EDF Pro subscription rate: cost, conditions 2023, company rate: what is the price of kWh for electricity?

Company rate: what is the price of kWh for electricity

Small professionals choose the blue prices of EDF or market prices (totalnergies which is the new Direct Energie total, Engie – GDF SUEZ. ))

EDF Pro subscription rate: Cost, Conditions 2023

Since the disappearance of the yellow rate and the green rate, EDF Pro electricity offers for professionals and businesses have evolved considerably. What are the prices of all these new subscriptions ? Are there cheaper offers on the market ?

Why do we talk about an EDF Pro subscription rate ?

An EDF subscription is a popular term used To designate any EDF electricity offer, whether for individuals or professionals.

However, if we refer to its exact meaning, the subscription designates The fixed part of your EDF invoice (or any other supplier).

Indeed, the electricity bill in a pro or in an individual consists of two parts:

  • The fixed part : this is the subscription. It is a fixed rate that you pay to finance the electricity networks as well as the fixed costs of your supplier. The price of the subscription varies depending on the power of your counter and the subscribed offer.
  • The variable part : it corresponds to what you have to pay for each kWh of electricity consumed. Its price varies according to the offer subscribed.

When you have to take out an EDF Pro Electricity Subscription ?

Need to compare pros offers ? It is often complicated to navigate in professional offers for small and large electricity consumers. Selectra puts specialized advisers at your disposal in order to guide you in the choice and subscription of a company offer. It is possible to contact them at
09 71 07 17 15 or online via an online form Announcement – EDF Non-Party Service

2 situations may arise:

  • You move into a new room : you therefore need to put the counter to your name by subscribing to an electricity offer. The transfer of contract does not exist, you must terminate your old contract and take out a new. You can occasionally take the opportunity to change your supplier and pay cheaper.
  • You don’t move, but you want to pay less for your electricity : In this case, you can use our electricity tender comparator for pros. Do not realize your old subscription yourself, it is the new supplier who takes care of it.

EDF Pro subscription rate: what cost ?

EDF Pro (also called EDF Entreprises) offers its customers many offers that adapt to the size and needs of companies, Whether you are a small SME or a large industrialist.

Choose your EDF Enterprises subscription:

  1. Blue rate for professionals
  2. Renewable energy contract
  3. Customizable offer
  4. Erasure

The choice of your subscription to EDF Enterprises will be made according to:

  • the power of your counter;
  • the size of your business;
  • The amount of kWh you consume;
  • Your consumption profile.

The blue price for professionals

This is the only pro electricity offer on the market at the regulated rate. The prices are therefore fixed by the State.

It is an offer that is reserved for professionals and companies with a counter of a power less than 36 kVA.

You have the choice between 2 pricing options:

  • Base option : You always pay the same price per kilowatt hour whatever the time of day
  • Option full hours / off -peak hours. The price varies depending on if you are in off -peak hours (cheaper) or in full hours.
PRO Blue Price of EDF (regulated rate)

Power Base price HPHC price
Annual subscription Price per kWh Annual subscription Price per kWh
Full hours Off -peak hours
3 kVA 131.28 € 0.1907 €
6 KVA 162.12 € 0.1907 € 164.04 € 0.1984 € 0.1607 €
9 KVA 191.64 € 0.1907 € 195.12 €
12 KVA 220.80 € 226.68 € 0.1984 € 0.1607 €
15 kVA 249.96 € 256.20 €
18 KVA 276.36 € 286.68 €
24 KVA 338.88 € 354.72 € 0.1984 € 0.1607 €
30 KVA 400.32 € 415.68 €
36 KVA 459.48 € 476.40 €

Up -to -date price on September 1, 2023

Is the blue price of EDF Pro is profitable ?

The blue price has some advantages, but also many disadvantages.

It is, indeed, Resiliable at any time at no cost. You are therefore free to change your supplier when you want. It is also the flagship offer of the EDF supplier which is one of the favorite companies of the French.

However, the blue rate for companies is today One of the most expensive electricity offers on the market. There are, in fact, alternative suppliers who offer electricity subscriptions for businesses with more competitive and also without notice and free of charge.

Green offer

Renewable energy contract

Operating on the same principle as the renewable offer for individuals, this offer is intended for companies that are concerned with the environment. This subscription is reserved for professionals with a counter of a power less than or equal to 36 kVA.

