Download Bing Image Creator (Free) – Clubic, Bing Image Creator: how to use the Image Generative IA in Edge

Bing Image Creator: How to use the generative IA Image in Edge

Dall-E 2 | Bing | Maria Diaz/ZDNET

Bing Image Creator

The image creator Bing is an online tool that allows you to generate images from keywords. Just enter one or more words in the search bar and let the model generate the results. The Bing image Creator uses artificial Dall-E intelligence to combine relevant visual elements and create an original image. You can then download the image or share it on social networks. The image creator Bing is a fun and creative way to express his ideas in images.

  • Why use Bing Image Creator ?
  • How to use Bing Image Creator ?
  • What are the alternatives to Bing Image Creator ?

Why use Bing Image Creator ?

Bing Image Creator is a bing tool that allows users to create and modify images using various tools and effects. Just write a sentence or keyword in the search bar and click on the “Create an image” button to see an image generated by the AI ​​appear. The images created can be explored, downloaded or shared on social networks. Bing Image Creator is based on a more advanced version of the model found in Dall-E d’Opnai.

Some tips for using it as well as possible

Bing Image Creator is a fun and creative tool that can help you express yourself visually, but it also has certain limits and difficulties. Here are some tips and tricks to get the most out of it:

  • Be specific and descriptive in your requests. The more details you give, the more likely you are to get relevant and interesting images. For example, instead of typing “a dog”, try “a golden retriever carrying a hat” or “a dormant box on a sofa”.
  • Use commas to separate the different attributes or concepts in your requests. This can help the model of AI to better understand what you want and to generate more varied images. For example, instead of typing “a red car”, try “a car, red” or “red, car”.
  • Experience different formulations and synonyms in your requests. Sometimes, changing a single word can make a big difference in the quality and variety of images generated by Bing Image Creator. For example, instead of typing “a bird”, try “a bird” or “a feathered creature”.
  • Be aware of potential biases and inaccuracies in the results of Bing Image Creator. The AI ​​model that underlies Bing Image Creator is formed from large amounts of data from various sources on the Internet, which may not reflect reality in a precise or fair way. Therefore, some images can be inappropriate, offensive or deceptive for certain messages. Bing Image Creator does not approve of views or opinions expressed by its results.

How to use Bing Image Creator ?

Image Creator is currently in the test phase in certain regions of the world and will soon be available for all Bing users. Users can access Bing Image Creator by clicking the camera icon on the Bing home page or looking for “image Creator” on Bing.

What are the alternatives to Bing Image Creator ?

Here are the main alternatives to the Bing image creator:

Bing Image Creator: How to use the generative image of image in Edge

Bing Image Creator: How to use the generative image of image in Edge

After Bing, it is the turn of the browser Edge to welcome Bing Image Creator, the Microsoft images generator based on Dall-E which allows you to create impressive illustrations from a simple textual description.

  • Bing Image Creator: an image generator in Microsoft Edge
  • Create images with Bing Image Creator
  • Microsoft Edge: The browser is full of new products

Microsoft continues its race for artificial intelligence. And at full speed ! An aggressive strategy in order to quickly dominate the field of AI and compete with Google in the Internet research sector. Thus, after having integrated the GPT-4 language model into its bing search engine and in its Edge browser, added Bing Image Creator (“Bing Image Creator”) in his chatbot, then announced the addition of bing cat to Its Swiftkey mobile keyboard, the Redmond firm takes a new step by incorporating its image generator directly into Edge. As a reminder, Bing Image Creator allows you to create visuals from a short textual description, with a rather impressive result (see our article). Thus, in a blog post published on April 6, 2023, the company announces the deployment, for users around the world on Windows, MacOS and Linux, of its generative AI module its web browser. What to push Internet users to prefer Edge to Google Chrome !

Bing Image Creator: an image generator in Microsoft Edge

Bing Image Creator works like Dall-E and Midjourney: just describe the image you want to obtain for the AI ​​to generate four proposals. If one of them interests the user, he just has to click on it to get a clearer and more precise rendering, and then download it. So far, the image generator could only be used within a discussion with Bing Chat – it was necessary to ask him “creates an image of. “or” generates an image of. “”. Now, by clicking on the icon of the tool in Edge – which is Windows’ default browser -, we can see a window appear with a field of research. It is then enough to grab keywords so that the AI ​​goes to work. Microsoft presents this option as a way to create visuals “Very specific”, To work on posts for social networks, slideshow or even illustrate documents.

The Redmond firm has started to deploy this function with Internet users around the world. But gradually, as always, which explains the fact that everyone is not yet entitled to it. Note that Bing Image Creator is not operational by default. To take advantage of it, it must be activated manually by clicking on the button + in the right sidebar, then click on the corresponding module. Integrating the image generator into Edge allows you to more easily ask the AI ​​to create images, while continuing its navigation on the web.

How to create images with Bing Image Creator ?

