Configure the SFR mobile answering machine, modify the advertisement on your voicemail – Orange pro assistance

Edit the advertisement on your voicemail

When a message is left on your answering machine, you are notified by SMS or via the display of an icon on your mobile.
To activate or deactivate this function, dial the 123 On the keyboard of your mobile and access your answering machine.

How to configure my SFR mobile answering machine ?

The secret code is used to secure access to your answering machine and allows you to access your answering machine abroad from a fixed position. To modify the secret code of your answering machine, compose the 123 On the keyboard of your mobile and access your answering machine.

I travel the menus to the creation of my password

I enter my secret code

  • At the announcement, enter your password between 4 and 6 figures s.
  • Validate by pressing the # button # .

To know. If you have forgotten your secret code, you must contact your SFR customer service to reset it.

My answering machine is protected, and I can consult it from abroad !

I want to personalize my welcome ad

I connect to my answering machine

The reception announcement is the one that your correspondents will hear when they seek to reach you.

To modify the reception message of your answering machine, compose the 123 On the keyboard of your mobile and access your answering machine.

I travel the menus

I record my message

  • Save your message.
  • When you are finished, validate by pressing the key #.

My ad is personalized !

I want to activate or deactivate calls without message

I connect to my answering machine

Compose the 123 On the keyboard of your mobile, to access your answering machine.

I travel the menus to the calls calls without messages

I compose the same sequence of keys to activate or deactivate

If calls without messages were activated, they will be disabled, and vice versa.

This is a simple and effective handling !

I want to activate or deactivate automatic recall

I connect to my answering machine

When a message is left on your answering machine, you receive a reminder every 10 minutes for 2 hours.

To activate or deactivate this function, dial the 123 On the keyboard of your mobile and access your answering machine.

I travel the menus to the automatic reminder functionality

  • Press the key *.
  • Press the key 3.
  • Press the key 1.
  • Press the key 1 again to validate.

I compose the same sequence of keys to activate or deactivate

If the automatic recall was activated, it will be deactivated, and vice versa.

Difficult to miss a message with this functionality !

I wish to activate or deactivate the message deposit

I connect to my answering machine

By default your mobile answering machine is in “recorder” mode: your correspondent can leave you a voice message. You can deactivate the message deposit. Your correspondents will be warned that you are not available, but they will not be able to leave a message. To activate or deactivate this function, dial the 123 on the keyboard of your mobile and access your answering machine.

I travel the menus to the message deposit functionality

I compose the same sequence of keys to activate or deactivate

If the message deposit was activated, it will be deactivated, and vice versa.

I know how to start my answering machine-recorder !

I want to activate or deactivate alerts by icon or SMS

I connect to my answering machine

When a message is left on your answering machine, you are notified by SMS or via the display of an icon on your mobile.
To activate or deactivate this function, dial the 123 On the keyboard of your mobile and access your answering machine.

I travel the menus to the functionality warning by icon or SMS

I compose the same sequence of keys to activate or deactivate this function

If the warning by icon or SMS was activated, it will be deactivated, and vice versa.

I become a real expert in my mobile answering machine.

I want to activate or deactivate access to the answering machine by secret code

I connect to my answering machine

You have defined a secret code: you can decide to activate it, so that you are asked to access your answering machine, or deactivate it for faster but unsecured access.

To activate or deactivate this function, dial the 123 On the keyboard of your mobile and access your answering machine.

I travel the menus to the functionality access to the answering machine by secret code

I compose the same sequence of keys to activate or deactivate

If access to the answering machine by secret code was activated, it will be deactivated, and vice versa.

The configuration of the mobile answering machine and its features no longer has any secrets for me.

Tips & Tips

And if you visited the SFR community.

Did you know ? The SFR community is a wealth of information. The members of this mutual aid space share all their tips and tricks to allow you to use your mobile well, and even to help it out. And To consult the answers, no registration is necessary. Unless you also want to share your knowledge or ask a question.


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Did these informations help you ?

On this subject, users also consulted:

  • How to consult my SFR mobile answering machine ?
  • Everything about the double call option of my SFR mobile package
  • How to change and customize the PIN code associated with my SIM card ?

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Edit the ad on your voicemail

On your fixed line, make up the 3103 to access your voicemail, and configure a personalized reception ad.

You must have a phone at vocal frequencies.

Access the voice server

  • Compose 3103 and press the green touch .
  • Press the 2 key to customize your messaging.
  • Press the 1 key to manage your correspondents.
  • Press the 2 key to manage your home advertisements.
  • Press the 1 key to customize the reception ad of your correspondents.
  • Press the 2 key to customize the reception ad when you are already online.

You are informed that no reception advertisement is recorded.

  • Press the 1 key to record the reception ad when you are already online.
  • Record your ad and finish with # .
  • Press the 1 key to put this home advertisement into service.

You are informed that the reception advertisement is in service and that your correspondents will be able to submit their message.

Vocal messaging 888: Manage and personalize your reception ad

You want to personalize the advertisement ad from your voicemail to accommodate your correspondents.

To manage and personalize your reception message
  • Access your vocal messaging 888.
  • Make the 1 For your personal ad.
  • Make the 2 For the standard ad with your name and surname.
  • Make the 3 For the standard Orange announcement.
  • Make the 4th For the temporary announcement.
  • Press on * To return to the previous menu.

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