Connected inertia radiator | Rothelec, electric radiators: how to make them connected thanks to programmers

Electric radiators: how to make them connected thanks to the programmers

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Connected inertia radiator: which model to choose ?

Electric radiators today respond perfectly to the needs of our homes. Easy to set up, they are both efficient and economical. The most successful device in terms of electric heating, the connected programmable inertia radiator offers excellent heating comfort and very good energy performance. In particular, it makes it possible to precisely regulate the temperature within each room of the accommodation.

So how does a Connected electric heating ? What are the advantages ? And why choose to equip your accommodation with eco models Rothelec ?

How an inertia radiator works ?

Connected inertia radiator

A Radiator in inertia is a device that works thanks to electricity. When started, the electric current crosses the resistance installed in the device. This electrical resistance produces heat, which it transfers to its heating heart. It is then broadcast throughout its facade, to offer a gentle and homogeneous warmth in the room. Taking advantage of significant inertia, the device continues to heat, even when it is off.

There are two types of models. Fluid inertia radiators are equipped with a liquid heating heart, which is in the form of a heat transfer fluid. If the heat is constant and pleasant, it nevertheless presents a risk of leakage. Dry inertia radiators work from a solid heating heart, consisting of a refractory material (such as ceramics or brick), aluminum or steel cast iron. They therefore present no risk of leakage. Their accumulation power is also more interesting than that of models with the heart of liquid heating.

What criteria to look at to choose the right model ?

To distinguish radiators with inertia, available on the market, you must clarify 3 essential concepts:

  • Thermal comfort: this is the comfort felt inside the home, directly linked to the temperature air and that of the surrounding walls. For example, when the thermostat displays 20 ° C, the temperature felt may only be 18 ° C if that of the walls is at 16 ° C … the interest of a Eco product in inertia lies in its ability to accumulate heat and make it shine on the walls, contributing to the feeling of thermal comfort. Note that a Connected product – therefore programmable – adds to this feeling.
  • The mass of radiators in inertia:
    This mass informs about the quantity of heat that can be accumulated by the device. On the market, models can offer 5 to 40 kg, with a price directly proportional to this indication. Concretely, a large mass offers more spaced on / off cycles and a temperature more uniform. Note that devices under 10 kg are more suitable for small spaces, such as the office or the kitchen, when the heavier models are more suitable for living rooms.
  • The thermal exchange surface:
    Finally, we must also consider the surface of exchanges between the heating body and the room on this basis: the more the surface of exchanges between the heart of heating and the facade of the device is optimized, the more the heat will be gentle and homogeneous.

Should we consider a device in each room ?

What is a connected radiator ?

Among the many models of electric radiators today offered on the market, there is a range of intelligent, or connected radiators devices.

Home automation, or how to make your accommodation more and more independent

Home automation facilities are increasingly housing, in the new and in the old. Facilizing the control and management of devices in your home or apartment, home automation offers a certain daily use of use.

Domotic installation Radiator Connected inertia

Many equipment can be connected to the system (electric roller shutters, the garage door, the outer and interior lights, etc.). Electric heating devices are among the equipment often integrated into a home automation installation.

A connected radiator allows you to program, control and remotely regulate the room temperature in which it is installed. This control is carried out from an application, generally controlled from a smartphone or tablet, via a WiFi link or data connection. The house (or the apartment) must therefore be equipped with an internet box.

A radiator equipped with innovative equipment, for energy savings

Intelligent radiators operate using connected sensors and thermostats. The sensors detect temperature variations and the passages in the room in which they are installed. Depending on the information noted and transmitted, the device reacts and adapts its temperature. For example, if a sudden temperature drop is detected (when a window is left open for too long for example), Lil puts himself in a free frost. This prevents him from consuming too much energy unnecessarily, and makes it possible to make significant savings on his electricity bill.

Connected Radiator connected thermostat connected

The connected device can thus run pre -recorded operating instructions, to work independently. But it can also be controlled remotely, from a dedicated application. The temperature of each room of the home is then adapted in real time, depending on the unpredictable events of everyday life. For example, it is increased by several degrees just before the arrival of the inhabitants: they thus benefit from comfortable accommodation at any time of the day.

