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Live scholarship

SO . I wet the steaks of pleasure by thinking about it. �� You will love my biquets. ����

Scholarship, news and economy, heritage

Does communication on monetary policy really influence markets ?

information provided by Reuters • 09:27

The head of the Sicilian mafia Messina Denaro has died, reports the ANSA

information provided by Income • 09:08

Lazard Frères Gestion prefers the obligations well rated to the shares

In the rest of the news
information provided by • AFP
information provided by • Boursorama
information provided by • Boursorama with LabSense
information provided by • Reuters
information provided by • Boursorama with media services
information provided by • AFP
information provided by • Reuters
information provided by • Boursorama with media services

information provided by Balance Bank • Sept 24.

The 7 good resolutions to follow to better manage your family budget

information provided by Balance Bank • Sept 24.

These benefits of Boursorama mortgage

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Open your account and choose the bank card adapted to your needs.

All other products in the Boursorama Banque range

Boursorama Banque, it is also a rich and efficient range of products.

Ecorama, the program that simplifies the economy

When the markets must recognize that they were wrong.

Google, Apple, Microsoft: this flop of vocal assistants

Which will be really favored with indexing on the inflation of the income tax scale ?

CAC 40 Nasdaq Nikkei Dow Jones Dax
information provided by • Reuters
information provided by • Reuters
information provided by • Reuters
information provided by • Circle Finance

On the front page

information provided by AFP • 09:11

Decreasing opening of European scholarships, rates weigh on morale

information provided by Income • 09:08

Lazard Frères Gestion prefers the obligations well rated to the shares

information provided by Purse • 08:53

Sensorion will host a webconference at noon

information provided by Reuters • 08:37

The values ​​to follow in Paris and in Europe

information provided by Reuters • 08:27

Drop in Europe, rates fears remain lively

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Understand everything about mortgage mortgage

Understand everything about mortgage mortgage

Rate, deadline, monthly payments, insurance, guarantee: everything you need to know

Life insurance

Life insurance, how it works ?

Simulators and practical sheets

Discover our simulators and practical tax sheets, real estate, retirement, investments, etc.

information provided by Boursorama with LabSense • 08:30

Survivor’s pension: the conditions to benefit from it

information provided by Income • 07:05

Property tax: what is the exemption for energy renovation work ?

information provided by Income • Sept 24.

Make on “green” funds

information provided by The particular files • May 14, 2019

Succession and representation: it is possible to inherit in the place of a parent

information provided by Boursorama with LabSense • Sept 24.

Co -owners: how to acquire a common part ?

information provided by The particular • Sept 24.

PEA: how to know if your funds are really durable?

information provided by Balance Bank • Sept 24.

These benefits of Boursorama mortgage

information provided by The particular files • June 23, 2020

Rental investment: how to choose the right tenant

Find out how to earn some money by easily reselling your books thanks to dedicated sites and apps. (Photo credit: Getty Images)

The 7 best sites and applications to resell your books

information provided by The individual for Conso • Sept 18.

Having a pet represents a certain cost. (Photo credit: Shutterstock)

What budget is to provide before adopting a pet?

information provided by The individual for Conso • 08:30

(Photo credits: Adobe Stock -)

The 7 good resolutions to follow to better manage your family budget

information provided by Balance Bank • Sept 24.

It is possible to take advantage of the capital without breaking the bank. (Photo credit: Getty Images)

Paris: low -cost activities, it’s possible!

information provided by The individual for Conso • Sept 23.

Large distribution, inflation, electric cars: news of the week

On the program for this, CA $ H the weekly: the drop in prices on the shelves of supermarkets; the French who always find it difficult to complete their end of the month with inflation; and finally the market share of electric cars that increases in Europe.

information provided by Customer Boursorama • Sept 23.

The Stock Exchange Debrief of September 22: CAC 40 under 7.200 points

information provided by Purse • Sep 22.

For this last session, the markets are always affected by the prospect of monetary policy of the Fed, the Parisian stock market index continues its downward trend and accentuates its weekly loss at 2.63% today, the PMI preliminary indices indicate an economy American resilient, with a dynamic always positive in the service sector and an improvement of 1 point compared to the previous month in the manufacturing sector, which remains in contraction all the same. For the euro zone, the PMI indices are still under 50, and suggest an economic contraction in the third quarter

When the markets must recognize that they were wrong.

information provided by Ecorama • Sep 22.

