Fiber socket: how to recognize them and find the reference?, Optical fiber sockets: how to recognize them and differentiate them?

Optical fiber sockets: how to recognize them and differentiate them

Visually, The coaxial wall socket is square and white, like the fiber ftth socket. On the other hand, unlike his counterpart, the coaxial taking includes One or various small circular holes where it is possible to connect the coaxial cables. In this way, the connection can be established between a data source and a television decoder. To bring fiber optics through these coaxial walls, users can subscribe to an optical fiber subscription by opting for a PTO socket installation.

Fiber socket: how to recognize them and find the reference ?

Recognize fiber take and reference

To find out if housing is connected to optical fiber, consumers can in particular Identify any taking present at their home. Indeed, beyond the cables located outside the home, the sockets make it possible to bring the connection to the accommodation. As such, different types of sockets exist, for various types of technologies. Quite obviously, it is normal that users are unable to differentiate them.

In order to be able to better identify the different sockets, it is therefore necessary to know the technologies being linked to it and their operation. In this way, users can more easily know if the connection to the fiber optic is necessary. In the same way, consumers can have an idea of ​​the type of fiber optic technology required.

  • There are different walls for optical fiber.
  • The reference number allows them to be identified and differentiate them.
  • These references are generally found on the PTO fiber housing.
  • Depending on the type of taking, your fiber eligibility will be different.
  • The different types of wall sockets for optical fiber
  • FTTH optical fiber intake, how to recognize it easily ?
  • Know if accommodation is equipped with a FTTLA fiber socket
  • Reference numbers for fiber optic sockets to identify them
  • I can’t locate fiber socket at home: what to do ?
  • The procedure for making an optical fiber eligibility test
  • Formulate an application for installation of optical fiber for accommodation

The content of this page was verified by an editorial expert on the date of 02/23/2022

The different types of wall sockets for optical fiber

Users can come across different types of wall sockets for fiber optics. So, Housing can host two types of sockets, FTTH and FTTLA in particular. FTTH technology is certainly the most widespread and effective in terms of connection performance. On the contrary, the FTTLA fiber is much less powerful, with different technology. These two means of obtaining fiber optics are remarkable for their wall socket which is significantly different. Indeed, the wiring is not quite the same. Zoom on the differentiating aspects of fiber optic sockets.

Fiber -taken differences

Fiber walls are different depending on technology and have a reference number.

FTTH optical fiber intake, how to recognize it easily ?

FTTH fiber technology implies a connection by the optical terminal socket, or PTO. More concretely, this isA white and square wall outlet located inside the house. In the case of an apartment, it is possible that the fiber intake is in the technical cabinet located upstairs of the accommodation, therefore outside the apartment. The wall housing housing the fiber socket has different optical connectors where the fiber housing can be connected, also called have (Optical Network Termination).

Afterwards, It is the fiber housing that makes the connection between the fiber optic connection and the internet box of the accommodation. In the same way, it is the case that transforms the light signal into an electric signal. In other words, fiber intake presents itself as the last part of the fiber optic network. Optical fiber socket is therefore located between the operator’s access network and the local network.

As a rule, the accommodation is already equipped with an FTTH fiber socket if the former occupants have already made the connection. As such, All housing built after 2012 must normally be equipped with a fiber optic socket. When this is the case, the installation of the fiber optics is therefore much faster, since the technician is content to set up the fiber network of the chosen access provider.

Fiber Internet Subscription

Read also Fiber Internet box: comparison of very high speed FAI offers

Know if accommodation is equipped with a FTTLA fiber socket

Unlike FTTH fiber socket, The FTTLA fiber socket does not allow the connection directly to the accommodation. In fact, most of the time, the fiber optic connection stops outside the building, in the street. As a rule, this type of fiber intake is therefore present in individual houses.

The functioning of the FTTLA socket is quite complex: A coaxial cable connects the fiber from the housing located outside the accommodation to the interior of the home. The cable used is the same as for receiving a TV signal by the cable, namely the TNT cable. Coaxial walls are therefore necessarily present in the accommodation that receives television by the cable. In other words, the coaxial wall outlet is not a fiber socket, but it can be used to bring fiber optics to accommodation if necessary.

