Go from a Bouygues Telecom package to B & You: how to do?, Packages B and You: offers, steps, customer service

Packages B and You: offers, steps, customer service

THE options extra :

How to go from a Bouygues Telecom package to B & You ?

Bouygues Telecom Package Transfer to B & You

Bouygues Telecom and B & You are one and the same operator. B & You is a brand of Bouygues Télécom offering a range of non -binding packages, while Bouygues Télécom markets packages with commitment with a range called sensation. The operator thus allows you to go from a Sensation to B & YOU subscription and vice versa quite easily.

To go from a sensation package to a B & YOU offer at Bouygues Telecom, you have to:

  • Reaching the end of his commitment period.
  • Follow a simple procedure from its customer area.
  • Some B & You offers are reserved for new customers.
  • How to go from a Bouygues Telecom offer to B and you ?
  • The procedure to go from a Bouygues Telecom package to B & You
  • Why all B & You offers are not accessible to customers ?

The content of this page was verified by an editorial expert on the date of 08/04/2023

The attractive prices that attract new customers are used to evolving. However, some operators offer interesting alternatives. This is the case of Orange, SFR and Bouygues Telecom. With their subsidiaries, these operators allow you to benefit from the same network, while offering more affordable prices. It is thus possible for users of migrate with a Bouygues Telecom sensation package to the range B & you. Monpetitforfait returns in detail on the procedure to proceed to this change of package at Bouygues.

How to go from a Bouygues Telecom offer to B and you ?

For holders of a sensation mobile plan at Bouygues Telecom, the transition to a B & YOU package without obligation is possible. Certain conditions must however be observed to migrate to a bouygues telecom free offer from any duration contract.

The first thing to take into account is The period that remains to be honored for the sensation contract in progress. Bouygues sensation packages are indeed subject to a commitment of 12 to 24 months. As long as the contract has not ended, customers sensation do not have the possibility of opting for a B & YOU package. It is therefore necessary to know the anniversary of its package for Determine if migration is feasible. However, a simple solution makes it possible to find this information.

Pass d

Going from a Bouygues Telecom feeling mobile package to a B & YOU mobile package without obligation.

Users who wish to opt for a B & You package can first call 3179. This free number allows consumers to obtain several important information.

We use it for:

  • Obtain your operator identity statement (RIO) to keep your number in the event of a change of operator;
  • know if its package is subject to engagement, and the number of monthly payments remaining if necessary.

What is the Rio code ?

The operator identity statement is a necessary code to change operator by retaining its number. This procedure is called number portability.

The procedure to go from a Bouygues Telecom package to B & You

After verifying eligibility for the change of offer, and if the user has the possibility, A simple procedure is to follow. First, you have to connect to your customer area.

Here’s how to go from a Bouygues Telecom package to B & You:

  1. Go to the “My mobile and my package” section;
  2. Click on “My package” then click on “Change price”;
  3. Scroll down the page and go to “B & you” packages “;
  4. Choose the package of your choice and click on “Select”;
  5. Validate the decision by clicking on “Continue”;

In the event of a sensation offer to a package from the B & YOU range, change East workforce at the next reset of the package. When ordering, a message also indicates whether differences exist between the services provided by the old and the new package. Also note that the change of an offer can cause advantages to. This is particularly the case with any discounts in the event of subscription to a group offer combining mobile package and internet boxes.

Promotions b & you

Also read the good plans and promo available at B & You

Why all B & You offers are not accessible to customers ?

If it is possible to go from a sensation package to a B & You package, migration shows some limits. Like the majority of operators, The promotional offers offered by Bouygues Telecom are reserved for new customers. In the event of subscription to a B and You package, holders of a sensation offer may have a limited choice. In theory, they are indeed them not possible to subscribe to promotion packages.

Welcome Bouygues Télécom and B & You

Welcome offers and discounts on B & You and Bouygues Telecom packages.