Jerome Powell’s harder remarks showed investor expectations in terms of lower interest rate. We must not clearly count on lower rates in 2024, which was not the scenario expected by the markets

Google, Apple, Microsoft: this flop of vocal assistants

information provided by Ecorama • Sep 22.

The way seemed promising a few years ago, but now the main players in the vocal assistant market moved discreetly to turn to artificial intelligence. Despite its commercial success, the advent of AI signs the end of vocal assistance for Google, Apple and Microsoft ? The explanations of Philippe Escande, economic editorialist in the world

Which will be really favored with indexing on the inflation of the income tax scale ?

information provided by Ecorama • Sep 22.

The Government has just announced an indexing of the groups of the income tax on income for 2023 on inflation. This indexing, similar to that made for income for 2022, only leads to favorable situations ? Answer with Maître Jérôme Barré, associate lawyer at Yards

Chargers takes stock of its news

information provided by Purse • Sep 22.

Mandailors, it is a diversified industrial group, world leader in several of its trades and with two major strategic centers, the technology pole and the luxury pole. Michaël Friborg, CEO of chargers was on the stock of the Stock Exchange news to detail the recently published half -yearly results and return to the group’s prospects and ambitions for the current financial year and 2024

The Stock Exchange Debrief of September 21: CAC 40 drives the 7.300 points after a Hawkish speech from the Fed

information provided by Purse • Sept 21.

The speech deemed “Hawkish” of the Fed weighs on the markets and leads all the stock markets withdraws for this session. The federal reserve has chosen to maintain unchanged rates after the meeting, but it suggests a potential increase again by the end of the year and the maintenance of the rates beyond 5% of ‘here 2024

Fed, ECB: the rate increase cycle is really over ?

information provided by Purse • Sept 21.

While the ECB has just tightened its rates of 25 base points, while suggesting that it could stop there, the Fed for its part decided to take a break. What assessment should we draw from this return from central banks ? Bastien Drut’s analysis, Studies and Strategy Manager at CPR AM

Another last increase in the Fed rate by Christmas ?

information provided by Ecorama • Sept 21.

It’s no surprise, the Fed decided this Wednesday to take a break while keeping its stable rates. A decision made unanimously by the members of the American central bank, although they anticipate an additional increase by the end of the year

When the price war of drugs is relaunched !

information provided by Ecorama • Sept 21.

While last winter, many French people had trouble providing paracetamol and amoxicillin, this year again, the fear of possible drug shortages begins to resurface. Consequence: prices could increase in order to limit consumption and empower users

Nicolas Hazard: “Decrease it works, but I am convinced that we can do otherwise !””

information provided by Ecorama • Sept 21.

Nicolas Hazard, founder of Inci and author of the book “Happy End” at Flammarion editions, was the guest of the program Ecorama of September 21, 2023, presented by David Jacquot on

Oddo BHF Avenir Range: Investing in the big companies of tomorrow

information provided by Purse • Sept 21.

The future range at Oddo BHF AM is available in three funds: future France, future Euro and future Europe. Each of going to seek the great promises of growth of companies located in France, in the euro zone and in Europe

100% ETF: To start well, you have to diversify well !

information provided by Purse • Sept 21.

In 2023, 100% ETF declined three themes: investment for women, young people and experts. In this 4th issue dedicated to young people, Charlotte Grosseau, commercial manager France and Monaco Blackrock looks back on a basic principle, very important when you start to invest: diversification

Real estate: here is how to lighten your property tax

information provided by Ecorama • Sept 15.

The year 2023 marks a record flight tax, with increases that can even reach 30% or even more than 50% over a year in several large cities. What are the means to limit the invoice ? Answer with Maître Jérôme Barré, associate lawyer at Yards

IPO: Will the ARM rating relaunch the IPO machine ?

information provided by Ecorama • Sept 14.

The British Giant of Arm Microprocessors enters Wall Street this Thursday. A mega IPO which could boost a rather gloomy market of the IPO

Oil permit, wind crisis: in the United Kingdom, the horizon of renewables darkens

information provided by AFP Video • Sept 18.

The United Kingdom will issue new oil and gas operating licenses in the northern sea in the fall, a decision by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak which caused an uproar in part of the political class during the summer.

