Do your shopping for free (or almost) thanks to apps: good or bad idea?, The top tips for shopping for free or at low prices and saving – photo reports

The top tips for shopping for free or at low prices and saving money

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Do your shopping for free (or almost) thanks to apps: good or bad idea ?

Do your shopping for free (or almost) thanks to apps: good or bad idea?

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Do your shopping for three times nothing is the dream of many French. For this, mobile applications exist, however are they reliable ?

You are in your supermarket, the shopping cart overflowing with food and other everyday products. You are approaching the cash register and the person does not pay you anything. You are still on a excited exit when suddenly … you wake up. This dream, many French people do it more and more, the fault of inflation that continues to climb and products that display very high prices. This is why, some of us have made the decision to use Mobile applications to do their shopping (almost) for free.

If eating well at a price (rather high), it is possible to consume clever and decrease your budget. Knowing that a French would spend 385 euros on average for its monthly shopping, Applications come to your rescue and make you save money !

3 applications to be reimbursed for your shopping

  • Shopmium: in two three clicks, you can be refunded from your shopping. How ? Just send a photo of your receipt via the application which then takes care of transmitting proof of purchase at the supermarket. Within 2 working days, you are reimbursed for your products. Magic ! Another bonus: Shopmium can be combined with the reductions in your large area.
  • Quoty: The application works on the same principle as Shopmium. You pay for your shopping, you send the photo of your purchase proof and you are reimbursed within 48 working hours. Another advantage and not the least, Quoty offers coupons to print.
  • Keetiz: If you prefer the heat of your premium in the fresh air of your supermarket, this application is made for you ! You just have to record your bank card on the application, to pay with it in an organic store or at the small merchant of your choice. The cashback will do the rest. You will then be credited with the refund amount. Once your prize pool is 10 euros, you can recover the money on your bank card.

We also find the couponnetwork application which has the same characteristics as Quoty.

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Applications to do your shopping at broken prices, good idea or scam ?

These digital tools are undeniable assets in the cheaper paying race. If these applications are not the miracle solution, they strongly help. These are added to the various aids of the government for purchasing power, but also to the blows of supermarkets To help the French in the face of inflation. You just have to choose your favorite application and start saving on your shopping !

Journalist company, I work on all subjects linked to feminism, various facts and the fight against discrimination. Just as touched by the fits that follow ..

The top tips for shopping for free or at low prices and saving money

While inflation affects the French, we reveal the top of the tips for shopping for free or at low prices !

The top tips for shopping for free or at low prices and saving money

© The top tips for shopping for free or at low prices and saving money

Every month, the French spend about 400 euros per month for food. A very important budget which undermines the portfolio of many individuals. Fortunately, there are Free or low price for shopping tips.

Tips to save on your races

If you want to save, you can use refund applications. The best of all is Shopmium. The latter is perfect for saving money. She reveals the good deals and promotions of the moment.

To have the reimbursement of a product, you must buy the item, take a photo of the receipt and thus, you will receive your refund. Network coupon also makes a box. It works in the same way as Shopmium but offers just fewer offers and products.

The application My opinion makes it free is different from the previous two. The latter is specific to Carrefour and allows you to enjoy two to four free items on average.

When you choose a product, you will receive a questionnaire to fill out immediately. Subsequently, you will get a reduction coupon to present in cash for minimum races 30 euros.

Some applications also allow you to analyze your behavior. You will have to give your opinions on products. Thus, you will receive gift vouchers or discounts. The Homescan Nielsen application is widely used by consumers.

Homescan Nielsan sends a scante for free. When you have finished your shopping, you have to scan all your purchases. Every seven days, you must send your data. Thus, you will receive kadéos checks.

Anti waste applications

Snapmy also allows you to save on the races. Indeed, you just have to take a picture of your cash receipt. Thereafter, you can obtain promotional codes that will be valid on Amazon.

You can also send more than 15 received per month. To save money, you can opt for anti-gaspillage applications. This is the case of Too good to go. You can take advantage of promotions that go up to 70 %.

