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Forum ● MG 4

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MG4 forum

Message by Tacot42 »Sept 14. 2022, 17:40

Pierrotdu35 wrote: I unfortunately fear that the goal is not to save the planet, but rather to make a maximum of money

Who ?
– The oil lobby was not done enough for 100 years on your back, you really support it ?
– What is your real driving experience of an electric vehicle ?

vony wrote: Xi Jinping wants the Silk Road.
Go west.
Back to the east to almost empty.

Xi Jinping wants what his people conquer by their will, their intelligence. Requirements that the Western world reputted and dominating for 2 centuries, sure of its fact, has clearly forgotten, like the Roman Empire, like the Ottoman Empire and those who followed completely collapsed.

I say and just affirm. Beware, protect yourself from your certainties. The future of your grandchildren will also be faced with India and Africa which will demographically dominate their century and more directly their immediate environment.

The world does not belong to the scope but to the conquerors, choose your comrade camp !

I wrote here very precisely about 10 years ago that the Chinese Empire alone formed 75 million academics per year, that is, much more than the Western USA included.
. it was laughing. “The Chinese do blablabla shit. We are the best for eternity blablabla

that’s it !, Beyond Wish and filth for Gogos Cretins, the Chinese have learned and can teach us today. luxury; innovation, construction, transport logistics..
The luxury industry is also refocusing there.

Sorry, I’m not anti-chinese or Asian racist, I am not in principle racist towards anyone deserving.

‘Part of the moderate message “

Saby .
Messages: 15699 Save: Jan 16. 2012, 20:19

Re: MG4

Message by Saby »Sept 14. 2022, 18:39

A con is assimilated to a stupid, naive or unpleasant person, do not generalize, all people who are not interested in battery cars, simply because they do not give a damn, cannot be con treat.

Thelastmohican .
Messages: 1165 Save: June 28, 2019, 12:23 Region : France – Franche -Comté Kind : HAS year : 1960 Special series: Outlaws
Made in Loulou

Re: MG4

Message by Thelastmohican »Sept 14. 2022, 18:48

Say owners of battery cars that don’t worry this shallot race ?
Do not keep them for too long the coast must tumble very quickly no ?
A current chignole at 30 40k how it will be worth in 5 years ?
In addition after 7 8 years must change the battery

Sent from my SM-M135F using Tapalk

Tacot42 Messages: 120 Save: June 25, 2022, 11:20 am Kind : TD

Re: MG4

Message by Tacot42 »Sept 14. 2022, 19:05

Saby wrote: a con

A con is assimilated to a stupid, naive or unpleasant person, do not generalize, all people who are not interested in battery cars, simply because they do not give a damn, cannot be con treat.

Yeah, I was not at the battery -est cars but to the whole rampant engineering, 1000 excuses I could have specified, I thought it was intelligible.

The battery car is only a negligible quantity of the overall synergy, which is not at all that’s all. I do not make a rule on it, I am just laughing at the comments without knowing and without knowing.

A car remains a car, an epicetous move.

You ride with what you want, for the moment there is no prohibition and your choice remains quite respectable. just like mine.

Jidé de Grasse .
Messages: 14746 Save: Oct 16. 2008, 3:07 pm Region : France – Paca Kind : Several year : 1960 Contact :

Re: MG4

Message by Jidé de Grasse »Sept 14. 2022, 19:14

ThelastMohican wrote: Say owners of battery cars that don’t worry this racing to the shallot ?
Do not keep them for too long the coast must tumble very quickly no ?
A current chignole at 30 40k how it will be worth in 5 years ?
In addition after 7 8 years must change the battery

You will not believe it Loulou, but for a little while – and given the conjuncture it’s not about to stop – the battery cars are practically as expensive as the purchase price (excluding help) at the end of a year or two. In question the shortage of new cars which causes an increase in the price (on Tesla is huge but it is Vria in all manufacturers), the delivery times that reach 10 months and the shortage of components that makes the new models can be less well equipped than the old
For batteries, you speculate. For the moment in view of the experience of previous generations, aging is much better than dreaded. Hence the stop of the rental of batteries which was practiced on Zoe for example (but not only)

The only thing that bored me is that the offer in Ve is exponential and that I made a choice that may prevent me from enjoying another nicer/efficient model.
Well it’s the same for the computers, at some point you have to get started otherwise you spend your life waiting for the next processor

10 years ago when I bought the 3008 hybrid, my father told me it’s too early, techno not mastered. No problem in 10 years. It is even I think the car with which we had the least problem since I buy cars I hope it will go the same with the ZS.

Thelastmohican .
Messages: 1165 Save: June 28, 2019, 12:23 Region : France – Franche -Comté Kind : HAS year : 1960 Special series: Outlaws
Made in Loulou

Re: MG4

Message by Thelastmohican »Sept 14. 2022, 19:58

If we take the example of the computer I changed every 6 months and I put 1000 CHF back for 4000 CHF machines . As a consultant I needed very efficient machines . For me a 2 -year computer is obsolete to see unusable
On the other hand, for a car the amounts are different and if the current coast is raised for lack of the deadlines not many people wants to change no ?
For the lifespan of the batteries am not convinced that after 10 years they are at the top
Especially with the innovations and hydrogen batteries which have much higher life durations. But the thing is that the battery does not repair and it’s 2/3 of the price
With a thermal car we had enough decline to assess the discount and everything could be repaired or almost

And there we did not address the charging times which should greatly improve
For me a 2022 battery car will no longer be worth anything in 2028 even before if the sellers manage to obtain their delusions their delusions

Sent from my SM-M135F using Tapalk

Arnaud .
Messages: 3354 Save: 21. 2004, 21:48 Region : France – Midi -Pyrénées Kind : F year : 2000 Special series: Donington 1.8i Contact :

Re: MG4

Message by Arnaud »Sept 14. 2022, 22:02

The fact that it is Chinese also bothers me. But this car I think will mark the real penetration of the European market by the Chinese.

