Google Chrome: using private navigation – Orange assistance, your browser’s private navigation is really private?
Is your browser’s private navigation really private
A new window opens:
Google Chrome: Use private navigation
You can access websites without saving personal data on your PC: it is enough to activate private navigation.
Before you start
You must have :
- Download and installed Google Chrome on your PC.
- Open your Google Chrome browser.
Access private navigation
- Click on the menu button three points Located at the top right of your browser.
- Select New private navigation window.
Navigate without saving your personal data
A new window opens:
- The upper black banner confirms that private navigation is activated. No personal data is recorded on your PC.Noticed : Private navigation does not make you anonymous on the internet. You remain responsible for your actions and the remarks that you make on forums for example.
- All tabs open in this window will be under the protection of the mode Private navigation.
Noticed : Some sites may not be displayed properly in private navigation. If this is the case, leave this mode.
Is your browser’s private navigation really private?
All Internet browsers have a private mode that allows you to surf the canvas without leaving any traces. But the confidentiality they offer has its limits. Explanation.
Google Chrome, Safari or Mozilla Firefox: Most Internet browsers have a private navigation mode. Often illustrated by the appearance of a darker window, this mode prevents your internet browser from store, on your PC or your smartphone, certain information relating to your activity on the Internet in order to preserve its confidentiality.
Private navigation deletes your navigation history and does not allow your browser to save cookies used to track you down the passwords, as well as the information entered in online forms of the sites consulted. Concretely, at the moment you close your private navigation window, your web browser forgets that the session took place and erases this data.
Relative anonymity
As Google Chrome indicates in its private navigation window, the functionality is useful to hide your activity, especially if several people use the same personal computer as you.
But, if it provides a feeling of security, this mode does not make it completely invisible. First, it does not erase downloaded files and also keeps user favorites. In addition, the traces of your activities disappear only for your browser and the device you use. Nowadays, data monitoring and extraction extend far beyond in particular via the IP address.
The latter is associated with a device when it browsing the Internet and remains visible by the sites you have visited and to which you have connected. The same goes for your Internet access provider (FAI), your employer or even schools who can also read your activities in the same way as the authorities.
In addition, the functionality does not protect cyber attacks (phishing, malware. ) and malware that rather requires the acquisition of an antivirus. Apart from local use, private mode therefore does not present any guarantee.
Secure your connection
To avoid leaving too many traces of your passages on different sites, it is advisable to use sites which use the “HTTPS” extension (“Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure”), a connection mode which figures communication between a computer and an Internet site.
To hide your IP address and browse the Internet in all discretion, it is also possible to use a VPN, a tool capable of quantifying data to make them illegible to people not allowed to take note of them. Finally, encrypted messaging such as Telegram or Signal are also alternatives of choice to further protect your private life online.