For the moment, despite Microsoft’s indications on the dedicated page, Bing Image Creator only includes English. If you do not master Shakespeare’s language very well, you can always use an online translator to translate the description of your request. For example, follow the advice of our practical sheet to achieve it.

► As indicated above, Bing Image Creator is still being deployed in the Edge browser. We were able to put it on a PC but the dedicated button is always absent on the macOS version of the browser. However, it is available within The Bing Mobile App For iOS and Android. If you absolutely use Bing Image Creator on Mac, just go directly to the dedicated web page. No need to go through the browser Edge here. Firefox, chrome, safari or any other browser will do the trick. Only constraint to use it: be connected with your Microsoft account. For the example, we will use Bing Image Creator, integrated into the Edge browser in Windows.

► Open Edge then click the button + of the sidebar placed to the right of the window.

► Scroll the content of the component that unfolds. In the section Applications, switch the switch Creator image in active position.

► then close the pane then click the button Creator image which was added to the sidebar.

► The component unfolds again. This time, he unveils the Bing Image Creator interface. Please note: even if all the indications are written in French, Image Creator understands for the moment only English. Furthermore, note the presence of Lightning -shaped pictogram To which is attached a number next to the pink button Surprise me. It indicates the number of “boosts” available for the day. They allow you to generate images faster. Once this quota has been exhausted, the generation of images will take more time.

► It’s time to generate your first image. Click in the field above the pink button Surprise me And indicate – in English – the description of the image you want to generate. Do not hesitate to be precise as to the subject but also instead, the context, etc. For our example, we will ask for the creation of an image representing “a man who wears glasses and a red cape, seated in front of an iMac in an office. He’s barefoot. On his desk, there is a jar with a red fish on the right side. On the left, there is a figurine of a dragon “. When your description is ready, click the button Create.

► After a few seconds, the results appear. Bing Image Creator offers four invented images that correspond to your description. All do not precisely check the criteria of the description. None of them show, for example, that man has bare feet.

► Click on one of the images to display it in a larger format. If the result meets your expectations, click on the marked sign icon + To save it online among “your” creations.

► Click on The three suspension points Then choose Download To repatriate it to your PC.

► The image file is saved in the folder Downloads. In our example, we collect an image from 1024 x 1024 pixels at 96 ppi.

► To generate a new image, simply replace the text of the first description at the top of the component with a new request and click on the button Create.

Microsoft Edge: The browser is full of new products

Bing Image Creator is not the only big novelty of Edge. Microsoft has also just added other functions to say the least practical. This is the case of Drop, which has been in beta since June 2022 and which now becomes available for all. The tool allows you to easily transfer files from one device to another through Edge, without going through software or online service. Just connect to your Microsoft account in the browser of its different devices and file files in the side panel to switch them to another device thanks to synchronization (see our article).

Microsoft also adds an image editor in its browser. This tool allows you to modify illustrations found online directly in Edge before saving them on the hard drive. Accessible from the right click context menu, it allows you to crop an image, adjust its brightness and colors, or even apply filters.

Finally, Microsoft has also optimized EDGE’s mode of efficiency in order to provide better performance and better control over the computer consumption of the computer. From now on, when Edge detects that the battery of the device, which is unplugged, is low, it automatically activates the mode of efficiency and the energy saving functions of the browser. This update also offers more options for saving battery.

How to use Bing Image Creator

Practical: it is better than Dall-E 2. It’s free. There is no waiting list and you don’t even need Edge to use it. Here’s what you need to know to start with Microsoft’s IA image generator.

By Maria Diaz | Tuesday April 18, 2023

How to use Bing Image Creator

The generative IA tools have exploded in recent months. It all started with the launch in a chatgpt preview, an OpenAi conversational chatbot that surprised users by its natural tone, its ease of access and its different uses.

Since then, Google and Microsoft have both launched their own AI chatbots with Bard and Bing Cat, respectively, even if the enthusiasm for AI has not been without posing security, ethics and economy. More recently, Microsoft has launched an IA image creator within Bing, using a more advanced version of Dall-E 2, another OPENAI project.

Like the use of chatgpt, the Dall-E 2 image generator is accessible by connecting to the OpenAi website, where users can then enter a prompt (a “prompt”) in a text box and wait that artificial intelligence creates an image.

However, there are essential differences between the functioning of Bing Image Creator and that of Dall-E 2, which we will examine as we go. Let’s start by learning to use the new bing image creator.

How to use the new Bing Image Creator ?

SLOTH by Bing Image Creator

Image created using the prompt (prompt): “Create a photo of a green part in green with green curtains and a lazy woman sitting on a hammock”. Bing/Dall-E

What you need : The use of the Bing image creator requires only a Microsoft account and access to It is not necessary to have a Dall-E 2 or OPENAI account.

1. Access Bing Image Creator and connect

Unlike Bing Chat, you don’t need Microsoft Edge to access Bing Image Creator. Just go to and click on Join and create To connect to your Microsoft account and access the image generator.

