Cyberghost vs NordVPN: comparison, which is the best?, Cyberghost or NordVPN: which VPN is the most efficient?

Cyberghost or NordVPN: which VPN is the most efficient 

In terms of the locations of these servers, NordVPN is currently present in 60 countries, with more than 1900 servers just in the USA and more than 230 in France. This figure is less than Cyberghost and we regret in particular not to have servers in Russia, but good !

Cyberghost vs NordVPN: What distinguishes these two VPNs ?

Choosing your VPN supplier is not easy. Indeed, the offers of suppliers can sometimes be very similar and it is then very complex to know which to turn. Among the biggest duels of the moment, here is Our cyberghost vs nordvpn comparison. These two suppliers of Virtual Private Networks put the bar very high and have a lot of similarities. Obviously, it is not on their similarities but on their differences that we will be able to decide between them.

NordVPN vs cyberghost

We have compared them on 8 criteria and today we deliver the results of our comparison between Cyberghost and NordVPN. Without losing the slightest second, let’s get to the heart of the matter.

9000 servers

91 covered country

45 days satisfied or refunded

7 simultaneous connections

Our opinion : An excellent VPN with a very large network

5500 servers

60 covered country

30 days satisfied or refunded

6 simultaneous connections

Our opinion : A very good VPN for safety and anonymity

Applications: installation and comfort of use

For beginners, it is imperative to have a simple application to install and use. When we test VPNs and compare them, we ensure that their whole process is simple, from A to Z. What about the two giants ? Our cyberghost vs nordvpn comparison will tell you.


Cyberghost offers a simple installation that does not even take a minute, no matter your device. Whether you see on a computer, on tablet or mobile, you will not have the slightest difficulty installing the application. We particularly like the Windows VPN of Cyberghost which is among the best on the market.

In terms of user experience and ease of use, there is nothing to say. Everything is perfectly translated into French and we walk very easily between the different sections. Choose your server, connect, and voila !



On the NordVPN side, our remark is exactly the same in terms of simplicity of installation. There is absolutely nothing difficult and the less comfortable in computer science will therefore have no trouble installing the application on their devices.

In terms of use, we very much appreciate the design of the application with a very nice card on which the different countries are located in which you can connect. It’s very ergonomic and pleasant to use. However, we can make a little criticism concerning the absence of translation in French. We have no doubts that it will be resolved very quickly, and, in any case, the application remains that it could not be easier to use.

NordVPN Windows Application

For this first part of our duel Cyberghost vs NordVPN, so it is not possible to give a winner. The absence of French translation of the NordVPN application could play against it, but it is really a small detail in our opinion.

Cyberghost vs NordVPN: speed test

A VPN figures your data and creates a secure tunnel between you and internet. This inevitably generates speed losses. Only the best VPNs manage to limit breakage and to that you do not feel (or little) difference in use. As during Our NordVPN VS ExpressVPN comparison, We therefore wanted to compare these two actors on this criterion.

What about those two suppliers ? Which of Cyberghost or NordVPN offers the best speed ?

Note that our basic speed was as follows: Ping: 8ms, download 194.14mb/s, Upload 188,16mb/s

Cyberghost ��

Cyberghost has improved considerably in the past two years in order to appear in 2023 as one of the best VPNs of the moment. Its speed, in particular, has progressed a lot and could almost come and tread that of ExpressVPN, the fastest VPN that we have tested.

We were pleasantly surprised during our test to carry out this Cyberghost VS NordVPN comparison because the Romanian supplier really did not disappoint.

In this case, here are the results we have obtained:

  • Server in France: 21 of Ping, 164,11mb/s in Download and 169.99MB/S Upload.
  • Server in the USA: 139 of ping, 111,10mb/s in download and 98.15mb/s in upload.

These figures are really impressive. Suffice to say that in terms of speed, you will not see the difference. The only time you can notice something is if you download files. There, obviously, you will not have the figures you are used to, but it will be completely honorable.


After these very beautiful stats displayed by Cyberghost, it’s time to look at what NordVPN has in the belly. Like its competitor of the day, it has considerably developed its network of servers in order to meet millions of new customers that he has welcomed in recent years. Unfortunately, you will see that the supplier may be a little victim of his success.

Indeed, its performance in terms of speed are somewhat disappointing.

  • Server in France: 20 of ping, 105.10mb/s for download and 117.20mb/s in upload.
  • Server in the USA: 169 of ping, 74.01mb/s for download and 77.04mb/s in upload.

