Electric bicycle insurance: the Ultimate 2023 guide, Electric bicycle insurance: what solutions? | Matmut

Electric bike insurance

�� Bike flight: In Paris, bicycle flights are 80% of vehicle flights. One in five stolen bikes is an electric bike. In France 500,000 bikes are stolen each year and only 3% are returned to their owner must identify (source: Ministry of the Interior).

Bike insurance: you know everything to make sure you

You plan to buy an electric bicycle, a VAE or a bicycle that you want to provide against flight or damage ? We have analyzed insurance contracts to help you make the right choice and select the best guarantees.

Why bicycle insurance ?

Unlike auto insurance, bicycle insurance is not compulsory. Yet in the face of the increase in bicycle sales and Vae, This insurance is increasingly taken out. She covers the theft of the bicycle and the damage it can undergo.

According to insurance and options, The annual cost of bicycle insurance is 4.5% to 7% of the bicycle purchase price. These insurances cover the flight and damage to the bicycle better than home insurance which can be quite limiting (for example on the schedules during which the bike is stolen).

For bikes costing more than € 1,000 (very frequently the case with an electric bike), bicycle insurance is therefore a wise choice. It generally reimburses the bicycle with little deductible and no obsolescence rate in the first years (variable depending on insurance).

�� Bike flight: In Paris, bicycle flights are 80% of vehicle flights. One in five stolen bikes is an electric bike. In France 500,000 bikes are stolen each year and only 3% are returned to their owner must identify (source: Ministry of the Interior).

Electric bike insurance

Best guarantees and prices

�� Is bicycle insurance compulsory ?

Classic bike

It is not compulsory to ensure a classic bike (non -electric) but they can generally be covered on the same type of insurance as electric assistance bikes.

Electric assistance bike (VAE)

Electric assistance bike (VAE) has an auxiliary engine that cuts as soon as the speed exceeds 25km/h and/or the cyclist ceases to pedal. Note that financial aid is offered by the State for the purchase and use of a VAE. The insurance mentioned on this page concern the VAE. Insurance is not compulsory for the VAE.

The electric bike

Its speed can reach 45km/h and its electric motor works, whether the cyclist pedal or not. It is necessarily assured, registered and is assimilated to a land motor vehicle. The “AM” permit (former BSR, road safety certificate) is required for its management. This type of bike is not authorized on cycle paths and wearing the helmet is compulsory. The insurance mentioned on this page do not concern this type of bicycle which must be covered with insurance of the compliance insurance type.

Types of insurable bikes

Bike insurance supports a multitude of types of bikes:

  • City bikes
  • The VAEs (Electric assistance bikes up to 25km/h)
  • Mountain biking andVttae (Electric assistance mountain bike)
  • Racing bikes (with electric assistance or not)
  • Cargo bikes (with electric assistance or not)

The most sophisticated bikes can cost several thousand euros. Insurance provides a ceiling (before franchise application) which can vary between € 8,000 and € 10,000. So pay attention to this ceiling if your bike is expensive.

⚠️ VAE, electric bikes or mountain bikes are not provided by “bicycle” insurance when they exceed 25km/h but by moped insurance.

�� Bike insurance guarantees

����‍♀️ Flight insurance

If you compare several bike insurance or even home insurance that can cover the flight of your bike, you have to look at two important points:

  • THE dilapidation rate applied and its evolution in time after the new purchase.
  • There applied franchise. You have to see if it applies to the new value or the fixed value (it is preferable to be in the second case)

�� Example obsolete rate: If your bike costs € 4,000, that a dilapidation rate of 1%/month is applied and that the flight occurs 20 months after the bike purchase, you will be reimbursed on a basis of 80% of the purchase value of the Bike (100% – 20 x 1%), or € 3,200.

The flight insurance will work if you have attached your bike with a certified anti -theft. Check the model required by the insurer. For the VAE or VTTAE (electric bike), Cyclassur requires that the bicycle be attached to two anti -thefts including at least one appearing in their list of approved anti -thefts.

