Ecological bonus: request, amount and conditions 2023., Ecological bonus for a car |

Ecological bonus for a car


This amount includes any surprise in received (“Outremer Surprit: Titlecontent” for the Bonus, “Surprising Zone with Low Mobility Mobility: Titlecontent” for the conversion bonus).

Ecological bonus: request, amount and conditions 2023

The ecological bonus is a financial aid granted by the State for the purchase or long -term rental of electric cars or hydrogen. This aid aims to push motorists to favor energy efficient vehicles. Who are the beneficiaries ? Eligible vehicles ? Or the amount of aid in 2023 ? Focus on the ecological bonus.

Updated on 09/20/2023 at 10:50 am

What is the ecological bonus ?

To encourage the French to acquire or rent a new electric vehicle for a long time, the government has set up an ecological bonus. This system also aims to encourage technological innovation of manufacturers and offer them the possibility of improving their efforts as to the marketing of vehicles very little CO2 issuing.

The decree of December 30, 2022 specifies the methods of the ecological bonus. Since January 1, 2023, it applies to long -term purchase or rental:

  • cars under 2.4 tonnes operating exclusively to electricity, hydrogen or a combination of the two;
  • of category M2 vehicles (more than eight seats) with maximum weight less than or equal to 3.5 tonnes;
  • of electric vans
  • new vehicles whose CO2 emission rate is less than or equal to 20 g/km;
  • two wheels, three new wheels and new electric quadricycles not using a lead battery;
  • electric bikes not using lead battery.

What are the conditions for the ecological bonus in 2023 ?

Conditions relating to the beneficiary

To benefit from the ecological bonus, it is necessary:

  • to be a major natural person with their home in France or a legal person with an establishment in France;
  • to buy a vehicle cited below or to rent it as part of a long-term rental greater than or equal to two years.

Vehicle conditions

As of January 1, 2023, to benefit from the ecological bonus, the vehicle must:

  • be electric, hydrogen or a combination of the two;
  • Do not exceed 2.4 tonnes or 3.5 tonnes for category M2;
  • cost the purchase less than 47.000 euros (cost of the battery included);
  • Be purchased or rented for a minimum duration of two years and be registered in France in a final series;
  • not to be sold the year following its purchase, nor before having traveled at least 6.000 km.

Environmental score: a new calculation method for the ecological bonus 2024

New eligibility condition

In 2024, the ecological bonus will be subject to a new calculation method: the environmental score. The latter is added to the conditions mentioned above. It will take into account, in addition to the carbon assessment of the vehicle, the carbon footprint of its production and its transport.


The formula for calculating the environmental score was formalized in the Official Journal by the decree of September 19, 2023. He will come into force on October 10. Here is the formula in detail:

Ecversion = Ecferreux + Ecaluminium + Ecam + Ecbatterie + Ecati + Ectransport

  • EC: Carbon footprint
  • Ferreux: carbon footprint for the production of ferrous metals consumed for the manufacture of the version considered, excluding battery, expressed in equivalent CO2 kilograms
  • Aluminum: the carbon footprint for aluminum production (pure and ally) consumed for the manufacture of the version considered, excluding battery, expressed in kilograms equivalent CO2
  • AM: the carbon footprint of materials production, other than ferrous metals, and aluminum (pure and ally), used for the manufacture of the version considered, excluding battery, expressed in kilograms equivalent CO2
  • Battery: the carbon footprint linked to the production of the battery, expressed in kilograms equivalent CO2
  • ATI: Carbon footprint linked to the energy necessary for intermediate transformations and the assembly of the version considered, excluding battery, expressed in kilograms equivalent CO2
  • Transport: Carbon footprint linked to the delivery of the version considered from its assembly site to its distribution site in France, expressed in kilograms equivalent CO2

What is the amount of the ecological bonus in 2023 ?

Electric car or van

The amount of the ecological bonus for the acquisition or long -term rental of an eligible vehicle or van is 27% of the acquisition cost, increased, if necessary, the price of the battery if the latter is taken for rent.

The amount of the ecological bonus cannot exceed 5.Euros For individuals and 3.000 euros for companies. Individuals whose tax income is less than or equal to 14.089 euros can benefit from an increase of 2.000 euros in their ecological bonus.

To note : Until January 31, 2022, the ecological bonus was capped at 6.000 euros for electric vehicles and 1.000 euros for rechargeable hybrid vehicles. In 2023, only electric vehicles were affected.

Two or three wheels and electric quadricycles without lead battery

The amount of the ecological bonus depends on the motor power of the vehicle:

  • For an engine power greater than or equal to 2 kW, the amount of the ecological bonus is 250 euros per kWh of battery energy, without however being able to be higher of the lower two amounts: 27 % of the purchase cost , increased by the price of the battery if it is rented, or 900 euros.
  • For an engine power less than 2 kW, the amount of the ecological bonus is 20 % of the purchase cost, without being able to be more than 100 euros.

