Fortuneo special offers, online scholarship with Fortuneo

Welcome to market access

Transfer all or part of your operations to Fortuneo and receive up to 100 € in vouchers For the use of the free neochange of fortuneo service.

Special offers

For a 1st opening of a deposit account with Fosfo Mastercard card, followed by 5 payments made using the card subscribed within 90 days maximum after effective subscription.

  • With the Operation code: Welcome

80 €
offered under conditions (2)

Gold CB Mastercard

For a 1st opening of a deposit account with Gold CB Mastercard card, followed by 5 payments made using the card subscribed within 90 days maximum after effective subscription.

  • With the Operation code: Welcome

Until 100 €
In vouchers offered under conditions (3)

Banking change of domiciliation

Transfer all or part of your operations to Fortuneo and receive up to 100 € in vouchers For the use of the free neochange of fortuneo service.

Life insurance

€ 100 offered under conditions (4)

Offer for a 1st membership in the Fortuneo Life life insurance contract*, € 100 offered for an initial payment of € 1,000.

Offer valid from April 17, 2023.

Membership of the Fortuneo Life contract implies a minimum of 30% of unit of account, which present a risk of capital loss.

  • With the Operation code: 100 with

80 € offered under conditions (5)

Offer for a 1st membership in the Fortuneo Life life insurance contract*, € 80 offered for an initial payment of € 300 minimum.

Membership of the Fortuneo Vie* contract* implies a minimum of 30%of unit of account which do not guarantee capital and are subject to fluctuations in the financial markets as.

  • Valid from 18.09.2023 At 31.10.2023
  • With the Operation code: Return2023

Sotck exchange

Brokerage costs on 100 orders offered under conditions (6)

Brokerage costs offered for a 1st opening or 1st transfer of an ordinary securities or a PEA or a PEA-PME.

Stock market investment includes a risk of total or partial loss of invested capital.

  • Valid from the 01.05.2022.

100% transfer fees reimbursed under conditions (7)

For a 1st transfer of an ordinary securities, a PEA or a PEA-PME with Fortuneo, Fortuneo reimburses you your cash transfer costs up to a maximum of € 2,000 for an account transferred from a minimum outstanding of € 5,000. Under conditions.

Stock market investment includes a risk of total or partial loss of invested capital.

(1) 30 € euros offered

  • For a first opening of an individual or attached deposit account with a bank card Fosfo Mastercard followed by 5 payments made by means of the subscribed card (subject to entering the operation code “Welcome”In the subscription file and acceptance of the request by Fortuneo).
  • For Fortuneo customers with an individual or joint deposit account having never been associated with a bank card, in the event of the first subscription of a Fosfo Mastercard bank card followed by 5 payments made by means of the subscribed card (under Reserve to enter the Operation code “Welcome”In the subscription file and acceptance of the request by Fortuneo).

The 5 payments to be made by means of the subscribed card must be made within 90 days maximum after the effective subscription of the card. Otherwise, the subscriber will not be eligible for the payment of the premium.

Subject to compliance with the conditions of the offer, the premium will be paid to the deposit account associated with the card no later than 30 days after Have made the 5th payment by means of the subscribed bank card.

In the case of a first opening of an attached deposit account with two bank cards, at least one of which is an Fosfo Mastercard and subject to satisfying the conditions of the offer, only one bonus of € 30 will be paid on The associated joint account within the framework of this promotional offer and the 5 payments required can be made by means of the two bank cards subscribed as part of the offer (except for customers holding an individual Fortuneo account).

Offer valid from 20/09/2022 and not cumulative with a sponsorship offer or any product subscription offer linked to the deposit account (excluding bank mobility offer) or any other bank card marketed by Fortuneo. The open deposit account and the card subscribed to Fortuneo as part of the offer must be kept for at least one year. Otherwise, Fortuneo, even if the latter is at the initiative of the closing of the account and/or the card, reserves the right to levy the amount corresponding to the premium paid on the said account. Offer reserved for major natural persons, acting for their non -professional needs exclusively, excluding Fortuneo employees.

Fortuneo reserves the right to modify, suspend or end the offer at any time subject to the dissemination of prior information, within a reasonable time, on the pages of the Fortuneo site.en calling on the offer.

(2) 80 € euros offered

  • For a first opening of an individual or attached deposit account with a bank card Gold CB MasterCard followed by 5 payments made by means of the subscribed card (subject to entering the operation code “Welcome”In the subscription file and acceptance of the request by Fortuneo).
  • For Fortuneo customers with an individual or joint deposit account having never been associated with a bank card, in the event of the first subscription of a Gold CB Mastercard bank card followed by 5 payments made by means of the subscribed card ( Subject to entering the Operation code “Welcome”In the subscription file and acceptance of the request by Fortuneo).

The 5 payments to be made by means of the subscribed card must be made within 90 days maximum after the effective subscription of the card. Otherwise, the subscriber will not be eligible for the payment of the premium.