For each kWh consumed, EDF donates the equivalent in renewable energy on the French electricity network. In addition, for each MWh consumed, EDF Reverse € 1 to search on the development of renewable energies.

The customizable offer

EDF Pro also offers fully customizable subscriptions for companies with a counter of a power greater than or equal to 42 kVA.

Thanks to this offer, you can choose the type of price that suits you best:

  • Fixed price : you pay the same price for the duration of your subscription (12, 24 or 36 months). It is EDF which defines this price according to your consumption profile.
  • Indexed price : The price is indexed to the price of the ARENH (and not on the regulated rate).
  • Tailor -made : an EDF expert analyzes your consumption and makes you a tailor -made proposal.


This offer is reserved for companies with a subscription for a power greater than or equal to 42 kVA.

The EDF Enterprises erasure offer works on a principle similar to the EJP offer for individuals. With this subscription, you engage with EDF in drastically lower your consumption during peak periods. In return, EDF offers you a extremely interesting kWh price And you pay if you reach the goal.

EDF Pro and alternative energy suppliers

Since the opening of the electricity market to competition, there are many suppliers who offer offers intended for professionals and companies. Some of these suppliers offer more competitive prices !

The classic Pro Total Direct Energie offer

Totalnergies is one of the largest alternative suppliers on the market. The company was also elected Customer service of the year 2019 for the 12ᵉ consecutive year !

Its electricity offer for companies is particularly interesting, because it allows you to benefit from 5 % reduction On the price per kWh compared to the pro Blue rate of EDF thanks to its classic pro offer.

Here is a comparison between the blue price of EDF Pro and the classic Pro Energy offer.

The price per kWh at
Totalnergies pro is
5 % cheaper
that EDF’s pro blue price.

Difference price per kWh eDf pro price blue vs. Totalnergies Pro Classic Offer – HPHC option

Power Price per kWh
Price per kWh
Price per kWh
Price per kWh
6 KVA – 9 KVA 0.1984 € 0.1870 € 0.1607 € 0.1306 € The price of KWH HT at Totalenergies Pro is
5% cheaper
that EDF’s pro blue price.
12 kVA – 15 kVA – 18 KVA 0.1984 € 0.1870 € 0.1607 € 0.1306 €
24 kVA – 30 KVA – 36 kVA 0.1984 € 0.1870 € 0.1607 € 0.1306 €

Up -to -date price on September 1, 2023

Save money on the subscription rather than the price per kWh

Rather than offering discounts on the price per kWh, as Direct Energie Total does, other electricity suppliers offer you a discount of the subscription compared to the regulated prices of EDF Pro.

How to subscribe to a business offer at EDF Pro ?

The best way to subscribe to EDF Entreprises is to call the supplier.

  • call him 30 22 (free call).
  • Call Selectra 09 71 07 17 15 If you want to terminate your EDF Pro subscription and subscribe to another supplier. You can also request a free reminder.

Company rate: what is the price of kWh for electricity ?

Want to reduce the electricity and gas bill of your business ? Compare Pro suppliers Pro and reduce the amount of your invoices ��
☎️ 09 71 07 17 15 (selectra – currently opened)
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A free online energy quote ? It’s possible ! ⚡️ With Selectra, it is possible to get a free online quote. Our experts offer tailor-made solutions for small professionals and large companies in order to reduce their electricity and gas bill. ��
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The price of electricity for a company depends on its consumption (small, average, or very important) and the chosen supplier. Find below the price options and electricity prices for your business according to its size.

In accordance with the provisions of the Nome law, the regulated yellow and green prices disappear on December 31, 2015.
Market offer for yellow prices profiles with totalergies (ex total direct energy): Request free online quote or call ☎ 09 74 59 31 95 .
Market offer for profiles green prices with Proxelia: Request an online quote for free or ask for a quote from Direct Energie.
Learn more about the end of yellow and green regulated prices.

How to know the price of electricity paid by my company ?

  • If you have an electricity bill before you and you are an EDF customer, you know the type of price to which you are submitted (blue, yellow, green) and you can find the pricing grid applicable below.
  • Otherwise, you can contact the Selectra platform at ☎ 09 71 07 17 15: an advisor will direct you according to your activity to the most appropriate price type.