How to benefit from this state aid ?

People who meet all the conditions to benefit from the ecological bonus have the opportunity to take advantage of them in different ways, namely:

The dealer or the rental company

He made an advance corresponding to the amount of the ecological bonus by withdrawing it from the sale price. The concessionaire is then directly reimbursed by the service and payment agency which concluded an agreement with the State.

The buyer must make the request

Either, if the dealer does not carry out this advance, the buyer makes a request for payment of the ecological bonus directly to the service and payment agency. This request can be made directly online, on the Primeaconversion site.gouv.Fr.

What are the documents to provide for an ecological bonus request ?

In the event of an ecological bonus request, the following documents must be provided:

  • Proof of identity of the applicant (identity card, passport or driving license)
  • Proof of address of less than 3 months
  • The applicant’s payment details
  • The tax notice of the year (N-1) for income from the penultimate year (N-2)

And for the vehicle acquired or rented, proof of final registration comprising:

  • The registration date
  • The date of the first registration
  • The national genre
  • The international category CE
  • The source of energy
  • CO2 emission rate per kilometer
  • The purchase invoice

On a case -by -case basis, other documents may be necessary, find the full list on Legifrance.

Can we combine the ecological bonus with the conversion bonus ?

Yes, it is possible to combine ecological bonus and conversion bonus. However, the amount is capped at 13.000 euros for a new electric electric car excluding Surprit ZFE. In the event of a cumulation, the owner of the vehicle must only make one request for payment.

What a help from the government for the purchase of an electric bike ?

Aid for the purchase of electric bikes are extended until December 31, 2023. The ecological bonus applies to the purchase of bikes provided with electric assistance without lead battery for buyers with the most modest tax income. Called bonus bicycle, he goes between 150 euros and 1.000 euros according to a scale imposed by the Payment Services Agency.

Ecological bonus for a car

Damage to a minimum environmental score to benefit from the bonus

Posted on September 20, 2023

The conditions of eligibility for the ecological bonus for a new private car will change from October 10, 2023.

In the meantime, the information presented on this page remains valid.

What are the rules of Ecological bonus for a car ? What are the conditions to be fulfilled ? What is the amount of aid ? How to make the request ? We tell you the rules to know from 2023 (date of invoice or date of payment of the 1st rent for a rented car).

What conditions to be fulfilled to benefit from the ecological bonus for a car ?

  • New car
  • Used car
New car

To benefit from the ecological bonus, you must be major And domiciled in France.

The vehicle must fulfill all the following conditions:

  • Vehicle nine
  • Vehicle that uses electricity, hydrogen or a combination of 2 as an exclusive energy source
  • Mass in walking order: titlecontent less than 2,400 kg
  • Vehicle registered in France in a final series: Titlecontent
  • Vehicle either purchased or rented as part of a contract lasting 2 years or more
  • The vehicle should not be sold in the year following its purchase or rental, or before having traveled at least 6,000 km.
  • The acquisition cost must be less than or equal to € 47,000 including tax: Titlecontent, including, if necessary, the cost of acquiring or rental of the battery.

The ecological bonus is paid to the maximum once per person every 3 years.

If you sell the vehicle in the year following its purchase or rental, and/or before you have traveled at least 6,000 km, you will have to return the bonus amount within 3 months of the sale of the vehicle.

Know if a company or an association can benefit from the ecological bonus

A legal person: Titlecontent is eligible at the ecological bonus for a car newly.

Used car

To benefit from the ecological bonus, you must be major And domiciled in France.

The vehicle must fulfill all the following conditions:

  • Vehicle second hand
  • Vehicle that uses electricity, hydrogen or a combination of 2 as an exclusive energy source
  • Vehicle registered in France in a final series: Titlecontent
  • Vehicle either purchased or rented as part of a contract lasting 2 years or more
  • The vehicle must have been the subject of a 1st registration for 2 years or more depending on the billing or the payment of the 1st rent.
  • The vehicle must not belong to a member of the same tax household. : Titlecontent
  • The vehicle must not be sold within 2 years of the date of invoicing or payment of the rent.

The ecological bonus is paid to the maximum once per person every 3 years.

If you sell the vehicle within 2 years of purchase or rental, you must return the bonus amount within 3 months of the sale of the vehicle.

Know if a company or an association can benefit from the ecological bonus

A legal person: Titlecontent is not eligible at the ecological bonus for a car second hand.

What is the amount of the ecological bonus for a car ?

  • New car
  • Used car
New car

Your reference tax income is less than or equal to € 14,089

Reference tax income of 2021 (tax notice of 2022)

Reference tax income of 2021 (tax notice of 2022)

The ecological bonus is set at 27 % of the cost of acquisition TTC: Titlecontent of the vehicle within the limit of € 5,000, plus € 2,000 .

