Electric car recharge on highway: take stock with Engie, decarbonation: electric terminals | Vinci Autoroutes

Decarbonation: Electric charging stations accessible on the highway

Since January 1, 2023, all the service areas of the motorway network must be equipped with a fast charging station, a decree of February 12, 2021 having set this obligation. Highway areas have rapid charging stations adapted to all market sockets: Chademo, Combo, II/CCS, three -phase ac and E/F domestic socket. They make it possible to recover, according to the association of French motorway companies (AFSA), more than 80 % autonomy in less than 30 minutes.

Electric car recharge on highway: take stock with Engie

The presence of electric terminals on the territory increases ! Often a source of concern, the question of recharging your electric vehicle during long journeys can slow down drivers to take the plunge towards electromobility. Rolling in electricity is no longer the prerogative of city centers. Today you can take advantage of a full highway network of load stations. Engie takes stock of recharge your electric car on highway.


How to find a charging station on the highway ?

Since January 1, 2023, all the service areas of the motorway network must be equipped with a fast charging station, a decree of February 12, 2021 having set this obligation. Highway areas have rapid charging stations adapted to all market sockets: Chademo, Combo, II/CCS, three -phase ac and E/F domestic socket. They make it possible to recover, according to the association of French motorway companies (AFSA), more than 80 % autonomy in less than 30 minutes.

Estimate the recharge time of your electric car with Engie

  • From the motorway network borrowed (Vinci, APRR, Sanef/Sapn, Adelac, Albea);
  • The type of taking;
  • Minimum load power sought;
  • Energy supplier.

To locate the electric terminals and calmly define your route, a variety of mobile applications is installed on the market. Discover the top 7 of the best applications to find a charging station !

Good to know : Since May 5, 2023, France has 100,000 terminals on its territory. A objective set by the government to encourage the development of electric mobility and simplify the daily life of electro-automatists.

How to recharge your electric vehicle on the highway ?

No worries ! As the autonomy of electric cars is improving, the efficiency of load systems grows. So you can ride a few hours before taking a break to power the battery of your vehicle.

During long journeys, you can optimize travel time by favoring fast charging stations. The battery of your vehicle is thus charged 80 % in a few minutes. As such, it is important to properly prepare your route to find out in advance the networks of charges on your way.

In summary, you must think of the types of terminals and sockets, the supplier, at the price and terms of payment. Without forgetting to stop every two hours for its safety and anticipate the discharge below 20 %.

As a reminder, the lithium-ion batteries do not appreciate the discharges and full charges. In other words, it is recommended to ensure a level of permanent load between 20 and 80 %.

Engie deploys 191 electric car charging stations

Through its subsidiary Engie Solutions, Engie participates in the strengthening of the national network and allowed the installation of:

  • 107 charging stations since December 2022 with APRR in 16 motorways of the Paris-Lyon network;
  • 84 electric vehicle recharge terminals with SANEF in 18 highway North-East network;

These are rapid and universal load terminals with a power ranging from 80 to 300 kW. They allow vehicle recharge in less than 30 minutes.

In short

  1. The motorway network has fully equipped with electric charging stations in 2023. The Route des Vacances driving an electric car promises to be more and more serene.
  2. Diversity of minimum load sockets and powers are offered by service stations. Pay attention to the compatibility of your car with the terminals used.
  3. It is essential to properly prepare your route to avoid unpleasant surprises and ensure a secure and effective recharge of your vehicle.

Decarbonation: Electric charging stations accessible on the highway

You provide a trip by electric vehicle on the highway ? Recharge terminals are available on some of our service areas. Travel with a serene spirit and opt for this mode of transport adapted to long distance journeys which promotes the decarbonation of mobility.

Also on the highway, opt for softer electric mobility that contributes to the decarbonation of transport

For you, driving electric is only possible in town ? Think again ! This new, more ecological mode of transport is only reserved for short distances. On the highway, it is now possible to make long journeys in electric vehicle. Thanks to the deployment of charging stations in several points of your trip, ride with a peaceful mind and opt for a mode of travel that combines comfort and respect for the environment.

High power terminals that allow you to recharge in just 20 minutes depending on the car models

You plan to circulate on our network ? Note that the high power terminals included in 150 and 350 kW, allow you to recharge your vehicle in a reduced time, depending on the model. In 20 to 30 minutes, the time of your break on the area, your vehicle is recharged. So you leave rested and serene aboard a vehicle ready to “swallow” the kilometers ! Accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, these terminals accept all the subscriptions today offered by the many mobility operators. You don’t have a subscription ? You can also access these terminals and recharge your vehicle at the prices in force. Telephone assistance allows you to guide you if necessary.

Objective: 100% of our service areas equipped in 2023

An electric car emits less CO2 than a vehicle with thermal motor. In addition to the comfort of driving it provides (less noise), an electric vehicle does not give off the smell of gasoline or diesel. Thanks to our partnership with specialized operators (Ionity, Tesla, etc.), we continue to deploy these electric charging stations in order to accompany the effort of electrical mobility on long distance journeys. Our objective ? That 100% of the service areas on our network be equipped by 2023.

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