Download Fitness & Bodybuilding – Sport, Health – Digital, Bodybuilding Book

Bodybuilding book

The problem is that a lot of application was made by non-charts, have been developed and ordered by companies in order to to diversify Their activities or seeing an empty sector, without competition, in order to earn money at the expense of the user.

Fitness & bodybuilding

Fitness & bodybuilding is a bodybuilding application.


Fitness & bodybuilding is an application that will allow you to follow your bodybuilding and fitness program.

You want to start a fitness program but do not have time to go to the gym or the budget to pay you a coach ? An application such as fitness & bodybuilding can allow you to access your goals.

Indeed, you can create your own program, meeting your availability as well as your needs. The application offers an exercise database, detailed for each part of the body you want to work. Each sheet has an explanation text as well as a video, so that you can perform the exercise optimally.

In addition, new exercises will be offered to you every day, in order to vary the training. You can follow your weight curve daily and consult graphics of your performance, in order to remain motivated.

Bodybuilding book

Bodybuilding book is the simplest and easiest application to replace your paper training book.

  • “This application is perfect for my training”
  • “She goes to the point, and that’s just what I needed ! “”
  • “Impossible to do without it now ! “”

It’s what ?

Bodybuilding book is a mobile training monitoring application developed by a team that likes bodybuilding, crossfit and fitness. The application brings together the best features of an ultra simple and easy to use way.


Why she ?

The other applications are often complex, require prior preparation and waste time for practitioners. Thanks to its simplicity, bodybuilding book has become one of the most popular applications of the App Store and Play Store.



Bodybuilding book is available on iOS and Android and has a multitude of features such as performance monitoring, access to statistics, data export, and many more. Try it !

The best bodybuilding application ?

With the democratization of smartphones, the question of best application of bodybuilding is raging.

In front of these countless applications, which use or rather than make an application to help us better progress ?

This is the question that I will try to answer in this article.

Summary of the article

1 – What must do a bodybuilding application ?

Best bodybuilding application

You are not knowing that it is essential to note your training in order to know what we do there and to determine what we are going to do during the next session.

For years, it was recommended to use a paper training notebook.

I remember it very well since I myself had these notebooks, From the largest to the smallest (notebook) that I brought everywhere with me in the room.

The advent of digital should therefore immediately allow us to solve this paper “problem” because you understand just as well as me, and it may be for this reason that you have never noted your training and use a notebook , that it is particularly bulky and impractical.

There is / always had the solution to note everything when I got home with possible oversights.

There was and there is always the solution of the bodybuilding forums to share your training in the section which are called the training notebook but we then come up against the same problem of practicality (each time, there are advantages in terms of significant collective emulation).

There First thing What must make a bodybuilding application, for me, is therefore to replace our training notebook.

As we always have or almost our smartphone with us, it is easy to note your training, to be able to refer to it.

There second thing What must do a bodybuilding application, is to help us build our program.

There are so many programs available everywhere that it is difficult to know which one follows.

She must therefore offer us programs Depending on our level and our availability without losing ourselves by having too much choice because the more we have, the less we know.

Ideally, these programs must have been validated by a professional.

We gain time and efficiency.

If you already have its own program and it is suitable for us, we must be able to enter it easily, intuitively.

Ideally, each exercise must be imagined (on video, it’s better) so that we can look at what it is about to do it well while having the possibility of adding it if, never, some did not appear in the database.

There third thing is that she must help us progress.

Until recently, no application helped us.

SP Training

We were offered to change your program randomly, for no valid reason.

We were offered various challenges having no tails or heads because the trend is gamification.

A real good bodybuilding application should tell us what to do with each session, like a good coach:

  • What weights should I put ?
  • What recovery time should I take ?
  • How many series, rehearsals should I perform ?
  • How to warm up ?
  • ….

And this from information collected at each session requested to you to establish the next session.

This is what I personally call the progression cycles.

Thus, we are sure to progress from session to session and in the medium and long term because there is nothing worse than being in the blur as to the content of the next session.

If, in addition, a stopwatch is integrated into the application, then it will allow us less to wage between our series by going to social networks.

Finally, the fourth which seems important to me is to have a follow -up of your progress.

To be able to follow a sound click evolution On these exercises, to see what we did, for example, two months ago compared to now in order to see that we are actually going in the right direction.

2 – What she should not do

Unfortunately, these 4 basic features are not present in a lot of bodybuilding application.