Bing Image Creator Homepage

On the Bing Image Creator home page, click on Join and create. Screenshot by Maria Diaz/ZDNET

2. Enter your home message

At this point, enter a description of the image you want to ask Bing to create for you. Just like when you use an AI chatbot, be as descriptive as possible to make sure your result is correct.

After entering your message in the text box, click on Create. For the time being, you must write in English.


Screenshot by Maria Diaz/ZDNET

For this message, I will ask for the following: “A photo of a sleeping lion in a room with a wallpaper with blue flowers and golden curtains”, then click on Create And wait for my images to be generated.

3. Display your results

Once your images are ready, it’s time to check the results. Dall-E and the Bing Image Creator generally display four images generated for each question. The results are not always excellent, as free IA image generators are not yet advanced enough to create really realistic images. You may therefore see errors in details such as the position of a person’s fingers or eyes, or the keys of a computer, for example.

As you can see below, the images generated have no golden curtain, and this is a point that I could probably have better formulate. Aside from the royal curtains, I am satisfied with the results: the images of the lion itself are impressive.

Lion Images Bing

The results of the preview of Bing Image Creator created from the prompt that I entered (highlighted at the top). Screenshot by Maria Diaz/ZDNET

4. Download your images

After looking at the images generated, I decided to download it. Just click on an image to develop it and have the opportunity to share it, save it on your account, download it or give your opinion. Note that you can download a single image, all images or no.

Bing - Dall -E Generated Lion

This is the photo I preferred among the four. Screenshot by Maria Diaz/ZDNET

FAQ SUR Bing Image Creator

Can I create images using the new Bing Cat ?

There are two ways to use the Bing Image Creator: you can create images by going to or you can create images directly from Bing Cat.

Bing Cat Image Creation

Images created in the bing cat window. Screenshot by Maria Diaz/ZDNET

Here’s how you can ask the new bing to create an image directly from the discussion window:

  1. Open Microsoft Edge
  2. Go to Bing.Fr
  3. Click on Cat
  4. Under “conversation style”, click on More Creative.
  5. Write your message, starting with a sentence such as “Create an Image” or “GENERATE A Picture” – Otherwise, Bing will simply look for an image with your description. Be careful, for the moment, your prompt image creation must be written in English only.

Bing cat can only create images if the conversation style is in mode More Creative.

How to write prompts to create images using AI ?

The more precise you are in your prompts (prompt), the better; Consider the invite as a set of instructions for the creation of the image you have in mind. Include adjectives, names and verbs to describe the image and what the subject does. If you say “Create a photo of. “, you will get a different result than if you write” Create a cartoon, a painting or a 3D rendering “; the style of the image is therefore important.

Bing Image Creator Template

This is the best way to create your guide message. Screenshot by Maria Diaz/ZDNET

Here’s how the Bing images creator recommends you format your prompts: Adjective + name + verb + style. In this case, it would be “blurred creature wearing sunglasses, digital art”.

You can also use different terms to describe style, as Impressionism, Cubism, Abstract, etc.

The images generated by AI are my property ?

According to the latest information from the USCO (“United States Copyright Office”, the Copyright Office of the United States), the images generated by AI are not protected by current laws on the law of ‘author, because they are not the fruit of a human creation.

IA image generators have aroused controversy, as these are robots formed from images found online, images that were created by someone else. Even if the work you have created using an image creation tool is unique, it is the result of the influence of millions of artists on the Internet.

This is likely to change because the USCO organizes hearing sessions throughout the first half of 2023 in order to explore the more in -depth subject and to make the necessary changes.

Bing image Creator is it free ?

Bing Image Creator is free for the moment, but you can pay to get more boosts if you don’t have any. Boosts are like credits: each image creation request will cost you one of your boosts. Users received 25 credits when they started using the creator of images, but it seems that the number of credits went to 100.

Once you have exhausted your boosts, Bing Image Creator takes longer to generate images after receiving a request. Instead of 10 to 30 seconds, you will have to wait until five minutes.

Microsoft recharged boosts every week, but it now does it every day. Users also have the possibility of exchanging Microsoft points (obtained during certain brand products) for additional boosts.

Bing image Creator is it identical to Dall-E 2 ?

Dall-E 2 and Bing Image Creator are not identical. As for GPT-4 in Bing Chat, Microsoft incorporates a more advanced version of the AI ​​art generator in its creator of images.

Dall-e 2 vs bing

Dall-E 2 | Bing | Maria Diaz/ZDNET

Although the same invite does not produce the same results twice, you can compare the images created with Dall-E 2 (left) and Bing Image Creator (right). Beyond artistic differences, the bing images have more details and radiance than the Dall-E images.

Is there a waiting list to use Bing Image Creator ?

There is no waiting list to use Bing Image Creator for the moment. All you have to do is connect to the website with your Microsoft account and you should have access to it.

Do not waste more time to travel Google looking for sources, use the generative AI bot. here’s how.

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By Maria Diaz | Tuesday April 18, 2023

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