Le Havre: Greenpeace tries to prevent the arrival of the LNG terminal

information provided by AFP Video • Sept 18.

Greenpeace activists have tried in vain to prevent the installation of a flourishing terminal floating in Le Havre, a project led by totaling and desired by the government to secure the gas supply.

Sale of fuel at a loss: how much the prices of gasoline will drop ?

information provided by Ecorama • Sept 19.

From December, fuel distributors will be able to sell petrol at a loss for 6 months. Can this unprecedented decision really have the price of the full ? The explanations of Jean-Marc Vittori, editorialist at Echos

“There is no more life”: the inhabitants of Derna in Libya faced with a landscape of desolation

information provided by AFP Video • Sept 18.

A week after the devastating floods that killed thousands of Derna Libyan city bordering the Mediterranean, the inhabitants are confronted with a landscape of desolation.

Currencies, petroleum, bitcoin: this financial scam which plummed 135,000 savers !

information provided by Ecorama • Sept 18.

135,000 savers in North America and Europe were victims of a scam by the company Traders Global which played against its own customers. Back on this XXL scam with Charles Sannat, founder of the Insolentiae site

South Africa: the flight of electricity, a question of “survival”

information provided by AFP • Sept 19.

She fights and draws like a relentless cable that armed police, in helmet and bullet-proof vests, end up tearing off from the ground and confiscating: this illegal connection was the only way for this resident of a CAP D slog ‘have electricity. In a South Africa in the grip of a serious shortage of electricity, wild connections to the network are frequent

Zelensky arrives at the UN for the General Assembly

information provided by AFP Video • Sept 19.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky arrives at the United Nations headquarters in New York for the first day of the General Assembly.

African troops ready to intervene in Niger ?

information provided by France 24 • Sept 19.

While the ECOWAS threatened to intervene militarily in Niger, in the wake of the July 26 coup, Mali and Burkina Faso have proposed their military aid to the Nigerian transitional authorities if the use of force was decided. It is in this context that a publication circulated massively on social networks affirming, supporting video, that soldiers of these countries were already massing at the borders

Messages + recommended

Hello to all,

I like this weekend was good.
Here we go for a new week of scholarship on our beloved cacou.

Summary: this week, which will be punctuated by .

by i4409442 • Sep 25. • 07:46

Hello Filous ��
Back or continuation B this Week ?
Instant T, the parametric data tell me that this night reverse H has been done, but that everything is not Ga .

by E7109752 • Sep 25. • 08:05

Hello to all the recycles of pognons

Only one turbo FRBNPP061JE7 at 0.1 therefore 1/3 for 0.15
A little of FRBNPP05AA70 for LT of 1 € to my that Nicolas goes under 0.83 for an exchange
I .

by freemen • Sep 25. • 08:36
Le_chauve_qui_pue • 08:36

Hello . Minimum objective this week the return to Trend Haussier above 7246,

+Bas 7055 – 7104, +high 7299 – 7348 ?

1 hour bullish > 7169.40, Daily >7213.60, Weekly > 7246

by J.Mahaut • Sep 25. • 07:55

Hello Top and all, Decrease in view C on 7150 and 7080, good trades to all ��

by M5551803 • Sep 25. • 08:03

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All the analyzes and/or recommendations present on the Boursorama forum are only developed by members who are issuing them.

Acting exclusively as a broadcast channel, Boursorama has in no way participated in their development or exercised no discretionary power about their selection. The information contained in these analyzes and/or recommendations has been transcribed “as it is”, without declaration or guarantee of any kind. The opinions or estimates expressed there are those of their authors and cannot reflect the Boursorama point of view. Subject to applicable laws, neither the information contained, nor the analyzes expressed therein can engage the Boursorama responsibility.

