Free 3D and 2D plan software | Homebyme, the 16 best 2D or 3D architecture software free in 2023

The 16 best 2D or 3D architecture software free in 2023

Developed by Fly, a French furniture and decoration brand for the house, Caiclic software specializes in the Kitchen design. Rather fun and adapted to beginners, it offers a creation process based in many stages.

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A realistic images made on homebyme of a modern bathroom

A Realistic Images Made on Homebyme of A Hollywood Glam Luxury Gold Interior Kitchen

A Realistic Images Made On Homebyme of Hollywood Glam/Hollywood Regency Living-Room

A realistic images made on homebyme of a modern industrial kitchen

A realistic images made on homebyme of a modern child bedroom

A Realistic Images Made on Homebyme of A Mix Contemporary and Mid-Century Features

A Realistic Images Made On Homebyme of A Hollywood Glam Luxury Gold Interior Bedroom

A realistic images made on homebyme of an ethnic living room

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The 16 best 2D or 3D architecture software free in 2023

You are architect professional ? To carry out all your construction and renovation projects, have a good 2D or 3D architecture software is absolutely essential. However, at the start of your activity, it is rare to have an infinite extensible budget. Fortunately, many free and open source tools exist on the market ! But how to find the Free architecture software most suited to your needs ? Of the Simple tools to use to Modeling solutions more advanced, including mobile applications and energy performance calculators, we find today.

Need software for your quotes and invoices ?

So discover our complete selection of 16 best free 2D and 3D architecture software of the moment, with a description of their flagship functionalities !

What are the advantages of free architecture software ?

From The arrival of digital In the building sector, software has more and more features that can adapt to all professions. For architectures, the integration of 2D and 3D design has undoubtedly revolutionized their way of approaching their construction and development projects.

Thanks to a architecture software, The realization of the plans is not only simplified, but also allows the customer to get a more concrete idea of ​​the project. With a BIM software, In particular, it is possible to create 3D modeling more real than natural and to collaborate more easily with other stakeholders in a project.

Among the main features software for architect, we can cite :

  • Draw the 2D and 3D plans of a building by customizing the elements of each room such as the thickness of the walls, the ceiling height and the location of the windows.
  • Arrange the interior and exterior Housing from a catalog of furniture, coverings or decoration accessories for a rendering very faithful to reality.
  • Edit and develop the plans as many times as possible until the customer is fully satisfied with the project.

Depending on the tools, we can also find other interesting features : Calculation of energy performance, paint simulation or traced plans in a part automatically thanks to the smartphone camera.

Their complexity can vary a lot from one solution to another. It will then be up to you to choose according to your experience, as well as your needs in terms of technicality and of precision.

Top 16 best free 2D or 3D architecture software

It’s time to go in search of your future free architecture software ! Between handling, interface fluidity, features, mobile version, specialization, performance … We scrutinize the characteristics of 16 2D or 3D modeling software Among the most popular on the market.

1. Kozikaza, the software architecture free community

We start immediately with Kozikaza, a 2D and 3D plan software online for the house. Its small feature is its participatory approach : To have access to the tools, you must first register and join the 2 million members of the Kozikaza community.

The idea is to be able to share your experience on the design And development of a house with other Internet users. As an architect, it is advisable to opt for a professional account, which will give you access to specific features and a network of pros.

Kozikaza free architecture software

The software interface is pleasant, modern and easy to use. The design of the plans, via a drag and drop system, is organized around 3 main axes:

  • the drawing different elements of the rooms (walls, windows, stairs, etc.);
  • development and the arrangement of the building, playing on the floors, the height of the walls or the elevation of the doors;
  • the decoration from the inside with the addition of furniture and accessories among the abundant Kozikaza library.

At each stage, you will have access to a few well thought out functions, as the possibility of making the walls transparent, to alternate between 2D and 3D mode or to import the walls of an existing accommodation by simply entering the address. In short, a very well done modeling tool, both well suited to pros and novices !

2. Sweet Home 3D, for realistic and personalized plans

Sweet Home 3D is a Free architecture software dedicated to downloadable or accessible interior design. Created in 2005, this open source tool is now available in French and in 28 other languages.

From a blank or already existing plan, Sweet Home allows any novice to model accommodation easily. For this it offers various features, including those of wallpaper (Rights, rounded or under-lift), fromintegrate doors and windows thanks to a drag and drop system and Document the plan Using annotations, measures and symbols.