Equipting your Home Intelligent Models finally allows you to easily regulate and control the temperature of each room with the accommodation, independently, because not all of them have the same needs . In addition, the simple fact of lowering the temperature of 1 ° C is equivalent to 7 % energy savings. ADEME (Environment and Energy Management Agency) recommends, for example, to maintain the rooms at 16 ° C, at 18 ° C living rooms. When used, the bathrooms must be heated to approximately 22 ° C. According to ADEME, the use of a thermostat thus offers up to 25 % energy savings.

So how to choose the best connected device ? To meet current issues and offer comfortable and economical connected heating, Rothelec offers you a full range of models.

Why opt for Rothelec connected inertia radiators ?

Horizontal or vertical radiator, fixed or mobile radiator, plinth radiator, towel dryer … all Rothelec Inertia Radiators Dispute a homogeneous and pleasant heat, throughout the day. Connected, they take advantage of innovative features for optimal comfort of use and long -term energy savings.

Homogeneous and pleasant warmth, throughout the day

Our intelligent inertia radiators are equipped with Tri-Chaleur® technology. Thanks to this innovation, they combine the characteristics and advantages of the three fundamental functions of convection, accumulation and radiation. The radiators go up quickly, they diffuse heat in a straight line, without drying the air.

Radiator inertia sorting heat

Thanks to their Heater in Thermofaïence®, they continue to heat even when they are extinct. Consisting of earthenware blocks, their heating heart benefits from an optimal thermal exchange surface, without any loss. Rothelec ceramic inertia radiators thus guarantee significant energy savings.

Connected inertia radiator Heart of heating earthenware

A powerful communication system

All our connected inertia radiators work from X3D radio communication. This system ensures wireless communication between the dedicated application, the wireless thermostat, the Tydom home automation box and the intelligent radiators. When the temperature set to the radiator thermostat differs from that scheduled via the application, it is automatically updated. All supports are coordinated in real time.

Each product serves as a transmitter relay with the box, and with all the other heating devices of the accommodation. This innovation is particularly useful in very large area housing, when the range of the box quickly becomes insufficient. This allows all radiators to continue to receive the instructions, even when they are located in rooms distant from the box.

Inertia radiator connected speakers connected

This connection and communication system has no health danger. It also makes our radiators compatible with the SOWEE (EDF subsidiary) connected station, and with the Alexa (Amazon) and Google Home homework services. They can thus be controlled from a distance, on the finger and / or the voice.

Modern features

Rothelec intelligent heating devices are controlled from an application, via a smartphone or tablet (to download on AppStore or Google Play). It also allows you to manage all the other equipment in your home: the garage door, the shutters, the lighting ..

Connected inertia radiator Application Smartphone Mobile

It pilots the Rothelec wireless connected thermostat, which controls the temperature of the radiator at the near 0.5 ° C. After having measured the room temperature, and depending on the data noted, the thermostat regulates the radiator to reach the desired temperature in the room. For optimal use, each room of the accommodation must be equipped with its connected thermostat. To offer a precise measurement, it must be installed on an interior wall, at a minimum height of 1.5 meters, away from heat sources and air currents.

Piloting Rothelec connected radiators is facilitated by taking a picture of each device (then integrated into the application). Rothelec also offers other connected and intelligent objects. Our open window detectors are installed directly on the windows. When open, the radiator automatically switches to free frost mode, without waiting for temperature drop.

Combining comfort, design and innovation, Rothelec connected inertia radiators allow you to regulate the heating of the accommodation precisely and efficiently at 0.1 ° C. They guarantee optimal comfort of use and daily energy savings. Our devices are easy to set up and use.

You want to know more about connected inertia radiators ?

Electric radiators: how to make them connected thanks to the programmers

The majority of electric radiators sold in France can easily be connected. This allows you to gain comfort by driving them remotely from your smartphone or a connected speaker, but also to save significant energy, in particular by associating them with a home automation installation.

In recent months, making energy savings has become a real priority and it is important for everyone to make efforts to consume. In winter, it is of course necessary to heat up, while paying attention. The national recommendation is adjust the temperature to 19 degrees, Good compromise between comfort and energy sobriety.

According to ADEME, this practice already makes it possible to lower its energy consumption by 7 %. However, it is possible to go even further by making its electric radiators “connected”, both for better comfort of use and to consume less. By connecting its radiators, it becomes for example possible to pilot them from a smartphone and turn them off by leaving or light them on the way back. In addition, by integrating them with home automation solutions, you can make your home even smarter and create rules and automatisms.