Subject to compliance with the conditions of the offer, the premium will be paid to the deposit account associated with the card no later than 30 days after Have made the 5th payment by means of the subscribed bank card.

In the case of a first opening of an attached deposit account with two bank cards, at least one of which is a Gold CB Mastercard and subject to meeting the conditions of the offer, a single bonus of € 80 will be paid On the associated joint account within the framework of this promotional offer and the 5 required payments may be made by means of the two bank cards subscribed within the framework of the offer (except for customers holding a Fortuneo individual account).

Offer valid from 20/09/2022 and not cumulative with a sponsorship offer or any product subscription offer linked to the deposit account (excluding bank mobility offer) or any other bank card marketed by Fortuneo. The open deposit account and the card subscribed to Fortuneo as part of the offer must be kept for at least one year. Otherwise, Fortuneo, even if the latter is at the initiative of the closing of the account and/or the card, reserves the right to levy the amount corresponding to the premium paid on the said account. Offer reserved for major natural persons, acting for their non -professional needs exclusively, excluding Fortuneo employees.

Fortuneo reserves the right to modify, suspend or end the offer at any time subject to the dissemination of prior information, within a reasonable time, on the pages of the Fortuneo site.en calling on the offer.

(3) Conditions in force on January 01, 2023. Up to 100 € offered in vouchers for the use of the free neochange of fortuneo service:

  • € 100 in vouchers offered for the transfer of all of your operations as part of the signing of a mandate of banking mobility and for which Fortuneo has been able to contact at least one debit or recurrent transmission transmitter organization
  • 20 € offered in vouchers for each transfer or withdrawal repatriated from Fortuneo via the “Transfer certain operations” module within the limit of 100 €.

The offer is limited to € 100 per account and per customer.

The amount granted is to spend in vouchers, from 10 to 70 € depending on the signs from the Partner E-merchants to choose from. The vouchers are issued in the form of gift codes (e-card gift) usable from partner brands within 3 months maximum after the effective date of the transfer of. Each code is valid for 1 month from the date of its order on the gift space.

Subject to compliance with the conditions of the offer, an email will be sent to the Customer by the company ISIFID (provider of the gifts gifts) via the Fortuneo domain name.en to allow the customer to access the interface allowing to choose the right ones.

Isifid is a simplified joint -stock company with a capital of € 222,222 registered in the RCS de Paris under number 834 210 312.

Fortuneo reserves the right to modify or interrupt this offer at any time, subject to a reasonable notice.

(4) Offer valid for a 1st membership in a Fortuneo Vie life insurance contract* received from 17.04.2023 (the membership file with Operation Code “100 BetTO” to be complete and received at the latest within 4 weeks from the request, the date of receipt of the complete file being proof). € 100 offered for an initial payment of € 1,000. Accessible in mandate management and free management.

Membership of the Fortuneo Vie* contract* implies a minimum of 30% of units of account which do not guarantee the capital paid and are subject to the fluctuations of the financial markets upwards as.

Offer not cumulative with the current sponsorship offer limited to an offer per person. Payment of the premium no later than two months after receiving the membership file to be complete. The date of receipt of the file being proof. Provided that the member holds a bank account or a cash account at Fortuneo, the premium being paid on one or the other of these accounts, and subject to compliance with the conditions of the offer on the date of the payment of the bounty. The premium paid is necessarily that proposed on the date of receipt of the membership request. If the Customer retracts or completely bought his Fortuneo Life life insurance contract* during the 12 (twelve) months following his opening, Fortuneo reserves the right to take from the associated bank account the amount corresponding to the premium of which he benefited as part of the commercial offer.

Fortuneo reserves the right to interrupt or modify the offer at any time for compliance with reasonable notice and prior information on its Fortuneo site.Fr.

(5) Offer valid for a 1st request for membership of a Fortuneo Life life insurance contract, received between September 18 and October 31, 2023 (the membership request file with Operation Code “Returned2023” having to be complete and received at the latest on the 31st.10.2023, the date of complete dudossier receipt being proof). 80 € offered for an initial payment of € 300 minimum. Accessible in mandate management and free management.

Membership of the Fortuneo Vie* contract* implies a minimum of 30% of units of account which do not guarantee the capital paid and are subject to the fluctuations of the financial markets upwards as.

Offer not cumulative with the current sponsorship offer limited to an offer per person. Payment of the premium no later than 15.01.2024, provided that the member holds a bank account or a cash account at Fortuneo, the premium being paid on one or the other of these accounts, and subject to compliance with the conditions of the offer on the date of Payment of the premium. The premium paid is necessarily that proposed on the date of reception of the membership request. If the Customer completely bought his Fortuneo Life life insurance contract* during the 12 (twelve) months following opening, Fortuneo reserves the right to take from the associated bank account the amount corresponding to the premium from which he benefited in the commercial offer.