Although these figures remain quite respectable, they have something to disappoint, especially when you know that NordVPN is positioning itself as a premium VPN. We will have the opportunity to return to its pricing later in this Cyberghost VS NordVPN comparison.

In terms of speed, so it’s Cyberghost winning ! It displays very good results which have something to make many of its competitors salivate.

The bypass of censorship

Many Internet users are looking for a VPN to get around censorship. This can simply concern small restrictions on private networks or global censorship on a country scale, as in China, for example.

In this category, which is the best ? This is what we will see in our Cyberghost VS NordVPN comparison.


Cyberghost has progressed a lot in recent years, but the bypass of censorship is still not its great strength. And for good reason, at present, it does not work in China, Nor in Turkey or Russia. If you plan to travel to one of these countries, you would better opt for another VPN supplier.

On the other hand, we want to emphasize that it is surprisingly well in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates, where it is one of our favorites. Good point at this level.

NordVPN ��

NordVPN claims to operate in all countries of the world, in particular thanks to its “Obfuscated” servers which are supposed to walk everywhere. In China and Turkey, this is the case, but, unlike Cyberghost, it does not work properly in Dubai. This concerns both normal servers and obfuscated.

We have a lot of difficulty understanding why he manages to operate in Turkey and China but not in the UAE. If you plan to travel there, it may be a problem.

In this category of our Cyberghost VS NordVPN comparison, neither of the two protagonists. If we were to give a winner, it would still be Northern, Especially because it works in China, a quality of which few virtual private networks can sell. Victory for NordVPN HERE.

Be careful however, this section is very subjective and if you intend to go to the United Arab Emirates, obviously, it is Cyberghost that we will have to choose.

Cyberghost vs NordVPN: which is the most secure ?

Obviously, security is an essential criterion in the choice of a VPN and we have not forgotten it in this duel between Cyberghost and NordVPN. Which one to choose if you want to have the best level of safety ?


Cyberghost is based in Romania, a country outside the 5, 9 or 14 Eyes alliance. Also, this is a country where there is no law on logs retention. Therefore, Cyberghost really manages to practice a no log policy which is an excellent starting point.

Like any self -respecting VPN, Cyberghost also offers Kill Switch functionality, essential for your safety. If your VPN never let go for a few seconds, you would then be protected because no information would escape the Internet.

Obviously, in terms of encryption, we find the 256 -bit AES encryption key and different protocols like OpenVPN or IKEV2. We will finally highlight some interesting features such as automatic redirection in HTTPS when your VPN is activated, avoiding you to end up on the unsecured version of a site.

Cyberghost has been on the market since 2011 and has never experienced the slightest complaint (at least, it has never been up to the press) since. This is undeniably a good sign of seriousness and reliability, although we would have liked to have our ideas confirmed by an external audit (as did ExpressVPN).


NordVPN also puts a lot on security. First of all, it should be noted that the VPN is based in Panama, a country outside of any intelligence alliance and where no law obliges companies to keep the connections of connections (logs). Everything you do with this supplier is therefore automatically deleted.

We are not going to emphasize the fact that he also has the Kill Switch functionality and advanced encryption protocols to encrypt your data. There, nothing special to note.

In order to distinguish itself from Cyberghost, NordVPN offers “Double VPN” servers which allow you to encrypt your data twice via two different servers. Also, you can use servers on the Tor network for anonymity even more advanced. All this places NordVPN as an excellent actor for your safety.

However, we want to come back to one point: its 2018 security flaw. To tell the truth, the fault does not return to him entirely and there has been no consequences for its users, but we still want to emphasize it. One of his servers, located in a data center in Finland was penetrated by hackers who have managed to obtain the encryption key, allowing, potentially, to access the data of user users.

Fortunately, no data was kept on this server (since it is no log) but it is still a security flaw that has made a lot of noise. In order to clear NordVPN, we still want to recall that the fault was on the shoulders of the Datacenter which had installed software on the server without informing NordVPN.

In order to reassure its users, NordVPN was audited by Deloitte and no anomaly has been noted.

In the end, in terms of security, these two suppliers of our nordvpn vs cyberghost comparison are really worth.

Admittedly, NordVPN has encountered a problem since its creation in 2011, but it had no impact on its users and it was not directly linked to NordVPN. Therefore, we are not going to take care of it here. It’s up to you to judge, but for us, this is a draw in this section. If you want him to blame him for his 2018 security flaw, you have the cards in hand to make your decision knowingly.