Read complete legal notices

Live scholarship

Decreasing opening of European scholarships, rates weigh on morale

information provided by Income • 09:08

Lazard Frères Gestion prefers the obligations well rated to the shares

information provided by Purse • 08:53

Sensorion will host a webconference at noon

information provided by Reuters • 08:37

The values ​​to follow in Paris and in Europe

information provided by • Circle Finance
information provided by • AFP
information provided by • Income
information provided by • Circle Finance
information provided by • Circle Finance
information provided by • Boursorama CP
information provided by • Globenewswire
information provided by • Circle Finance
information provided by • Pr Newswire
information provided by • Boursorama
information provided by • AOF
information provided by • Circle Finance
information provided by • Reuters
information provided by • Reuters
information provided by • Reuters
information provided by • Circle Finance
information provided by • TEC
information provided by • TEC
information provided by • TEC
information provided by • Reuters
information provided by • AOF
information provided by • Reuters

Ecorama, the program that simplifies the economy

When the markets must recognize that they were wrong

Another last increase in the Fed rate by Christmas?

Until when will renewable energies be sanctioned on the stock market?

Monday September 25, 2023


  • 10:30 IFO index

Listed companies

  • 00:00 Idi Results of the 1st Semester
  • 00:00 Carmat Results of the 1st Semester
  • 14:30 Phaxiam Therapeutics S.HAS. Semi -annual analyst meeting
  • 18:00 Aelis Farma Results of the 1st Semester

Tuesday September 26, 2023


  • 16:00 New accommodation sales
  • 16:00 Consumer confidence in Conference Board

Listed companies

  • 00:00 Witbe 1 semester results
  • 00:00 Philip Morris International, Inc. Dividends deposit detachment
  • 00:00 Osmosun turnover 2nd trimester
  • 18:00 Crossjectal results of the 1st semester

Wednesday September 27, 2023


  • 16:30 Petroleum Stocks
  • 08:45 Conditioned in households

Listed companies

  • 18:00 Trigano turnover 4th trimester
  • 18:00 Alan Allman Associates Results of the 1st Semester
  • 09:00 GECI International Annual General Assembly
  • 18:00 Vogo Results of the 1st Semester

Thursday September 28, 2023


  • 2:30 p.m. GDP – 3rd estimate
  • 14:30 Unemployment benefits registration
  • 2:00:00 p.m. Price index – Preliminary
  • 11:00 Household confidence

Listed companies

  • 18:00 i2s results of the 1st semester
  • 00:00 ADVINI Reunion of semi -annual analysts
  • 18:00 Vaziva Results of the 1st semester
  • 18:00 Wedia Results of the 1st Semester

Friday September 29, 2023


  • 16:00 Michigan consumer confidence
  • 14:30 Household income
  • 14:30 Household expenses
  • 11:00 Consumer prices – Quick estimate

Listed companies

  • 00:00 SOCIETE EDITORIAL IL FATTO S.p.HAS. Results of the 1st semester
  • 00:00 BIO-UV Group Payment Dividends
  • 15:00 Figeac aero annual general assembly
  • 00:00 Navya Results of the 1st half

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MORNINGSTAR categories prize list (1 year slippery)

OPCVM news

information provided by Sep 25. 2023 • 09:00
information provided by Sep 25. 2023 • 08:15
information provided by Sep 25. 2023 • 08:15
information provided by Sep 25. 2023 • 08:15

Most treated underlying over the last 5 days

Stock market news

information provided by Sept 22. 2023 • 15:13
information provided by Sept 18. 2023 • 12:16
Company news
information provided by Sep 25. 2023 • 09:15
information provided by Sep 25. 2023 • 09:00
information provided by Sep 25. 2023 • 08:56
information provided by Sep 25. 2023 • 08:43
information provided by Sep 25. 2023 • 08:36
Experts speak
information provided by The circle of economists • Sep 25. 2023
information provided by DT Expert • Sept 21. 2023
information provided by The circle of independent analysts • Sept 21. 2023
information provided by The circle of economists • Sept 18. 2023
information provided by The circle of independent analysts • Sept 14. 2023


The Stock Exchange Debrief of September 22: CAC 40 under 7.200 points

For this last session, the markets are always affected by the prospect of monetary policy of the Fed, the Parisian stock market index continues its downward trend and accentuates its weekly loss at 2.63% today, the PMI preliminary indices indicate an economy American resilient, with a dynamic always positive in the service sector and an improvement of 1 point compared to the previous month in the manufacturing sector, which remains in contraction all the same. For the euro zone, the PMI indices are still under 50, and suggest an economic contraction in the third quarter

information provided by Purse • Sep 22.

When the markets must recognize that they were wrong.

information provided by Ecorama • Sep 22.