Visually, The coaxial wall socket is square and white, like the fiber ftth socket. On the other hand, unlike his counterpart, the coaxial taking includes One or various small circular holes where it is possible to connect the coaxial cables. In this way, the connection can be established between a data source and a television decoder. To bring fiber optics through these coaxial walls, users can subscribe to an optical fiber subscription by opting for a PTO socket installation.

The THD fiber (fttla or fttb) is only offered by SFR and Red by SFR

Note that at present, almost no ISP offers a fiber subscription to FTTLA. In reality, Only SFR and Red by SFR market fiber subscriptions THD (FTTLA and FTTB). The users concerned by this type of fiber are therefore forced to turn to the operator with a red square.

Reference numbers for fiber optic sockets to identify them

All optical walls have a single reference number, which allows them to be identified among all the others. Coaxial sockets do not have such a reference, given that they are not normally dedicated to optical fiber. This reference, represented by a series of figures and letters, is particularly useful for consumers who have just arrived in housing. Internet service providers actually require the number to be able to identify the fiber taking to operate.

In order to be able to identify each wall optical fiber socket, users can therefore refer to The unique reference located on PTO boxes. Most of the time, the references are made up of numbers and letters and can have more or less characters.

Here are some examples :

  • Xxxxxxxx-xx-xx;

Consumers must ideally try to identify the reference of their fiber taking. As part of a new subscription to a fiber optic subscription, users must effectively specify the continuation of figures and letters in the registration form. The reference therefore presents itself as essential data that it is necessary to take a picture as soon as possible to be able to communicate it later without wasting time.

Transfer Internet Offer and Moving

To read also move and internet box: what steps to take ?

I can’t locate fiber socket at home: what to do ?

As previously mentioned, all the accommodation built after 2012 are equipped with a fiber optic socket. Nevertheless, most dwellings have been built long before, thus involving that certain dwellings are not equipped with a fiber socket. In this case, The accommodation may not be eligible for fiber. Otherwise, it may then be necessary to Do minor work to install an adequate wall outlet. In any case, users must go through eligibility tests.

The procedure for making an optical fiber eligibility test

If consumers fail to find a fiber optic socket at home, it is advisable to wonder whether the accommodation is eligible for this technology or not. This is why the reflex to be adopted in this situation is to take part in an eligibility test. The latter can be done very simply online, via the various network operators available on the market.

More concretely, here is how to proceed:

  1. Go to the website of the Internet access provider chosen;
  2. Access the eligibility test page;
  3. Introduce the requested information, namely the postal address and the fixed line number;
  4. The test result announces the eligibility or non-eligibility of housing.

Note that consumers have every interest in Perform this test at all operators. Indeed, certain areas are not covered by all networks of Internet access providers. For example, a building can be equipped with an orange fiber optic network, but not in a free network.

Afterwards, The result will determine the procedure for consumers. In the event that housing is not eligible for optical fiber, users can turn to an ADSL Internet subscription. The performance of this technology is far from exceeding the fiber, but the flows are still acceptable. In addition, users can also turn to a 4G box. Here, it is the 4G network which serves as an internet connection for all the accommodation, provided of course that the area is sufficiently covered.

Finally, in the event that the accommodation is actually eligible for optical fiber, but there is no wall socket in the house, Consumers can request installation. Note that this intervention can sometimes be paid.

Carry out a test D

Read also internet eligibility test fiber, ADSL and 4G box: how to do ?

Formulate an application for installation of optical fiber for accommodation

Once users have done their eligibility test, and the latter has proven to be positive, an installation request should be made. This is to be carried out directly with the selected Internet service provider. As such, many offers are available, sometimes with fully free fiber installation fees. Consumers can request as soon as they wish so that they can take advantage of the best internet box offers on the market.

If a socket has been identified, the only approach to follow is to provide the reference of the catch, as previously mentioned. Otherwise, users must then request the installation of an optical fiber socket, as well as the implementation of a PTO case.