Country coverage and the number of servers

Let’s move on to another very important point of this comparison between Cyberghost and NordVPN with the network of countries and servers. This is something that users are looking at a lot, and rightly so. However, one thing must be kept in mind: 1 server in a supplier is not necessarily worth 1 server in the other. If the second server has 10x more CPU, RAM and bandwidth, it will be 10x more powerful than the first and could potentially accommodate 10x more people by delivering the same performances.

So don’t let yourself be too much coarse with crazy figures, that doesn’t mean everything.

Cyberghost ��

Cyberghost is the VPN supplier offering the largest number of servers in 2023. And for good reason, there are more than 9000 in the world, distributed in 90+ countries. This undeniably represents a very beautiful network which has literally exploded in recent months.

Thanks to its many servers, Cyberghost is able to provide very good experience to its users and very good speeds (as we have seen above in this comparator). It will also be added that it is possible to see the % of the server loading to know if there are many people connected there.


NordVPN also puts the bar very high at the level of the number of servers since it currently has more than 5800 in the world.

However, as we have seen in terms of speed, performance is less good than Cyberghost. Is it linked to an overly large influx of customers or less powerful servers ? The answer is unfortunately not in our hands.

In terms of the locations of these servers, NordVPN is currently present in 60 countries, with more than 1900 servers just in the USA and more than 230 in France. This figure is less than Cyberghost and we regret in particular not to have servers in Russia, but good !

For this part of our Cyberghost VS NordVPN comparison, the victory returns to Cyberghost. Not only does it have more servers, but they seem more efficient and in addition, it covers 30 additional countries.

Customer support: which is the best ?

Customer support is something essential in the choice of an online service like a VPN. So this is something that we have sifted through this duel between Cyberghost and NordVPN.

Cyberghost ��

Cyberghost provides customer support by online chat 24/7/365 and he answers you in French. It’s really very nice if you have any questions, you can contact them and get an answer under less than a minute on average.

We will also add the presence of guides in the “Help” section which are perfectly translated into French and often assisted by a small video to show you how everything works. Nothing to say in terms of customer support and aid available at Cyberghost, it’s really good.

Cyberghost support


NordVPN also offers customer support reachable 24/7/365 Pat cat online. The difference is that here it will only answer you in English. If you are not comfortable with Shakespeare’s language, it could slow you down immediately.

Like his competitor, he also offers a FAQ and detailed tutorials but these are in English and not assisted by a video.

In the end, for customer support, the victory of our Cyberghost VS NordVPN comparator returns to Cyberghost. The assistance is in French, the advisers are reactive, there is really nothing to criticize.

Comparison of Cyberghost and NordVPN prices

To finish this comparison between Cyberghost and NordVPN, we still wanted to compare these two actors on their prices.

Cyberghost ��

Cyberghost displays extremely competitive prices and all of its offers (except that of 1 month) are accompanied by a satisfied or reimbursed warranty of 45 days.

Currently, you have the choice between 3 offers that are as follows:

Prix ​​Cyberghost VPN subscriptions

  • 1 month at 11.99 €
  • 6 months to € 41.94 (€ 6.99 / month)
  • 2 years at € 56.94 (€ 2.19 / month) to which are added 2 free months

Obviously, it is greatly recommended to go around three years subscription which is the most advantageous because it only amounts to just over € 2 per month. The goal (not hidden) is obviously to encourage you to engage in the long term. Remember that you have 45 days satisfied or reimbursed without condition and that, in fact, you risk nothing.


NordVPN was known, about 2 years ago, as being A cheap VPN, But things have changed well in 2023. Indeed, the supplier is now positioned as a fairly premium actor with less affordable prices.

In this case, here are the offers that are currently available:

  • 1 month at 12.99 €
  • 1 year at € 59.88 (€ 4.99 / month)
  • 2 years (and 1 free month) at € 83.76 (€ 3.35 / month)

Here, you will also have a satisfied or reimbursed period but it lasts “only” 30 days. This is more than enough to test the supplier’s services and get a good idea of ​​its performance.

As you can see, the supplier is not much more expensive than Cyberghost, but the difference is still there. You can learn more in our cyberghost review here.

For this last section of our duel Cyberghost vs NordVPN, the victory returns to once again Cyberghost best-value.

Conclusion: who choose Cyberghost or NordVPN ?

Throughout this comparison between Cyberghost and NordVPN, you could see what the differences between these two VPN suppliers were extremely rare and that it was really not easy to navigate to make your choice.

Overall, these are two excellent VPN suppliers that we highly recommend for their many qualities.