In fact, it remains possible, however to get in touch with an advisor to try to obtain an advantage. In most cases the operator will prefer to make an effort to let a client go to a competitor. Bouygues Telecom nevertheless does not have the obligation to make a commercial gesture. It is therefore possible that the request is vein. Promotions from operators being offered very regularly, another solution exists to take advantage of the promotions of Bouygues Telecom.

To be able to take advantage of B & YOU offers for new customers, you have to:

  1. terminate your package or change operator through number portability;
  2. Stay with another operator, temporarily (1 to 2 months);
  3. Subscribe to a B & YOU package at a reduced price as a new customer.

Double portability offers the advantage of arriving with the label of new customer. This is therefore useful to benefit from promotional offers. However, double portability is not always effective in fact. At Free Mobile for example, only new customers are considered that users have not had a Free Package in the past 12 months. This approach is therefore not infallible.

Number portability with the Rio code

Also read the procedure to follow in order to carry out the portability of your number

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Packages B and You: offers, steps, customer service

B & You is an offer from Bouygues Telecom which is distinguished by its mobile packages at reduced and non -commitment prices. In this article, we will present the various contracts available to you, how to subscribe or change the package for B and you and the means to reach customer service.

Packages B and you

Presentation of offers B and you

What are the B and You Available Packages ?

All packages mobile B and you are without engagement.

here is a summary B and you:

Comparison table of mobile packages B & You

Package Price Features
Bouygues Telecom 1GB 6 € 99
Without engagement
Unlimited calls and SMS/MMS
Bouygues Telecom 100GO 13 € 99
Without engagement
Unlimited calls and SMS/MMS
Bouygues Telecom 200GB 17 € 99
Without engagement
Unlimited calls and SMS/MMS
100Mo 9 € 99
Without engagement
Unlimited calls and SMS/MMS
100Mo including 100MB abroad
20GB 19 € 99
Without engagement
Unlimited calls and SMS/MMS
20GB including 15GB abroad
50GB 24 € 99
Without engagement
Unlimited calls and SMS/MMS
50GB including 15GB abroad
130GB 24 € 99
Without engagement
Unlimited calls and SMS/MMS
130GB including 40GB abroad

All the offers B and you are 4G packages. To have access to 5G in France, customers can subscribe to a option has 3 € per month without obligation.

THE options extra :

  • Onoff : only for packages of more than 20 GB. With this service, customers benefit from a second number on the same phone to 3 €/month (The first month is offered). They can enable And disable This number to decide to be reachable or not
  • Norton :: anti-virus usable on 5 devices maximum 5 € per month, the first month is offered
  • B.TV : to access more than 70 channels VAT 6 € per month (the first month is offered). It is possible to subscribe to the option, uniquely For packages of more than 20 GB. Customers can then broadcast their programs on a plus big screen with a Chromecast or a googlecast.

All the options are without engagement and can be taken out or terminated at any time.

Find the B & You package adapted to your needs with our Papernest advisers

Announcement – Papernest Service Partner of Bouygues Telecom (number: 1064)

Find the B & You package adapted to your needs with our Papernest advisers

Announcement – Papernest Service Partner of Bouygues Telecom (number: 1064)

What are the offers of Internet box B and you ?

Today, it does not exist more Box B and you Internet. On the other hand, customers always have the possibility of subscribe an internet box Bouygues traditional.

here is a summary Bouygues Telecom Internet offers:

Comparison of Bouygues Telecom Internet offers

Offer Price Features
Bbox Fit Fiber € 31.99/month
1 year
Unlimited calls to fixes in France and more than 110 countries
Bbox Must Fiber € 41.99/month
1 year
Unlimited calls to fixed and mobiles in France, and to fixed to more than 110 countries
Bbox Ultym Fiber € 50.99/month
1 year
Unlimited calls to fixed and mobiles in France / Europe / Switzerland, and to fixed to more than 110 countries

Customers have several possibilities for go Internet at Bouygues:

  • Take steps online
  • Go to the shop the closest
  • To call Customer service at 3106 From Monday to Saturday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. or ask to be recalled for free

For subscribe A Bouygues Telecom Internet Box Traditional online, Here is the procedure to follow :

  1. Go to the site Internet of Bouygues
  2. Click on the section “Internet box“Above in the middle of the screen
  3. Compare The different offers
  4. Select “Choose this box»
  5. Indicate his address complete
  6. Add The basket box and follow the steps given by Bouygues Telecom

What are the advantages and differences between B and You and Bouygues ?