0ptiman has the same operation as too good to go. On the other hand, it has fewer offers that are limited. Hophopfood, is an application that allows you to limit waste thanks to your neighbors.

To do your shopping for free, you can also opt for Igrall. ODR reimbursement is also much appreciated by consumers. To save, it is also advisable to choose low-cost supermarkets.

These are supermarkets that offer low -price races. This is the case of Lidl, Clean, Aldi or Leader Price. Finally, know that you always have to shop with your loyalty card !

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About the author, Victoria Thomas

Passionate about the media world, I decided to make it my job. After a journalism school and several courses, I started. I love to write and I am daily all SEO innovations and Google updates. Apart from writing, I love the sun, the sea and the animals, especially the dogs. I will make you discover through my words all the crisp news and important information namely.

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5 associations to shop for free as a student


You are student, you are in financial galley and you cherches Help for go shopping for free And to save money ?

The captain made for you a selection of 5 associations and websites that will be able to relieve your budget of the month.


Linkee is an association that helps people in precarious situations (mainly students) by fighting food waste. The concept is simple, the association recovers unsold food products to make you benefit froma free basket. It has a crazy success but it is only present in Bordeaux and Paris. Practical if you want to save money !

What to do to have access to it: If you are a student, you must go register on their website to have access to the offer at each distribution and that you present yourself with your student card to benefit from your basket. The captain is certain that this tip can really help you !

Les Restos du Coeur

Les Restos du Coeur are present everywhere in France, mainly in major cities but also in the countryside. The association can help you if you have food difficulties By distributing you packed lunch filled with healthy and balanced products for free, to cook at home.

What does it take to have access to it: If you are resource student And without income, you must register each year to justify your use of Restos du Coeur. If you are a student and part -time worker, do not panic ! You are also entitled to offers by registering each year and having an income of less than € 1,000/month (otherwise the association will unfortunately not help you …)

Secours Populaire

Secours Populaire helps Precarious students from all over France. A small symbolic participation will be requested (€ 1, € 2 or € 3 maximum) to have access to baskets of food products or the self-service premises which allow you to do your shopping as you would do them in a classic grocery store but without spendmoney.

What does it take to have access to it: The association, like the restaurants of the heart, can help you but you must provide them with financial proof so that you can benefit free of a food support. Administrative documents and documents will be requested. As soon as your request is validated, you can choose what suits you best to recover your food.

The agorae

The network of theAgorae is a space of exchange, present in many cities in France. They offer a living space open to everyone and a solidarity grocery store accessible on social criteria to do your shopping as in a classic store with the exception of payment. You can finally make a real race list without going to the checkout !

What does it take to have access to it: To access the grocery store, documents that present your family situation or the calculation of your resources per month for example will be requested. Agoraé demands that you are polite, kind and respectful of others since everything takes place in common areas. The captain trusts you !


Geev is a website and an application similar to Leboncoin which brings together donations food products throughout France. It allows you to fight against waste as well as precariousness. Tips not to be overlooked if you want to save !

What to do to have access to it: It’s simple, you will just need to create your profile on the site or download the application and go and recover what users offer you. No social criterion to meet, everything is free ! Even the application !

In addition to these tips, the captain advises you on articles on How to learn to manage your budget As a student And The 4 financial assistance for students. They will certainly be able to help you more. Do not hesitate to come and give us your opinion and share your experience with these good deals to lighten your number of purchases.

Perhaps here are other very fast tips for save more ::

  • What is cashback ?
  • The sites and extensions that allow you to obtain cashback : IGRAAL, Joko, Poulpeo, Koala Capital, Swagbucks…
  • Sites for earn money By walking: Weward, Achievement, Stepbet, Sweatcoin…
  • Wanteeed is a site that allows you to have discounts On a multitude of brands.
  • Ornikar and the captain offers you promotional codes To pass your Highway Code and your license (Highway Code at 25 € with: CaptainCode and the permit (8 pm): -5%: Capitainestudy)
  • Smartgarious allows you to have a guarantor if you wish to find accommodation. 1 month warranty offered: Capitainestudy
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