We will see here how to connect electric radiators, with a simple addition of a Wi-Fi or radio module, as well as to “pilot wire” technology, which already have the majority of French electric radiators. You will also find different models that we have been able to test.

To find all the guides on the connected house, it’s here.

Electric radiators compatible with pilot wire

The main difference in this method compared to a connected thermostat is its low installation cost. It simply requires a relatively recent electric radiator, ideally to dry or fluid inertia. In most cases, an electric radiator has an integrated probe, thus making it possible to define a set temperature to be maintained in the room, which avoids using an additional thermostat. In the same way, the majority of electric radiators have a pilot wire, as are some heating heaters and heated floors.

This French technology has existed since the 1970s and has become more democratic around 1990. It has therefore been widespread for thirty years and unless your accommodation is equipped with former convectors ” toaster “, Your electric radiators most likely have a pilot wire. To find out, simply check the wires at the back of the radiator, taking care to cut the current beforehand. All electric radiators have a phase, represented by a red or brown thread, and the blue wire for the neutral. Some also have a green thread for the earth. Finally, if there is a third black or gray thread, it corresponds to the pilot wire. So it’s the one that interests us today.

Pilot wire technology

The pilot wire is offered as standard on a large number of electric radiators. But what is it for concretely ? This technology allows you to send program orders to the radiator, at least four and up to six, according to the radiator and the programmer used, namely:

  • Comfort : The set temperature, the one you want to heat the part when you are there. It is therefore this that it is recommended to settle at 19 ºC.
  • Eco: It allows as its name suggests to save energy by heating less when you are absent for a few hours, for example by going to work. In the majority of cases, it will be automatically lower than 3 degrees compared to the set temperature, ensuring not to heat unnecessarily in the event of absence, while avoiding reaching too low temperatures, which would cause a peak in consumption consumption during the recovery.
  • Out of frost: This mode is useful when you are away for more than 48 hours. It regulates the temperature to 7º or 8º, which avoids the risk of frost or excessive humidity, while minimizing energy consumption.
  • Stop : This mode completely extinguishes the resistance of the radiator, it is therefore useful out of season or possibly when you open the windows to ventilate.

There are also two additional modes, requiring a module and a six orders compatible radiator. Comfort -1 and comfort -2 modes allow, as their names suggest, reduce the temperature by 1 or 2 degrees compared to comfort mode.

Programmers for pilot wire

As we saw above, if your accommodation is equipped with electric radiators with a pilot wire, it is very simple to connect them. It is enough to connect a module to the radiator. This is very simply connected between the wires of the counter and the radiator and requires only a screwdriver and dominoes, as you can see below. Their installation is therefore achievable yourself, without having to call on a professional.

For each radiator, it is therefore advisable to cut the current, dismantle the radiator of the wall, disconnect the electrical arrival of the radiator, connect the programmer to the electrical arrival and to the radiator using dominoes, and go up everything. Ideally should be sucking on accumulated dust in order to optimize radiator performance. The operation lasts only a few minutes and requires very little DIY knowledge.

We’ve tested Three different programmers As part of this guide.

Heatzy pilot: the programmer easy to install

The Heatzy startup offers very easy to install Wi-Fi pilot wi-fi modules. These are delivered with a sufficient length of wire, which allows them to be easily connected. They are associated with a very intuitive application, making it possible to manage the four modes individually on each radiator or to create groups.

It is of course possible to program them according to 30 -minute time slots with a weekly view, simplifying the operation. Heatzy also worked with integration with third -party services, ensuring very advanced compatibility with Alexa, Google Assistant and even IFTTT. This allows you to create advanced home automation automation, such as automatically put the radiators in eco mode when you are no longer at home, avoiding you to have it manually, and thus minimize your energy consumption. Two LEDs make it possible to ensure the mode used and it is also possible to switch from one mode to another thanks to a physical button present on the receiver.



The pilot Heatzy are compatible with four orders and therefore do not offer the two comfort -1 and comfort -2 additional modes. Of course, even if your radiator is compatible with six orders, it will also be compatible with four orders. Furthermore, it should be noted that the Heatzy being connected to Wi-Fi, each module needs its own IP address on your network. Depending on the number of radiators you have at home and your router, take care of the maximum number of devices allowed to connect simultaneously.