Jerome Powell’s harder remarks showed investor expectations in terms of lower interest rate. We must not clearly count on lower rates in 2024, which was not the scenario expected by the markets

Chargers takes stock of its news

information provided by Purse • Sep 22.

Mandailors, it is a diversified industrial group, world leader in several of its trades and with two major strategic centers, the technology pole and the luxury pole. Michaël Friborg, CEO of chargers was on the stock of the Stock Exchange news to detail the recently published half -yearly results and return to the group’s prospects and ambitions for the current financial year and 2024

The Stock Exchange Debrief of September 21: CAC 40 drives the 7.300 points after a Hawkish speech from the Fed

information provided by Purse • Sept 21.

The speech deemed “Hawkish” of the Fed weighs on the markets and leads all the stock markets withdraws for this session. The federal reserve has chosen to maintain unchanged rates after the meeting, but it suggests a potential increase again by the end of the year and the maintenance of the rates beyond 5% of ‘here 2024

Fed, ECB: the rate increase cycle is really over ?

information provided by Purse • Sept 21.

While the ECB has just tightened its rates of 25 base points, while suggesting that it could stop there, the Fed for its part decided to take a break. What assessment should we draw from this return from central banks ? Bastien Drut’s analysis, Studies and Strategy Manager at CPR AM

Another last increase in the Fed rate by Christmas ?

information provided by Ecorama • Sept 21.

It’s no surprise, the Fed decided this Wednesday to take a break while keeping its stable rates. A decision made unanimously by the members of the American central bank, although they anticipate an additional increase by the end of the year

Oddo BHF Avenir Range: Investing in the big companies of tomorrow

information provided by Purse • Sept 21.

The future range at Oddo BHF AM is available in three funds: future France, future Euro and future Europe. Each of going to seek the great promises of growth of companies located in France, in the euro zone and in Europe

Presentation of the SC ESG Fund Trends Pierre

information provided by Swiss Life AM FR • Sept 21.

We present to you in this video our real estate account unit, the civil company ESG Trends Pierre . This content is offered by Swiss Life AM

100% ETF: To start well, you have to diversify well !

information provided by Purse • Sept 21.

In 2023, 100% ETF declined three themes: investment for women, young people and experts. In this 4th issue dedicated to young people, Charlotte Grosseau, commercial manager France and Monaco Blackrock looks back on a basic principle, very important when you start to invest: diversification

The Stock Exchange Debrief of September 20: the CAC 40 well oriented before the Fed

information provided by Purse • Sept 20.

Well it’s Fed Day today so nobody wanted to take too much risks even if in the end the CAC 40 climbs 0.67% to the 7.331 points and a little more than 3 billion euros exchanged

Until when will renewable energies be sanctioned on the stock market ?

information provided by Ecorama • Sept 20.

Despite impressive growth figures and ecological planning that is in full swing, the values ​​of the renewable energy sector are struggling on the stock market. Can it last ? The analysis of Laurens Lafont, editor -in -chief of the investment letter useful words

When will China stop worrying international investors ?

information provided by Purse • Sept 20.

Real estate crisis that overflows on finance, exports and interior requirements at half mast, yuan at the lowest: a large number of clouds pile up above the Chinese economy. The pessimism of international managers with regard to China justified ? The explanations of Jean-Marie Mercadal, Managing Director of Syncicap AM

The Stock Exchange Debrief of September 19: CAC 40 finishes in green in extremis

information provided by Purse • Sept 19.

The session was disputed to the end but the CAC 40 still ends symbolically in the green: +0.08% to the 7.282 points and 2.7 billion euros exchanged

Real estate: here is how to lighten your property tax

information provided by Ecorama • Sept 15.

The year 2023 marks a record flight tax, with increases that can even reach 30% or even more than 50% over a year in several large cities. What are the means to limit the invoice ? Answer with Maître Jérôme Barré, associate lawyer at Yards

IPO: Will the ARM rating relaunch the IPO machine ?

information provided by Ecorama • Sept 14.

The British Giant of Arm Microprocessors enters Wall Street this Thursday. A mega IPO which could boost a rather gloomy market of the IPO

Oil permit, wind crisis: in the United Kingdom, the horizon of renewables darkens

information provided by AFP Video • Sept 18.

