DEEZER customer reviews – 31 reviews – CUSTPLACE, DEEZER reviews | Read the merchant opinions of

Deezer opinion

All my music available even offline, sound quality beautiful discoveries by sailing.. I am very satisfied. Small downside, mix and associations
proposed on the pieces often correspond only on the tempo and the style, but not really with the spirit of the song.

Customers’ opinion Deezer

I terminated my subscription several months ago, and I discovered on my account this morning that they took a premium subscription to me that I did not ask. Customer service leaves something to be desired since according to them “it was necessary to terminate 48 hours before”. Terminate a subscription which was already terminated ! A shame ! And of course refusal of reimbursement.

By Thori B. 2 weeks ago
Date of experience on 08/09/2023

Application that does not shine by its honesty and transparency

Here is the email I sent to Deezer Support
In No-Reply Deezer
I have already deleted the account: on the Deezer website and also after sending your request for confirmation of deletion confirmation. .Why do you send me an identical message? Your operation clearly lacks transparency .The ergonomics of your software is deficient; Your cancellation and termination procedures are complex, ineffective and redundant .What to discourage numbers of customers. Is it because of the incompetence of your computer scientists or, I would not want to detect evil everywhere, a deliberate will to “milk” the udders of customers? I expect you a clear and not convoluted answer .Otherwise, I only like the threats to be informed of the competent authorities, consumer defense associations, or even a little subject for journalists in lack of inspiration. A little advertising does not hurt anyone.
If your answer actually satisfies me, my subscription canceled and my account actually deleted, our interrelation will stop and you will probably hear from me anymore.You will have nothing to gain from persist in wanting to keep a little average contributor.
Best regards
I constantly expect a response from you, to study the different options that arise for me .
Finally, no possible contact in return: no phone, emails to which one cannot answer, “support-assistance” service managed by machines, no personalization of the responses returned by Deezer-Envoi of links to click: only Apple (Practical For many Windows users. ))
Regarding musical quality, I cannot judge, because before these difficulties I deleted my account resulting from a “gift card” given by the Fnac when buying a smartphone (it is not Really not a gift, given the time devoted to cancel the subscription, delete the account, return to Fnac, because at home the trials were inoperative .In fact Deezer makes you go around in circles, endeavors to keep the “customers”.It is the snake that is eaten its tail.In total, Deezer is a machine is an effective machine but mainly to milk and subtract the money from those who register there!

By thread4225 2 months ago
Date of experience on 07/03/2023

Incredible but true !

Incredible but true !
I got walked for several days without results.
I paid a premium subscription but my account was blocked on the free version.
In short, Deezer cashed the money but I don’t have the service that goes with it and it doesn’t seem to shock them.

Customer service is well established and of high quality to stroll. They have well -formatted answers. It smells like the business that is very profitable and well orchestrated

To run away absolutely !

By Thomas Gusatto 1 year ago
Date of experience on 05/06/2022

It was good until the advertising became exclusively .

It was good until advertising became exclusively for the army. How can you push you the French youth to get involved for a country that does not give a damn about it.

By Aurélien Mikotajewski 1 year ago
Date of experience on 03/10/2022

Subscribed to Deezer Family, I just unsubscribed. .

Subscribed to Deezer Family, I just unsubscribed. I got hacked my account. Despite a change of email address of the account + MDP. The pirate always has access.Multiple emails at the post-wind service that responds every two days. Impossible to contact them by such.
Finally, above all, impossible to restore the songs that have been erased from my account by the pirate !
I leave a service that does not know how to ensure the safety of its customers.

