Google Translation FR – French – Arabic translation and examples, the 5 best free online translation sites – Blog Coder

The 5 best free online translation sites

Google translation is certainly the best known online translator.

You looked for: Google French Arab translation (French Arab)

Carried out by professional translators, companies, web pages or translations available for free.





Google French Arab translation


Last update: 2019-09-28
Use frequency: 1
Quality :
Reference: Anonymous


Google French translation Arabic


ترجمة جوجل الفرنسية العربيةالظلم

Last update: 2019-11-17
Use frequency: 1
Quality :
Reference: Anonymous


Google French Arab translation


Last update: 2022-04-04
Use frequency: 1
Quality :
Reference: Anonymous



Last update: 2015-04-02
Use frequency: 1
Quality :
Reference: Anonymous



Last update: 2016-12-03
Use frequency: 1
Quality :
Reference: Anonymous


Google Translation قريب


Last update: 2021-12-02
Use frequency: 1
Quality :
Reference: Anonymous


Google French translation


مسطرة من اللدائن

Last update: 2021-06-18
Use frequency: 1
Quality :
Reference: Anonymous


French, Arabic, English


تجيد الفرنسية والانكليزية والعربية ، نط •

Last update: 2016-12-03
Use frequency: 1
Quality :
Reference: Anonymous


English. French. Arab.


الانجليزية ، الفرنسية ، العربية

Last update: 2016-10-27
Use frequency: 2
Quality :
Reference: Anonymous


Google Francais Englais Translation


Google French translation Englai أمر حكومي عدد 967 لسنة 2017 مؤرخ في 31 جوية 2017

Last update: 2021-05-26
Use frequency: 1
Quality :
Reference: Anonymous


Leo – French translation – Germany


Leo – ترجم من الفرنسي إلى الألماني Name

Last update: 2011-10-23
Use frequency: 1
Quality :
Reference: Anonymous


C/Google English translation Arab


بيع مستلزمات البناء والعقاقير و الصباغة و صباغة السيارات

Last update: 2021-06-09
Use frequency: 1
Quality :
Reference: Anonymous


Google English translation Arabthe Megnificent


ترجمة جوجل الإنجليزية العربية

Last update: 2021-08-11
Use frequency: 1
Quality :
Reference: Anonymous


Working languages: French, Arabic


لغات العمل: الفرنسية والعربية

Last update: 2016-12-02
Use frequency: 1
Quality :
Reference: Anonymous


Let’s try to put it with Google Translation and.


حسناً دعينا نضع هذا . في ترجمة قوقل

Last update: 2016-10-27
Use frequency: 2
Quality :
Reference: Anonymous


Google French Arab Translation Meteorological المقياس هونسبة تعطي طول معين على نموذways


جوجل Treaty العربية الفرنسية meteorological

Last update: 2021-12-04
Use frequency: 1
Quality :
Reference: Anonymous



Last update: 2016-01-03
Use frequency: 2
Quality :
Reference: Anonymous


According to Google Translation, it means: it was an honor.


طبقا لترجمة (جوجل) هذا يعني “لقد كان شرفا”

Last update: 2016-10-27
Use frequency: 2
Quality :
Reference: Anonymous
Warning: an invisible HTML formatting is present


Work language (s): English, French, Arabic, Spanish


لغات العمل: الإنكليزية والفرنسية والعربية والإسبانية.

Last update: 2016-12-03
Use frequency: 1
Quality :
Reference: Anonymous


The first would be to translate preexisting videos into English, French, Arabic, Chinese and Russian.


يتمثل العنصر الأول في ترجمة أشرطة الفيديو الموجودة بالفعل بالغات الإنجليزية والفرivity نية والروسية.

Last update: 2016-12-03
Use frequency: 1
Quality :
Reference: Anonymous

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The 5 best free online translation sites

Today there are many free online translation solutions. We practice and are faced more and more regularly with foreign languages ​​(especially English).

It is important to use reliable and effective automatic translation tools. These can in particular be used in the context of an internationalization of your activity.

Here are 5 essential translators to translate French to English or to any other language among the most widespread in the world.

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Your translation projects are intended to develop your activity abroad so entrust your translations to a professional translator on a You will get quality translations. is a professional translation service putting you in touch with specialized linguistic experts.

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1. Deepl

Deepl, free online translation

Deepl is a fairly recent translation tool (launched in August 2017), but often considered the most efficient.

Created by the Linguee site team, Deepp is based on the latter’s database to make its translations.

Only downside: the tool allows to translate “only” 7 languages ​​(French, English, German, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Polish).

2. Google Translate

Google translation, free translation online

Google translation is certainly the best known online translator.

Based on Google’s know-how in artificial intelligence and Deep Learning, it is a very effective tool even if it is not infallible.

But the greatest force of Google Translation is undoubtedly the amount of languages ​​it is capable of translating (more than a hundred).

3. Reverse

Another big name on the free online translation, Reverso is a powerful tool.

It notably has the advantage of supporting its translations of examples of use, making it possible to contextualize the translated sentence.

Reverso makes it possible to translate from French to 25 languages, including English, German, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese, Arabic, Hebrew and Japanese.

4. Linguee

linguee, free online translation

Founded several years ago by the creators of Deepl, which we talked about earlier, Linguee is one of the most practical free translation tools.

Unlike traditional automatic translators, it offers several examples of use in different contexts, in order to find the most faithful translation as possible.

5. System


System, which publishes professional translation software, also offers a free online translator.

With more than 40 languages ​​(from English to Korean via Swedes), it constitutes a solid alternative to other solutions.

Our advice to choose the best translation site

These online automatic translators, despite their qualities and the constant progress of technology, do not however replace a competent human translator, in particular for more technical pages, such as the translation of the General Conditions of Sale for example.

If your needs require professional treatment, as for example for the translation of a book, discover now, the connection platform with professional translators.

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