Fiber | Arcep, fiber, adsl, satellite … what technology for my internet access? | Arcep

Fiber, adsl, satellite… what technology for my internet access

The deployment of FTTH networks in France is based not only on the obligations of the symmetrical framework for access to the fibers deployed, but also on the obligations of access to the existing infrastructures of Orange (civil engineering, air support, etc.) in/on which are Deployed optical fiber cables, notably resulting from the analysis of the “civil engineering” market. In general, the symmetrical framework is also articulated with decisions resulting from market analyzes.

The fiber

An optical fiber network to the subscriber, or Fiber to the Home (FTTH), designates a set of fiber optic lines to connect users to operators networks providing locally present electronic communications services. Article L34-8-3 of the Post and Electronic Communications Code (CPCE) provides that anyone establishing or operating such a network granted reasonable requests to these lines from operators providing electronic communications services: This is the principle of pooling of FTTH networks. These FTTH networks are therefore also designated under the term “local optical loop” (BLOM). The operator who establishes or operates such a network is called “infrastructure operator”, or “building operator” (OI). Operators providing electronic communications services and benefiting from access to the network deployed by IO are called “commercial operators” (OC). The latter access the OI network at the level of pooling point (PM).

Article L.34-8-3 of the CPCE also provides that ARCEP defines certain methods of access to FTTH networks, in particular concerning the location of the PM. On the basis of this article, the arcep has adopted several decisions and recommendations which constitute the framework of regulation of the FTTH networks in France, also called ” symmetrical framework “(As opposed to the asymmetrical regulation framework, resulting from market analyzes which weighs only on Orange as an operator exercising a significant influence on the markets considered).

The symmetrical framework requires that the OIs offer the OCs of Passive access offers to their FTTH networks, as well as obligations relating in particular to pricing aspects, network architecture, information exchanges between OI and OC, in order to allow effective and loyal competition for the benefit of users.

The deployment of FTTH networks in France is based not only on the obligations of the symmetrical framework for access to the fibers deployed, but also on the obligations of access to the existing infrastructures of Orange (civil engineering, air support, etc.) in/on which are Deployed optical fiber cables, notably resulting from the analysis of the “civil engineering” market. In general, the symmetrical framework is also articulated with decisions resulting from market analyzes.

What is the architecture of an FTTH network ?

Architecture scheme of an FTTH network

How to know if I’m fiber ?

The “my internet connection” cartographic site developed by ARCEP brings together all the information on the technologies of the fixed internet available at the address knit, as well as the theoretical flows offered by operators in mainland France and Sea. The information is presented in the form of interactive and clickable cards. The site also gives access to aggregated coverage statistics to various administrative stitches (the municipality, the department and the region), useful for example for public decision -makers.

What are the obligations of infrastructure operators ?

The symmetrical framework has been built gradually since the introduction of article L.34-8-3 in the law in 2009 through arcep decisions and recommendations. It imposes rules on all infrastructure operators relating to different aspects of pooling: network architecture and location of the pooling point, tariff aspects and different compulsory offers, exchanges of information between OIs and OCs ..

The main decisions of the symmetrical framework

All the texts constituting the symmetrical framework are listed in the page: the frame relating to the regulation of the FTTH . The most structuring provisions are summarized below:

– The decision n ° 2009-1106 specifies the basic principles pooling: publication of an access offer, passive access, possibility of co -financing AB Initio And a posteriori, pricing principles … it also specifies the list of Very dense areas and the methods of location of the PM in these areas. The list of very dense areas was then updated by decision n ° 2013-1475.

– Decision No. 2010-1312 establishes the applicable rules Apart from very dense areas and in particular introduces the principles of completeness and consistency of deployments in less dense zone.

– The decision n ° 2015-0776 establishes obligations relating to the availability and traceability of information exchanges between OI and OC and specifies several provisions relating to the principles of performance of information system.

– Finally, the decision n ° 2020-1432 introduces various provisions, including obligations relating to the service quality Supplied by OCs to OCs: quality of service commitments and indicators, reinforced quality of service offers

The different geographic areas of the regulatory framework of FTTH networks

The modalities and obligations relating to the deployment of BLOM differ in part according to the geographic area, in particular concerning the architecture of the network, to take into account the specificities of the various zones, and in particular their density of the population population. We distinguish very dense areas, in which the pockets of high and low density are differentiated, and the less dense area. These different areas are visible on “fiber card” with the “regulatory zones” view.

Very dense areas

The list of municipalities constituting very dense areas is available in the appendix to decision n ° 2013-1475. The heterogeneity of very dense areas leads to distinguishing pockets of high and low density, the latter being essentially made up of small buildings and pavilions.

  • In the pocket of high density, the PM can be at the foot of the building (that is to say within the private domain) as soon as it is a building of 12 or more premises or more Although this building is accessible by a sanitation network visible by a gallery itself visible. In a high density pocket, it is recommended that small buildings (less than 12 premises) without visible sewers will be connected to a PM in the street cabinet on the public domain which brings together at least 100 lines.
  • In a low density pocket, it is recommended that the point of pooling includes at least 300 lines, without distinction regarding the size of the buildings.

The less dense area

The less dense area is defined “hollow” as the entire territory not being located in very dense areas. The decision n ° 2010-1312 which defines the rules applicable in this area provides in particular:

  • When the OI does not offer a remote connection offer, the PM brings together at least 1000 premises.
  • When the OI offers a remote connection offer allowing the OC to access at least 1000 lines, the PM brings together at least 300 premises. In practice, this second option is the most frequent in the less dense area, and the shared remote connection point (PRDM) is generally located at the level of the optical connection node (NRO).

