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Alliatys insurance of the Postal Bank: operation and guarantees

You wish terminate your Alliatys insurance contract ? Know that like any other banking institution, the postal bank is subject to the regulations and provisions defined by the Hamon law, the Châtel law and the insurance code. The reasons for requesting termination are very varied: moving, unemployment, retirement, marriage, divorce, death … If it is still possible, it is strongly recommended to wait for the end of the contract to terminate it. In this case, you will have to Send your request for termination by mail to the postal bank within 2 months Before the due date.

Alliatys insurance more

by LABAULE1960 »June 10, 2018, 10:45 am

BJR, my advisor informs me that my bank account has too much liquidity (this sum is blocked for x reason, the placements of defiscalized are on the ceiling).
In this case, the insurance of the postal bank will reimburse only 12,000 euros in the event of a claim.
Is there the possibility of having insurance that guarantees a higher ceiling ? thanks a lot

V [i] [i] an extract: below.
Guarantees* Alliatys Alliatys Plus and Alliatys Plus Children option SECURITY CHECKS € 12,000 per disaster and per year of insurance Cards Securite Cards SAFETY Payment without contact € 3,000 per sinister and per year of insurance € 600 per sinister and per year SAFETY Insurance Additional costs Landed to fraud on the Internet € 30 per claim and per year of insurance
€ 1,600 per year of insurance
– Species withdrawn with a Visa Premier bank card, Platinum and In fi nite: € 900 per disaster – for other withdrawals: € 500 per sinister – For personal effects: € 150 per sinister
€ 1,600 per year of insurance
– Species withdrawn with a Visa Premier bank card, Platinum and In fi nite: € 900 per disaster – for other withdrawals: € 500 per sinister – For personal effects: € 150 per sinister
€ 15,000 per claim and per year of insurance, after applying a deductible of € 300 per claim € 1,500 per claim and per year of insurance for transactions between individuals covered for the warranty after application of a franchise of € 300 per claim [/i] [/i]

LABAULE1960 Message (s): 7 Registration : June 10, 2018, 10:37

Re: Banque Bank Account Insurance

by Founderres »June 10, 2018, 11:23

First of all, you like to pay for nothing or to protect the risks of others.
– The Monetary Code for all risks Blue Card provides that only € 150 can be retained to you and still not in all cases, the bank must reimburse you in the month all the disputed flows, and there is no ceiling. It is daring to sell you a contract which only covers the risk of the bank and in addition with a ceiling.
– For direct debit, ditto, the bank must reimburse you all the direct debit which you would not have signed an authorization over the last 13 months, and without ceiling. For those with authorization, you have 8 weeks to request the refund if the amounts do not correspond to those expected.
This is the Monetary Code, so the bank has nothing to say, it is the law !

I think that your “advisor” that more must be the one who failed you these totally useless contracts must want to provide you with more investments to achieve its goals. It’s outright shameful to fuel these insurance !

Founderres Message (s): 2699 Registration : November 23, 2017, 4:54 PM

Re: Banque Bank Account Insurance

by maemor »June 10, 2018, 13:28

Labaule1960 wrote: BJR, my advisor informs me that my bank account has too much liquidity

I am not sure I understand your concern.
You have the right to leave € 12,000 on your account, and in the event of failure of your bank your deposits are guaranteed up to € 100,000.

Allyatis is an insurance that covers you in the event of a claim but is not linked to your deposits.
In fact I think that your advisor noted this (relatively) important sum on your account and wants to take all or part to offer you a placement.
It’s up to you to see if you can place this amount, if you don’t need it in the short term, and then see if you want to place it in your bank or. elsewhere.
Indeed, it is better not to place all its eggs in the same basket.

maemor Message (s): 814 Registration : March 10, 2017, 12:01

Re: Banque Bank Account Insurance

by Djmi »June 11, 2018, 09:49

Good morning,
Here you will find an info concerning the deposit guarantee: https: // .
Regarding, Alliatys Plus, I join Fredyerres in the sense that this insurance is not used for much, except maybe if you regularly lose your keys and papers at the same time as a means of payment, but you should know that this guarantee is limited by rising and per year of insurance ! Read the insurance manual well.
As for your liquidity on the account, you are entitled to do what you want. Your “Advisor” who is in fact only “saleswoman” tries to turn on a life insurance contract or other placement. Compare before signing because the postal bank is not in the lead in the insurance-life classification. Do a little search on the internet and you will see its classification, rather disastrous! And follow the Maemor council

Djmi Message (s): 253 Registration : January 23, 2018, 2:29 PM

Re: Banque Bank Account Insurance

by LABAULE1960 »June 15, 2018, 08:44

Alliatys insurance of the Postal Bank: operation and guarantees

Payment means - Alliatys insurance

Alliatys insurance is the solution offered by the postal bank to guarantee the protection against the loss or theft of your payment methods (bank card, checkbook, species, etc.), whether you use them in online or physical stores. What are the guarantees offered by Alliatys ? How and at what price can we subscribe to this type of insurance ? Here is everything you need to know about the Alliatys insurance of the Postal Bank.

Presentation of the Alliatys insurance of the Postal Bank

There are different means of payment to pay the purchase of a product or service. You can pay via Bank card, check Or cash… whatever the means of payment requested, no one is immune to theft or fraud and it is necessary to secure them optimally. It is with this in mind that insurance Alliatys was designed by the postal bank. This insurance solution has the main objective of Protect the insured in the event of theft or loss of their payment methods. In such circumstances, Alliatys then covers the clients of the postal bank having subscribed to the service.