B & you is a Bouygues Telecom service that facilitates procedures for customers and to offer packages at a more price affordable.

The main differences Between Bouygues and B & You are:

  1. THE offers : B & You mainly offers offers without engagement and only mobile packages, while Bouygues Telecom markets both contracts with And without commitment. It also provides services such as television, L’Internet fixed and boxes 4G And 5g In addition to its mobile offers
  2. THE price : B & YOU offers are often less expensive than those of Bouygues Telecom.
  3. There network coverage :: B & you uses the Bouygues Telecom network, so the coverage network is here even for both.

Here is the list of benefits B & YOU:

  • 9 out of 10 customers have recommended The Bouygues Telecom network according to an ENOV study (Marketing Cabinet)
  • Follow its consumption of data and manage its account Since theClient area
  • Offers to low prices For more limited budgets
  • Possibility of termination at any time
  • Preferential tariff on the purchase of a phone
  • Subscription widely ease, Only just a few clicks

All the procedures related to B and you

How to access my account B and you?

There are several means ofto access to his account B and you:

  • On the website by Bouygues Telecom
  • On theapplication for mobiles

To be there connect, Just indicate your identifiers : mobile phone number or email address and password.

L’interface of the mobile application is complete To offer a large number of services to customers:

  • Access to invoices
  • Access to theassistance
  • Access to details of his package and at its consumption of data
  • To change tender
  • Buy A new smartphone
  • Messaging To contact customer service B and you
  • Add or delete options

She is available free on the app store and the Google Play Store.

Bouygues Telecom has produced a tutorial video that details features of the application:

How to subscribe a B and you ?

At the time of subscription, Customers can directly add at their basket a phone mobile in addition of their pack B and you. They will then benefit from a refund of a certain amount (depending on the model and package) on the price of mobile.

here is procedure to follow for subscribe A B -and -You Package online ::

  1. Go to the website by Bouygues Telecom
  2. Click on the section “B & YOU packages»
  3. Compare the available mobile plans
  4. Select “I want it»
  5. Add them options desired. This step is not not mandatory. To pass it, you have to click on “Basket»

For subscribe Any B and you package, just to inform ::

  • His name And first name
  • The number Rio (Operator identity statement, if the customer wishes to keep his number)
  • A Iban for the payment.

To get sound Rio (12 -digit operator identity statement) it is necessary to call THE 3179. It’s about a messaging vocal available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

How to change for a B and you package?

For to change package and go to a B & You offer, customers must first terminate their offer. Of the costs can apply if they are still committed. They will then have to adjust the totality of the amount of monthly remaining up to 12th month And 25% of 13th At 24th month.

From a traditional Bouygues package

If the customer possesses already a package traditional mobile Bouygues Telecom, to switch to a B and you subscription, he must take contact with Bouygues customer service by phone at 1064. The advisor will take care of all procedures Monday to Saturday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. On the other hand, it is impossible to make the change since thespace B and you “my account».

From a package from another operator

For to change operator and choose a package b and you, customers can achieve procedures ::

  • In shop with an advisor (if the supplier has one)
  • At phone To contact the customer service
  • Online on the operator’s website by clicking here

At a change For a B and You package, customers can keep their number telephone thanks to the portability. To do this, at the time of subscription, they will have to provide their Rio (Operator identity statement). In this case, they will not have no need to terminate with their ancient operator, the process will automatically.

On the other hand, those who wish to obtain a new number do not Nothing of particular to do. By subscribing without specifying their Rio, customers will receive a new number. However, they will have to watch out for terminate their package with their ancient operator beforehand.

How to terminate your B and you package?

Offers B and you are non -binding packages. Customers can then terminate at any time. However, costs of request of € 7.50 are still applied, even in case of force majeure.