Minor work is then to be considered by the inhabitants of housing, which involves other additional steps depending on the situations. Tenants must, for example, request the authorization of their owner or the real estate agency in charge of the apartment or the house. In all cases, if the accommodation is in a building, it is also necessary to turn to the condominium trustee in order to request authorization.

Connect house or fiber optic apartment

Also read how to install fiber or request the connection of a accommodation ?

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Optical fiber sockets: how to recognize them and differentiate them ?

All about fiber optic sockets

When subscribing to a fiber internet subscription, the PTO box number, namely the fiber socket, is requested in order to be able to identify it. This issue is not essential but can facilitate the installation of its internet box. If the fiber socket is not installed, the operator will have to connect your accommodation to fiber via the installation of this box.

Two types of sockets connect the fiber accommodation:

  • Optical walls.
  • Coaxial walls.
  • What are the different existing fiber optic walls ?
  • Easily recognize a fiber optics fiber
  • How to recognize a FTTLA coaxial fiber socket ?
  • What are the fiber optic plugs ?
  • What to do if I don’t have a fiber socket ?
  • How to know if my accommodation is eligible for fiber ?
  • Make a request to install the fiber in your home

The content of this page was verified by an editorial expert on the date of 06/12/2022

Many indicators validate that a home is equipped with fiber optics. This is particularly the case for fiber sockets, part of the material elements necessary for the good conduct of the network within its home. There are different types of fiber sockets with which a user can be confronted.

How to differentiate between these ? What are their goal and their operation, and finally, how to proceed if the accommodation is not connected to the fiber optics ? Small tour in the big fiber dictionary.

What are the different existing fiber optic walls ?

It exists today Two architectures of “fibrage” in French housing ::

  • fiber to the subscriber or fiber to the home (FTTH);
  • Fiber with coaxial ending or fiber to the last amplifier (fttla).

Optical fiber sockets

What are the different types of fiber optics ?

FFTH technology is more recent and gradually replaces FTTLA technology. The big difference between FTTH fiber and FTTLA fiber is the power of the Internet flow. Indeed, although the two technologies offer very high speed connections, the flow can vary enormously between the two standards.

FTTLA fiber is deemed to be less powerful that his sister. Each type of fibration has a different socket. Here are some tips for making the difference between these two fiber offices available.

Easily recognize a fiber optics fiber

With FTTH fiber, the connection is via An optical terminal plug also called PTO or even optical termination point in technical jargon. This square and white socket is generally located inside the accommodation concerned. In an apartment, it can be in a technical cabinet itself located upstairs of the apartment in question.

Also called optical wall socket, it materializes by a wall box. The latter has one or more optical connectors to which must be plugged in the fiber box (have).

Identify fiber optics

How to recognize an FTTH fiber socket ?

The optical termination box called AA – Optical Network Termination – Ensure the connection between the fiber optic network and the internet box in question. It is this very case that transforms the light signal into an electric signal. The fiber optic socket therefore represents the terminal part of the fiber optic network. It is therefore between the operator’s fiber optic access network and the local home network in question.

The accommodation is equipped with an optical terminal socket if it has already been connected to the fiber before with a fiber subscription, or if the fiber has already been installed in the building in question. This is now the case for all accommodation built since 2012. Note that the fiber optics of ISPs are obviously the highest with FTTH technology.

The difference in FTTH and FTTLA technology

To read also what are the different very high speed technologies ?

How to recognize a FTTLA coaxial fiber socket ?

FTTLA optical fiber is very different from the FTTH. Indeed, The fiber does not arrive in the accommodation but stops at a specific point. It can be in a street cabinet for example. A coaxial cable then connects the fiber to perform the last meters that separate it from the hearth in question. This cable is, moreover, the same as that used to receive the TV by the cable. Coaxial walls are therefore already present in the accommodation that receives cable television. The coaxial wall outlet is therefore not a fiber optic socket, strictly speaking, since it can also be used to connect a TV.