Sweet Home 3D

He also has a Catalog of objects fabric To add to the plan, classified by category: kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, living room … Each element is 100% customizable In terms of its color, texture, size, position and orientation. It is also possible to adjust details such as sunlight to create realistic images and videos.

As the design of the plan in two dimensions, the software displays 3D rendering in aerial view or in the Skin of a virtual visitor. You can then export your plans to PDF, in the form of vector and bitmap images, or in video format. Several plugins are also available if you want to have access to further features.

Regularly updated, Sweet Home therefore remains a reference in the world of 3D modeling !

3. Sketchup, free and intuitive 3D architecture software

We continue this quest for Best free architecture software sketchup. Originally, this online 3D modeling tool was published by the company Last Software before being bought by Trimble. It is suitable for all kinds of architectural projects: interior, exterior, houses, buildings, warehouses ..

Unlike more classic applications, Sketchup offers its users Design their plan directly in 3D. It provides various tools in order to work on the volume and shape of the object: extrusion, cutting, rotation, resizing, etc.

Free 3D architecture software sketchup

Once the plans have been traced, a development functionality allows you to enrich the appearance of surfaces in order to get as close as possible to reality. In particular, you can add furniture, household appliances and many decorative details. To do this, the tool is based on a large model library created internally or offered by other users.

Extremely easy to handle, sketchup puts everything on intuitiveness of his interface and his ease of use. Its purpose is to allow its users to visualize their projects by creating sketches quickly, without wasting time in frills.

4. QCAD, the CAD solution in free access

In the category of DAO solutions (Computer assisted drawing), or CAD (computer -assisted design), we find the software Qcad. Available in open source, it offers an excellent alternative to AutoCAD software, which is paid.

This 2D tool makes it possible to carry out Technical drawings such as building plans, mechanical parts, interior design, diagrams and diagrams. If it is rather intended for experienced users, its Intuitive and well thought out interface also makes it accessible to beginners. The latter will also be able to benefit from a support forum, and find many online tutorials.

Qcad 2D plan software

Fairly powerful, it has a beautiful palette of features that are adapted to a professional use. His library has more than 4800 CAD modules, 40 construction tools and 20 modification tools. Arcs, lines, circles, ellipses, polylignes … The palette of tools offers a wide variety of options in terms of forms, as well as the possibility of adding quotes, text and images.

File export is done in format Dxf And Dwg, Two very widespread formats in the Dao universe. The only downside therefore remains the fact that it is in English (know that a section of the forum is however dedicated to French speakers).

5. Archifacile, the one who is aptly named

You are looking for a fairly basic tool for the layout of the plans of a house or an apartment ? So Archifacile is for you. Available both online and for download, this software may be suitable for Mac and PC users, but also computers and tablets.

Despite its slightly interface Old School, This 2D architecture software has a panel of satisfactory features Given its free. After a quick registration, you can start drawing your plans immediately via its editing tool.


In a few clicks, you are in the process of wall, Add stairs, openings (doors, windows) and shutters. A library of objects also allowsArrange the interior of the parts with furniture, kitchen elements, cars for the garage, etc.

Archifacile also proposes to measure dimensions and put up freely. Finally, you can also Calculate the surface of the parts To plan painting work. Namely that the export of plans is done exclusively in PDF Format.

In summary, Archifacile is a practical and simple to use solution, ideal if you do not have big technical needs.

6. Blender, free architecture and 3D animation software

Difficult to miss Blender when you are interested in 3D modeling ! The story of this software is quite unusual: originally, Blender was a project to private financing, intended for marketing. When its design costs became too high for its publishers, Blender was sold to the open source community which completed its development.

Today, this 3D modeling and animation tool is one of the most efficient on the free access market. He easily competes with sector giants such as 3D MAX studio from Autodesk. If it is not specifically dedicated to architectural and development projects, many Professional architects use it.

Blender, software D

Very complete, Blender has several Modeling features like texture, 3D sculpture and Bézier curves, but also 3D animation including the Motion Blur and the Mapping. He also manages the treatment of lighting (ambient occlusion and radiosity), the Advanced creation of materials and video composition. We could continue for a long time !

It is important to note that Blender is an advanced modeling solution, which requires a advanced learning To take advantage of its features. It is worth it really, would only be for its rendering quality absolutely impressive. A real must !

7. Librecad, to carry out technical plans in open source

We continue this selection of the best free 2D or 3D architecture software with freecad. Librecad is a Dao open source solution making it possible to carry out technical plans, construction documents and buildings in 2D as well as diagrams.