Date of experience on 12/12/2018

KUP FAłszywe / Oryginalne Paszporty, PRAWO JAZDY, IELTS, (Whatsapp +17329271780), Karty Identyfikacyjne, Wizy, SSN, SSA, Sin, Zielone Karty, Fałszywe Pieniądze,
Kup Paszporty, Karty Identyfikacyjne (PC), Prawa Jazdy, Wizy, Karty Stałego Pobytu, Zielone Karty, Karty Paszportow, Karty Marihuany, Sprawdzaj Podrabianie (Czekanie Zmywania), Formard DBR, Kontrole CRB (Standardowe, Ulepszone ZBOGACONE O KONTROLE LIST), Certified Management Accountant (CMA), Certified Meeting Professional (CMD), Certified Medical Dosimeter, Birth Certificate, College Degree, School Certificates, Ielts, Toefl, Esol I Wszystkie Inne Certyfikaty Języka Angielskiego / Francuskiego, Testy, Karty Prywatne, Student Karty, Dyplomy, SSN, Certyfikaty Małżeństwa, Karty Kredytowe, Fałszywe Pieniądze, Jasne Rejestry Kryminalne I Wiele Innych Dokumentów Na Sprzedaż ([Email Protted])))))).

KUP Paszporty, PRAWO JAZDY, KARTY IDERYFIKACYJNE, KARTY DLA UCHODźCów, Wizy, SSN, SSA, SIN, ZIELONE KARTY, FAłszywe Pieniądze, Kryminalne Kontrole Brureau, Ujawnienia I KRADZIEż. Sprzedajemy Również Chemikalia Jak SSD Automatyczne Rozwiązanie do Czyszczenia Czarnej Waly. Jeste.mlepszymi producentami Wysokiej jakości fałszywych / swatorskich dokumentów, z ponad miliardm dokumentów krążących na całym świecie. OFERUJEMY WYłącznie ORYGINALNE Paszporty WYSOKIEJ JAKOśCI, PRAWA JAZDY, DOWODY OSOBIST, AKTY URODZENIA, ZNACZKI, Wizy, DYPLOMY UNIWERSYTECKIE I INNE PRODKTY .

Kupuj Oryginalne Certyfikaty szkoleniow, GCSE, A-Levels, High School, Dyplomy, Certyfikaty, Certyfikaty Egzaminacyjne Gmat, Mcat I LSAT, STOPNIE SZKOLNE WSZYSTKIE W CAłKOWICI NOWYM IMIENIU WYDANE Bazie Danych Szkoły, Instytucji, Uczelni Lub Uniwersytetu.
Produkujemy Real Zarejestrowany Ielts, Toefl, Esol Bez Ciebie do Egzaminu. Jetetes.mir tutaj, Aby Pomóc Ci łatwo uzyskać dokumenty i zaoszczędzić cene lata i czas. Po przesłaniu infmacji i dokonaniu płatno just twój certyfikat zostania wyprodukowany i zarejestrowany. BęDZIESZ W Stanie ZWERYFIKOWEć I Zobaczyć Swój Wynik Na (https: //

Produkujemy Certyfikaty dla różnych testów językowych na całym świecie, w tym; IELTS, TOEFL, TOEIC, CAMLA, EFSET, ECCE, ECPE, MELAB, MTELP, ESOL TEST BIEGłości w Koreańskim Teście Biegłości Językowej, Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (HSK), CNAVT, NT2, DELF, DALF, TNF, Z II , Testdaf, ntd, celi, eyelashes, plida, egzaminy certyfikacyjne w języku polskim jako obcym, dele, celu, celpe-bras, caple, torfl, jlpt i nns oraz the European language certificates (Telc)

Wszystkie Pytania;
Kontaktowy Adres E-mail: [Email Protected]
Ogólne WSPARCIE: [Email Protected]
Skype ID: Worlddocuments750
Whatsapp: +1 (732) 9271780
Nasza Firma Ma Wieloletnie doświadczenie w Produkcji Nowości / Prawdziwych Paszportów, Wiz, Dowodów Osobistych (PC), Praw Jazdy I Innych Dokumentów tożsamości. Używamy Tego Samgo Sprzętu i Wyrafinowanych Materiałów, Które Rząd Wykorzystuje do Tworzenia Nowatorskich / Rzeczywistych dokumentów. Wszystkie Tajne Funkcje Prawdziwych dokumentów są dokładnie reprodukowane przez naszych wyjątkowych producentów.
1) Zarówno Pastek Magnetyczny, Jak I Kod Kreskowy, Które Są Kodowane I Skanowalne (Skanowanie Ze Wszystkimi Czytnikami Kart Ze Względu Na Ograniczenia Prawne).
2) Ukryty Obraz, Który Można oglądać pod czarnym światłem uv.
3) Powtarzający Się Obraz Zabezpieczający W Tuszu OVD (Urządzenie Zmienne Optycznie).
4) Niestandardowe Laminowanie Hologramów Zamiast Ogólnych