Blue prices (small professionals)

  • Professional blue prices are aimed at small consumers (Professionals and companies) whose meter power is between 3 and 36 kVA.
    Blue pricing profiles can opt for the regulated rate (set by the State, marketed by EDF only) or for market prices offer (fixed free by the supplier).
  • Several alternative suppliers offer attractive offers in blue rate, with electricity prices indexed to the regulated EDF rate.
    Among them, Totalenergies offers the essential offer with MWH HT prices indexed to the regulated rate in force.
    Find below the blue electricity rates for professionals at EDF and electricity prices at totalnergies for companies with the essential offer for pros.

€ HT price of the EDF supplier’s regulated electricity prices offer up to date at 25/09/2023

Price in € HT of the offer essential offer Professional electricity from the up -to -date supplier up to date at 25/09/2023

Note that from the power of 18 kVA, the EDF blue price is not open available to the optional base subscription.

€ HT price of the EDF supplier’s regulated electricity prices offer up to date at 25/09/2023

Price in € HT of the offer essential offer Professional electricity from the up -to -date supplier up to date at 25/09/2023

Yellow prices (medium powers)

The yellow electricity prices are reserved for companies whose meter power is between 42 and 240 kVA
The yellow prices are aimed at companies with a substantial but remaining electricity consumption of low voltage.

Yellow prices will disappear on December 31, 2015, In accordance with the Nome law: all consumers must have chosen a market price offer by this date on this date. Direct Energy offers market offers for yellow prices profiles (☎ 09 74 59 31 95 .

At the yellow rate, the price of electricity for a company depends on the option chosen, and the version.
There are two options in yellow rate:

  • The base option : The year is divided into two seasons (summer and winter). For each season, a price for electricity in full hours and a price in off -peak hours are applicable, a total of 4 different kWh prices.
  • The EJP option (erasure of the peak day) : as for the base option, there are 4 different kWh prices, but they are distributed differently.
    • In summer, a full hour price and a off -peak price apply.
    • In winter, 22 days ago mobile rush (very high kWh price), and a single “winter” rate the rest of the time.
      The EJP option is to be reserved for companies with great flexibility in their use of electricity: they must be able to drastically reduce their consumption in mobile peak without notice to be able to really make the advantageous rate granted the rest of the time ..

    The Yellow Price Base option is available in two versions: average use version (UM), up to 2000 hours per year, and long use version (UL) beyond. The yellow price EJP option is only available in long use version.

    Electricity price for a company at the yellow rate – EDF regulated rate:

    Base option

    Regulated price yellow option

    Source: Official Journal, July 31, 2013

    EJP option

    EJP yellow price

    Source: Official Journal, July 31, 2013

    Green prices

    Green prices serve as a reference for electricity prices paid by companies and electro-intensive industrial sites, connected in high voltage (more than 1,000 V). Reserved for meter powers exceeding 250 kVA, Green prices are available at the regulated rate (set by the State) at EDF, but some alternative suppliers specializing in major industrial and tertiary consumptions can also make offers at market prices.
    According to consumption profiles, the prices offered by suppliers such as PROXELIA, Primeo Energies (ex free energy / enel France), e.On, Alpiq or Edenkia can be attractive.

    Please note, like yellow prices, green regulated prices disappear on December 31, 2015 : We therefore strongly recommend that companies concerned to be interested in market offers upstream of this date.
    Market offer for profiles green prices with Proxelia: Request free online quote or request a quote from Totalenergies (Ex-Total Direct Energie).

    The green prices are a little more complex than blue prices and yellow prices: the price of electricity for a green price company depends:

    • Of the type of green price to which it is subscribed: there are 4 types of green prices, depending on the meter power:
      • The A5 green rate (power < 3MW) : 5 prix du kWh
      • The A8 green price (power < 10 MW) : 8 prix du kWh
      • Green price B (power> 10 MW): 8 KWH prices
      • The green price C (power> 40 MW): 8 prices per kWh (in green price B and C, the sites are connected to the transport network to benefit from a very high voltage power supply).
      • Base option: Depending on the green rate, there are 2 (A5 green rate) or 4 (green prices A8, B and C) seasons in the year. For each of them, a off-peak price and a full hour price apply (except: single price in July-August in A8, B and C). In winter, a third price per kWh, the “tip” price applies 4 hours a day.
      • EJP option (erasure of the peak day): the full hours off-peak hours in winter (and mid-season in A8, B and C) is replaced by a single price “winter hours” (“Hours of mid-season »). In return, a very high kWh price, the “peak day” rate applies 22 days a year. These days at 6 p.m. are mobile, and the notice is very reduced (the day before at 5 p.m. at the earliest, zero notice at the latest). The option is therefore aimed at very flexible sites.
      • Modular option (deleted option)