This 100% free software is available in 30 languages including French and downloadable under Mac, Linux or Windows. It has a clear interface and rather simple to handle, where we find different tools to draw shapes and lines (circles, ellipses, segments, points, etc.), draw polynomial curves and create blocks.


A layer system Allows you to make different modifications on the plan and to alternate between the versions easily. Librecad manages the DXF format and offers to export files in BitMap (JPG, PNG) and vector (EPS) version.

Finally, the biggest asset in Librecad is undoubtedly its big community of users, who regularly exchange on the site forums of the site. A blog (in English) is also available, as well as many tutorials on the Net.

8. Caiclic, to draw kitchens with a click

Developed by Fly, a French furniture and decoration brand for the house, Caiclic software specializes in the Kitchen design. Rather fun and adapted to beginners, it offers a creation process based in many stages.

You will first have to Define the configuration of the room and position on the plane the openings and technical installations (water points, boilers, electrical sockets, etc.). The second step is to Choose the kitchen style Among the Fly catalog, following which software generates a 3D representation.


You can then proceed toAdding furniture and equipment, Always via the brand’s catalog of products. Finally, comes the stage of finishes, with the choice of floor covering and walls, worktops or handles.

At each stage, Caiclic provides instructions and explanatory videos to guide you. If you wish it, He then generates a quote in line with your project, which you can present in stores. Please note, Caiclic is not available online, you have to download it to your computer (Mac and PC).

9. Magicplan, free architecture software mobile version

A Free architecture software mobile version ? It’s done with Magicplan. This innovative application, available on the App Store and Google Play, allows you to create 2D and 3D plans, field reports and price estimates.

With its interface very modern And Simple to use, Magicplan blows a wind of renewal in the interior construction and renovation industry. In free version, the application offers multiple features, including that of raise the dimensions of a space Thanks to the camera of your smartphone.


To do this, it’s very simple: just position yourself in the center of the room with the phone and turn slowly on yourself. The application then generates the plans of automatic way. It is then possible to adjust the measurements, register annotations and add furniture to the sketches.

The export of plans is done in format Pdf Or Pje. Only downside, the files are marked with the Magicplan logo, which can only be disappeared by subscribing to the paying subscription.

10. CassSC, to calculate the energy performance of a building

Developed by the Incub agency, CassSC is the acronym for “simplified calculations of combined solar systems”. This free software not only allows Calculate energy performance of a construction, but also the savings following the installation of a combined solar system For its heating and hot water needs.

At first, it is necessary to describe the equipment and the building structure as much exhaustive as possible. From walls to ceilings, including the type of floor, the volume of surfaces (habitable or not), type of insulation or ventilation. It is also possible to enter external data such as altitude, geographic location and adjoining with another building.


In a second step, the software generates a full report on energy performance and the rate of greenhouse gas emissions. This report comes in the form of diagrams and of paintings quite detailed and is accompanied by recommendations on the potential for savings to be made by installing a combined solar system.

The very complete side of this energy calculation tool should be greet, but relatively complex for beginners. The interface suggests to the aesthetic level, and deserves a little fresh stroke.

11. Kozibox, the very precise energy calculation solution

We continue with Kozibox, software to simulate the heating and air conditioning consumption of a building. Let it be said frankly, a look at the outdated interface of the software is equivalent to a leap of 15 years back.

But if we go beyond this detail, we quickly realize that this Energy calculation tool is actually very complete and effective. Based on the various parameters that you will provide, it is thus able to provide Very precise results On the future possible consumption of a project.


Climate, volume of parts, ventilations, nature of materials, type of windows, walls and glazing, exposure, building orientation, internal charges .. many data are taken into account to calculate the performance as rigorous as possible. Kozibox then displays the results through various exportable graphics, and indicates the energy and power necessary for temperature regulation De the building.

There Free Kozibox version gives access to all software features, with the exception of data changes and only RT205 weather files. The price of the commercial version is 250 €, which remains reasonable.

12. Archimist, the 2 in 1 thermal simulation tool and 2D plans

Archimist is two-in-one software, combining two tools: the Creation of plans 2D and one Thermal simulator to optimize the energy performance of your projects.

During the creation phase, you can perform simple actions such as tracing walls, add openings or place boilers and ventilation mouths. The software manages Several floors By displaying each floor on a separate plane, but with the possibility of drawing the load -bearing walls simultaneously to save time.

