Discover the main web browsers, who is the best Internet 2022 browser?

Who is the best Internet browser 2022

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Web browser

Discover the main web browsers

Last modification: September 17, 2021

You want to browse the internet ? To do this, you need to use a web browser, but which ? This panorama presents the main ones as well as their specificities.


  • Have an internet connection

Web browsers are software To browse the internet and display web pages. To use them, Your equipment must be connected to the Internet. There are a multitude of free browsers, however Some protect your personal data better.
We recommend that you install multiple browsers on your device because some sites will work better on one or the other. Finally, know that to use them at best, you will have to THE to update regularly !

The 6 main web browsers

Click on the name of the tool of your choice to download it.

Chrome: developed by Google

Developped by Google In 2008, it operated under the majority of operating systems: Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android and iOS/iPados.
Users generally appreciate its speed of use and its many features, applications and extensions available.

Safari: Only on Apple

Distributed by Apple and available only for Apple products (macos, iOS, iPados).
Safari claims to be extremely fast and customizable.
Apple provides Safari on all of its devices. You normally don’t need to download it.

Mozilla Firefox: secures personal data

Developed by the Mozilla Foundation and its many volunteers. It is available on most operating systems. He also has many features And extensions and appears renowned for the Protection of personal data.

To know more, Consult our tutorial: Install-and-utilizing-Firefox-sous-Windows

Edge: edited by Microsoft

Company web browser Microsoft, Pre-installed on Windows devices. It has existed since 2015 and replaces the Internet Explorer more updated and therefore unsecured. Microsoft Edge also works under MacOS, Android and iOS.
He also offers Integrated tools To help you during your online purchases.

Opera: integrates a VPN

Norwegian browser created in 1995, Opera works as well under Windows, Linux, MacOS, iOS or Android. He was one of the first to establish the tabs To facilitate navigation. His advantage ? He has a Integrated VPN To sail safely.

Brave: without advertising and protects privacy

Open source, Brave seeks above all to protect By defaulting the trackers and ads. It works under Windows, Linux, MacOS, iOS or Android.


  • To install a web browser, Download it, then DOuble-click on the installation file on your device to launch it. Finally follow the instructions.
  • The address bar is often merged with the search area. You can enter the address of a site or a web page to access it directly. But also type keywords to launch a search. In this case, a page of results will be displayed, the default selected search engine on your browser.

Who is the best Internet browser 2022 ?

Best internet browser

An internet browser is software that allows you to display websites. It is therefore an essential tool to be able to browse the internet. Many web browsers exist: it can be difficult to decide between them. Discover our comparison to know the characteristics and strengths of each !

  • The essential
  • Google Chrome is generally considered to be the The fastest internet browser.
  • Firefox is a very secure browser, which provides complete protection of personal data.
  • Edge is the evolution of the Internet Explorer. This Microsoft software is a Light internet browser and fast.
  • Safari, the Apple browser, is software Complete and versatile.

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Comparison: Our selection of the best web browsers 2022

Choosing a good Internet browser is important: this is software that can have a considerable impact on all the services you consult on the Internet, such as SVOD or IPTV.

There is not strictly speaking best internet browser. Indeed, they all have different strengths: The fastest browser won’t necessarily be the most customizable. We therefore compared the most popular browsers on the market according to several criteria:

Who is the best web browser ?

Navigator Speed Personalization Ergonomics Confidentiality Security
Chromium ��First ��troisième ��First ��DEUXth
Safari ��DEUXth ��DEUXth ��troisième
Edge ��troisième ��troisième ��First
Firefox ��DEUXth ��First ��troisième
Opera ��First ��DEUXth

�� Thus, Google Chrome is the big winner of our comparison, being both the fastest and most ergonomic internet browser. It is also easy to personalize and offers satisfactory protection to Internet users against online threats.

Unlike Chrome, Firefox is a browser that insists on the protection of personal data of its users, while offering suitable performance in other categories.

Safari and Edge are easy to access, safe and quickly load the majority of websites.

Finally, Opera is by far The most customizable internet browser : it is particularly intended for confirmed Internet users, who will be able to add all the features they wish.

The speed of your internet connection depends on your internet box more than your browser: Subscribe a good internet offer allows you to benefit from a rapid flow.

You are looking for an internet offer adapted to your needs ?

Google Chrome, the fastest internet browser

Google Chrome is an internet browser launched by Google in 2008. The browser quickly became extremely popular (it is used by almost 70% of Internet users) and is often considered as The best Internet browser 2022. Indeed, the browser is not only very fast and light but also particularly ergonomic.

However, Chrome also presents certain faults which can be extremely annoying for certain Internet users, in particular the management of personal data. Google permanently harvests data on its users and uses them to present personalized advertisements.

Chrome is very regularly updated (every month), with new features or a strengthening of security: constant monitoring of this software partly explains its very good performance.