Despite these two small flaws, the pilot Heatzy are very intuitive and inexpensive. In addition, their excellent integration with third -party services makes them very practical in the context of a home automation installation.

Thomson Cali-P: The Six Orders module

On the same principle as Heatzy, Thomson offers pilot wire modules connected to Wi-Fi. These have the advantage of being compatible with six orders, offering additional comfort. The design of the modules is worked and they display the modes used via different colors. The modules are however more complicated to install, since they are not provided with wires, which forces you to extend those existing.

They are controlled via the Thomson at Home application, which allows you to create groups and programs according to your needs. This also calculates the energy consumption of your radiator and can automatically generate graphics representative of the energy use generated by your heating. This function is quite unique and allows you to better understand your heating habits and to adapt your uses to reduce your bills.

Unfortunately, the application is not very intuitive and deserves to be more worked. In addition, despite technically possible integration with Google Assistant and Alexa, it is too muddled to be functional. Indeed, they are recognized as sockets connected by Alexa, which means that it is not possible to control the modes in a precise manner. Assistant did not recognize the modules by recognized and it was not possible for us to control them via Google speakers.

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Screenshot_20221108-101532_at home

Screenshot_20221108-101504_at home

Thomson Cali -P offer six -orders compatibility, which allows radiators to be put in comfort -2 mode when you are on the way back, and therefore to boost them to limit your energy consumption. The modules can also automatically measure the consumption of each radiator for you, so that you can better control your consumption. On the other hand, go your way if you plan to create advanced home automation automation, since they integrate either badly with Google Home and Alexa, or not at all with IFTTT.

Delta Dore RF 6600 FP: Practical with Tydom Home

Delta Dore is a reference in the field of pilot wire programmers and French home automation. The brand has been offering wired programmers and thermostats for many years and radios using this technology. Of course, it has developed a modern solution, namely the RF 6600 FP modules, compatible with six orders. These are radio receivers, using the brand’s owner X3D protocol. They must therefore be associated with a Delta Dore Wireless Programmer or the Tydom Home home automation box. They offer the advantage of being able to be checked from a physical box, in addition to your smartphone or your home automation assistants such as Alexa and Google Assistant.

The Tydom Home connects to your router to your router, making it possible to avoid saturating your Wi-Fi network. She is able to manage up to 32 heating equipment, but also cameras, bulbs, roller shutters, and other opening. This is its main advantage, since in addition to being X3D compatible, it also supports the ZigBee protocol, allowing to use a single box to control other connected devices.



In addition, the interest of using Tydom Home is also to be able to connect several types of products, and therefore to create routines with compatible devices. However, it will not be necessary to rely on the Tydom Home to automate everything, especially because it does not integrate with third -party systems like IFTTT. In addition, even if it is officially compatible with Alexa and Google Assistant, neither of the two assistants could recognize the pilot wire modules, despite many attempts.

Finally, it is important to remember that the Delta Dore pack is much more expensive than the Heatzy pilot or Thomson Cali-P, whether it is a complete installation or the addition of a receiver. Such an installation is therefore mainly justified if you already have Delta Dore receivers at home that you want to connect, or plan to use the Tydom Home to integrate other ZigBee devices. It can then centralize and facilitate the connection between your devices intuitively.

Konyks Ecosy: the most complete module

The French brand Konyks, renowned for its home automation products, also offers six-orders wi-fi pilot wire modules which are very complete and simple to connect. The wire length is good, in order to connect them without difficulty, and the box is compact. This clearly displays the chosen mode and the status of the Wi-Fi connection, thanks to an integrated backlight. Tactile buttons also allow you to switch directly to the mode of your choice.

Ecosy is piloted to choose from via the Konyks, Tuya, or Smart Life application, which are in truth essentially the same. The main advantage of using one of the last two is to centralize in a single ecosystem several connected devices, Smart Life and Tuya being the most frequently used applications to control the bulbs and connected sockets available on Amazon et aliexpress.

