Good plan – Internet box: what are the best offers of the moment? Digital, fiber promotion – The best promo offers box fiber from € 17.99/month | September 2023

Fiber promotion – The best promo offers box fiber | September 2023

The strong point of Fiber promotions without obligation is that they offer you the freedom to change boxes at any time, without the constraint of the traditional minimum commitment of 12 months.

Good plan – Internet box: what are the best offers of the moment ?

Not easy to find the ideal internet box offer to equip your home with a connection. Which operator to choose ? What a speed ? What options ? So here is a small overview of the possibilities available to you, both in fiber as in ADSL.

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Unlike the mobile market, where some virtual operators (or MVNO) continue to stand up to the four historic, that of Internet access providers (ISP) is dominated by the latter and their low-cost subsidiaries. But who is doing the best of Orange, SFR, Free and Bouygues ? Between temporary offers that flourish and promise of performance, everyone tries to do their faces. Let us look at these different opportunities.

Of course, our observations concern the offers available on the market, but it is up to you to check the network coverage in force at the address you live. Also note that, for this file, we focus on the most affordable packages (temporarily or not) offered by the different operators.

Redbysfr: the guarantee of a single rate

SFR offers, via its subsidiary Red, the only offer at constant prices on the market, in fact the least expensive after a year. The low-cost operator offers a price of € 19.99 per month with a month offered. The price for fiber is guaranteed for a year and after the first 12 months, the subscription goes to € 29.99. The offer is without commitment, with a downward speed of 500 Mb/s for the offer with the WiFi 5 and 1GB/s for the offer with the WiFi 6 (+7 €/month to benefit from it). It will be necessary to pay 19 € for the purchase of a new Connect TV 35 channels decoder, and add 2 € per month for 100 additional channels. Commissioning costs are only € 29 €.

On his behalf, SFR also offers an interesting offer to € 20.99 per month for one year and commitment to this first year. After which the price however brutally dates back to € 34.99, the highest price of the offers that we have retained. For this price, you will benefit from a theoretical flow that can climb up to 500 Mb/s both downloading and sending and a 160 -channel decoder included. A multitude of options can be added to this offer, including the RMC Sport service for round ball lovers. Note that the commissioning costs are also quite high (€ 49).

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  • Attractive price at RedBysfr
  • 500 Mb/s at RedBysfr
  • Buying decoder for € 19

Weak points

  • Fairly expensive commissioning costs at SFR
  • The reputation of the SFR after -sales service

Free: Pop, Delta or Revolution ?

Difficult to see clearly in the strategy of free and its freebox. After having disappeared from radars temporarily, the revolution is again available on the FAI website. The fact remains that the Freebox Delta always seems to be the future of free offers. And if this is the case, unless there is a situation reversal, the Iliad filles would be among the most expensive operators on the market.

News: Internet access provider
Freebox: and here is the mini 4K

After having disappeared from radars last October, the Freebox Mini 4K has just resurfaced on the Free site, while the Revoluti.

Pop is indeed offered to € 29.99 per month in the first year, Then € 39.99. Of course, you will benefit from very good flow rates (5 GB/s going down and 700 Mb/s when going up), and very interesting options, especially the POLYER POP. The costs of commissioning are also quite high, at € 49.

For its part, the Delta is offered to € 39.99 for one year, Before a leap at € 49.99. All for maximum descending flows at 8 GB/s and 700 Mb/s when. Note that she also incorporates a Popoujours Player a Blu-ray player, for what it’s worth.

As for the Revolution, it has become the most affordable offer of Free. It will cost you € 19.99 monthly the first year, then € 44.99 after this period. She is able to reach up to 1 Gbit/s in downward speed, and up to 600 Mbit/s in sending.

  • Up to 8 Gb/s for download, 700 Mb/s in sending (for the Freebox Delta)
  • 220 channel decoder included
  • Subscriptions are offered such as Netflix, bonus, TV by canal, etc.
  • Multitude of options

Weak points

  • Expensive commissioning fees
  • Prices that increase considerably after a year

Bouygues: a mid -range offer lined with options

The price for a Bbox Fit Fiber is rather attractive: € 18.99 for the first 12 months, Then € 31.99/month. But the theoretical flow is among the lowest on the market: 400 Mb/s for download and 400 Mb/s in sending.

To take advantage of the best speeds, you will have to look at the Bbox Must, which also offers several small advantages that can make the difference. Its price ? € 26.99/month for one year Then € 41.99. A 180 -channel decoder is included in the offer, as well as a 6 -month subscription to Prime and Universal+. On request, Bouygues can also lend you a 4G key at any time to overcome any boxes of the box. The latter also incorporates the Google assistant.