However, you need a winner, and, at the sight of the results of each section of this comparison, it would seem that Cyberghost takes it away. Indeed, it has scored more points, especially on speed, coverage (countries and servers) as well as customer support and pricing. NordVPN only was victorious for the bypass of censorship, and it was very tight. The other sections of our comparison end up in a draw.

If you hesitate between Cyberghost or NordVPN, you now know which you turn to.

FAQ: NordVPN vs cyberghost

You still have questions after reading our duel Cyberghost or NordVPN ? If so, we can only advise you to read the questions who follow.

Is Cyberghost faster than NordVPN ?

According to the many speed tests we have been able to carry out, the answer is yes. Cyberghost is more efficient than NordVPN, and you are looking to connect to a server near you or the other side of the world.

That said, in both cases we suggest that you let the service choose for you the protocol to use. This is indeed the best way to get optimal speeds. In the vast majority of cases, Cyberghost will rely on the Wireguard protocol while NordVPN will use Nordlynx, its home protocol.

What is the best choice for streaming ?

If you are looking to use a VPN for everything related to streaming, we advise you to opt for Cyberghost. The supplier has the advantage of offering servers dedicated to streaming. Thus, it is very easy to connect to the right server to unlock a TV channel or a particular streaming platform.

Be aware that NordVPN is not a bad choice, however. With his large number of servers, he is also an ally of choice to circumvent geo-restrictions and watch exclusive streaming content.

Do NordVPN and Cyberghost are currently offering promotions ?

Yes, the two suppliers offer promotions. In the case of Cyberghost, you will be able to count on discounts by opting for its subscription 6 months or 2 years. You will note that it is not necessary to use a promo code at Cyberghost to take advantage of the current promotions. Just click here and you can enjoy it.

What about NordVPN promotions ? In the same way as its competitor within the framework of this comparison, the supplier brings its long -term plans (1 year and 2 years). In the best of cases, you can count on a discount greater than 60%. To be sure to take advantage of the best current promotion, consider consulting our article presenting the NordVPN promo codes.

Cyberghost or NordVPN: which VPN is the most efficient ?


You are about to subscribe to a Virtual Private Network but you hesitate: Cyberghost or NordVPN ? This is a delicate question since these stakeholders acquired a certain reputation in the field of cybersecurity and that they both offer quality service. That said, they are not similar on all aspects. There is surely one of the two VPNs that corresponds more to your needs. We have therefore noted their point differences by point to help you in the face of this Cornelian choice.

9000 servers

91 covered country

45 days satisfied or refunded

7 simultaneous connections

Our opinion : An excellent VPN with a very large network

5500 servers

60 covered country

30 days satisfied or refunded

6 simultaneous connections

Our opinion : A very good VPN for safety and anonymity

Security and confidentiality

This Cyberghost vs NordVPN duel starts on the wheel hats by comparing An essential criterion for all VPNs: safety and anonymity. These are two points on which we must not ignore.


VPN Cyberghost was founded in 2011. Anyone who claims to be a fervent defender of digital freedom is today one of the leaders in terms of online protection.

To accomplish such a feat, the Cyberghost application provides 100% secure navigation to Internet users, taking care to apply an AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) encryption of 256 bits on their web traffic. This algorithm responds to the latest encryption standards. In other words, even if someone were to take up your data, he could not read it.

In parallel, Cyberghost VPN masks the IP address of its users. This is essential to guarantee the privacy of individuals on the Internet since the IP address makes it possible to identify Internet users and their geographic position. To make sure it works, we have done the test on a site offering an IP identification service. The one that was detected was not ours but that belonging to VPN Cyberghost, just like geolocation. Confidentiality is therefore well respected.

Finally, you should know that the service provider is based in Romania. It may not matter in your eyes, but yet this is what allows In the VPN service to claim no-log. Following the refusal of Romania to adopt the European Data Conservation Directive, companies in the Romanian territory are not legally constrained to keep customer data (connection journal, activity registers).

Regarding the protection of your personal data, know that an independent control was carried out by Qscert in 2012 to verify the information management system of information. The audit has been successfully passed. In addition, the supplier regularly publishes transparency reports.


NordVPN is also a leader in the field of cybersecurity. Created in 2012, this VPN offers a solution to secure its data online.

Like his opponent, NordVPN figures your end-to-end data via the AES-256 algorithm. Nothing to say on this side since it is the most secure that exists. And if you do not believe it, know that an audit has been led to its application to confirm the security of the latter. It also offers several VPN protocols.

The NordVPN application also protects your privacy by hiding your IP address and geolocation as soon as you activate it. Double VPN and Onion over VPN servers are also available to increase your confidentiality.