For example, if a client provided by Alliatys has lost his bank card, has been robbed of his checkbook or was the victim of fraudulent acts on his bank account, he benefits from the guarantee offered by the insurance. Subscribing this insurance contract is particularly useful and practical at that time when attempted bank accounts in bank and fraud on a bank card are becoming more and more common on the web.

To ensure the Protection of bank cards, checkmen and even sums ofcash money To pay purchases online Or in physical stores and shops, It is therefore better to be covered by insurance like alliatys. It should be noted that the latter also protects your credit card and your checkbook owned in other banks than the Postal Bank, in particular: Crédit Mutuel, Caisse d’Épargne, Crédit Agricole, La Banque Populaire, BNP Paribas ..

Subscribe to the Alliatys insurance contract

As mentioned above, the Alliatys insurance service protects payment means such as the bank card, checks or species. But beyond providing protection against theft or loss, it also intervenes in different circumstances:

  • Piracy of bank accounts: If a third party ever manages to hack your account at Banque Postale and to steal your money, Alliatys insurance takes care of the reimbursement of the stolen sum by the thief. However, to take advantage of this reimbursement guarantee, the victim of the flight must have oppositionOn the means of payment dyears the maximum 48 hours according to its attack.
  • Flight or loss of your nomadic devices: the Alliatys Plus insurance insurance can partially cover you in the event of theft or loss of your mobile phone, tablet, laptop, camera and other nomadic product.
  • Flight or loss ofYour keys/papers: Alliatys means of payment insurance Plus also guarantees the protection of your keys and papers.

To subscribe to the Alliatys insurance contract, you should know that:

  • This postal bank insurance service is Accessible only in France.
  • From the opening from a bank account to the postal bank, whatever its nature, You have the opportunity to subscribe Alliatys means of payment insurance.
  • Before benefiting from the Alliatys insurance service, you must Conclude upstream a contract with the Postal Bank.

What are the guarantees offered by the Alliatys means of payment insurance ?

La Banque Postale offers two Alliatys means of payment insurance formulas:

  • The formula Iard Alliatys which is the classic insurance formula
  • The formula Iard Alliatys Plus which offers additional services to those offered by conventional insurance

The guarantees offered by insurance depend on the formula you have chosen.

Alliatys Classic: guarantees

Subscribing to the classic Alliatys insurance contract allows you to benefit from a number of guarantees, in particular:

  • There Guarantee Loss or theft of bank cards obtained from La Poste with a ceiling of 3000 euros per claim and per year of insurance
  • There Guarantee Loss or flight of checkbooks with a ceiling of 12,000 euros per claim and per year of insurance
  • There Guarantee of removed species Via bank card: The ceiling is 1600 euros per year of insurance (Visa Premier, Platinum, Infinite: € 900/claim, others: € 500/sinister)
  • Warranty Refund of fraudulent communications From the insured’s telephone device with an annual ceiling of 300 euros per claim.
  • Guarantees to legal protection and telephone legal information: the intervention threshold is 230 euros. As for the care and fees of professionals such as the lawyer, the bailiff, the ceiling is limited to 7650 including tax per claim in France.

In addition to these various guarantees, as a member of Alliatys you will be exempt ::

  • Opposition fees on checks or stolen or lost cards
  • Renewal costscredit card at La Poste in the event of theft or loss

Alliatys Plus: the guarantees

Alliatys insurance more already includes all these guarantees supporting the Alliatys Classic contract. But, it offers more guarantees, in particular:

  • A Loss or flight warranty cards or checks obtained with other banking establishments (Savings fund, BNP Paribas, Banque Populaire, Crédit Mutuel, Crédit Agricole, etc.))
  • A warranty in the event of Fraud to means of payment: Ceiling of € 15,000 per year and per claim (€ 1,500 in the event of fraudulent transactions between individuals), deductible of € 300/sinister.
  • A warranty in the event of Loss or theft of nomadic devices: capped at 150 euros per claim and per year of insurance.
  • Guarantee accidental death package: a lump sum capital of 2,500 euros in the event of accidental death of the customer provided by Alliatys.
  • A guarantee at the Identity protection.

What about Alliatys’ prices ?

The contribution rates depend on the insurance formula chosen: Alliatys or Alliatys Plus:

  • For the classic cover: the annual subscription is 24 euros for an individual account and 30 euros For a joint account.
  • Alliatys more: contribution rates are 37 euros/year for an individual account and 46 euros/year In the case of a joint account.

There is another insurance contract to which you can also subscribe: The Alliatys Plus Option Children. It covers the nomadic devices (telephone, tablet …) of your children. The contribution rates for this service are more important: 46 euros per year for an individual account and 55 euros per year If it is a joint account.

Termination of alliatys insurance contract: what are steps ?

You wish terminate your Alliatys insurance contract ? Know that like any other banking institution, the postal bank is subject to the regulations and provisions defined by the Hamon law, the Châtel law and the insurance code. The reasons for requesting termination are very varied: moving, unemployment, retirement, marriage, divorce, death … If it is still possible, it is strongly recommended to wait for the end of the contract to terminate it. In this case, you will have to Send your request for termination by mail to the postal bank within 2 months Before the due date.

If you cannot wait for your Alliatys contract to expire, you can terminate it at any time. Here’s how to proceed:

  1. Send a Termination letter by registered mailwith receipt at La Poste or call on your postal banking advisor. It is important to specify the Reason for your termination request.
  2. Do not forget to Join the copies of your identity document (s) at your request.
  3. If you have concluded an insurance contract for a joint account, each of the spouses must make a request.

Contact Banque Postale concerning information on Alliatys

Address : Alliatys means of payment insurance, 115 rue de Sèvres – 75275 Paris Cedex 06

Telephone: 3639 (available 7 days a week and 24 hours a day)

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