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For the start of the school year, Bouygues launched a special series at only € 19.99/month for 12 months then € 37.99/month (with a one -year commitment). This offer is very interesting because it offers a flow rate up to 1GB/s in download and 700 MB/S sending. Bouygues did not communicate an end date of this offer on its site.

  • 180 channel decoder included with the Bbox must
  • 6 months of premium and universal+ offered
  • 1 GB/s for download

Weak points

  • € 48 installation fees
  • Big increase after a year

SOSH: The best network coverage

Admittedly, the low-cost operator of Orange is not the cheapest or the most efficient, but it seemed difficult to not include it in this article so its coverage of the territory is wide. According to the regulatory authority for electronic communications and positions (ARCEP), at the end of 2019, Orange thus represented 65 % of fiber optic networks throughout the territory, 81 % in the less densely wired areas.

In terms of prices, Sosh offers a slightly more expensive offer than competition in the first year, with a price at € 20.99 per month, however without obligation and without commissioning costs. In addition, the Orange subsidiary then offers a monthly rate € 30.99, which remains cheaper than most of its rivals.

On the other hand, with regard to theoretical flow, it is clearly the least interesting performances: 300 Mb/s both descending and amounts. That said, such a flow is actually enough for most uses; Not to mention the remote servers who must ensure these flows. It’s up to you to analyze your specific needs therefore. For the TV decoder, you will have to add € 5 per month, but a free option allows you to have access to the orange TV app on your PC, telephone and tablet.

  • Orange fiber wiring
  • No commissioning fees
  • No engagement

Weak points

  • Optional decoder
  • The lowest flow of the French offer

The case of ADSL/VDSL

Although the fiber has developed considerably in recent years, many areas are still waiting for wiring or simply the connection. You must then choose ASDL or VDSL. Difficult in this case to recommend a particular operator as the offers are similar. On the side of the flow, the averages are systematically the same: 1 to 15 Mb/s for download, 1 Mb/s in sending. These values ​​vary of course depending on the distance between your home and the subscriber connection node (NRA). Again, find out to know the withdrawal debit in your home.

Regarding the prices, we will remember two offers that stand out while remaining pretty cheap, even after the first year: that of Sosh, in € 20.99 per month, Without commitment, without increase after one year and without commissioning costs; and that of Redbysfr, which remains at 19 € Even after a year, without commitment and with € 29 in commissioning fees.

Fiber promotion – The best promo offers box fiber | September 2023

Internet access providers (ISP) who market fiber boxes do not lack ideas to offer you the best offers. Fiber promotions are legion; You’ve surely seen or heard of promotions on fiber internet offers. In this article, discover the promo fiber subscription offers to save on your internet bill. Take advantage of our comparison by operator to take out a fiber box package at a reduced price in the first year.

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You hesitate between several promotions box fiber and do not know which one to choose ?

Contact a Lafibreoptique advisor to be oriented among the best promo fiber offers, depending on your needs and your budget:

Comparison of the best fiber promotions

Throughout the year, operators display Promotional offers advantageous on their fiber box. The common denominator is the fiber promo applied the first 12 months of your subscription. You benefit from the cheap fiber during the first year of your package before going back to Normal rate from the second year subscription. We will now present to you in detail Best fiber promotions by operator.

Orange fiber promotion

One of fiber promotions market headlights is that of Fiber Livebox d ‘Orange. Its monthly price is given to € 24.99 per month the first 12 months before returning to the standard price of € 42.99 per month. This offer is the cheapest in the range of offers offered by the historic operator. With a decent flow of 500 Mbit/s when descending and 500 Mbit/s also ascendant, the Livebox Fiber provides good connection speed to users wishing to use the Internet in their daily life. 140 TV channels (+ 4K decoder) are accessible with your Livebox 5 by subscribing this Orange fiber promotion.

I subscribe to the Livebox of Orange on sale at € 24.99/month for 1 year

The other orange fiber box promotions concern Livebox Up, whose price is reduced in the first year (€ 32.99 per month) then increases (€ 50.99 per month)). The theoretical descending speed up to 1 Gbit/s, the WiFi repeater, the TV key and/or a second UHD TV decoder on request are all arguments in favor of this good orange orange plan.

