Follow your train in real time on our app | Trainline, a real -time card of all trains in France | Kelbillet

A real -time map of all trains in France

A new screen also makes its entry on our application: you can now see the progress of your journey, also updated live, as well as the various stops. You will know the exact hours of arrival and departure of each stop and will be able to notify your loved ones who await you at the station in case of delay.

Real time is on our mobile application

We definitely delay the vagaries of direct on our mobile application (Android and iOS). A time on time for your departure on vacation, we give you the information in real time directly in the hollow of your hand.

Let’s go together the owner to discover this new feature, which you may have already experienced on the rails.

Right time on your mobile

So far, you have learned the starting route and any delays or deletions by the familiar voice of Simone when you arrive at the station. You were probably reaching out, trying to distinguish if the way mentioned was B or D, while railing against the noisy group of pre-adolescents leaving in a summer camp, whose palpable excitement covered the announcements of the announcements.

Some of you went so far as to seek the cause of the delay on Twitter, peeling #LT waiting at the station. For the most informed of you, you opened the SNCF application, especially if you had bought your tickets from us with your traveler card.

But on this day before on vacation, often synonymous with agitation and stress, you will no longer need to open two applications, nor to make auditory gymnastics in the station, nor to fold your eyes to see the number Display route. Just open our application to get all this information in the blink of an eye. We are also the only ones in France to offer both to booking all the SNCF journeys in France as well as their real time monitoring. Prem’s !

First on the info

We have joined information at all stages of the reservation. You will therefore find the way, the timetables updated in real time and the mention of deleted trains on the screen of your ticket of course. We have also thought of the late -minute reservations followers, indicating this information on the search screen and from the placement options.

Corrected hours are therefore displayed in red, just below the scheduled schedules, directly in the application. You also get your updated correspondence time in the event of a train change. You therefore know when you get closer to the controller if the correspondence turns out to be too just because of the delay.

A new screen also makes its entry on our application: you can now see the progress of your journey, also updated live, as well as the various stops. You will know the exact hours of arrival and departure of each stop and will be able to notify your loved ones who await you at the station in case of delay.

SNCF in advance on its time

For the moment, SNCF is the only carrier that offers us its traffic in real time. We raise the news of the live SNCF trains in the application, as soon as we receive them, on all the TGV, TER and intercités journeys.

We also offer real time on Thalys and Eurostar trains, but only from France. We hope very hard to be able to offer it soon from all the stations on the other side of our borders, whether you start from Belgium, the Netherlands or England.

And under the hood ?

The most insightful of you saw that we have joined the live information in two stages: delays and cancellations arrived during a first update of our application in early June. Our latest Android and iOS version, very fresh, also offers you access to the tracking screen for your trip.

In our backstage, the integration of real time on our applications was more complicated than a simple cable connection: at SNCF, delays and deletions of trains are on two different APIs. It was therefore necessary to orchestrate our API, which offers timetables and prices, with the two SNCF APIs for real time, so that all the information is in one and the same place, without Cahin Caha. In short, our engineers had to do a sleight of hand in our connections to coincide the scheduled schedules at the times update live and the deletions. You only see fire, and everything goes back to the same place, each delay in its place.

What’s new on Android ?

If you use our Android application, you are already familiar with the delay notifications sent to your mobile. You therefore read the previous lines of a circumspect eye, asking you why we do such a pataquès for this real time. Rest assured, we are not going to try to make you believe that Apple patented delays.

As we have changed our way of connecting to this information provided by the SNCF, the operation of the delay in our Android back-shop is no longer quite the same. You therefore always receive these notifications, but they come from a different source. With the added bonus, this information directly in the application, you are ready for any eventuality.

Crash test

All direct knows its slippages and failures. Unfortunately, we do not necessarily control them, and these are the limits of the direct. The information we push on real time is sent to us by the SNCF, but it happens, however, that this data is not up to date, or that they never even arrive at us. Also, as we learn from an ancestral Chinese proverb, it is better to check your track number twice rather than staying on the (bad) quay.

A real -time map of all trains in France

On the same principle as Flight Radar, this developer has created a real -time map of trains circulating in France !

An interactive and very intuitive map

Nicolas Wurtz, an employee of SNCF Réseau, created this interactive card. To design it, it has Used the data made available by the SNCF via its API (an online interface allowing to connect two IT services between them).

Thanks to this data, Nicolas Wurtz’s card resumes The real -time location of trains circulating throughout France. We can also consult the scheduled schedules on their routes, any delays as well as the gear speed.

Thus, at an instant T, it is possible to see how many trains circulate on the network, their type (incredible TGV, intercités, ouigo, ter or transiliens) and even how delayed or deleted are deleted. For example, when writing this article, there are 503 trains in circulation, including 35 delayed and 13 deleted.

The use of the card is very intuitive. Just click on the small colored signs on the card to have the information on the train. TGV appear in purple, TER and intercités in blue and transilians in green. Delayed trains appear in yellow.

Also, if you have to go get someone at the station, you can consult in a few clicks where his train is and if he is late !

An uneven rail network between Paris and the rest of France

Looking at this card, we quickly notice the difference between rail traffic in the Paris region and in the rest of France. Indeed, Paris is covered with small green bookmarks while the rest of the country has only a few blue or purple bookmarks.

We measure the effort to be made to develop RERs in French metropolises !

If this card makes you want to take the train, come and get the low prices, as well as the transport alternatives Thanks to the KelBillet multi-transports search engine !

Photo credit: Carto site screen

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