Many extensions can be added to the browser via the Chrome Web Store, For example to block advertisements or use a VPN (Virtual Private Network, a tool to secure your Internet connection). Chrome also has the advantage of being fully compatible with all Google applications, for example Gmail. You can also share your chrome profile both on smartphone and on a computer.

An internet browser is different from a search engine: Google can therefore be Used with all browsers, It is not reserved for Google Chrome.

Safari: Mac web browser

Safari is a browser Developed by Apple since 2003. It is automatically integrated into all Mac computers.

This browser offers great security, is considered as The second, fastest internet browser And is we Very simple to use, Even for a neophyte surfer. It also has great compatibility with other Apple products: it notably benefits fromiCloud, which synchronizes the data recorded on Safari with the rest of the Apple devices.

Safari is the default browser of Mac computers, but it is also completely Compatible with Windows computers.

Microsoft Edge, the evolution of the Internet Explorer

Edge replaced the Internet Explorer in 2015, and Internet Explorer is not gradually supported by Microsoft. The Edge browser is now Installed by default on Windows computers : It is therefore used by many internet users under Windows. Thanks to its great compatibility with other Microsoft programs, Edge can be considered as The best Windows 10 Internet browser as well as Windows 11.

Edge seeks to compensate for the main defects of the Internet Explorer, in particular speed and ergonomics: the interface is more purified than that of its predecessor and new innovative functions have been added, such as the vocal assistant Cortana or a more comfortable reading mode for the eyes. It is also a fast and accessible internet browser.

If Edge uses Bing by default as a search engine, it is possible to configure the browser for use google. Here’s how to do:

  1. Open the “Settings and Plus” menu and choose “Settings”
  2. Access “confidentiality and services”
  3. Open “Address bar” in the “Services” window, at the bottom of the screen
  4. In the “Search engine used in the address bar” field you can select Google

Mozilla Firefox, the browser that protects your privacy

Firefox is a web browser that appeared in 2003. Unlike many of its competitors, it is not developed by a company but by a foundation: the software is therefore open source, which means that its code is accessible by all. It is funded by user donations.

The philosophy of this browser is to offer a Large Personal Data Protection : many integrated tools automatically block the trackers of most websites. The web browser also indicates whether the safety of a password you use is insufficient.

It is possible to customize the browser thanks to a very large extensions catalog.

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Opera: a tailor -made internet browser

Opera was launched in 1995 by Opera Software, a Norwegian IT company. The browser has therefore had the opportunity to evolve a lot over the years.

Opera is distinguished from other Internet browsers by its great personalization : many visual themes and extensions can be downloaded from the official browser website. Despite all these functions, Opera remains a light and relatively fast internet browser.

A Free and unlimited VPN is included in the browser, to sail more securely.

Other web browsers

Beyond these five internet browsers, many alternatives less known exist:

  • Vivaldi is a web browser reminiscent of Opera: it is very complete and it is easy to personalize it to integrate even more features that will be useful to you.
  • Brave, Developed in open source, is a very special internet browser: it focuses on respect for privacy, with an integrated advertising blocker as well as a tool to push secure connections. Brave also includes a “tor” mode which allows you to navigate anonymously and access the Deep Web.
  • Epic Privacy Browser is also a navigator focused on the protection of personal data. All saved navigation data is deleted as soon as the software is closed.
  • Maxton is a browser developed by the Chinese company of the same name. It natively includes several functions, including messaging and an advertising blocker.

How to download an internet browser ?

You have determined The best web browser for your situation ? You just have to install. Here’s how to make this manipulation, often very easy:

  1. Go to the official browser website you will install.
  2. The site will guide you to a “Download” button or “Install” on which you must click.
  3. Select the folder in which download the installer.
  4. Wait until the download ends.
  5. Run the download program: it will probably be necessary to grant him rights so that the browser settles.
  6. The web browser is installed: you can throw it and use it to access the Internet.

Is it possible to use several Internet browsers ?

It is possible to install Several Internet browsers on the same computer : this is for example useful if you want particularly protect your privacy. Thus, by regularly changing a browser, you limit the information that the different companies record on you.

Having several installed browsers is also interesting if you want to put online a website or a blog: you can test your display and its layout on the various browsers that an internet user is likely to use.

Finally, if the internet browser you use stop working following an update or a bug, it is important to have at least one second rescue navigator installed on the computer, to be able to continue accessing the Internet.

However, it remains More comfortable to use a single browser: your preferences and your favorites are all saved in the same place.

In case you have several web browsers installed, it is necessary to choose one that will be opened by default:

  • On Windows 10, Just open the “Default applications” menu in the Start menu and indicate the chosen browser.
  • On Mac, Open the Apple menu, then “System Preferences”, then “General”. You can then designate the “default web browser”.

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