Because beyond the price, it is the technical choices & design that are interesting. The electric productions of European manufacturers do not want. This MG on the other hand, it has a look.

Tacot42 Messages: 120 Save: June 25, 2022, 11:20 am Kind : TD

Re: MG4

Message by Tacot42 »Seven 15. 2022, 10:02

Jidé de Grasse wrote:
You will not believe it Loulou, but for a little while – and given the conjuncture it’s not about to stop – the battery cars are practically as expensive as the purchase price (excluding help) at the end of a year or two. In question the shortage of new cars which causes an increase in the price (on Tesla is huge but it is Vria in all manufacturers), the delivery times that reach 10 months and the shortage of components that makes the new models can be less well equipped than the old
For batteries, you speculate. For the moment in view of the experience of previous generations, aging is much better than dreaded. Hence the stop of the rental of batteries which was practiced on Zoe for example (but not only)

The only thing that bored me is that the offer in Ve is exponential and that I made a choice that may prevent me from enjoying another nicer/efficient model.
Well it’s the same for the computers, at some point you have to get started otherwise you spend your life waiting for the next processor

It is sure, there is currently an incredible avalanche of new models, the Paris Salon promises to be spectacular with new entrants.

Technology is improving every day all world researchers are on it, this is the new windfall.

No worries about batteries for decades, they do not slam, simply lose storage capacity.

1/ It is boring for the autonomy of a car if it is reduced to 75% after 15/20 years, but it is not damn and remains perfectly usable for years for storage in wall box , where the need for autonomy does not exist.

2/ Companies with repair techniques are gradually setting up, for the moment the need does not yet exist enough but in a few years there will be everywhere as demand.
Renovating a battery only consists of replacing modules or defective batteries easily detectable from a module by simple OBD reading, I already have access to ours.

It is much simpler and much cheaper than redo engines or boxes.

Nothing will therefore prevent the “standard exchange” or upgraded batteries, the technique is simple and less expensive. Everything suggests that they may in passing be upgraded with the constantly evolving components.

Your ZS2 could quite legally and easily have in 15 years much more autonomy than today, a load at 200 kW/h instead of 90 without any type modification.

We will only very rarely change a battery, even 20 years later, except shock of course. It is already super rare today on the 1st who are 10 years old and have suffered the 1st plaster.

Your ZS2 is at the top for the moment, it is clear technology is quickly outdated, but do not forget that your car is also “evolving” remotely by simple reprogramming, that the battery retains a hidden margin exploitable, that Electric motors A power margin.

Tesla has thus changed and improved its cars at a distance, increasing the autonomy and power of the TM3 SR+ basic from 286 hp to 325, the autonomy of 414 km to 455, or activating hidden functionalities such as rear seats and steering wheel. among others.

What a nice surprise to discover in the morning that her car was improved overnight

Our cars are scalable by wifi without the need to dismantle anything.

The latest Ryzen chips among others Tesla have a power and a speed of calculations infinitely higher than those of 3 years ago, in the best video game boxes.

Used in 10 years they will not be more or less exceeded by news than current thermal.
The second -hand market is never that of the latest technology.

The discount will exist as it exists for thermal.

Only the evolution of manners will really change. The instinct of “owner at all costs” is already evolving for cars among young generations.

Last modified by Tacot42 on Sept 15. 2022, 11:53, modified twice.

Jidé de Grasse .
Messages: 14746 Save: Oct 16. 2008, 3:07 pm Region : France – Paca Kind : Several year : 1960 Contact :

Re: MG4

Message by Jidé de Grasse »Seven 15. 2022, 10:33

I will revise the 1 year of the first ZS in a fortnight, the workshop told me about an hour, a little more if there is computer updates to do.
We will see the cost.

Tacot42 Messages: 120 Save: June 25, 2022, 11:20 am Kind : TD

Re: MG4

Message by Tacot42 »Seven 15. 2022, 11:45 am

The “camera” revision you mean

A priori if it’s like mine, you can take RV on the application and request the editing of the quote.

It consists in replacing the cabin filter, connecting the suitcase for the fixes and the deletion of any bugs, but that is normally gratos and the field of the warranty.

Just watch out for the windshield washer and brakes and signals the gold that you sign, because there they will try to catch up at 20 balls on 1/2 liter.

Revision up to 100 balls is acceptable.

Mine next month, full completed before if necessary, above 70 I yell. normally it’s 45 but we are not dogs either.

The 508 was 480 to 550 the simple revision each year . I spent barely half of that in 15 out of 15.000 km.

My assessment is simple:
15,000 in 508 per year = 1800 to 2000 fuel + 500 revision + large tires every 2 years + 500 insurance we largely exceed € 3000 + large discount.
15,000 per year = 350 of energy bounds in the way, 75 revision + small tires + 250 insurance, and no discount for the moment on the contrary. I can resell it above the new price today since it has increased by 2500 for 1 year of delay.

If I change it in a few months for an MG4 I will have lost anything at all.

For the moment I especially drove completely free

Jidé de Grasse .
Messages: 14746 Save: Oct 16. 2008, 3:07 pm Region : France – Paca Kind : Several year : 1960 Contact :

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