?

It is possible to contact Orange in several ways. The operator has many physical shops throughout France, it is easy to go there to have quick answers to all questions.

Internet contact is made through the assistance which treats a wide range of requests. Requests related to the connection of a new accommodation can also be done directly by email to the address [Email Protected].

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The easiest way to open a line, however, remains the phone, 08 10 00 98 49 processes all requests related to the opening of new telephone lines, this is the number to contact to make an appointment in sight to program the intervention of a technician.

During a move, it is important to think of taking out an electricity contract.

When can we ask for a France Telecom line opening ?

The time to connect an ADSL line can be 4 days for an already existing line and 9 days for the creation of a new line.

On the other hand, for the creation of a fiber line, deadlines can be quite long compared to other operators, it takes an average of 11 days.

Good to know

For the opening of a fiber line, it is not necessary to open a telephone line.
On the other hand for an ADSL line it is essential.

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