Google Easter Egg: Thanos request hides something, Avengers: type Thanos on Google for a sacred surprise – Digital century

Avengers & Nbsp: type Thanos on Google for a sacred surprise

What a funny question, you will tell me. Well try manipulation and you will see what Google has reserved you. The web giant regularly engages in its search engine. This involves the creation of Doodle which drives the home engine home page, the jokes of April 1 which are always successful or the integration of Easter Eggs. These are functions hidden by developers in programs such as browsers, software, etc. Internet is a real playground for Easter Eggs lovers.

And if you tap “Thanos” in Google ?

What if you tap

What a funny question, you will tell me. Well try manipulation and you will see what Google has reserved you. The web giant regularly engages in its search engine. This involves the creation of Doodle which drives the home engine home page, the jokes of April 1 which are always successful or the integration of Easter Eggs. These are functions hidden by developers in programs such as browsers, software, etc. Internet is a real playground for Easter Eggs lovers.

It must be said that Google contributes enormously to disseminate here and there hidden features. On YouTube, you can for example play the emblematic game Snake. On its search engine, some requests also make it possible to trigger Easter Eggs. On the occasion of the release of the last Marvel, Avengers: Endgame, Google has thus deployed a new Easter Egg. Type “Thanos” in Google … something challenges you ?

Google’s new Easter Egg for the release of Avengers

If you have not noticed anything abnormal on the Google results page, we give you a clue. Then click on the glove located in the Knowledge Graph Wikipedia. For the novices of the Marvel universe, this glove represents the “infinite glove” (The Infinity Gauntlet)). Set with 6 gems, it allows the one who carries it to have the powers of omniscience, omnipotence and omniprence. The super-viilay Thanos had used this extraordinary glove in the previous opus, Avengers: Infinity War, which caused the loss of half of the population of the universe.

Google Estaer Egg Thanos

By clicking on the characteristic glove of Thanos, then triggers an animation made by Google. That’s it, you have it ?

This animation is a nod to the story reported above. Click on the glove active indeed the power of gems. Like Thanos which has eradicated half of humanity, the activation of the Easter EGG glove makes it possible to remove half of the search results on the page. As in the film, the results go to dust. It is then enough to click again on the glove to reappear the results deleted.

Do not Search for Thanos on Google & Click on the Infinity Gauntlet!

This new Egg Egg from Google is very friendly and subtle. He was also well appreciated by our manager of the SEO pole of the agency, Robin, a great lover of pop culture and motivated buyer of this Infinite SEO glove !

Avengers & Nbsp: type Thanos on Google for a sacred surprise

The American search engine has prepared an Easter Egg for fans of the Avengers following the release of the latest film in the series.

A special easter Egg for the release of the latest avengers film hidden within the search engine

© Avengers: Endgame, Marvel

Posted on April 26, 2019 at 10.45 am – Updated on April 26, 2019 at 11:59 am

If you are a fan of Avengers, a small temporary change in Google should feast on you. If you type Thanos on Google and click on the .

If you are a fan of Avengers, a small temporary change in Google should feast on you. If you type Thanos On Google and that you click on the little Gantelet at the top right of its file, a big surprise will make you smile. If you want to discover this for yourself, it’s time, because we tell you more in the rest of this article.

Surprise Google Avengers Thanos

Have you clicked on the Thanos glove on Google & Nbsp?

You typed thanos in Google & Nbsp?

As you have surely noticed by yourself, click on the Thanos glove triggers the power of infinite stones to make half of the search results disappear, a hell of a wink to the film Avengers & Nbsp: Infinity War where the iconic villain of Marvel makes half of humanity disappear. This little Easter Egg is all the more succulent as the results fall to dust, exactly the same way as in films. By clicking again on the glove, you can make the results reappear. We sincerely hope that it will be possible to do the same in endgamus, because we are seriously missing we miss & nbsp!

A special easter Egg for the release of the latest avengers film hidden within the search engine

Disappearance of results, sacred Thanos & Nbsp!

Google is a specialist in small surprises on its search engine with reference to pop culture. In 2015, he had notably marked the spirits by hiding an Easter Egg on Google Translation in tribute to the Star Wars saga.

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