A deficiency period may apply, during which the bike can possibly be found. If he is found damaged, insurance may pay the repairs. This is the case with Qover-Me insurance. After the deficiency period, the insurance then supports the reimbursement of the bicycle to which a deductible applies, that is to say an amount which will not be reimbursed and will remain at your expense.

In the event of a flight, file a complaint within 24 hours and immediately follow the detailed claim procedure by your insurer. The flight declaration to your insurance must generally be made within 48 hours.

Battery and fixed equipment flight

Even if it is secured by a key on certain bikes, the battery can be stolen, just like other accessories of removable origin. It is advisable to always remove it when you leave your bike. In addition, a battery -free bike will be less interest in a prospecting thief. Theft of the battery can be provided by certain contracts as a fixed accery.

Ulygo offers for example this partial flight guarantee but on the accessories fixed at the bicycle. The battery must therefore not be removable without constraint.

�� Material damage insurance

During an act of vandalism, a fall, a collision with an animal or an accident, your bike may be damaged. Insurance will then support bicycle repair or replacement if the repair is impossible. The damage caused by the fire of the electric bike battery can also be covered.

Qover-me also supports the costs of renting a bicycle while yours is in repair (€ 15 / day over 3 days maximum).

With Cyclassur, the “damage” or “breakage” warranty also works when the bike is damaged during road transport.

�� These contracts do not cover civil liability, ie the damage you could cause to third parties (bodily, material or intangible damage). They can sometimes be covered by your home insurance, check your contract.

Assistance and troubleshooting

Generally optional, This warranty allows you to benefit from taxi transport when the return is impossible with you. This option can be useful for electric bikes or VAEs which generally weigh between 20 and 30kg. When the bike does not drive anymore and it must be carried, this guarantee is very useful ! The extent of the warranty significantly differs from one insurance to another, before subscribing to an assistance option, we advise to check:

  • Cases where insurance will activate assistance (may be different if it is a simple bicycle or an electric bike)
  • Exclusions
  • The care of guarding costs (if you are injured and unable to keep your bike)
  • The return of the accompanying people, especially if you have an outing with children
  • Assistance in the event of puncture
  • Assistance if you lose the keys to your anti -theft or if the padlock is blocked
  • The maximum ceiling of costs supported and the need to call the insurer before incurring the costs

�� Points to check before subscribing

Check what each point of insurance covers. To do this, refer to the “IPID” file that insurance must display you before any subscription. This is a document that sums up all the guarantees and exclusions on one to two pages. If you want to have more details on a point, you can then refer to the general conditions of the contract.

Before subscribing, check that you are in possession:

  • Your bike bill
  • Of the invoice of your anti -theft
  • That your anti -theft appears in the list given by the insurer (list of brands and models allowed)
  • Of the serial number of your bike

Strictly respect all the constraints imposed by insurance. Without that, in the event of a claim, you will not be covered.

Please note, if technical modifications, harming the proper functioning of the bicycle, have been made, this can be part of the exclusions (unless they are changes made by the manufacturer).

��️ Price of bicycle insurance

It is necessary to count 150 € per year minimum to ensure a bicycle worth € 2,000 against theft and damage.

The price of bicycle insurance depends on the purchase price of the bicycle, the options subscribed (flight, flight+breakage, assistance, civil liability) and for certain insurance insurance.

In this case, if you live in a big city, you will pay more expensive given the number of larger flights. You can get a specific price using our comparator.

Bike type

Price and guarantees

�� City bike (€ 500)

2 € to 3 € per month
Only flight ��️ or only bicycle damage ��

�� City bike (€ 500)

3 € to 5 € per month
��️Vol + �� bicycle damage

�� Electric bike (€ 1000)

5 € to 7 € per month
��️Vol + �� bicycle damage

���� Cargo bike (€ 4,500)

19 € to 29 € per month
��️ Vol

���� Cargo bike (€ 4,500)

23 € to 30 € per month
��️Vol + �� Damage

�� Electric mountain bike (€ 8,000)

42 € to 54 € per month
��️Vol + �� Damage

If you wish to ensure your bike, do not only take the price of the price, but also the deductible and the vertical rate applied (see our comparison table detailed below).

�� Is it useful to subscribe to bicycle insurance ?