Fałszywe Pieniądze na sprzedaż:
Fałszywe Banknoty Na Sprzedaż; Najnowsze Projekty I NOWE FAłszywe Projekty (Super Uwaga) Podróbki I RZADKO ZDARZA Się, Aby Znaleźć TAKI POZIOM JAKOśCI W FAłszywych Rachunkach, Które Mamy, Tylko Tutaj Możesz Uzyskać Tę Wymarzą Ionerem z dnia na dzień. Nawet Profesjonalny urzędnik lub maszyna nie może dyktować dokumentu / pieniędzy, które oferujemy jako fałszywe, ponieważ dokument jest nie do odróżnienia od prawdziwego wydanego przez rząd.

Fałszywy Paszport, Możliwy Do Sprawdzenia Fałszywy Identyfikator, Fałszywe Prawo Jazdy, Nowotes, Nowy Paszport Na Sprzedaż, Fałszywe Dokumenty, Gdzie Można Uzyskać Fałszywy Identyfikator, Kupić zort. Kupuj Fałszywe Paszporty, Kup Fałszywe Paszporty, Fałszywe Paszporty Na Sprzedaż, Fałszywe Australijskie Id, Kup Fałszywe Prawo Jazdy, Kupuj Paszporty Dylomatyczne, Fałszywe Paszporty Niemcy Kupują ę Kredytową, numer ubezpieczenia społecznego, ulicę i co undSZcze. Superior Fake Degrees Oferuje Fałszywy Paszport, Fałszywe Id, Fałszywe Stopnie, Dyplom, Paszport Kanada. Zdobądź dyplomy ukończenia szkoły, certyfikaty gmat, mcat, lsat i inne
Wszystkie Pytania;
Kontaktowy Adres E-mail: [Email Protected]
Ogólne WSPARCIE: [Email Protected]
Skype ID: Worlddocuments750
Whatsapp: +1 (732) 9271780

Deezer opinion

They are thieves.
Watch out for paying automatic renewal following free discovery offers, after -sales service and Deezer policy, which are committed to customer satisfaction, you will take your money. You will have no appeal even if you request cancellation on the day of the sample, it will be too late, it is written in the small lines. They are covered and will have no compassion for you.

Date of experience: September 22, 2023

Our 2022 transparency report is available

I can not do without it !

I have been using Deezer for several years, with a family account.
I’m super happy. Wherever I am, connected or not to the Internet, I can listen to the music that makes me want.
Each member of my family is independent on their account, which was one of the conditions of Deezer’s choice.

Date of experience: September 20, 2023

Increase of 30% in less than 2 years

Increase of 30% in less than 2 years. And by wanting to terminate Deezer offers me 6 months at the same price of € 17.99 (€ 19.99 at 24/10/23). Deezer result takes the subscription 4 days apart twice apart. This is called flight.

Date of experience: September 22, 2023

Have access to a full library ..

Have access to a complete library rich in titles. Analysis, advice and proposal of artists’ titles according to my preferences.Holding of my listening statistics and made aware of new products.

Date of experience: September 14, 2023

I have subscribed Deezer since her ..

I have subscribed Deezer since its creation, I am lucky to pay it only € 5 per month, I find that it is a fair price to listen to music online, it was the price at the time it Can be over 15 years old.
Otherwise it’s really great, I love the fact that there are subtitles and translations in French for some groups.

Date of experience: 05 September 2023

More € 5 in 2 years

In 2022 Deezer increased 3 € its Familly monthly package by 3 € and then here is when 2023 rebelote, plus € 2 or less of 2 years 5 € . they take us for pigeons.
Bye bye Deezer . you forgot that you were not alone on the market

Date of experience: September 22, 2023

Deezer is part of my life

Deezer is part of my everyday daily life I have my favorite music pieces everywhere with me at any time without any advertising nothing and I manage to share with other people my musical culture and that for a certain number of years. Thank you again.