NordVPN applies a strict policy of absence of registers, or no-log. And if the service provider can do it, it is because the company is based in Panama. Thus, it is not governed the jurisdictions of the EU and the United States with regard to the collection of personal information. An audit made in 2018 confirmed the absence of log.

Only a few basic data is registered at the time of your registration: E-mail address, payment data (in the event of a refund), horoding of the last session (deleted after 15 minutes) and exchanges with customer service. We appreciate the transparency shown by NordVPN vis-à-vis the information recorded.

In this first Cyberghost VS NordVPN match, Impossible to decide between them in terms of security because they are both reliable VPNs. If NordVPN takes advantage thanks to the more numerous and more recent audits that have been led by independent firms, it should not be forgotten that Cyberghost publishes transparency reports each year, since 2011. We cannot therefore judge the best VPN on this criterion alone.

VPN servers and location park

We are now studying the infrastructure of each supplier. Indeed, if you know How to use a VPN, You understand the importance of this point. An extended network very often means freer navigation.

Cyberghost ��

In the space of ten years, the Cyberghost VPN network extended to today more than 6,700 servers today. It is not every day that we see such a quantity of distant machines. This is one of the largest infrastructure.

To give you an idea, Cyberghost has nearly 650 servers in France, 712 in the United Kingdom and more than 1,300 alone in the United States.


The servers are located in 87 countries which is colossal. With its international presence, you can simulate many locations using Cyberghost. In a few seconds, the sites consulted will view a new IP and they will assimilate your location according to that of the VPN server.

Each server supports the IKEV2, L2TP/IPSEC, OpenVPN and Wire Guard protocols. In addition to being extended, the infrastructure therefore adapts to the network of users so that everyone can benefit from it.

Note that some servers are sorted according to their features: for torrenting (NOSPY) and others dedicated to streaming.


NordVPN also used the major means to build its huge network. In 2023, NordVPN covered all continents and brought together more than 5,500 servers distributed in 59 countries of the world.


It may happen that NordVPN covers several locations in certain countries. This is the case of the USA where it is possible to connect to 15 different cities.

In order to satisfy all individuals, NordVPN offers different types of servers, each with their specialty. For example, there are P2P, double VPN, Over VPN, Obfuscouqués and dedicated IP servers. There is therefore a wide variety of servers that adapt to everyone’s needs.

The servers support different protocols: IKEV2/IPSEC, OpenVPN UDP/TCP and Nordlynx. Some are to be favored depending on the circumstances.

So, who of Cyberghost or NordVPN offers the best server park ? After comparing both, it is Cyberghost which offers the best network. For once, there was no need to procrastinate. Cyberghost is not only present in more countries, but it also puts more servers available.

Application interface and accessibility

Let us continue this duel by opposing this time the Cyberghost VS NordVPN application. If this aspect may seem superficial, it is however very important because VPNs are everyday tools. However, if the software is not ergonomic, it can quickly become a ordeal and compromise your online navigation.


The Cyberghost application has recently been brought up to date. Good news for those who attach particular importance to design. The interface is in French and very intuitive with a navigation menu with the different types of servers (favorites, all, dedicated IP, download, streaming), connection features and a clear activation button on the right.


Interface of the Cyberghost application (MacOS) © Iphon

The connection can be manually established by clicking on a country or via a particular server within a country. To go faster, it is possible to select the best server. In this case, the supplier will find the server best suited to your network by taking certain criteria in account as your location and the load of use.

The application can be installed and used on seven devices simultaneously. To manage the different terminals, you will have to log into your personal space. You will be able to add and delete it in a few clicks.

Cyberghost VPN is supported on macos, iOS, Android, Windows and Linux. The software is also available directly on Android Smart TV and Amazon Fire TV. It is also one of the best VPNs for the Fire TV Stick. In addition, some routers of the Netgear, Linksys and Asus ranges are compatible. It is possible to buy it already preconfigured with the Cyberghost application from its site.

NordVPN ��

The NordVPN application still seduces as much thanks to a refined and very visual interface. The list of countries is listed on the left. No need to have advanced computer knowledge to understand that by clicking on one of the countries it is possible to activate the VPN and connect to it.

Each country in which it is present is identified by a symbol of geolocation. We can therefore also connect by navigating the world map and by clicking directly on the symbol.

Nordvpn-interface application

Interface of the NordVPN application (MacOS) © Iphon

There are also specialized servers at the end of the list of countries: P2P, Onion over VPN, dedicated IP, Double VPN and Obfuschers.