If you have an expensive bicycle, it is recommended to subscribe to bicycle insurance specific which covers theft, breakage or material damage and assistance. These three guarantees do not generally appear in your multi-risk home contract which can possibly cover the theft of your bicycle only at your home and your civil liability if you cause damage to third parties.

Check if your home insurance contract covers the theft of your bike. Most housing contracts cover the theft of your bicycle inside your accommodation, but rarely on the public highway (or with hourly restrictions). However, this remains possible as an option for certain contracts (AXA or the Macif for example), at a cost comparable to that of specialized bicycle insurance. “Damage / damage” or “assistance” options are not offered. The following insurances offer bicycle flight insurance at home and for some optional for flights outside the home:

�� Ensure your bike with your home contract

��️ The flight

Each home insurance contract has its own particularities and you will find below a list of housing contracts for more details. About the Flight guarantee, Housing contracts generally cover the flight of the bicycle in the apartment or in a closed bicycle room. Certain contracts in the basic or optional guarantees can cover the flight of the bicycle on the public highway but with certain restrictions. In addition, housing contracts can apply lower guarantee limits than a specialized bicycle insurance.

The flight of the bicycle on the public highway is generally not ensured in the home contract between 11 p.m. and 7 a.m.

Civil liability insurance

Civil liability insurance (RC) covers the damage that you could cause to third parties, whether it is corporal damage (you are hitting a pedestrian), material damage (you tear off a mirror) or immaterial damage (financial damage).

It is not compulsory for city bikes, mountain biking and other non -electric bikes as well as electric bikes moving at less than 25 km/h. This insurance is rarely found in bicycle insurance contracts because cyclists are generally covered by their multi -risk home contract.

Civil liability operates for electric bikes if the electric assistance is coupled with pedaling, if the bike does not exceed 25 km/h and if the power of its engine does not exceed 250 Watts.

If your bike exceeds 25 km/h and is in the vehicle category of up to 45 km/h, you must subscribe to civil liability insurance. Standard bike insurance is not enough and it is necessary to ensure with “moped” insurance.

Professionals using bicycle (deliverers for example) must subscribe to a RC PRO insurance specific covering their activity.

More details on your MRH and the bicycle insurance guarantees

For more information on what your home insurance is covered with your bike, you can consult our guides:

  • Allianz : coverage via a dedicated NVEI contract or via your Allianz Home contract, in particular the “Leisure equipment” option
  • Axa : information and quote for a housing contract covering the theft of your bike
  • GMF : GMF Familish GMF electric bicycle insurance
  • Gan
  • Groupama : bicycle insurance covering the degradations suffered by bicycle, damage and theft
  • Maaf : information on bicycle and vae de la maaf
  • Macif : Civil liability insurance for 2 -wheeled bikes from the Macif
  • Maif : MAIF bicycle insurance via the home contract
  • Mma
  • Matmut : Matmut electric bike insurance

Decathlon bike insurance

One of the biggest bicycle sellers in France, Décathlon, offers AIG insurance (American insurer) during the purchase of its bikes and the flight. These are two -year contracts whose price depends on the purchase price of your bike. These contracts are relatively economic since an insurance covering breakage and theft for cost 250 € for two years for a bike of € 2,000. This insurance must be taken out within six calendar days according to the purchase of your bike.

Décathlon also offers insurance for used bikes but only on decathlon bikes (Btwin, Rockrider, Triban, . )).

Bicycle insurance for cross -border workers

If you are border with a European country or Switzerland, and you use your bike in this country, check that your contract covers you ! To make sure, nothing could be simpler. Just consult the Ipid sheet. This is a two -page document bringing together all the important information, including the geographical extent of the bicycle insurance constraint.

Electric bike insurance

The electric bike is the vehicle in vogue for urban travel. A bicycle sold out of four today is a VAE (electric bike). And it is no coincidence. New star, the electric bicycle combines the assets: ecological, individual and practical, it even authorizes the movements effortlessly in case of fatigue. Suddenly, the new users we are wondering: should we ensure its electric cycle ? And what is electric bicycle insurance ?

What is electric bike insurance ?

