Electric mobility | Renault Trucks Corporate, 2022, electric year for Renault Trucks – FranceRoutes

2022, electric year for Renault Trucks

Electric trucks are silent (-10 decibels compared to a diesel truck). A good point when they deliver shops under our windows very early in the morning ! They can now run overnight in the city center and thus streamline traffic during the day.

Electrical mobility

Renault Trucks has signed up more than ten years ago in favor of electric mobility in order to reduce CO emissions2 for the decarbonation of road transport.

Renault Trucks offers a full range of 100 % electric vehicles from 650 kg to 44 T total weight for all uses, as well as full support of operators in their energy transition.

Towards a transport without emissions

Renault Trucks_electric

For us, electric mobility is the best answer to air quality and noise problems, as well as to contribute to the decarbonation of transport and the fight against global warming.

We offer our second generation of 100 % electric vehicles: Kleuster Freegônes bicycle-cargo, Renault Trucks E-Tech Master Red Edition, Renault Trucks E-Tech D and Renault Trucks E-Tech D Wide, a full range of 650 kg at 44 t ptac.

Our medium tonnage electric trucks are made in series in our Norman factory in Blainville-sur-Orne. They are entirely designed by our research and development teams and industrialized on our vehicle assembly chain in order to offer a solution with competitive costs with the same quality standard as our diesel offer.

Whatever the restrictions put in place, vehicles in our e-tech range can ensure their mission everywhere without breaking. They represent ideal solutions to preserve air quality and reduce congestion, as they allow silent deliveries to offset times and do not produce any local polluting emissions, or Co2.

Why choose electric ?

The city opens your arms to you

Traffic restrictions are increasingly important while access to urban centers is essential to your activity. With our range of electric vehicles, you enter the hearts of cities and in low -emission areas (Z.F.E.), even in the event of a pollution peak. Operated in off -peak hours for silent deliveries, they help reduce traffic congestion.


Electric trucks are silent (-10 decibels compared to a diesel truck). A good point when they deliver shops under our windows very early in the morning ! They can now run overnight in the city center and thus streamline traffic during the day.

Towards “zero emissions”

Electric trucks do not emit CO2, nor nox (nitrogen oxides) for use, because they have no exhaust. The only particles emitted are due to the friction of tires and brake discs. Exactly like bikes !

Driving comfort

Drivers acclaim the comfort of electric vehicles, flexible to handle and silent: they are pleasant to drive.

A virtuous life cycle

The life cycle of electric trucks is virtuous because each room can be reused or fully transformed.

A range of 100 % decarbon trucks

Renault Trucks e-tech range

Renault Trucks continues its commitment to support the energy transition of its customers and its ambition to offer an electric vehicle for all uses. The manufacturer markets a 100 % electric range of 650 kg to 44 tonnes, manufactured in France.

  • Kleuster Freegônes electric bike-cargo: Electric assistance scooter, an autonomy of 80 km, it allows you to approach as close as possible to the delivery places by accessing access to the roads, cycle paths with pedestrian areas and ZFE.
  • Renault Trucks E-Tech Master Electric Redo Edition: 2 models, van and floor-cabine, with 3.1 tonnes of PTRA, and 120 km of real autonomy, designed for urban uses and deliveries of the last kilometer.
  • Renault Trucks E-Tech D Electric: with 16 tonnes of PTRA, it is designed for the distribution of goods in the city, with different battery capacities from 200 to 400 kWh, adapted to conventional distribution missions, with different types of bodywork.
  • Renault Trucks E-Tech D Wide Electric: with 26 tonnes or 19 t of PTRA, it is the ideal truck for the transport of goods in a peri-urban environment and for waste collection with a payload comparable to that of a truck diesel. Its autonomy is ensured with a 265 kWh battery.
  • Renault Trucks E-Tech T electric and Renault Trucks E-Tech C electric: two models up to 44 tonnes of PTAC, respectively intended for regional transport and the construction trades.

Complete electrical solutions

Renault Trucks offers its customers comprehensive electrification solutions. With tailor -made trucks depending on the use and autonomy needs, battery and loading infrastructure, repair and high -level maintenance services, financing and insurance are offered, financing and insurance services.

The manufacture of electric trucks at Renault Trucks

Renault Trucks Z.E

The Renault Trucks factory in Blainville-sur-Orne, at the gates of Caen, has housed, since March 2020, the production of 100 % electric vehicles in our Renault Trucks range.

Our Renault Trucks E-Tech D (16 T) and Renault Trucks E-Tech D Wide (26 T) trucks are assembled on the same line as their thermal equivalents, however operations specific to electric technology are carried out beforehand in a unit special. Authorized technicians assemble different sub-assemblies specific to the 100 % electric vehicle-Propulsion, engine, gearbox, central unit-which are then transported at the edge of the assembly line. At the end of the line, the trucks return to the reserved building for other technical operations and specific quality controls. Electric vehicles then resume the classic manufacturing steps with a test on the test track and then a passage to the performance bench. In total, about fifty hours of work is necessary to manufacture an electric truck.

More than 10 years of experience in electric mobility

Renault Trucks e-tech

For more than ten years, we have been testing electric trucks on the ground with our partner customers in order to collect crucial information on the use, battery behavior, load installations and specific maintenance needs. These tests under actual operating conditions also allowed carriers to help their own customers have electrical technology accepted. Renault Trucks has more than a decade of experience with 100 % electric trucks thanks to the Renault Maxity.