For a long time, we had applications that offered to change programs depending on the time (I exaggerate a little but you see the idea), which asked us to change exercises over the season or which forced us psychologically to participate in a challenge in order to win x points to be able to unlock a badge.

I fully understand this tendency to the gamification of everything but as a bodybuilding practitioners wishing to progress and not to lose my time, to avoid mistakes, not to hurt myself, I prefer an application that does this and that does not lose me.

The problem is that a lot of application was made by non-charts, have been developed and ordered by companies in order to to diversify Their activities or seeing an empty sector, without competition, in order to earn money at the expense of the user.

Like the bodybuilding rooms today which are opened by business man and not by bodybuilding enthusiasts as should be the case and was when I started, many bodybuilding applications are developed by non-professional.

The intention may be laudable behind but the progression in bodybuilding cannot be improvised.

There security practitioners by advising certain exercises that are not suitable for everyone according to their morpho-anatomies, either.


The problem is that of education beforehand.

We don’timprovised Not a coach, we can’t improvise passionate. Just because you can do it that you have to do it.

I am still surprised to see applications not to offer cycles of progression, monitoring of the evolution of your training or even to encourage us to change the training program without reason.

If you come across this kind of application, run away !

3-The problem of Take-all bodybuilding applications

During my research, I came across many applications a little catch-all, that is to say who was trying to do everything at the same time.

It is not a surprise For anyone but when you try to do everything at the same time, you are rarely effective and there is little chance of becoming good everywhere (afterwards, there are always exceptions).

I came across applications mixing both cardiovascular activities and bodybuilding making ergonomics difficult, useless use.

I also saw bodybuilding applications mixing this work book functionality (always Without this option which is dear to me with the cycles of progression which allows us to know what to do at each session) and nutrition notebook in order to note what you eat every day.

This time, the ergonomics were simpler but still a little difficult.

This is why personally, I prefer to have an application that does “one thing” rather than several moderately.

For food, there are different applications that do well, very well the job like myfitnesspal.

But I do not would recommend Not the Tout-Tout Applications.

I need, and maybe you too, that everything is quite simple, that navigation is fluid, that I can easily find myself.

I don’t want to spend hours deciphering each application tab to find out what it is.

It’s like when you buy a microwave (example at stupid, I know), you don’t want to read 300 pages of notice to be able to use it.

This is why I do not recommend these tote bodybuilding applications.

An application for everything but it may be because I’m from the old school ?

4 – The best: SP training

Several months ago, one of my students contacted me in order to develop A bodybuilding application.

In front of the day before that I did, I immediately saw the opportunity available to us.

There was no Nothing that really suited me.

So, after having defined the specifications together and the features that I wanted in order to help all those who wish to progress better in bodybuilding, we have work over a year above.

We have put a good part of what I use with my students and especially all that we are entitled to expect from a bodybuilding application.

This application is called Sp-training and is available on the Play Store and on the App Store.

She is free For a month with all of its features and nothing forces the subscription later that we wanted to access everyone (less than one euro per month).

If after a month, it did not suit you, it would be enough to go to the options of your phone and cut the subscription before the first sample.

Which did not exist, we did it.

Because there were fed up To see anything, to see tote, to see improvisation in the bodybuilding advice.

Now we have, you have this application which really helps to progress.

So I can only encourage you to test it.

If you ever meet any problems, you are never safe with computer science, do not hesitate to Contact me. I would then transmit to Pierre who will take care of solving your problem.

5 – Conclusion on the best bodybuilding application

It did not exist, we did not have others choice than to create it.

In addition to the previous features, we have assistant to itOther features As the level passage related to the tables of the superphysics club according to the exercises you do, without forcing yourself to change your program for a potential badge that would unlock anything.

SP Training

Here, it is only in order to set out goals who will increase your motivation to progress, a bit like the belt passage to judo.

You can also export Your sessions if you want to share them on the bodybuilding forums, without forgetting anything, and thus enjoying collective emulation in order to do better together than alone.

Finally, important in our eyes, we Let’s not collect your data, none of your data. If you are aware of what is currently going on in the world and especially on social networks, you will understand that we are part of those who do not like that we are using their data, even less without asking them. This is why, we don’t do it.

Hoping that this sp-troing bodybuilding application helps you progress (I don’t really doubt it), I wish you good training.

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