Note that since a recent update, the application is finally available in French on MacOS. This was not the case until then.

The NordVPN application can be used on six simultaneous devices. The compatible supports are varied (computers, tablets, smartphones, smart TVs, connected boxes). The main operating systems are of course covered (macOS, iOS, Windows, Android and Linux). A NordVPN extension is available on Chrome and Firefox browsers.

This duel of Cyberghost VS NordVPN applications is tight, but it is Northern that prevails. Even if the Cyberghost application is successful, NordVPN offers VPN extensions on Chrome and Firefox unlike its competitor. In addition, although this last point remains subjective, we appreciate the careful presentation of the NordVPN interface.


If there is one subject that must be addressed when compared to two VPN services, it is their ability to bypass the blockages of the web, that is to say censorship, firewalls but also geographic restrictions.


As we have been able to judge, Cyberghost VPN works in many countries of the world. However, we prefer to warn you, Cyberghost is not functional in certain countries establishing strict censorship. This is particularly the case for Turkey, Russia or China. If you are looking for The best VPN for China, It is therefore not to this provider that you will have to turn.

The performances are ultimately quite random depending on the country of residence. Rest assured, if yours offers great freedom of navigation, you will not have to worry.

On the other hand, be aware that Cyberghost is very effective in bypassing firewalls. Many networks are subject to blockages of this type, especially in universities and businesses. The powerful encryption of Cyberghost VPN makes it possible to mask your online activities which becomes impossible for the network operator to prohibit any access.

Geo-restrictions are another kind of blocking that can be encountered online. In this case, Cyberghost can help you get around them by modifying your IP address. In addition, its many locations in the world should help you get the desired location to access content.


NordVPN has a lot of qualities but the bypass of digital censorship is not its strong point. Indeed, despite servers obfusted specially designed for areas establishing a strict policy on the Internet, the supplier does not work optimally. This is the case in some Gulf countries, for example. Besides, NordVPN says it works in China but to believe the user feedback on site, this seems to be questioned.

To thwart firewalls on the other hand, NordVPN is formidable. He passed the test hands down on several networks (public Wi-Fi, schools and office).

He also manages to unlock the majority of geo-blockages encountered on websites. If it does not succeed in the first time, it will be necessary to change servers. In general, at the end of the second try, it works. To have a more detailed feedback, you can Read our NordVPN test.

To conclude this section on the bypass of Cyberghost VS NordVPN web blockages, so we can say that there is No winner or loser. Indeed, if they both manage to get around most of the blockages that can be met online, they are not 100% effective everywhere to thwart digital censorship.

If you live abroad and are looking for a gifted provider for this activity, We advise you to choose ExpressVPN, the VPN 1 number.

Connection stability and speed

Let us now look at the quality of the VPN connection. Indeed, holding many servers is one thing, but servers that offer a quality connection is another. What candidate does better ?

Cyberghost ��

If there is one element that we have been able to raise During our Cyberghost VPN test, It is that its network combines quantity and quality. Not only will you have access to a ribambelle of servers, but they will be perfectly optimized which will allow you to normally sail without interruption. Cyberghost servers are constantly updated to provide high -level performance.

To improve your navigation, Cyberghost users have access to a number of data on the application interface. Before establishing a connection, you can see the percentage of load of each server. Thus, taking into account this criterion and geographic distance, you can make the best server choice.

Then the activation is fast. In just three seconds we are already connected. Important detail, the bandwidth is unlimited. You will be able to navigate completely normal thanks to the broadband connection of Cyberghost.


NordVPN is known to offer a quality connection to its users. In fact, it cannot be said that the NordVPN connection is bad, on the contrary. Only, the performance is quite variable from one server to another, which is quite regrettable for such a renowned provider.

The connection is fluid most of the time, but this is not always the case. During the tests carried out over several weeks, some disconnections occurred. And no automatic reconnection as it is nevertheless highlighted by the supplier. Fortunately, the Kill Switch worked.

If there is nothing to say on the widely acceptable connection speeds of NordVPN, one cannot say as much of its stability which leaves something to be desired and which compromises navigation.

After confronting Cyberghost VPN VS NordVPN on the quality of the VPN connection, there is one that stands out and it is Cyberghost. Indeed, whether in terms of speed or stability of the connection, he makes a faultless. Unfortunately, we cannot say so much nordvpn. Despite everything, it is not catastrophic since the latter is located in the fastest VPN classification on the market.