Archimist software

For each element added to the plan, Archimist asks to indicate the material By choosing from a list. A color code is then attributed to each material in order to identify them more easily. Once the materials are on the plane, Archimist Calculates the energy balance sheet of the project and updates it in real time every change.

Two points of view are possible: one in “heating” mode displaying temperatures and powers, and the other in “ventilation” mode presenting the flows and rates. Collaborative, Archimist allows Share your projects to his employees by email and to activate the Writing mode so that they can directly edit the plan.

Archimist is available in free version, Although it is quite limited. To access more advanced features (such as the automatic quote generation), you will need to opt for one of the 3 paid plans (ranging from € 35.40/month to 149.52 €/month).

13. Floor Plan Creator, 2D free and 3D free architecture software on mobile

We are continuing this top of the best free 2D or 3D architecture software with another mobile application. Floor Plan Creator, only available on Google Play, allows you to easily design the 3D plans of accommodation.

Very precise, the application takes into account the floor dwellings. It is possible to draw parts by hand all forms (with straight walls) and automatically calculate surfaces. You can also furnish each room by drawing in the icons library application, add windows and doors.

Floor Plan Creator

Like its competitor Magicplan, you can Call a space Thanks to the camera of a smartphone by placing yourself in the center of the room and turning on yourself. The advantage is that there is not even need to Move furniture To get good results ! Floor Plan Creator then merge the plans of each room to generate the full house.

In summary, Floor Plan Creator is a Simple and efficient tool, which, without allowing very advanced use, makes the job very well.

14. Castorama, to easily calculate its material needs

Castorama, the famous DIY and housework brand for the house, has also developed a mobile app. Available under Android and iPhone, it is free and serves Calculate your materials in materials For construction work.

Painting, varnish, tiling, paving, woodwork, joints, slats, screws … Based on a Simple 2D plan that you will have created upstream, the application determines the exact quantity required. Do not worry about novices, the plan is very easily emerged using a intuitive interface.


Whether it’s repainting a room, placing a parquet floor, installing a hood or building a fence for your garden, The Castorama application will be able to advise you on many aspects of a project.

If it is rather intended for individuals, Professionals will also be able to find their account. Several tutorials in video format are also made available, as well as a QR code system and a Access to the online store To easily find the references of the materials.

15. Color Design of Tollens, the paint simulator

The last mobile application we are going to talk about is Color Design, created by the Tollens paint manufacturer. If Color Design is not a 3D design software properly speaking, it is a good addition to complete its case of architecture tools.

The principle of this color simulator ? Find it Ideal paint color As part of renovation and decoration projects. To do this, Color Design allows you to take a picture of a wall plot or a specific area, then identify the corresponding color benchmark among the tollens color chart.

Tollens color simulator

From there, Color Design then generates a list of Color suggestions in harmony with those of the photo. You will be able to test different atmospheres, play with the tones of a room and check the chromatic consistency before deciding.

Once the simulation is completed, it is possible to there share with its customers, employees or with its service provider if it is a private individual. Of course, Color Design then redirects its users to the Tollens store for the purchase of products. Very practical for its sites.

16. Draftsight, the professional 2D and 3D CAD solution

And finally, we finish with Draftsight, paid CAD software but offering a free trial of 30 days. Designed by the editor Dassault Systèmes, Draftsight is a very qualitative solution used by many architects, which is why we have considered it important to include it in this top.

If it can be suitable for neophytes, its advanced functions make it a tool more suitable for users with a little bottle. It will allow you to Carry out, modify and annotate technical building drawings thanks to a multitude of options.


Layer system, automatic quotes, script execution, management of dynamic blocks, cuts, thickness and various forms (arcs, polylines, etc.)… Its panoply of features is impressive.

A simple click allows Skip from 2D to 3D (and vice versa). The software also manages DWG files, converting DGN and BAK formats and importing PDF and SVG documents. Flexible, Draftsight is compatible with other Dassault System software.

After the free trial period, the subscription returns to $ 199/year. As long as you have the means, this remains advantageous in view of everything it allows to do.

So that’s for this selection. In light of this information, we hope you have been able to identify the Best 2D free architecture software Or 3D For Your Business. The advantage of gratuitousness is that it is possible to try these different tools without worrying about paying a subscription at high prices if you do not suit you. One last piece of advice to help you make your choice: take the time to have a good determine your needs and make a full list of the features you want first. Good research !

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