The United Kingdom will issue new oil and gas operating licenses in the northern sea in the fall, a decision by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak which caused an uproar in part of the political class during the summer.

Le Havre: Greenpeace tries to prevent the arrival of the LNG terminal

information provided by AFP Video • Sept 18.

Greenpeace activists have tried in vain to prevent the installation of a flourishing terminal floating in Le Havre, a project led by totaling and desired by the government to secure the gas supply.

Sale of fuel at a loss: how much the prices of gasoline will drop ?

information provided by Ecorama • Sept 19.

From December, fuel distributors will be able to sell petrol at a loss for 6 months. Can this unprecedented decision really have the price of the full ? The explanations of Jean-Marc Vittori, editorialist at Echos

“There is no more life”: the inhabitants of Derna in Libya faced with a landscape of desolation

information provided by AFP Video • Sept 18.

A week after the devastating floods that killed thousands of Derna Libyan city bordering the Mediterranean, the inhabitants are confronted with a landscape of desolation.

Currencies, petroleum, bitcoin: this financial scam which plummed 135,000 savers !

information provided by Ecorama • Sept 18.

135,000 savers in North America and Europe were victims of a scam by the company Traders Global which played against its own customers. Back on this XXL scam with Charles Sannat, founder of the Insolentiae site

South Africa: the flight of electricity, a question of “survival”

information provided by AFP • Sept 19.

She fights and draws like a relentless cable that armed police, in helmet and bullet-proof vests, end up tearing off from the ground and confiscating: this illegal connection was the only way for this resident of a CAP D slog ‘have electricity. In a South Africa in the grip of a serious shortage of electricity, wild connections to the network are frequent

Zelensky arrives at the UN for the General Assembly

information provided by AFP Video • Sept 19.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky arrives at the United Nations headquarters in New York for the first day of the General Assembly.

African troops ready to intervene in Niger ?

information provided by France 24 • Sept 19.

While the ECOWAS threatened to intervene militarily in Niger, in the wake of the July 26 coup, Mali and Burkina Faso have proposed their military aid to the Nigerian transitional authorities if the use of force was decided. It is in this context that a publication circulated massively on social networks affirming, supporting video, that soldiers of these countries were already massing at the borders

Latest messages on Stock Exchange Forums

You discover the
File or what? Yes we know all the dilutions. You are flying your titles. The valo will be x5 with the deal

by Thephoenix • Sep 25. • 09:30

But for that you have to validate a Weekly fence above 34,407 !
Place your bets !
I rest because the previous one erased ?
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by Artmarketer • 02 Feb. • 09:54

are another ! They will quickly be there !

by loudel19 • Sep 25. • 08:46

Hello everyone, another way to see things.

by Bigg-Boss • Sep 25. • 09:10

The credit market is seized, real estate sinks into the crisis. But the government works to find a solution said the chairman of the law enforcement committee n .

by toto_fx • Sep 25. • 08:17

with valuation of 37 murder .
Do not forget that Dms Group holds 88% .
All this will come out one day or another . Patients .

by STG07800 • Sept 23. • 17:07

Let the baskets spit their venom,
Take advantage of the drops to recharge
And above all be patient.

by toma1975 • Sep 25. • 8:25

SO . I wet the steaks of pleasure by thinking about it. �� You will love my biquets. ����

My first is dandelion.

My second is celery.

by M7230810 • Sep 24. • 17:59

"We are extremely disappointed by the refusal of UAW leaders to commit in a responsibility for a fair agreement in the best interest of our employees, their .

by M447290 • Sept 15. • 09:57

hello quality video listen to the end no longer to make a decrease in the decrease ! nor purchase for the moment ! There is an inquiry

https: // www.Youtube.Com/Watch?V = AO0ZIAPK9YW
Come and rejoin us .

by Easystar40 • Sep 25. • 08:47

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All the analyzes and/or recommendations present on the Boursorama forum are only developed by members who are issuing them.

Acting exclusively as a broadcast channel, Boursorama has in no way participated in their development or exercised no discretionary power about their selection. The information contained in these analyzes and/or recommendations has been transcribed “as it is”, without declaration or guarantee of any kind. The opinions or estimates expressed there are those of their authors and cannot reflect the Boursorama point of view. Subject to applicable laws, neither the information contained, nor the analyzes expressed therein can engage the Boursorama responsibility.

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