Ecological bonus and conversion bonus: Professional space Conv…, electric car: we discover the calculation of the ecological bonus 2024

Electric car: We discover the calculation of the Ecological Bonus 2024

The new ecological bonus 2024 has just revealed its mathematical formula and its modalities. Manufacturers are invited to submit their files next month to be able to hope that their customers can be granted the purchase assistance of 5,000 euros.

Ecological bonus and conversion bonus: space of approved professionals advancing aid

The assistance system for the acquisition and rental of little polluting vehicles is made up of two aids: the ecological bonus and the conversion bonus.

Important information

This page does not treat Bonus Olympic and Paralympic Games for Taxis carrying people with reduced mobility and users of wheelchairs, as well as bicycle aid (bonuses and conversion bonus). For these aids, please refer to the dedicated pages. Deadline for the retention of supporting documents related to advances: Unlike the 3 -year commitment stipulated in the agreement which links the professional and the ASP, the legal obligation to conservation the documents of a file is 10 years. This clarification is mentioned in the decree of December 4, 2022 relating to the methods of management of aid for the acquisition and rental of little polluting vehicles. Information entered in the extranet: Data (type of acquisition, dates, etc.) appearing in the requests for requests for aid which has been the subject of an advance by a professional or an organization approved for this purpose with the ASP, deposited in the “Extranet” module, must be informed with accuracy. Likewise, all compulsory fields must be correctly filled. Otherwise, the professional or the organization is exposed to the sanctions provided for in article 4 of the Convention for the Management of the Ecological Bonus and the Conversion Bonus. It is recalled, in fact, that article 2 of this agreement provides that: “The holder of the agreement is responsible for the data he records and transmits to the ASP via the extranet made available to him, with a view to reimbursement of the advances granted to the final beneficiaries”.

  • breaches of the obligations of article D. 251-9 of the energy code, which provides that advanced aids appear distinctly on the invoice, receipt or rental contract with the mention: “Ecological bonus aid to the acquisition and rental of vehicles little polluting ”.
    As a reminder, their amount must explicitly appear in deduction of the amount, all taxes included, of the vehicle mentioned on the acquisition or rental invoice;
  • errors in terms of acquisition cost, all taxes included, of the vehicle to be informed in the aid request files. The definition of this cost has therefore been specified, since December 22, 2022, to II of article 1 of the decree of December 29, 2017 relating to the management methods for the acquisition and rental of vehicles little polluting.
    If it includes any commercial discounts granted by the professional, and the cost of the battery, in the sole case where it is taken for rent apart, it does not include, or the discounts or deductions linked to the recovery of an existing vehicle, nor the options, whatever they are.

The attention of professionals and organizations proceeding in advance of aid is therefore particularly attracted to respecting these two points. Under article 4 of the Convention for the Management of the Ecological Bonus and the Prime to Conversion, errors or shortcomings in this area lead to the recovery, total or partial, of the aid concerned.

Help presentation

Who is concerned ?

  • vehicle sellers (manufacturer, dealer, brand agent, any automotive professional authorized to trade in vehicles);
  • vehicle rental companies;
  • Professionals having carried out retrofit transformations;
  • Organizations distributing loans (micro-credit organizations).

To do this, they must conclude with the Service and Payment Agency an agreement under which they undertake to advance the amount of aid paid to then obtain reimbursement on the Extra Bonus Extra. These agreements are signed between the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Service and Payment Agency and each professional concerned.

Once the agreement has been signed, they will receive connection information by electronic messaging: User identifier (login) and password (see manual user of the eco bonus extranet opposite).

What is its amount ?

You will find all the information by consulting the scales.

How to get it ?

To agreement with the Service and Payment Agency: It is necessary to download, supplement and sign the convention frame and its annexes available opposite and send it in 2 copies to the ASP regional management in charge of your geographical perimeter (see your contacts in the region opposite) accompanied a banking identity statement and a Kbis extract of less than 3 months. In the event that a vehicle rental company advances the aid in agreement with a vehicle seller approved with the ASP, so that he is appointed as an agent of the rental company, it is necessary to download, complete and sign the frame of tripartite amendment Available opposite and send it to 2 copies to the ASP regional management in charge of your geographic perimeter (see your contacts in the regional opposite).

Who does what ?

  1. Definition of public policy
    • Ministry of Energy Transition
  2. Treatment of assistance demand
    • Service and payment agency
  3. Payment of aid
    • Service and payment agency
  4. Control of assistance
    • Service and payroll agency

Steps to follow

Situation changes

  • If you have not changed siret but the person designated to be the interlocutor of the ASP and/or that the correspondent’s email has changed, there is no need to establish a new agreement but it is advisable Nevertheless to send to the regional directorate of the ASP territorially competent the appendix2 (identification sheet of the holder of the agreement) reporting this new information, in two copies.
  • If you have changed SIRET (moving, merger, etc.), you must establish a new agreement and send all the documents to the regional management of the ASP territorially competent.
  • More generally any change in the agreement of the convention or its appendices must be notified to the ASP.