There are many manners of terminate Its pack B and you:

  • Since theapplication for mobiles
  • Online : on the customer area “B and you my account”
  • In Appellant Customer service B and you
  • By writing a mail in registered letter

It takes a minimum of 10 days between the date of taking into account the request and the termination effective.

Refit from the application for mobiles

Since theapplication For mobiles, here are the steps to be continued :

  1. Click on the section “Lines” Then “You no longer need your line ?»
  2. Select the 5G or 4G package concerned by the request
  3. Choose “I no longer need my line»

Terminate from the B & YOU customer area

Since site Internet of Bouygues Telecom, here is the procedure to follow:

  1. Click on “to log in”At the top right of the screen and indicate its identifiers (mobile number or email address and password)
  2. Choose the section “my package”And the line concerned
  3. Select “You no longer need your line ?“At the bottom of the page then”terminate my line” and finally “I wish to terminate»


For terminate Its B and you package, it is also possible to take directly contact With a Bouygues Telecom advisor. The latter will take care of all procedures. The number to compose is the 1064 where the +33 660 614 614 from abroad. The service is available Monday to Saturday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. except holidays.


To terminate in writing, customers can send a mail Recommended by. They will have to specify their number of client reference as well as the contract concerned by the request. L’address To be indicated on the envelope is as follows:

Bouygues Telecom customer service
TSA 59013
60643 Chantilly Cedex

Contact customer service B and you

The possibilities to reach the customer service B and you are the same as for all Bouygues Telecom customers:

What is the customer service number B and you?

THE number customer service B and you is the even that for Bouygues Telecom. To be linked to an advisor, you have to deal with it:

  • 3106 For any information and helps subscribe to a B and you
  • 1064 For a question on an offer already subscribed
  • +33 660 614 614 from abroad

THE advisers Bouygues Telecom can be reached from Monday to Saturday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., except holidays.

Can we go to Bouygues store for its B and you package?

Customers have the possibility of going to shop Bouygues Telecom for all subscription Or request Regarding a B and you package. Subscribers can find the shop closest to their home from the Bouygues Telecom website. For that it is necessary :

  1. Click on the section “Our shops”At the top right of the screen on the Bouygues site
  2. Choose “be geolocated”Or indicate your address

Bouygues Telecom will then give the list of shops near theaddress complete to get there and the opening hours. It is even possible to make an appointment directly from this page. This will allow the customer to wait less for a long time the day they go to the store.

What are the online assistance services B and you?

In the event of a problem, customers can use theonline assistance B and you. To do this, just go to the Bouygues Telecom website, click on the section “Assistance“At the top right of the screen and ask your question. Otherwise, subscribers can browse the different themes To find answers to questions most posed by customers. The different categories are :

  • My box and my TV
  • My mobile
  • My offer and my bill
  • My 4G key

Customers also have a forum dedicated to users Bouygues Telecom and B and you. They can thus put their questions And they will get a answer of the others subscribers.

In just a few minutes, subscribe to a B & You package with Papernest

Announcement – Papernest Service Partner of Bouygues Telecom (number: 1064)

In just a few minutes, subscribe to a B & You package with Papernest

Announcement – Papernest Service Partner of Bouygues Telecom (number: 1064)


Which package B and you choose ?

To choose a package B & You, you must take into account its monthly use of data, d ‘calls, and of Sms To compare the different offers. Among the different offers available, the intermediate package is the Bouygues Telecom 100GO at 13 € 99 with unlimited calls and SMS/MMS.

What is the difference between Bouygues and B and you ?

B & You mainly offers offers without engagement and only mobile plans, while Bouygues Telecom markets both offers with And without commitment. It also provides services such as television, L’Internet fixed and boxes 4G And 5g In addition to its mobile offers.

Are there internet boxes B and you?

Today, there are no more boxes of boxes Internet B and you. On the other hand, customers always have the possibility of taking out a box Internet Traditional Bouygues ADSL Or Fiber.

Updated on July 19, 2023

Telecommunications and energy specialist editor

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