The coaxial wall outlet is a small white square socket with one or more circular holes on which the cards of the coaxial cables connect. The latter establish the connection between a data source and the TV decoder. Can a hearth equipped with a coaxial wall outlet have an optical terminal socket ? Yes, it is indeed possible to request the subscription to an optical fiber offer by asking, in addition, the installation of a PTO socket. On the other hand, The intervention will be billed.

FTTLA fiber offers

Of all operators, only Numéricable-SFR offers fiber offers in FTTLA. It is the wired network of Numéricable which makes it possible to offer both fiber FTTH and FTTLA fiber offers. A beautiful TV operator tip to double his number of subscribers.

What are the fiber optic plugs ?

Each optical wall outlet includes A single reference number. This is not the case for coaxial fiber sockets. If the subscriber wishes to change the internet service provider or when arriving in a new accommodation, this reference can be very useful to him.

To recognize them, A unique reference is on optical termination boxes. As a rule, letters and a series of figures make up this reference. It can have various formats of which here are some examples:

  • Xxxxxxxx-xx-xx;

This reference is very important. Indeed, it is requested by a tele-advisor or on the subscription form during Any change of internet access provider or when arriving in a new accommodation. Do not hesitate to note this reference somewhere or even to take a picture in order to avoid wasting time or that the reference does not get lost forever.

Network D

To read also to know everything about public initiative networks

What to do if I don’t have a fiber socket ?

Not all apartments located in fiber buildings do not always have fiber optics. If the accommodation does not have fiber optics or coaxial fiber intake, It may not be eligible for fiber. How to know if your accommodation is eligible for optical fiber and, if it is, how to apply for an installation ?

How to know if my accommodation is eligible for fiber ?

The first reflex to adopt in order to know if its accommodation is eligible for fiber is that of carrying out an online internet eligibility test.

Here’s how to do in steps:

  1. On the page cited above, click on “Access the test” for the desired operator;
  2. Return your information: postal address and sometimes current fixed line number;
  3. The test reveals whether or not the accommodation is eligible for fiber.

It is also possible to go through the arcep fiber optic deployment map to check if a municipality or a department will soon be eligible for fiber.

Eligibility optical fiber

How to know if you are eligible for optical fiber ?

If the accommodation is not eligible for fiber, there are still alternatives to enjoy a good internet connection. First, eligibility for an ADSL connection. Even if This technology is less efficient than fiber, There are also other ways to boost your internet connection and still enjoy a rather interesting connection.

Another alternative exists: The possibility of enjoying a 4G Internet box. This is concrete traditional internet subscription, which allow you to take advantage of the internet fixed at home, with the difference that the technology used in this regard is the 4G mobile network. 4G boxes therefore allow Surfing the very high speed web, even by not eligible for fiber optics.

In the event that the accommodation is eligible for fiber, It is possible to make a request to install it and thus take advantage of the best fiber internet box on the market.

Do not confuse eligibility test and fiber flow test test

A fiber eligibility test must not be confused, which allows you to know if the accommodation is compatible with the commercial offers offered by ISPs, with a fiber flow test. The latter allows to measure the actual speed of the internet connection of a home.

Make a request to install the fiber in your home

After having done an eligibility test with an operator, and only if the latter is positive, It is advisable to browse the sites of the Internet access providers in order to find the fiber optic internet box which will best meet the home needs. There are many offers on the market and there is something for everyone and all budgets. Of the Dual Play With the box without obligation, the customer is spoiled for choice. Once the fiber box has been found, you must then connect your accommodation to the fiber.

First of all, it is necessary to Check whether or not a fiber socket exists in the accommodation in question thanks to the reference elements mentioned above. There is one ? It’s perfect, it means that the previous tenant had already installed the fiber. In this case, just send the termination point number when subscribing to the Internet box and connect your internet box. There is no apparent fiber optic socket in the accommodation ? Work is then necessary to install a socket and receive the fiber in the home concerned.

Advice from mySmallBox

Connecting your fiber accommodation is not free. At first, do not hesitate to find out about the connection costs of each operator in order to avoid surprises. Then, offers exist to connect the fiber at a lower cost and even for free. Do not hesitate to inquire to benefit from it and thus make good savings.

Good plans at the moment

Bbox Fit Fiber Optics on sale


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