This amount is increased, if necessary, from the cost of the battery taken for rent.

Vehicle at a cost TTC: Titlecontent of € 24,000

27% x 24,000 € = € 6,480

Given the ceiling of € 5,000 and the increase of € 2,000, the bonus amount is € 5,000 + € 2,000 = € 7,000

The amount is increased by € 1,000 if you live overseas: Titlecontent provided you circulate with the new vehicle for 6 months or more according to its acquisition.

Know if bonus and conversion bonus can be accumulated

The cumulative amount of the ecological bonus and the conversion premium for the same vehicle must not exceed the cost of acquisition TTC: Titlecontent of this vehicle.

This amount includes any surprise in received (“Outremer Surprit: Titlecontent” for the Bonus, “Surprising Zone with Low Mobility Mobility: Titlecontent” for the conversion bonus).

The cost of acquisition TTC: Titlecontent of the vehicle is increased if necessary for the cost of the battery taken in rental.

Know if the rules of 2022 apply in 2023 to a vehicle purchased or rented in 2022

When they are more advantageous, the rules in force before January 2023 remain applicable to a vehicle nine order Before December 31, 2022 included, If its invoicing occurs at the latest the June 30, 2023. The same goes for a new vehicle whose rental contract was signed before June 30, 2023 if the payment of the 1st rent occurs no later than December 31, 2022.

Know the amount of the ecological bonus for a company or an association

For a legal person: Titlecontent, the ecological bonus for a new car is set at € 3,000 .

Your reference tax income is more than € 14,089

Reference tax income of 2021 (tax notice of 2022)

Reference tax income of 2021 (tax notice of 2022)

The ecological bonus is set at 27 % of the cost of acquisition TTC: Titlecontent within the limit of € 5,000 .

This amount is increased, if necessary, from the cost of the battery taken for rent.

The amount is increased by € 1,000 if you live overseas: Titlecontent provided you circulate with the new vehicle for 6 months or more according to its acquisition.

Know if bonus and conversion bonus can be accumulated

The cumulative amount of the ecological bonus and the conversion premium for the same vehicle must not exceed the cost of acquisition TTC: Titlecontent of this vehicle.

This amount includes any surprise in received (“Outremer Surprit: Titlecontent” for the Bonus, “Surprising Zone with Low Mobility Mobility: Titlecontent” for the conversion bonus).

The cost of acquisition TTC: Titlecontent of the vehicle is increased if necessary for the cost of the battery taken in rental.

Know if the rules of 2022 apply in 2023 to a vehicle purchased or rented in 2022

When they are more advantageous, the rules in force before January 2023 remain applicable to a vehicle nine order Before December 31, 2022 included, If its invoicing occurs at the latest the June 30, 2023. The same goes for a new vehicle whose rental contract was signed before June 30, 2023 if the payment of the 1st rent occurs no later than December 31, 2022.

Know the amount of the ecological bonus for a company or an association

For a legal person: Titlecontent, the ecological bonus for a new car is set at € 3,000 .

Used car

The amount of the ecological bonus is set at € 1,000 .

Know if bonus and conversion bonus can be accumulated

The cumulative amount of the ecological bonus and the conversion premium for the same vehicle must not exceed the cost of acquisition TTC: Titlecontent of this vehicle.

This amount includes any surprise in received (“Outremer Surprit: Titlecontent” for the Bonus, “Surprising Zone with Low Mobility Mobility: Titlecontent” for the conversion bonus).

The cost of acquisition TTC: Titlecontent of the vehicle is increased if necessary for the cost of the battery taken in rental.

How to request an ecological bonus for a car ?

The ecological bonus can be deducted from the purchase price by the professional, or reimbursed if you request it after purchase.

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Advance by the professional

The bonus is deducted from the purchase price including tax: titlecontent if the professional (dealer, organization having granted a clean vehicle microcredit) agrees to advance the amount of the bonus to you.

The bonus and possible its increase must be identified and visible on the invoice: there is a specific line indicating the amount of the bonus granted.

Personal request

If the professional (dealer, an organization having granted a clean vehicle microcredit) does not make you the advance of the bonus, you must make it the online request yourself.

If the bonus is combined with the conversion bonus, you must make a single request for the 2 aids.

The demand for the ecological bonus must be made at the latest in the 6 months Depending on the date of vehicle billing.

In the case of a rental, the request for the ecological bonus must be made at the latest in the 6 months Following the date of payment of the 1st rent.

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Prime to convert vehicles and ecological bonuses

To obtain information on the ecological bonus or the conversion bonus, benefit from assistance on the teleservice or know where the processing of your request is.

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