Duel comparison: Samsung Galaxy S21 FE VS Galaxy S20 Fe 5G – Numériques, Samsung Galaxy S20, resolution viewport CSS, pixel density, screen size, media queries
Samsung Galaxy S20 features
Note a first point: thanks to its Android 12 output with ONE UI 4 Updated and deployment on the Galaxy S20 Fe, the Galaxy S21 Fe will benefit from a three -year software support, which makes it eligible to Android 14, even Android 15. The S20 FE, it came out on Android 10 and should not go further than Android 13. This is a point that weighs on the sustainability of the product, and therefore to take into account before the purchase.
⚖️ DUEL: Samsung Galaxy S21 FE VS Galaxy S20 Fe 5G
Samsung Galaxy S21 Fe
Samsung Galaxy S20 Fe 5G
Designed to satisfy fans of the reduced budget brand, the fan edition of Samsung products follow one another in the South Korean catalog. After a prosperous Galaxy S20, the manufacturer markets the Galaxy S21 Fe to which it should be measured.
The latest in the Samsung Galaxy S range, the Galaxy S21 FE imposes itself as the declination of the Galaxy S20, as was the Galaxy S20 Fe compared to the Galaxy S20 just over a year ago. The smartphone, which we have recently published the test, retains the efficiency of its elder, but loses a star in its final rating. The object of this duel, you can imagine, is therefore not to determine who wins it, but to compare the strengths and weaknesses of each of these two models.
Note a first point: thanks to its Android 12 output with ONE UI 4 Updated and deployment on the Galaxy S20 Fe, the Galaxy S21 Fe will benefit from a three -year software support, which makes it eligible to Android 14, even Android 15. The S20 FE, it came out on Android 10 and should not go further than Android 13. This is a point that weighs on the sustainability of the product, and therefore to take into account before the purchase.
Samsung Galaxy S20 features
It is the resolution that most interests designers and developers because it conditions breakpoints and the definition of media queries. In general we only talk about this resolution.
Regarding Samsung Galaxy S20 It is:
- 360 pixels in width (width)
- 800 pixels in height (Height) ⚠️ The height is indicative because the safari browser, chrome, etc.. reduces the visible area
ℹ️ Some analytics tools only display the manufacturer’s resolution (below) and not that presented above, so be careful when interpreting the results.
Available in the simulator
Test your responsive site on Samsung Galaxy S20 thanks to the browser extension.
It’s free and activated in 2 clicks.
Pixel density
On Samsung Galaxy S20 it is 4
If you want to target Devices in CSS with at least this pixel density you can use this media query.
@Media Only screen and (-webkit-min-din-pixel-ratio: 4)) / * CSS */
Also in JavaScript, it is possible to recover the value of the pixel density.
// What will send the number 4
Samsung Galaxy S20 manufacturer resolution
Given the density of pixel it gives:
- 1440 pixels in width
- 3,200 pixels in height