(6) Brokerage fees offered on 100 orders with an amount less than or equal to € 10,000 in order for a 1st opening or a 1st transfer to Fortuneo of an ordinary securities or a PEA or a PEA-PME from May 1, 2022. The exemption of brokerage costs will relate to the orders executed (excluding OPC, SRD costs, postponements and tax on financial transactions) and will be valid for a period of two months following the date of account opening on the listed values On Euronext and Equiduct Paris, Brussels and Amsterdam. Offer valid subject to receipt of a complete opening or transfer request file, and acceptance of the opening or transfer request by Fortuneo. The account opened or transferred to Fortuneo must be kept for at least a year. Otherwise, Fortuneo reserves the right to collect the brokerage costs initially exempt from the species attached to the ordinary securities account, the PEA or the PEA-PME concerned. Offer exclusively valid in France. Fortuneo reserves the right to interrupt the offer at any time for compliance with reasonable notice and prior information on Fortuneo.Fr. Only one offer per person. Offer cumulative with the current sponsorship offer, the reimbursement offer for stock market transfer fees and possibly any other promotional offer mentioning it.

(7) Offer valid only for a 1st transfer to Fortuneo of an ordinary securities and/or a PEA and/or a PEA-PME from May 1, 2022. Refund for an amount equivalent to your transfer costs within the following limits: up to € 2,000 for an account transferred from a minimum outstanding of € 5,000 (securities + cash), € 150 maximum for a transfer of a outstanding between € 3,000 and € 5,000 (titles + species) and € 100 maximum for an account transferred from an outstanding less than € 3,000 (titles + species). Offer valid subject to receipt of a complete transfer request file no later than 8 weeks after the transfer to Fortuneo of the ordinary securities account and/or a PEA and/or a PEA-PME (date of Reception of the complete file by post or electronic route being proof) and acceptance of the request by Fortuneo. Proof of the costs incurred by the transfer of account must be received at the latest within 3 months of opening the account at Fortuneo. In the event of a simultaneous transfer of one or more ordinary securities and a PEA and/or PEA-PME, the reimbursement of transfer fees will be applied to the accounts transferred up to a limit of € 2,000. Whatever the number of accounts transferred, the “transfer fees reimbursed in cash up to € 2,000” is limited to € 2,000 per person per person. You will need to keep the accounts transferred to Fortuneo for a minimum of one year from the date of effective transfer to Fortuneo. Otherwise, Fortuneo reserves the right to levy the costs initially reimbursed on the species account attached to your ordinary securities account, the PEA or PEA-PME concerned. Fortuneo reserves the right to refuse an account opening and/or account transfer. Fortuneo reserves the right to interrupt the offer at any time for compliance with reasonable notice and prior information on Fortuneo.Fr. Cumulative offer with the current sponsorship offer, the 100 orders offered and possibly any other promotional offer mentioning it. Offer valid exclusively in France.

(*) Fortuneo Vie is a multi-support group life insurance contract managed by Suravenir, a company governed by the insurance code and distributed by Fortuneo.

The key to the Fortuneo Vie information document contains the essential information of this contract. This document is available on, with Suravenir or by going to the Suravenir site.Fr.

Fortuneo is a commercial brand of Arkéa Direct Bank. Arkéa Direct Bank, a public limited company with board and supervisory board with capital of 89,1952 euros. RCS Nanterre 384 288 890. Headquarters: Ariane Tour – 5, Place de la Pyramid 92088 Paris La Défense. Insurance broker No. ORIAS 07 008 441 – Postal address: Fortuneo – TSA 41707 – 35917 Rennes Cedex 9.

Advertising document without contractual value.

Welcome to market access

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Track record

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Markets: analysts’ opinions (‘update’)

The value of the day at Wall Street – Ford benefits from progress in the negotiations with the UAW automotive union

(AOF) – Ford (+3.20% to 12.59 dollars) signs the second highest increase in the S & P500 index at mid -session after Reuters reported “real progress” in negotiations with the union of.

The values ​​of the day in Europe – Dutch banks will see their taxes increase

(AOF) – ABN Amro and ING lose respectively 3.88% at 13.13 euros and 5.09% at 12.50 euros and thus closes the ax index. Dutch banks are under pressure following the approval.

The value of the day in Paris – Ubisoft strongly increased: the agreement with Activision in very good track

(AOF) – If the markets have known a heckled week, Ubisoft accumulates good news. The action of the video game publisher (+3.51% to 29.17 euros) displays the highest increase in the SBF 12 index.

To be continued today. It link

(AOF) – In the first half of 2023, the IT Link group indicates that EBITDA believes +8.6% compared to the same period in 2022 to 3.5 million euros. Operating profit represents 7.6% of the figure.

To be continued today. Eramet

(AOF) – Following the unilateral offer received from Enterprises on July 25, 2023 for the acquisition of 100 % of the actions of Eramet Titanium & Iron (“ETI”), Eramet announces that it has given up its subsidiary Norvégie.

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Real -time courses in Euronext Paris indices and values. Delayed courses at least 15 minutes in all other places (Brussels, Amsterdam, Nasdaq, Nyse, Amex, Frankfurt and London).
Data relating to stock market courses and estimates on Fortuneo sites and applications are provided by FactstSet.

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