      Finally, the price of electricity in green tariff depends on the power class (A up to 0 MW, B from 10 to 40 MW or C beyond), and the voltage class (HTA, HTB; 220 KV, 240 kV) of the company.

      Find below the electricity prices for a company at the green rate at the regulated price of EDF.

      A5 green rate – EDF regulated rate

      Based green price and EJP

      Source: Official Journal, July 31, 2013

      A8 green rate – EDF regulated rate

      Green price A8 Base and EJP

      Source: Official Journal, July 31, 2013

      Green price B and C – EDF regulated prices

      Green price B Base and EJPGreen price C Base and EJP

      Source: Official Journal, July 31, 2013

      Power pricing: increase – Minoration

      Power pricing

      Source: Official Journal, July 31, 2013

      Example of a total invoice a blue price store (100 m², electric heating)

      According to the averages, a store consumes approximately 120 kWh per year of electricity per square meter. Therefore, a 100 m 2 store consumes 1200 kWh per year and will therefore be eligible for Professional blue rate. According to the grid of regulated prices in force, with a 9 kVA power counter, we can estimate the electricity bill:

      • The subscription is € 220.68 excl
      • The price per hour in full hour is € 0.1801 excl
      • The price per kWh in a hollow hour is € 0.1433 HTT

      If it is estimated that 70% of electricity consumption is made in full hours, the following formula indicates that the total bill is approximately € 423.16 excl to June 2, 2023.

      220.68 + (1200 x 0.7 x 0.1801) + (1200 x 0.3 x 0.1422) = 423.16

      Comparison with other European countries

      It is better to subscribe as a particular ?

      The question arises for small professionals established on their own, who may wonder if it is better not to subscribe as an individual, even if it is reimbursed by their company the costs incur. It would ideally be necessary to compare the price grid excluding VAT of blue prices for individuals and professionals, but the website data do not allow easy comparison: prices for individuals are given TTC and prices for HTT professionals (excluding All taxes: excluding VAT, CSPE, local taxes, CTA).

      The answer therefore comes from the study of the tariff grid of the essential offer of totalnergies, which presents the HTVA prices for professionals identical to the prices regulated for professionals):

      • THE subscription and kWh price are cheaper for the essential provallerie offer that for the optional EDF blue price base ;
      • THE subscription price is cheaper for the essential provallerie offer that the optional EDF blue price full hours/off -peak hours ;
      • THE KWH price in full hours is more expensive for the essential Totalnergies essential offer that the Blue Price EDF;
      • THE KWH price in off -peak hours is cheaper For the essential Pro Totalnergies offer that the EDF blue price.

      Xavier Pinon

      After an international business diploma with an energy specialty, Xavier co-crere the company Selectra with Aurian de Maupeou. He wrote a book entitled “The energy retail market, competition in action in electricity and gas” (2015) in collaboration with Thomas Véron. Xavier regularly publishes articles on international news of electricity and comparisons between countries.

      Save money on your electricity and/or gas bill compare energy prices with the selectra comparator !
      09 75 18 41 65 Free reminder
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      Telephone platform currently closed (free service – open Monday to Friday from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m., Saturday from 8:30 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. and Sunday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.)