For some of the premises in the less dense area, private operators have expressed intentions of FTTH networks since 2011 or started to deploy these networks: these territories thus form less dense areas of private initiative. On the basis of these private deployment intentions was defined the less dense area of ​​public initiative, on which public initiative networks are deployed with public support, mainly within the framework of the very high speed France plan.

The less dense area under the private initiative is commonly called “amii zone”. It was initially defined following a Call for demonstration of investment intention (AMII) Organized by the government to reveal the deployment projects of fiber optic networks on equity of operators outside very dense areas.

As part of this Amii, Orange and SFR indicated in January 2011 to the government their intention to cover around 3,600 municipalities with equity. These intentions materialized in 2018, as part of article L. 33-13 of the CPCE, by deployment commitments in these municipalities of the two operators, on separate perimeters. The government accepted them by two orders dated July 26, 2018, taken following two opinions from the authority dated June 12, 2018. The operators have undertaken to make 100 % of the premises of these “connectable” or “connectable on demand” municipalities at the end of 2020 (with less than 8 % of “connectable on request”). Orange also undertook to make 100 % of “connectable” premises at the end of 2022. ARCEP monitors and control these commitments.

What is a logging room on request ?

A premises “connectable on request” is a room for which the installation of the PBO is deferred in time, subject to an effective request for connection on the part of a final client served by this PBO. The infrastructure operator can decide, in a targeted manner, for certain premises, to make them “connectable on request”, in a proportion which should remain low on the scale of each rear area of ​​NRO. From an order from the commercial operator, the provision of a “connectable on request” PBO should not exceed 6 months.

In addition, several territories have been the subject of a Call for demonstration of local engagement (Amel), where a private operator, after agreement of the community concerned, undertakes to the government, under article L. 33-13 of the CPCE, to make the cover of all or part of the public initiative area. Between 2019 and 2020, the government accepted by decree, after the opinion of the authority (see page: the framework relating to the regulation of the FTTH), 10 commitments of private operators, relating to territories in 12 departments.

Estimation of the number of premises per zones

The table below gives an estimate, at the end of the 1st quarter 2022, the size of the various areas in number of premises (housing and professional establishments) established from the operators’ eligibility data and, in their absence, of data published by INSEE.

Total France

Very dense areas (private initiative)

Less dense areas

High density pockets

Low density pockets

Private initiative (AMII)

Public initiative networks (RIP)

Fiber, adsl, satellite… what technology for my internet access ?

Before subscribing, the user must check that his home is said to be “eligible”; That is to say that it can access the Internet in high speed or very high speed with ADSL (copper), cable, fiber optics, radio or satellite solutions.

Copper, cable, optical fiber… What are the technologies available at home ?

To help users make their choice, ARCEP has developed several websites to know the technologies available at home or locally.

– “My internet connection”

The cartographic site https: // masconnexioninternet.arcep.FR/ Developed by the authority allows you to know operators, fixed internet access technologies and theoretical flows available at each address.

– “Fiber card”

The https site: // cardfiber.arcep.FR/ presents the progress of deployments of optical fiber as they are transmitted to arcep by operators. The site allows any user to know if the fiber is available at their address, and if this is not the case, to know the deployment forecasts in its geographic area.

Copper, cable, optical fiber … Are you eligible at your home ?

– DSL eligibility

To benefit from broadband internet, the user’s telephone line – or the one that will be built if it is not yet created – must be eligible for DSL technologies.

In addition to checking on the Masonxion Internet if he has technology at his address, the user can also technically test his line on the website of internet service providers, on sites comparing access offers or by contacting the operator of his choice.

Please note: some new buildings only offer a connection with optical fiber; DSL offers are therefore not proposed by operators.

– Cable eligibility

The user can benefit from broadband internet and associated services (landline, TV) through the wired network. Please note: even if the building is connected to the wired network, neither the trustee, nor the co -owners, nor the cable operator can force him to subscribe to it.

The consumer must ensure that his accommodation is connected to this network, which can be the case, especially if he is located in an urban area.

To carry out this verification, he can consult the Maconnexion Internet, but also question the trustee of his condominium, the owner of the property, the town hall on which his home depends or even the cable operators in France.

– Optical fiber eligibility

Optical fiber provides access to very high speed Internet thanks to a bandwidth significantly higher than DSL technologies.

Access to fiber optics for individuals is gradually developing. In an urban environment, it requires that at least one operator can deploy its fiber optic network to the inside of buildings. This implies, for an operator, to inform the trustee, the owners or the co -owners, and to obtain an authorization to deploy the trustee, for the work to be carried out in the common areas. An agreement is thus signed between the operator and the condominium.

Once the building has been equipped and connected to an optical fiber network, the user can freely choose from the operators who offer very high speed services.

The user can check if his building is equipped with fiber optic by consulting card, the condominium trustee or the owner of the property, or by contacting Internet access providers.

Please note: operators are free to offer commercial offers to a given address. If the operator desired by the user does not offer commercial offers to his address, and the latter wishes to access a fiber optic offer, then he will have to be interested in the offers offered by competing suppliers.

– Eligibility for radio solutions

Several operators offer high or high speed offers called RTTH (Radio to the Home). These are offers using radio networks, such as Wimax, and not requiring wired connection.

Access to these solutions is offered by private operators or by regional or local communities which have a license.

To find out if he can benefit from an offer of this type, the user can question the town hall of his commune or that of his district, as well as the sites of the operators offering these offers.

Alternative offers: fixed 4G and satellite offers

Pending the deployment of very high speed, if the user believes that the quality of service of fixed access offers available to him is not sufficient, he can turn to the offers available through the “4G fixed »Or satellite. The government subsidizes the equipment, installation or commissioning of wireless technologies to 150 euros.

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