Access to streaming and download services

In this comparative study, we could not miss access to entertainment services. If VPNs are acclaimed by streaming and torrenting enthusiasts, it is because these tools can considerably improve the online experience by making it more diversified and more secure. Which of Cyberghost or NordVPN is the best in this matter ?


As you can see below, the interface of the Cyberghost VPN application has been designed to facilitate access to streaming and download services.

In the Streaming tab precisely, there are many servers dedicated to different platforms such as, for example, Netflix Us, Netflix de, Netflix Fr, Hulu, Amazon Prime, YouTube, without forgetting Canadian, German, American, English or English TV channels still French. Suffice to say that if you want Watch French television from abroad, This is the tool to favor. As we have specified before, Cyberghost bypasses geo-blockages.


Cyberghost © Iphon streaming servers

This is not all that the supplier has to offer. Some cyberghost servers are suitable for P2P. You can find them in the section to download. They are classified by country and offer even further security with optimal speeds.


In view of our experience with NordVPN, this application will allow you to access new streaming services wherever you are and to download in P2P without risk.

Indeed, you will have access to a list of 59 countries in the world which will allow you to simulate a new location and to free yourself from geographic blockages that are generally found on streaming platforms.

Good point, NordVPN works on Netflix. You can therefore access several catalogs without moving from you. Other SVOD services have been unlocked even if it is more complicated for some (Hulu and premium video in particular). Regarding foreign television channels, we had no major problem. The error message “This content is not available in your geographic area” generally disappeared once the VPN has been connected and the updated page.

If you prefer to download, it is not a concern since NordVPN offers servers compatible with P2P (more than 4,700 in several countries).

The performance between Cyberghost and NordVPN are relatively similar with regard to access to streaming and download platforms, so that they are on an equal footing. They manage to unlock Netflix and many TV channels. Also, the servers of the two providers authorize the download in P2P.

Technical characteristics

Let’s continue this Cyberghost VS NordVPN match by studying their technical characteristics and the various features offered.


Cyberghost offers a quality VPN service which is supplemented by interesting features, such as:

  • AD-Block for the removal of banners, pop-ups and advertising videos
  • the blocker of malicious sites that could harm your safety
  • The anti-tracking filter against online monitoring
  • HTTPS Automatic Redirection
  • Data compression if you need to control your bandwidth


Cyberghost © Iphon settings

All these functions aim to provide an additional protective layer to users and we can say that it is successful. You can of course choose to activate them or not, but we recommend that you do it. It is accessible from the connection features tab.

You can also establish smart rules (Smart Rules) and customize your VPN protection by securing one or more Wi-Fi networks automatically or activating VPN from startup.

The Kill Switch option is automatically present and integrated. It allows you to interrupt your traffic in the event of Disconnection of the VPN which protects you from IP leaks and preserves your anonymity.

Finally, Cyberghost also offers a dedicated IP address if you want to benefit from yours. It will be static and anonymous.


NordVPN provides a well -thought -out application with features which prove to be very useful in everyday life.

In system preferences, you will find the all-in-one cybersec tool which acts both as a blocker of advertising and malicious software. You can also choose the VPN protocol.

Nordvpn parameters

Nordvpn parameters © Iphon

The Kill Switch function is automatically activated on the iOS, MacOS (IKE) and Linux versions. Only Windows users can choose to activate the Kill Switch at the application level only or on a system scale.

The Split Tunneling option is only available on Android and Windows devices. It excludes activities that do not require the encrypted VPN tunnel. It is useful in several situations. For example, if you want to download safely while enjoying the contents of your country of residence.

As with its rival, users have the possibility of opting for a dedicated IP.

Finally, there are advanced features among the two competitors. The NordVPN cybersec is found in Cyberghost under another name. The Kill Switch, the Split Tunneling and the dedicated IP are also present in both camps. So it is not possible to decide between them In terms of technical features.

Comparison of NordVPN vs ExpressVPN prices

If there is a criterion that can differentiate Cyberghost against NordVPN, this is the price. As you will see, the two providers do not apply the same rates.

Cyberghost ��

Cyberghost is part Cheapest VPNs of 2023 And you will quickly understand why. When subscribing, you will have the choice among the following three packages:

  • 1 month at 11.99 €
  • 6 months at € 6.99 / month
  • 2 years (+ 2 free months) at € 2.19 / month

Cyberghost VPN subscription price

The long -term offer at two monthly euros is the most economical, but if you do not wish to commit to such a duration, the price of the annual subscription remains largely accessible. These two offers are accompanied by a 45 -day reimbursement guarantee. The monthly package will give you access to a 14 -day warranty.