Konyks 1

Konyks 2

In any case, it is possible to create a personalized heating program according to the modes of your choice and to control the modules using Google Assistant and Alexa. Unfortunately, the management of modes is only implemented with the first and Alexa can only turn on or extinguish the radiator. It’s a shame, especially since these routines allow you to create particularly advanced home automation automation. However, the applications mentioned above allow basic routines to be created without using a third -party service, which will allow for example to automatically cut the radiators when a window is open.

The Konyks Ecosy is one of the most complete pilot wire modules, in particular by managing six orders, but also using an open and customizable ecosystem.

Go further with home automation

Beyond comfort, the main advantage of connecting its radiators is to save energy. The best way to achieve this is to automate certain actions by integrating pilot wire programmers into a home automation installation. If I take my personal case, I have created rules to automatically put the radiator of a part in frost mode when a window is open. In the same way, all my radiators get into eco mode when the alarm is armed.

These routines are very simple to create. Thus, integration with Alexa allows you to create fairly advanced automatisms. However, there is an ultimate solution to automate and simplify your thermal comfort even more, which consists of the integration of different products within a multi-brand home automation box.

Somfy Tahoma Switch

Somfy’s Tahoma Switch is probably the most advanced general public home automation box. In addition to managing the ZigBee Standard, it also supports RTS and IO protocols, ensuring it integration with almost all of the Somfy range, but also other brands.

It is thus capable of piloting BFT, Siegenia and Velux, Dom and Yale locks and locks, but especially heating or air conditioning products Atlantic, Daikin, Danfoss, Hitachi, Intetens, Sauter and Thermor. In addition, the Tahoma Switch fits perfectly with Alexa, Google Assistant and even IFTTT, allowing to create automatisms and manage a multitude of products from other brands.


Such opening and compatibility allows you to regulate the temperature of your home very simply and automatically, while ensuring compatibility according to your equipment. You can for example automate your home ventilation with the Tahoma Switch, in order to hunt moisture and maximize the efficiency of the heating, while cutting the radiators so as not to overconsum. It is even possible to create rules to do it when you are not at home, to avoid catching cold. Likewise, you can count on automatic integration with your safety system to automatically close your shutters and put your radiators in eco mode when you go, which will keep heat during your absence.

Somfy’s solution turned out to be formidable during our test and although it was not natively compatible with all our connected products, its integration with Alexa, Google Assistant and Ifttt allowed it to communicate with them in all transparency. Although its price seems high, it can replace several other boxes, since it manages three standard market protocols and connects itself to Wi-Fi to your router. It is therefore the reference home automation box and turns out to be very practical and intuitive to make your home, radiators and even more intelligent openings.

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Connected radiator

Facilitate everyday life, personalize your comfort and save money !

Pilot your connected radiators remotely, when you want, wherever you want. Save time, ease of use and personalized comfort: connectivity allows you to control your radiators according to your daily life, and to save on your heating consumption: 30% on average* !

What power to choose ?

We recommend on average 100W per m² for a standard ceiling height of 2m50. For large parts, it can be wise to opt for two models of lesser power than a single more powerful radiator (for example, for a 20m² room, consider 2 radiators of 1000W rather than one of 2000W). This will give heat better distributed in your room. But as other criteria come into play (location, insulation. ), it is recommended to go through a professional to establish the correct dimensioning of your devices.

What format is suitable for my room ?

3 formats exist: horizontal (square or rectangle depending on the powers), vertical (higher than wide), and plinth/low (wider than high). If you have no space constraints, all formats (horizontal, vertical, or plinth/stockings) will suit. If you have a small space in width then the vertical will be suitable. For high -height spaces or attic rooms, the attic. Plinth/low formats are very suitable. It is a question of room, of course, but also of taste !





What is the ideal electric radiator for you ?


Light connected divali


Oniris Intelligent Pilot Connected


Agilia Intelligent Pilot Connected


Nirvana Neo


Connected smart piloting galapagos

Our advice & ideas

Power calculator

Save simulator with a radiator

Connected Radiator Atlantic Salon

What are the options of connected radiators ?

All about the new generation electric radiators

All about the new generation electric radiators

  • What is a connected water heater for ?
  • What are the advantages of a connected device ?
  • What are the advantages of Cozytouch ?
  • What is Cozytouch for ?
  • What products are compatible with Cozytouch ?

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The radiator family connected in detail

With Atlantic, enter the connected house ! Facilitate everyday life, personalize your comfort and save money.

