Debit test: what is your internet debit?,

In terms of internet connection, there is no speed, but two. The downhill debit allows you to download data, be it the text of an article on an information site, a photo sent by email or the video flow of Netflix (ditto for Amazon Prime Video or Disney + obviously). The ascending debit allows him to upload digital data in French), for example a photo that you want to attach to an an -attachment email. In both cases, descending or ascending, the lower the flow, the longer the time of the operation is. If you want to see the end of the film before the next day, it is better to be very high speed for the video.

Debit test: what is your internet debit ?

Debit test: What is your internet speed?

[Internet Debit test] Whatever your operator – Bouygues, Free, Orange or SFR, and whether you are connected to ADSL, fiber or 4G, wifi or wire, this Internet debit test You will say if your connection is up to.

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  • What is internet speed ?
  • Low, high and very high speed
  • Ascending and descending flow
  • WiFi Internet speed
  • 4G internet speed
  • Bouygues vs free vs orange vs sfr
  • Cheapest internet offers

What is internet speed ?

Internet debit is the quantity of digital data transmitted by an internet connection over a given time. It is measured in bits per second or bytes per second, an byte being equivalent to 8 bits. From there, acronyms are multiplying. The bits per second can be written bit/s, b/s or BPS and the multiples ensue: kb/s (kilobits per second), Mb/s (megabits per second) GB/S (Gigabits per second) etc. etc. The list is long, here it is in table:

Speed Acronym Value
bit per second bit/s or b/s or bps 1 bit/s
Kilobit per second kbit/s or kb/s 10 3 bit/s
Megabit per second Mbit/s or Mb/s 10 6 bit/s
Gigabit per second Gbit/s or Gb/s 10 9 bit/s
terabit per second Tbit/s or tb/s 10 12 bit/s
Petabit per second Pbit/s 10 15 bit/s
exabité per second EBIT/S 10 18 bit/s
Zettabit per second ZBIT/S 10 21 bit/s
yottabit per second YBIT/S 10 24 bit/s

Bottom, high and very high speed: what difference ?

Internet being universal, the difference between low speed, high speed and very high speed should be the same everywhere. It is obviously nothing, the definitions varying from one country to another. In France, the authority that makes people in the matter is arcep, so we will retain its definition:

  • Low flow: less than 512 kbit/s
  • High speed: between 512 kbit/s and 30 Mbit/s
  • Very high speed: greater than 30 Mbit/s

Note that the arcep publishes a high and very high speed observatory, which follows each quarter the deployment of one and the other throughout French territory.

At these three speeds that are the bottom, the top and the very high speed correspond several technologies (we are talking about fixed networks here, and not mobile, let’s not complicate everything). In summary, old -fashioned modems, distant cousins ​​of R2D2 at startup, offer low speed, ADSL allows high speed, and cable and optical fiber offer very high speed, up to 1.000 Mbit/s for the latter. We pass you the details of the speeds depending on whether the termination of the fiber stops at your apartment or your building, and we voluntarily ignore the satellite and other Wimax.

“Net Journal: Internet debit”

Ascending flow and descending flow

In terms of internet connection, there is no speed, but two. The downhill debit allows you to download data, be it the text of an article on an information site, a photo sent by email or the video flow of Netflix (ditto for Amazon Prime Video or Disney + obviously). The ascending debit allows him to upload digital data in French), for example a photo that you want to attach to an an -attachment email. In both cases, descending or ascending, the lower the flow, the longer the time of the operation is. If you want to see the end of the film before the next day, it is better to be very high speed for the video.

WiFi Internet speed

You thought you know everything about your home internet debit ? It would be far too easy. Once your connection has been installed, it remains to be linked to your equipment: television, computer, tablet, smartphone and other connected objects. If television is most generally connected by a cable, it is not necessarily the same for the family computer and this is obviously never the case for phones and tablets. This is where wireless connection comes in, and in particular WiFi, which depending on its quality can slow your internet speed considerably slow.

This quality of the WiFi can be degraded by the walls of your home and the number of connected devices, but also depends on the standards supported by your WiFi router. The list of the latter being long like the arm, we refer you to this Wikipedia page dedicated to their description. And to find out more about wifi in general, here is the definition of JDN

4G internet speed

2G, 3G, 4G, 5G etc. As for WiFi, standards in terms of mobile telephony network have multiplied over the years. And again these acronyms are the commercial version of the real terms that are for example GSM (this one you know), UMTS (more difficult), GRPS (you work in telecoms) and LTE (you read the JDN too much). Today, and before the democratization of 5G, 4G is for the general public what is best, allowing in particular the download of sound and video easily, with a speed down at least 50 Mbit/s. To find out if you are covered by 4G, the arcep offers an interactive card, as complex as it is complete. A more accessible version is available here.

The cheapest adsl and fiber box

Supplier Offers Speed Price
Bbox Fit Internet, phone 20 Mb/s ADSL 18.99 €
35.99 €
Bbox Fit Internet, phone 95 Mb/s ADSL 18.99 €
27.99 €
Bbox Fit Internet, phone 400 Mb/s Fiber 18.99 €
31.99 €
Red Box Internet, calls to mobile, phone 95 Mb/s ADSL 19.99 € See
Freebox Revolution Internet, calls to mobile, TV, phone 95 Mb/s ADSL 19.99 €
44.99 €
Bbox special series Internet, calls to mobile, TV, phone 1 Gb/s Fiber 19.99 €
37.99 €
Red Fiber Box Internet, calls to mobile, phone 500 Mb/s Fiber 19.99 €
29.99 €
Freebox Revolution Internet, calls to mobile, phone 20 Mb/s ADSL 19.99 €
44.99 €
Freebox Revolution Internet, calls to mobile, TV, phone 1 Gb/s Fiber 19.99 €
44.99 €
The Sosh box Internet, phone 95 Mb/s ADSL 20.99 € See

Bouygues vs free vs orange vs sfr

Does an operator offer a better fixed internet speed (or two best speeds, if you have followed) than the others ? Difficult to provide a frank and final response, this also depending on the areas covered with this or that technology. The fact remains that the editor of the NPERF application publishes a barometer on the subject. The one relating to the year 2020 gives an advance to Orange in terms of the fixed internet, followed by Free, Bouygues and SFR. For mobile networks, the arcep card mentioned above is there to find out about the operator to favor near you. In all cases, whatever your type of connection (wired, wired + wifi, mobile) and your operator (the 4 large but the others too), our internet debit test at the top of this page will provide you with its quality. And to choose a new operator, do not hesitate to take a look at our comparison of internet offers.

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