      Electricity price: the price for professionals

      Want to reduce the electricity and gas bill of your business ? Compare Pro suppliers Pro and reduce the amount of your invoices ��
      ☎️ 09 71 07 17 15 (selectra – currently opened)
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      A free online energy quote ? It’s possible ! ⚡️ With Selectra, it is possible to get a free online quote. Our experts offer tailor-made solutions for small professionals and large companies in order to reduce their electricity and gas bill. ��
      Free quote

      Quote – KWh price cheaper for professionals – moving ☎ 09 71 07 17 15 (selectra; Monday to Friday from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m., Saturday 8:30 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. and Sunday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
      Free reminder

      1. Price per kWh andsubscription at the regulated rate (Blue prices – Small professionals))
      2. Pay less than the Professional blue rate
      3. There standard For different professions
      4. THE yellow price
        1. The alternatives and the 2015 deadline: Regulated prices and market prices
        2. There electricity bill Yellow prices
        3. Electricity price For a professional at the yellow rate – EDF regulated rate
          1. Optional professionals’ yellow price Base
          2. Optional professionals’ yellow price EJP

          Price per kWh and subscription to the regulated rate for small professionals

          Commerce store store store

          Small professionals choose the blue prices of EDF or market prices (totalnergies which is the new Direct Energie total, Engie – GDF SUEZ. ))

          Small professionals whose power on the meter is less than 36 kVA are subject to the blue rate.

          Since 2003, professionals have the choice to buy their electricity:

          • at the regulated rate : This price is set periodically by ministerial decree on the proposal of the energy regulator (CRE). It is available only at EDF. This is EDF’s professional blue rate, a still very common subscription, but far from being the cheapest on the market;
          • market prices : the price of kWh and the subscription are fixed freely by the supplier. At EDF, market offers do not guarantee a reduction compared to regulated prices unlike those of other alternative suppliers offering reductions ranging up to 5% of the price of KWh to the key (Totalenergies classic).

          At the regulated rate, the price of kWh and the subscription for small professionals depend on the subscribed option (base or full hours off -peak) and the power in the clock. Find the pricing grids of the Professional Blue Price EDF below !

          Tariff grid regulated EDF regulated price for professionals – Base and full/hollow TTC -update options up to date on September 1, 2023

          Power subscribed
          Base option Option Hours Small – off -peak hours
          Subscription (/year) Price per kWh Annual subscription KWH prices full hours KWH price off -peak
          3 kVA 93.40 € HT 0.1887 € HT – € HT – € HT – € HT
          6 KVA 120.63 € HT 0.1887 € HT 122.€ 29 HT 0.2040 € HT 0.1513 € HT
          9 KVA 150.36 € HT 0.1887 € HT 156.33 € HT 0.2040 € HT 0.1513 € HT
          12 KVA 180.89 € HT 0.1887 € HT 187.17 € HT 0.2040 € HT 0.1513 € HT
          15 kVA 208.80 € HT 0.1887 € HT 216.31 € HT 0.2040 € HT 0.1513 € HT
          18 KVA 236.37 € HT 0.1887 € HT 245.11 € HT 0.2040 € HT 0.1513 € HT
          24 KVA 299.25 € HT 0.1887 € HT 318.36 € HT 0.2040 € HT 0.1513 € HT
          30 KVA 350.86 € HT 0.1887 € HT 375.54 € HT 0.2040 € HT 0.1513 € HT
          36 KVA 421.59 € HT 0.1887 € HT 421.36 € HT 0.2040 € HT 0.1513 € HT

          The double price full hours and off -peak hours does not exist for the meter powers at 3 kVA
          HT: excluding taxes. These prices are to increase applicable taxes and contributions

          Pay cheaper than professional blue rate

          Since the opening of the energy market, it is possible for small professionals to pay their electricity cheaper than the professional blue rate of EDF. Several alternative suppliers offer indexed prices on regulated prices, in order to always be a few cheaper percent than EDF blue rate.

          Selection of electricity offers for energy suppliers for professionals – 24 kVA

          Electricity suppliers Prices of the annual subscription to the basis KWH price in base Annual subscription price in full hours/off -peak hours KWH price in full hours KWH price in off -peak hours
          Regulated blue rate

          ☎️ 09 69 32 15 15
          Contact EDF

          299.25 € 0.1887 € 318.36 € 0.2040 € 0.1513 €
          HAPP -E – ELEC Offer

          ☎️ 09 74 59 40 69
          Free reminder
          Customer Service Happe by ENGIE

          304.31 € 0.1887 € 327.23 € 0.2040 € 0.1513 €
          Ohm energy

          ☎️ 09 71 07 14 21
          Free reminder

          273.88 € 0.1887 € 295.72 € 0.2040 € 0.1513 €
          Ekwateur – Offer 100% green fixed price