  • 2009: First commercial offer of a hybrid truck: premium distribution hybris
  • 2010: first marketing of electric utility vehicles with the 100 % electric Renault Maxity
  • 2011: Start of several experiments of medium and large tonnages electric trucks in collaboration with operators.
  • 2019: second generation of Renault Trucks electric vehicles, full range of 3.1 to 26 t
  • 2020: production in series of medium tonnage electric trucks
  • 2022: full e-tech range of 650 kg 44 t of ptra

2022, electric year for Renault Trucks

  • Renault Trucks
  • Decarbon transport

Renault Trucks has confirmed good results in terms of truck sales, in France and in Europe, in 2022. The year was electric, a reflection of the brand’s ambitions on the industrial vehicle zero CO2 emissions, but also of a market rendered by inflation and delivery times to extended.

2022 was she a happy new year for Renault Trucks ?

Renault Trucks, industrial subsidiary of the Volvo Trucks group, closing the year 2022 with a total volume of 58,967 industrial vehicles (VI) billed worldwide, up 15 %.

In a turbulent European market, marked by strong disturbances of the supply chain, the manufacturer has strengthened its positions with a market share (PDM) on the vehicle segment of more than 16 t in progress of 0.6 point, which is 9.4 %.

In France, in the segment of high and intermediate ranges, Renault Trucks confirms its leading position with a PDM of 29.4 %.

“2022 was a happy new year”, Notes Christophe Martin, Managing Director (DG) of Renault Trucks France.

In France, does 2023 follow the same path ?

“Our order notebooks are full”, rejoices the DG. Nevertheless, this positive impetus is attenuated by the difficulties of supplying spare parts which contribute to lengthening the delivery times of the vehicles.

“Currently, the time to acquire a Renault Neuf truck is eight months old”, warns the boss. The situation is worse for carriers than for tractors, due to additional bodywork deadlines.

How are prices on the market for new trucks ?

Due to supply and inflation problems, the price of a new VI remains high. “In 18 months the trucks increased on average by 20 %”, specifies Christophe Martin.

These degradations make sales forecasts in 2023 uncertain.

Renault Trucks continues its orientation towards the electric truck ?

Yes, due to the decarbonization obligations set by Europe, which forces manufacturers to reduce their CO2 emissions.

Renault Trucks, in accordance with the strategy of the Volvo Trucks group, is very ambitious on this type of vehicle. The all -electric strategy has repercussions on the organization of the company, with the creation of specific positions in the commercial service for example. And even beyond, with the mobilization of the distribution network around these new vehicles.

This is materialized by results: in 2022 in Europe, Renault Trucks held 24.2 % of the market for electrical intermediate ranges. The industrialist billed 379 Renault Trucks e-tech D and D Wide.

In France, the diamond brand is essential as a leader in electric mobility with 75 % PDM on the intermediate ranges (from 5 t to 16 t).

The market is nevertheless embryonic: it has registered 115 electric trucks of more than 7.5 t in France last year (Click this link for more information).

What is his ambition on trucks not using fossil fuel in 2023 ?

“We target 500 registrations of electric trucks in 2023, and at least 25 % of truck orders operating with non -fossil fuels”, Christophe Martin announcement.

Commercial services are focused on the household waste dumpsters (BOM). “Half of the electric trucks ordered concern BOM, continues the DG. This market has switched to 30 % on electric and we are well placed “.

What investment represents this orientation towards the electric truck ?

Renault Trucks’ all electric strategy is valued between 300 and 400 million euros per year. “This represents 10 % of investments from the Volvo Trucks group”, specifies Christophe Martin.

How does the brand mobilize the distribution network ?

The emergence of the electric truck is an upheaval for distributors. The economic model based on after-sales service is no longer relevant. These vehicles have a longer lifespan.

Renault Trucks has an excellent local network, an asset on this new market to detect needs and support carriers in new uses. Suddenly the brand makes an important effort of human resources: 6,000 training on electromobility was carried out in 2022 in the network.

How to get upper gear on the electric truck ?

“Public authorities must help us, recognizes Christophe Martin. The truck is more expensive, and you have to help customers cross the course. Last year we managed to take around 300 orders thanks to the call for projects set up by the government “.

The government has heard this request: a new call for projects for the acquisition of electric trucks will be put in place (Click this link for more information).

Renault Trucks is continuing its effort on Biocarrant B100 ?

“The use of the B100 makes sense within the framework of decarbonation, Considers Christophe Martin. We were the pioneers in the truck, in cooperation with the April group that produces it. It is a solution to 10 years in our sector. A simple solution, for no additional cost, which allows you to obtain the Crit’Air 1 sticker if it is used irreversibly in a truck. It is possible to retroces a diesel truck in B100 ».

Renault Trucks charged 2,200 “B100 irreversible” trucks in 2022.

Euro 7’s prospect for diesel trucks, compulsory in 2027, it scares the industrialist ?

The arrival of this European regulation is an aberration, according to the DG France of Renault. “It will have a marginal impact on the decarbonation of trucks compared to Euro 6, and will require millions of euros in investment in product development. The problem is that manufacturers are asked to invest simultaneously in all new technologies. Let us focus on electric and hydrogen “.

Additional information

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