And if you want to go to the next level, the fiber promotion to € 37.99 for 12 months then € 55.99 per month is valid for the Livebox Max, Orange Premium offer. Its 2 Gbit/s flow in Download (800 Mbit/s in upload) is attractive for users with higher requirements in terms of internet consumption. Last generation WiFi 6 repeaters (up to 3), WiFi Serenity Customer Service (personalized technical support) and Airbox 20 GB are all interesting options that are included in the promotional offer of the Livebox Max Orange.

Free Fiber Promotion

Free is not only theoperator number 1 on fiber in 2023 with the best flows. He is also a specialist in fiber promotions ! Free’s cheap fiber offer is the Freebox Revolution just € 19.99 per month the first year (then € 44.99 per month). It is simply one of the most affordable boxes on the market for 12 consecutive months, and offers a very good value for money on the first year of engagement. With 1 Gbit/s in downward speed, you can surf in serenity on the internet. You also benefit from a full TV experience with 270 channels as well as a 4K TV decoder.

For greater performance, then opt for the Freebox Pop, another one Free Fiber Promotion. For € 29.99 per month for a year then € 39.99 per month, This stands out for a better interface, shared flattering shared speeds (5 Gbit/s) and above all by an offer without commitment. Consult Freebox Fiber Freebox reviews to find out more.

The Freebox Revolution at € 19.99/month
for 12 months !

Bouygues fiber promotion

With the Bbox Fit Fiber Bouygues, You benefit from a really inexpensive promo in the first year of subscription: € 17.99 per month Then € 31.99 per month. At this price, it is difficult to do better: it is the cheapest fiber box on the market ! Although the flow rate is moderate (400 Mbit/s on average), its attractive compensation price and this entry -level box of Bouygues ensures the essential for an excellent quality/price ratio. If you are looking for a more powerful box (switch to a flow of 1 Gbit/s), put yourself down on the Bouygues fiber promotion of the BBOX Must Fiber has € 24.99 per month for a year, then € 41.99 per month.

I want the Bbox promo from € 17.99/month !

If you have a more flexible budget, you can directly choose the version Bbox Ultym Fiber de Bouygues, a premium box considered by many high-tech specialists as the best fiber box of the moment. Its promo price is displayed at € 30.99 per month The first year, which is very reasonable as it is complete in terms of features and services included for the subscriber. As of the second year, the price increases however to € 50.99 per month.

SFR fiber promotion

The discounts the first year of your fiber subscription are applied to the three SFR operator boxes: Starter fiber, Power fiber and premium fiber. There SFR fiber promotion The most attractive is the box SFR Fiber Starter, starting € 20.99 at month then goes to € 34.99 after 12 months. It is one of the best fiber promotions with a good flow rate (500 Mbit/s) offered by the technology of the box 7.

About the SFR Power box fiber, The promo price is € 27.99 per month for 12 months, then € 39.99 per month at the end of this fiber promotion), SFR relies on a theoretical flow of 2 Gbit/s by climbing a notch with the box 8, delivering WiFi 6, and a bouquet of 120 channels included, with Dolby compatibility Atmos 4K HDR.

For a call price reduced to € 33.99 per month the first 12 months, the SFR Premium fiber box is a promo to consider, if only for its speed of up to 8 Gbit/s for download, its 200 channels and its Multi TV option. From the second year, the operator’s premium offer to the Red Carré nevertheless recorded an increase of 13 euros, going to € 46.99 per month.

Discover the SFR Fiber Starter box from € 20.99/month

Sosh fiber promotion

With the Sosh fiber box, You benefit from a super promo the first year since your fiber box comes back to you at € 20.99 per month for a year (then € 30.99 per month). Thanks to this SOSH fiber promotion, you have very high speed internet (symmetrical speed of 300 Mbit/s) with the intelligent WiFi of Livebox 5. This Sosh fiber offer is without obligation; You can terminate at any time if you wish. Also, if you resilled elsewhere to take out a Sosh fiber offer, you have up to 100 € reimbursed On your termination fees. In short, subscribing to a SOSH Internet offer allows you to benefit from orange fiber at an attractive price.

The Sosh fiber box promo the first year !

At the beginning of 2023, Sosh set up a good plan only valid for a few weeks to enjoy the Sosh Fiber box offer at € 19.99 instead of € 20.99 per month for a year. The low-cost operator is customary for this kind of promotions, both on fiber and for its mobile packages. Suffice to say that there will most likely be other opportunities not to be missed to save on your internet bill !

You want to enjoy best fiber promotions ? Test your eligibility ! To be able to take advantage of the fiber promotions implemented by the main Internet operators, you must fulfill an essential criterion: theFiber eligibility. To know very easily if you are eligible, just make a Fiber eligibility test. The test result tells you if your address can receive fiber and lists operators available for this technology.