Requested certificates

  • The “big roller” situation and/or the situation of the workplace in a ZFE-M
  • The attachment of adults to their parents’ tax household
    This document, to be attached to the assistance request file, is to be completed and signed by the parents and by the applicant
  • The absence of prior perception of aid for the same category of vehicle
  • The commitment of the conservation period of the acquired vehicle, rented or transformed (may concern a legal person)
  • The commitment of the conservation period of the vehicle acquired or rented for traffic in the overseas departments and regions (may concern a legal person)

Filing of a refund request

Request for reimbursement of professionals approved with the ASP must be made on the eco -bonus extranet.

For any questions relating to the device, you can contact the Metropolitan green number:

0 800 74 74 00 Free service and call

Open Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m

Useful links

  • Clean vehicle aid scales
  • Extranet bonus eco
  • Energy Code Article D251-1 to D251-13
  • Decree of February 9, 2009 relating to the procedures for registering vehicles
  • Decree n ° 2022-1761 of December 30, 2022 relating to aid for the acquisition or rental of little polluting vehicles
  • Order of December 4, 2022 modifying the decree of December 29, 2017 relating to the methods of management of aid for the acquisition and rental of little polluting vehicles
  • Site of the Ministry of Energy Transition
  • French administration site
  • ADEME site concerning technical information on vehicles and their CO2 emission rate
  • List of municipalities in low mobility emissions (ZFE-M) areas
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Electric car: We discover the calculation of the Ecological Bonus 2024

Electric car Calculation Bonus Ecological 2024

The new ecological bonus 2024 has just revealed its mathematical formula and its modalities. Manufacturers are invited to submit their files next month to be able to hope that their customers can be granted the purchase assistance of 5,000 euros.

All the details of the new ecological bonus have just been revealed on January 1st.

The detail of the new “environmental score”

Calculation Carbon Impact Bonus Ecologique 2024

For the 2024 ecological bonus, the terms of “low emission” electric cars, will no longer focus only on their price (below 47,000 euros) or their weight (below 2.4 tonnes). © Official Journal

“The environmental score is fixed by the version of a variant of a type of vehicle. It is composed for at least 70 % of its value, of the carbon footprint of the version considered, on the stages of the life cycle of a vehicle preceding its use on the road “, Can we read in the Official Journal of September 19. EC (am) being the variable of the carbon impact of other metals used in production (gold battery, gold aluminum and ferrous metals). EC (ATI) concerns the carbon impact of the energy necessary for intermediate transformations and assembly.

If some models exceed the ceilings, then their score will be reduced to 0 and brands will not be able to benefit their clients from the bonus. Are in particular threatened Dacia with the Spring, MG with the MG4 or Tesla with some of its copies of Model 3 and Model Y in Propulsion version. Their main problem being their place of production in China, which, by the way the carbon impact of transport, disqualify the list of models pretending to the ecological bonus.

Ecological bonus: Places of production that are problematic

In the decree of September 19, the State added several annexes to reveal the reference carbon notes according to the production places. What to see how more some countries are more affected than others. For example, on the carbon impact of aluminum production, Chinese production vehicles will receive a value of 20 kg of CO2 per kg, when it is only 8.6 kg in Europe and 8.5 kg in America North.

Ecological Bonus aluminum factor 2024

As we have seen, however, the measure is not only protectionist in anti-china because countries sometimes less distant from Europe will be affected. The most affected with China are South Korea, Morocco and Mexico.

Transport factor Ecological Bonus 2024

Other models could be added when it is not as easy to know what it is the impact of their production. There may well be surprises. Note that weighting is also planned for brands that assemble their vehicles in several factories. For batteries, the environmental factor for Chinese production will be 68 kg of CO2 equivalent per kWh when it is 55 kg for Europe.


The environmental score will obviously be measured on each version of the same model (called “varying” in the decree), while it may change depending on the batteries used and other equipment. As we said for Tesla, manufacturers can also find themselves producing two versions of the same model on different production places.

To be able to be validated by the French authorities, the manufacturers will have to obtain a note greater than 60 (out of 80). A score which is equivalent to a ceiling of 21,000 kilograms in CO2 equivalent by vehicle (or 17,000 for the little ones, less than 170 km of autonomy, with less than 5 places and a trunk of less than 200 liters). As for electric cars at 100 euros per month (thanks to the ecological bonus), there could be a change.

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