To control your comfort in your home in a personalized way, what could be better than home automation ?

Save time, ease of use and personalized comfort: this is what connectivity allows you, to control all your electric radiators (and even your electric towel dryer !) Depending on your daily life, in all serenity and in all simplicity.

The functioning of connectivity is simple: it is a wireless communication between different elements, to allow you to manage them from anywhere, anytime, without having manual intervention.

From home, from your workplace, even in transport, in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening (at night !), at any time (1), you can always be good at home with Atlantic Cozytouch, the connectivity solution to control your connected radiators in real time (2) remotely (2) .

You are looking for a practical to use electric heating device, adapted to your desires and your pace of life and more economical than your old devices ? And if the connected electric radiator was the solution ? With an innovative function, it becomes your best life of everyday life to save time, improve your comfort and save energy.

For your connected radiators, just equip yourself with the Atlantic Cozytouch solution: the free cozytouch application (to download on Android or iOS, on smartphone or tablet), and the bridge Cozytouch (a kind of module to be linked wirelessly to your box Internet) (1) .

Atlantic, French leader in thermal comfort, has developed a range of connected radiators to meet all needs and desires, and the latest decorative trends. The great asset of these connected devices ? Adaptation to your needs. With the Atlantic Cozytouch application, you manage your electric radiator directly from your tablet or smartphone, in a few gestures, from home or from the outside, at any time of the day (1) .

Connectivity is also to make the most of your programmable radiator, since you can program the start -up of the radiators before your return from vacation or your return from work, provide the heating stop in a room if it is unoccupied , modulate the room temperature by room at 0.5 ° C close, according to your preferences and those of your loved ones and according to time slots that suit you … Imagine: instead of having several thermostats, one on each device, you can set the temperature of all your radiators of the same room in one click ! Atlantic Cozytouch also gives the possibility of visualizing its electricity consumption, in euros or in kWh, day, week, or month.

Each Atlantic connected radiator is also a gentle heat radiator, which guarantees a stable and homogeneous temperature in the room thanks to a precise electronic thermostat, without feeling of air. You can also take an inertia radiator (dry or fluid inertia) for a long noticeable heat. And for even more comfort and energy savings, choose a device that is also a smart radiator !

At Atlantic, connected radiators, it is a wide range of devices, suitable for all budgets, all decorative desires and all space constraints. Indeed, 7 connected models are available, with powers from 500W to 2000W, in horizontal, vertical or plinth formats (also called low models):

– Irisium, very design with its textured facade

– Verali, with a modern and refined glass facade

– Oniris, sober and classic

– Agilia, which fits easily with its compact format

– Nirvana neo, with an inertial cast iron heater

Several colors are also available on connected radiators: in addition to white, some models exist in shiny black or star gray. Small additional touch: two models (divali and verali) also have a backlight function, controlled from Cozytouch.

Thermal comfort specialist, Atlantic is also in terms of design. The proof with electric radiators with clean lines, very contemporary, for discreet integration in your interior decoration, such as Irisium, Verali or Divali models. Design and practical radiators !

If you prefer a radiant panel, try Tatou, the connected and intelligent model. Click here to find out more about an inertia or radiant radiator. On the other hand, there is no model connected in the range of electric convectors.

And to help you choose your installation, call a professional. He will be able to orient you as well as possible to the models corresponding to your needs and your budget. An installer belonging to the Atlantic network will be able to identify the best locations within your accommodation, for optimal comfort and perfect safety.

Atlantic provides you with a guide to choose your heating system, and an electric radiator power calculator.

*30 %, this is the % means of savings on the heating bill made possible with connected radiators. Data from the analysis of 2,500 dwellings equipped with Atlantic connected radiators using absence detection modes and open window detection detection.

(1) To be able to control your connected comfort devices remotely (radiators, towel heater, water heater, heat pumps, ventilation) with Atlantic Cozytouch, you must have an internet connection in your accommodation, a connection Mobile on your smartphone / tablet, the Atlantic Cozytouch application on your smartphone / tablet and Cozytouch bridge for the majority of products to connect.

(2) The connected radiator takes into account the order in real time (of the order of a few seconds) but it is necessary to take into account the time required to carry it out (for example, go from 18 to 20 ° C: the radiator it will take into account immediately, but it will take the time to heat from 18 to 20 ° C))

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