A Electric bike insurance protects against the various risks linked to the adoption of these new vehicles practices. It is tailor -made for the use of electric bikes. Because, despite its undeniable assets, the electric bike does not only have advantages. The best known reverse is that it is expensive and therefore arouses lust.

Electric bikes are also moving faster and, like any trip vehicle, they offer the cyclist who possibly drop, degrade his equipment (gloves, helmets). But also to undergo any collisions with motorists or pedestrians.

Finally, as their name suggests, these bikes use an electric battery, susceptible to short-circuit and therefore of potential risk of fire, of course absent from a traditional bike.

It is therefore all of these latent perils whose user may want to protect themselves through the protection offered by electric bicycle insurance.

Why should you ensure your electric bike ?

The list of risks that we have just seen is, in itself, sufficient to convince the user responsible for the usefulness of a Electric bike insurance. But you have to ensure these vehicles all the more since, behind this unique “electric bike” label, two specific types of cycles actually coexist.

In a Classic electrical or VAE bike, Electric assistance only accompanies the cyclist’s effort: it never replaces it. In other words, with a VAE, when you do not pedal, the electric bike no longer advances. Of limited power (250 W), the electric assistance of the VAE is also cut automatically when the speed of 25 km/h is reached or in case of braking.

But there is also another variant of electric bicycle: rapid electric assistance bike, often also nicknamed ” Speed ​​bike »». Speed ​​bike assistance is much more powerful (sending. 500 W). Therefore, this type of cycle can reach 45 km/h. And he can especially move even if the cyclist ceases to produce an effort. As long as you ask him, the speed bike will therefore provide for a time all the energy necessary to roll … even if you stop pedaling.

As we will see later, speed bikes are devices apart. Their technical specificities and their potential dangerousness classify them in the category of mopeds. This implies a Distinct insurance reflection of that for electrical assistance bikes.

Is electric bicycle insurance compulsory ?

For a Classic electric assistance bike or VAE, There is no legal insurance obligation. For these models, the cyclist is covered by the civil liability guarantee of his home insurance.

In other words, any bodily or material damage that the cyclist (you, your family or children under your roof) would accidentally cause a third party with the electric bike are covered by this guarantee.

But it must be seen that this minimalist coverage does not protect more, in particular the bodily or material damage that the bicycle pilot could have suffered ..

Roll without electric bike insurance, the risks

Ride Electric bike insurance exposes to many risks.

Typically, during a collision or a fall, the damage collected by the cyclist himself as well as the breakage imposed on the electric bike will not be compensated if he is considered responsible for the accident. For what ? Because the civil liability of the home insurance only covers it, as we have seen, that the involuntary damage inflicted on third parties.

The damage suffered by the equipment of the electric bicycle cyclist (helmet and gloves, compulsory) will not be supported. Nor the fires occurring following a short circuit of the electric bicycle battery. Same observation for the flight of the electric bike outside the home: it is not covered.

These additional risks, however not very negligible, will however be planned and protected by a real Electric bike insurance. For these cycles, theElectric bike insurance is therefore certainly not compulsory, but it is strongly advised and desirable.

The documents necessary to ensure its electric bike

For the VAE bikes classic, the list of documents to provide to ensure its cycle is simple:

  • An ID ;
  • Proof of address ;
  • The brand, models and serial number of the cycle;
  • The date of new purchase as well as the price.

If you wish to insure yourself against theft, insurers often ask, in addition, that the bicycle be identified.

Good to know : There Matmut Reminds you that since January 2021, the marking of bikes is compulsory. It consists of an engraving or label affixed to the framework. The identification number – very useful for finding a stolen bicycle – is centralized in the unique national file of identified cycles (FNUCI) managed by the Association APIC.

How an electric bike insurance works ?

So that a Electric bike insurance May work, you must notify your insurer of the claim as soon as possible.

Please note, depending on whether it is damage to bike/body damage or, for example, theft or attempted theft, a specific period of declaration may come into play. Also provide all types of supporting documents (photos etc.) Provising the reality of the claim.