Date of experience: August 23, 2023

Works everywhere sound quality

All my music available even offline, sound quality beautiful discoveries by sailing.. I am very satisfied. Small downside, mix and associations
proposed on the pieces often correspond only on the tempo and the style, but not really with the spirit of the song.

Date of experience: August 23, 2023

Very good experience of Deezer

Very good experience of Deezer who accompanies me in everyday life, by car, at home or with friends. Easy to use app and working well, including coupled with other app (GPS Maps, Waze). Very affordable family subscription.

Date of experience: August 22, 2023

I can’t live without music and ..

I can’t live without music and Deezer accompanies me through my day.
I really like Deezer Flow which allows me to make me discover new songs and artists. I also really like the personalization that Deezer bring to its user. Choice of music according to our mood, moment of the day, or the summary every month and year of what we listened to.

Date of experience: August 23, 2023

Easy to use

Easy to use, very often good recommendations. 2 little things, on PC we can launch a mix of an artist (random playlist with different artists) but not on phone finally I think.
And last thing when the Travis Scott’s album released, no release on Deezer before Friday morning, I had to go to another platform to listen to it from the 00h.
But otherwise the rest is top ! I like the monthly and annual recaps !
Keep it up ! French streaming force !

Date of experience: August 23, 2023

Use every day !

Deezer has accompanied me for years, every day in my daily life: journeys to go to work, sports, during my work to inspire me, trip, walk . There is not a day when I do not use the app

Date of experience: August 23, 2023

I love Deezer

My flow is oriented according to my listening. But still remains very diverse and is easily adjustable thanks to the touch no longer pass me this song or this artist.
In addition, the implementation of Moods allows you to change the type of music according to the desire of the moment.
Huge artist library.
Several selections, playlists already ready according to what we want to listen to.
Not disappointed to have Deezer Premium.

Date of experience: August 23, 2023

Top application

Top application. The interface is very easy to use and the content regularly updated. Flows are great to discover new artist in your musical preferences. The sound quality is top. I’ve been using Deezer for years and
I recommend this application to everyone.

Date of experience: August 23, 2023

Everything is working

Everything is working
But I would like to use it as a Radio Réveil also I can’t find this feature
The radio principle is good
However, I would like to have more new things when I put FLOW
I would also like to enter my group which is called product in a Deezer playlist or at least submit it and I don’t know how to do
And I can’t have the Deezer function in Deezer for an artist as we find it on Spotify
This is if a return can be made to me to be great

Date of experience: August 23, 2023

Thank you to Deezer for their performance ..

Thank you to Deezer for their performances to find for me rare songs of the artists and composer of “Talent” like Darius my artist of ��, the acoustic quality is the.. And depending on my tastes I find it great..and magic..Really
Thank you to the whole team for continuing this substantive and quality work for eleven euros per hi-fi.
yours faithfully.
A faithful subscriber, to this French ENT. ����

Date of experience: August 23, 2023

DEEZER follower for over 10 years

Adept of Deezer for over 10 years, I cannot do without it. Easy to use, there are almost all artists, suggestions in relation to my musical tastes allowed me great discoveries. I’m a fan !

Date of experience: August 23, 2023

I listen to music every day

I listen to music every day, I discover songs of music that I could never have discovered. And that’s great !

Date of experience: September 11, 2023

I have access to almost all ..

I have access to almost all the music I love, I can make my selections and listen to them by car . The option of inspiring a song to offer others allows discoveries during long trips by car . Bravo and thank you .

Date of experience: August 23, 2023

Indispensable Deezer

Have the music that I like anywhere and at any time; Music I love and discovery by subscribers.
I also really appreciate podcasts (historical, stories or news items)

Date of experience: August 23, 2022

Business activities to display

Perhaps use non-compatible invitation methods

Did not respond to negative opinions

Our 2022 transparency report is available

About Deezer

Information from various external sources

Deezer lets you play the music you just have to hear, Instantly. Jump in and explore over 40 million tracks (and counting), and discover artists and tracks you’ll love with personalized recommendations from the deezer editors. Deezer Works Across All Your Devices, Both Online and Offline, With No Listening Limits. It’s music at your fingerstips for waking up, getting going, chilling out, living life.



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