You can set your subscription by bank card, Paypal or Bitcoin which is a real asset.

Also, be aware that an account gives access to seven simultaneous connections. You can therefore equip all your equipment thanks to a single subscription.


NordVPN prices are located in the high average of the market, but they vary from time to time. Right now, you can subscribe to the three packages below:

  • 1 month at 12.99 €
  • 1 year at € 4.99 / month
  • 2 years at € 3.35 / month

Even if the year offer remains affordable, the 2 -year offer is to be favored to pay the cheapest service as possible. If you are scared, know that you will have 30 days to change your mind with the satisfied or reimbursed warranty from NordVPN. The purchase is therefore without risk.

Payment methods are varied: bank card, Paypal, Amazon Pay, Google Pay and Crypto-Monnaies.

You should know that a NordVPN account comes with six connections simultaneously.

After an in -depth comparison of the different packages, it is Cyberghost round. It is not only because it offers the lowest price, but because it offers the best value for money. In other words, compared to all the features and the advantages to which it gives access, this is the most interesting option.

In addition, you will benefit from a valid reimbursement guarantee for 45 days against 30 for NordVPN. These additional 15 days are far from negligible. You will also have seven simultaneous connections with Cyberghost while NordVPN only offers six per account.

Customer assistance

Before completing this article and helping you choose between Cyberghost or NordVPN, let’s review the customer assistance offered by the two providers. Although this is not the most important element, it comes into play for the resolution of the different types of problem that you may encounter.

Cyberghost ��

Cyberghost technical support can be reached by several means: live cat and deferred messaging (e-mail and online contact form).

This first solution is to be preferred if you want a quick response. Indeed, the cat is open 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. The answer is almost instantaneous and good news, exchanges can be made in French. English and German are also offered.

Putting into contact with the advisor is therefore fast and effective. The technical teams are attentive and very professional. They know their subject and will simply explain the most technical points.

Note that Cyberghost provides a French help center where there is a FAQ and many explanatory guides on the application (installation, use, settings, etc.) illustrated with several screenshots to facilitate understanding. What help you solve your problem without even needing customer service.


To reach the NordVPN technical teams, you can use instant messaging or send an email. If you favor the first option, know that you will first be put in contact with a chatbot before you can converse with a real agent.

During our test, we found that the answers were sometimes a little vague. You have to take a little time to clarify. On the other hand, the advisor responds in French. It greatly simplifies things to exchange.

Before contacting customer assistance, you can take a look at the NordVPN help center. It is very complete and contains many tutorials.

For this duel opposing Cyberghost or NordVPN customer service, it is Cyberghost which occupies the first place thanks to a more available and involved technical support. Also, three languages ​​are proposed for exchanges, including French – against two for NordVPN.

Conclusion: Cyberghost is in the lead in front of NordVPN

This comparison aimed at deciding Cyberghost VS NordVPN is coming to an end. As you may have noticed, the services offered by the two VPN suppliers are very good. We have not always been able to decide between them.

However, after a meticulous analysis taking up each point, it is Cyberghost which wins the first position because it wins more duels than NordVPN: Park of servers and VPN locations, stability and connection speed, price and customer assistance. Thus, between Cyberghost and NordVPN, we recommend you rather Cyberghost. And if you want to make your own opinion, nothing prevents you from testing both applications by playing the satisfied or refunded warranty.


You are in a hurry or you still ask questions after reading this nordvpn and cyberghost duel opponent ? In both cases, we strongly advise you to read the following.

Is Cyberghost better than NordVPN for torrenting ?

The two services support P2P download. Proof of this is, they go even further by offering servers specially optimized for the download of torrents. They therefore play a game equal to this level.

Now given that according to our gear tests, Cyberghost is more efficient, we are of the opinion that this is the most suitable solution for those who seek to download in P2P of large files. With its service, you will be able to proceed quickly (and without compromising your online safety and anonymity).

Cyberghost is faster than NordVPN ?

Yes, this is the observation that our experts were able to establish after having tested the performance of Cyberghost and NordVPN at length at length.

Note that in order to have the most complete feedback as possible, our teams have taken the time to carry out speed tests at different slots of the day and by connecting to servers located in the four corners of the world ( United States, France, Australia, Japan, etc.).

Is Nordvpn the best VPN ?

NordVPN is not a bad VPN, but it is not the reference in 2023. Proof of this is, although the duel is tight, it is Cyberghost who emerges from it victorious. If you are curious, go to the side of our article presenting The best VPN service.

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