          ☎️ 09 87 67 16 74
          Free reminder

          326.52 € 0.1751 € 364.32 € 0.1945 € 0.1380 €
          SOWEE – Elector price offer ‘

          ☎️ 0 806 800 444

          304.32 € 0.2076 € 315.24 € 0.2407 € 0.1785 €
          Santerre Energies – Domelec offer 36 months

          ☎️ 03 22 73 31 82

          – € € – € € – € € – € € – € €

          € 1, 2023 HT prices – Free SEO – Non -exhaustive list

          The standard bill for different professions (Ile-de-France)

          Type of business Average energy consumption (kWh) Average consumption in kWh/m² Average consumption in kWh/employment Approximate annual invoice for an all -electric business (€ HT)
          Bakery pastry 99 196 601 23,774 9530
          Restaurants 53 627 379 14 993 5420
          Butchers, cold meats, caterers 28 048 307 9 210 2750
          Pharmacies 28 307 294 7 241 2770
          Cafes, tobacco, drinking speeds 30,851 289 10,454 3000
          Jewelry stores, watchmaking 14,020 244 6 134 1390
          GENERAL POWER SUPPORTS 26,794 231 13,741 2630
          Perfumery 21013 204 6511 2020
          Bookstore, stationery 15,949 182 7 974 1560
          Fishmonger 14,723 177 5,774 1450
          Florists 13,620 171 5 262 1350
          Clouting/Shoes shops 13,564 164 6,437 1350
          Auto shops 34 708 117 9,575 3250
          Estimate ☎ 09 71 07 17 15 (Selectra Service)

          Source of average annual consumption: AREME-DEME survey on energy consumption of local services and businesses in Ile-de-France; 2008. Price calculation at the regulated blue electricity prices, base option, variable meter power according to the professions considered. HTT prices exclude VAT and other electricity taxes (CSPE, CTA, TCFE. )).

          EDF yellow and green priceThe yellow price

          Alternatives and the 2015 deadline: regulated prices and market prices

          Professionals with slightly greater electricity consumption are assimilated to the yellow rate . The yellow rate is aimed at professionals equipped with a power counter between 42 and 24 0 kVA.

          EDF’s offer at the yellow rate has long been the most competitive on the market. However, the disappearance of yellow regulated prices was set for December 31, 2015 and alternative suppliers are already able to make competitive offers on this type of profile. Switching to market prices will mainly be carried out in 2014 and 2015, each professional being invited to find out as soon as possible with alternative suppliers.

          Yellow regulated prices disappear on December 31, 2015.
          Market offer for yellow prices profiles with totalnergies: Request free online quote or call the ☎ 09 74 59 31 95.
          Learn more about the end of yellow and green regulated prices.

          Understand the electricity bill for professionals in yellow prices

          The price of electricity at the yellow rate is more complex than at the blue rate. The price per kWh and the subscription depend on the price option as well as the chosen version (which depends on the length of use).

          Professionals providing at the yellow rate have the choice between two options:

          • The base option : depending on the time of consumption, 4 different kWh prices apply. The year is divided into two seasons, winter (from November to March), and summer. For each season, a full hour price and a off -peak price apply. The base option is available in “average uses” version, for professionals consuming less than 2,000 hours a year, and in “long use” version, for those who consume more than 2,000 hours. In this latest version, a third type of hour is added: the hours of “tip”: 4 hours a day from Monday to Saturday, three months in winter (from December to February), the price of KWh is more expensive.
          • the erasing option of peak days(EJP): There are always 4 prices per kWh, but their distribution is not the same. In summer, a full hour price and a off -peak price apply. In winter, there is no time variation in the price per kWh: a single price by default applies the majority of time, the “winter hours” rate. 22 days in winter, the price per kWh of electricity is very high: it is the “peak day” rate. The EJP option is primarily intended for professionals with the flexibility necessary to drastically reduce their electricity consumption 22 days per year, with little or no notice. It is only available in long use version.

          Here is the detail of the ‘electricity prices for yellow prices, depending on the option chosen, the version, and the meter power:

          Electricity price for a professional at the yellow rate – EDF regulated rate

          Base option

          Base yellow price

          Source: Official Journal, July 31, 2013

          EJP option

          EJP yellow price

          Source: Official Journal, July 31, 2013

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