Electric bike insurance also operates with a number of prerequisites. Among others:

  • THE Electric bike assured Must be new or bought a short time (limit in number of weeks after purchase). Before even acquiring an electric bike model, it is therefore better to consider its insurance.
  • To operate, the electric bicycle insurance contracts also require that the subscriber adopts a solid anti -theft device: Matmut recommends “U” “SRA” “U” or approved by the French Federation of Bicycle users (level “2 wheels “).
  • The high -end models of anti -thefts are certainly more expensive, but more difficult to hook. They will often discourage thieves from taking action.
  • For the flight guarantee to work, the electric bike must also be attached correctly outside the home. The anti -theft must cross and connect the frame and the rear wheel then be anchored at a fixed and motionless point whose bike cannot detach, even by uprising (for example: a panel, a post …).

The legal assistance guarantee provided for by certain electric bicycle insurance can extend to disputes related to the purchase or repair of the cycle.

The contracts ofelectric bike insurance may also provide guarantee limits.

Typically a cap of these guarantees and the application of a temporal discount on the bicycle (e.g. 1 % dilapidated discount per month). Or a limit to the number of flights covered during the insurance period.

How to find the best electric bike insurance ?

To find the best Electric bike insurance, The common sense approach is to peel the proposals. These must be both clear, complete (cover for example the damage linked to fires caused by the battery or the cyclist’s equipment). And offer high compensation ceilings.
This is what the Matmut electric bicycle insurance offers optional. These options make it possible to confront more serenely the financial consequences of a bodily accident.

A good Electric bike insurance Finally must at the same time be able to adjust to your specific situation as well as to the electric bike that you want to protect. It is this modularity, this “tailor -made” aspect of theElectric bike insurance which should guide your choice.

Why choose Matmut for your electric bike insurance ?

Because the Matmut knows and ensures new urban mobility: electric bikes are fully part of it ! La Matmut knows it all the better since it offers suitable and customizable insurance specific to these vehicles.
Thanks to the 2R Liberty offer, dedicated to conventional electric bikes, you will be well protected during your trips.

Specific 2R freedom insurance includes:

  • Damage guarantee/natural events;
  • Legal assistance guarantee;
  • In the event of a bodily accident, a compensation ceiling (optional), making it possible to deal with the financial consequences of damage;
  • The protection equipment guarantee, which notably reimburses helmets, gloves, etc.

This solid offer Matmut is also accompanied by customizable options.

The special case of speed bikes or fast electrical assistance bikes

Contrary to Electric assistance bikes classic (250W power and 25 km/h speed), the powerful Speed ​​Bikes capable of rolling up to 45 km/h are not considered as bikes.

Should a speed bike be assured ?

Because of their characteristics and their power, speed bikes are assimilated to moped. They are therefore submitted one to mandatory insurance, like a motorcycle. Thus, moreover, that the other imperatives of the legislation (license plate, minimum age to drive …).

The fact that the Speed ​​bike either assimilated to a moped, it is not not covered by the civil liability guarantee of the residential contract. This indeed excludes land vehicles with motor.

The owner of a speed bike or fast electric bike will also be well advised to consider protecting your cycle, in addition, against other risks. Especially the flight. Because, because of their high prices, the speed bikes arouse many lusts.

The documents necessary to ensure your speed bike

For type electric bikes Speed ​​bike, A license plate should be placed at the back of the cycle.

The owner of the speed bike must be able to produce:

  • A CERFA form n ° 13750*03 (request for a vehicle registration certificate)
  • An ID
  • Proof of address
  • The original purchase bill
  • Photocopy of the AM license (the old BSR or road safety certificate) if the Speed ​​Bike driver was born after January 1, 1988.

Why choose Matmut to ensure your speed bike ?

Because the Matmut knows and ensures new urban mobility, Speed ​​Bikes or fast electric bikes are part of it !

La Matmut invites you to provide them with the 2R Rider offer, customizable insurance.

This insurance is divided into three different formulas: third party formula (civil liability), a formula combining third-party-fire as well as a third all-risk iteration, called equilibre.

Each formula is, of course, customizable depending on the options offered as an option (driver’s body damage, 0km breakdown assistance, etc.).

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