Fiber box promotions without obligation

The strong point of Fiber promotions without obligation is that they offer you the freedom to change boxes at any time, without the constraint of the traditional minimum commitment of 12 months.

The three most attractive offers in terms of promotions fiber homeless are :

  • Red Box from Red by SFR. At € 18.99 per month for 12 months, then € 29.99 per month, the Red Box Fiber without commitment stands out with a very competitive promo price. The first month of your subscription is offered. You have free access to 35 channels with the RED TV app or for 3 € more per month by subscribing to the Connect TV decoder. You have a symmetrical speed of 500 Mb/s in Download and Upload. The offer includes unlimited calls from and to France (+100 other destinations).
  • The Sosh box. It is at the promo price of € 20.99 per month for 12 months, before going to € 30.99 per month. The symmetrical flow of the Livebox 5 is very correct: 300 Mb/s. 160 TV channels are to unlock with the paid option at € 5 per month.
  • Freebox FREE POP. Also without obligation, this freebox is at the promo price of € 29.99 per month for a year, then € 39.99 per month. Its flow is powerful: 5 Gbit/s in reception and 700 Mbit/s in reception. The offer includes calls to the fixed and mobiles of France, as well as around 110 destinations. You have a bouquet of 220 TV channels included, just like Canal + Series for 1 year and Disney + for 6 months.

Subscribe the fiber box at the best value for money

Are there inexpensive fiber offers for life ?

No cheap fiber promo offer is active at present.

Some fiber promotions containing the name “for life” were born a few years ago, whether it was Lifetime promo fiber offers Or Cheap fiber for life. We can cite Red by SFR who had announced a new Red Box offer with a life blocked for its new customers. Another example to date: the SFR operator who had launched a SFR Fiber limited series For the fixed price of € 10 for life, that is to say € 10 per month every year until you decide to end your Red Fiber subscription.

Both the Red Box special offer and the SFR 10 euros “LIFE FIBER SFR series” for life “no longer exist today. The promotions on the fiber are ephemeral and correspond more to specific periods of the year (Back to school, Black Friday, Christmas, etc.)). The short lifespan of this type of fiber promotions forces you to be reactive enough to enjoy an offer before the operator puts an end. An exceptional discount on the price of a fiber package can very well be valid the day before and no longer be active the next day. Thus, do not spend too much time comparing the offers if you do not want to lose theOpportunity of a cheap subscription with promo fiber.

Our advice to avoid missing great promotions on fiber: regularly visit operators’ websites. When there are promotions, they are generally visible from all from the home page. You can’t miss them ! And, of course, you can also go to our site Lafibreoptique which lists and compares the fiber offers of operators, and keeps users informed on the latest promotions ! The offers are updated every day.

Updated on 09/07/2023

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Livebox offers until 04/10/2023:
Offers subject to conditions with commitment 12 months valid in mainland France subject to eligibility and coverage, with compatible equipment. Activation fees: 40 € TV decoder (WiFi repeater, Airbox 20GB, second TV decoder, TV key: € 10 each). Theoretical flows with cables, network card and compatible computers. In the event of use on several equipment the flow is shared. Multi-screen recorder, max replay, second TV or TV key, options with necessary activations. Orange TV on mobile and tablet: access to the Basic bouquet. List of TV channels liable to evolution. Mobile Internet Package. Are not included in the Basic bouquet: the services and paid and sports contents live. UHD 4K: with TV and compatible content. Construction costs for ADSL/VDSL connection, in the event of a necessary technician trip (diagnosed at the time of subscription): € 119. Termination fees: € 50. Very high speed mobile 4G: in deployed areas. Network

Deezer Premium:
Listen to your music everywhere and all the time. Access to the Orange Deezer Premium service: Access to the Premium Deezer catalog from your mobile and your computer even if you are not connected to the Internet subject to synchronization on your terminal of your listening list, within the limit of the storage capacity terminal in unconnected mode. Service accessible on all mobiles compatible with the Deezer application subject to downloading the application corresponding to the prices in force. To ensure optimal quality of service for all customers, Orange will be able to reduce flow beyond 500 MB/month until the billing date. Uses in mainland France on compatible networks and mobiles.

Option subject to conditions, valid in mainland France, reserved for Internet customers TV telephone of Orange subject to technical eligibility and compatible decoder. Not available for customers whose TV is served by satellite. Access to the Disney+ service requires the creation and activation of an account with Disney+. Activation can also be done with the usual Disney+ identifiers in the case of a Disney+ Pre -existing account.

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