Chat, chat, cat, meeting, home – Europnet – free online cat and without registration with Internet users from all Europe.
Connection to TCH@t
The chat is the ancestor of current social media platforms: it began its existence long before Msn Messenger who was already a precursor to connect individuals who knew each other.
Europe chat
To access the chat, fill the following 5 information and click “Access the chat”.
Some random members
The chat these days
Chat attendance has evolved a lot over the years, so much so that it is not always easy to understand what chatteurs want or seek.
The friendly spirit of yesteryear, when people could have fun without ulterior motive, is rarely present today. The same sentences run loop: “A PV girl for”, “I show myself in cam”, “I’m looking for a girl”
New Comers
The spirit of the chat is today alienated by all these mirror sites that copy each other to offer the best party, the greatest number of ass shots.
This aspect of the meeting has always existed, but it is today omnipresent. This is disturbing for the regulars of the chat who saw him evolve, through his change of population, without assimilating and understanding the deep mutations he has suffered.
The pure players continue to exist today, but they no longer find their place. Either their salons are deserted or they are diverted from their theme by this population obsessed with sex.
A place for everything and everything in its place
The subtitle is a quote from Samuel Smiles autobiography and perfectly sums up the solution to the problem.
The challenge is vast: rather than promoting the chats that copy to others, let’s promote those who innovate. The chat is a reflection of the company, not the nationalized society in states that we know each on our side, but the globalized society of citizens of the world. A chat seeks to bring people together. But bringing them together in a single reception room, without a minimum of reflection on the interests of people has difficulty only his interest: null.
A chat has no technical limit in terms of dimensioning. There is nevertheless an organizational dimension that is limiting: you have to attract chatters and then make them stay, interesting.
We must not capitulate in the face of the difference which can shock part of the community, we must continue to welcome and size our strengths to minimize our weaknesses. So everyone will be able to navigate.
Who says spring says confinement.
We often have difficulty getting out of the sofa when it is cold outside or it rains. However, many people can appreciate freedom in these moments of health confinement.
It is not easy to meet or chat if we live alone and that in addition it is impossible for us to go out. You have to try to keep your hand and train to chat: on instant messaging with friends, on the phone with your family or with strangers on a chat for example.
Speech, the great secret of what connects us to others
To discuss, to speak, to use speech is the characteristic of women and man is also what comes out of our daily lives, what brings our days to work, we can put the floor just behind the need for Drinking or eating: its importance is more essential than you can suggest.
50 rooms is the number, increasing every day, of different chat groups which may have a center of interest or a subject of discussion in common with one of you !
Choose your discussion theme
The choice of a discussion group characterizes the discourse that we are going to hold, the reactions that we expect, in the same way as when we are in an evening with friends: there are always affinities which are displayed more than others and who are hooked.
There is a place for all, those who like to decompress, those who want to remain serious in all circumstances, those who do not want to waste their time: it is possible to quote infinite states of people. They are the same everywhere: at the bakery with the undecided, at the cash register of a supermarket with the retiree who is looking for a pretext product to buy to spend his time, everywhere.
No human being is identical and yet we sometimes hear ourselves between us. More often than you can believe. So let’s find a group with whom we can spend time and take the maximum time as possible before looking for another 🙂
How a chat works ?
First of all, it is important to remember before returning to the functioning of a chat that he originates in several words: chat or cat that comes from the English verb to cat which means chatting
The chat is the ancestor of current social media platforms: it began its existence long before Msn Messenger who was already a precursor to connect individuals who knew each other.
The goal is to connect hundreds of connected people who do not know each other in groups (as on WhatsApp) who have a theme. The group name is very recent, on the chat, we are talking about a living room or a discussion room or a channel.
The group or discussion room or living room
Each chat is free to create their own group by connecting to the chat. The names of the groups must start with a tie # and cannot include spaces. By default, we offer a selection of thematic rooms that you are free to choose according to your preferences.
The theme, precisely, he also has his own name: the topic. This word is taken up from English (it means subject): you will always find it at the top of the application, it recalls the theme (that is to say the object of the group’s discussions) and generally addresses a message welcome.
Each word starting with a # in the left side list of the application is a group: other chatters are also in this group, all the sentences you send are visible by all the group chats.
Private conversation
Private conversation, generally called “PV”, is a discussion between two people: only these can see the content of what they exchange as for a SMS or a WhatsApp conversation with only two people.
PVs can be identified in the left sidebar because they do not start with the # which characterizes the salons. Each conversation, each PV is repeable by the pseudo of your correspondent.
Moderation on chat
Moderation in a chat is the fact of ensuring everyone’s friendly and respectful dialogues of each other. The moderators (which is called on the chat of operators) are responsible for animate and moderate the groups: they are the equivalent of the WhatsApp admins, you can easily locate them thanks to the symbol @ prefixing their pseudo in the side list of right of the application (list of chats connected to the group).
Private conversations by their nature are only accessible to two chattering they put in contact: no one has access to it and you are therefore your own moderator thanks to the ignore key. Indeed, by choosing to ignore a person talking to you in private conversation, you put an end to the conversation and no longer see the messages of the other person, exactly as a moderator would do if excluding a person from a room of discussing.
Chat or art and the way of getting style to the pole by.
Once is not customary, let’s hover a little suspense to make the title catchy (humor)
The chat on which we rely (or the Internet Relay Chat Protocol for Tatillons) was invented in 1988 (many of you were not born, we know). The stake is quite simple: we want to be able to allow hundreds of thousands of people to chat from their computer.
To do this, we set up an information protocol allowing to organize chats, thus were born the salons, the moderators, the private messages, etc.
The birth of other communication methods
Before the birth of the chat, there was no other method of instant dialogue than . E-mail ! Not very quick to talk to TAC TAC and interact as in a dialogue. The web giants that are Microsoft, Google and Skype then started to implement their own instant messaging system, so we knew Hangout, Msn Messenger and Skype.
These means of communication have revolutionized the way of communicating where the chat was already aging: possibility of using a microphone/webcam, dialogue with a list of pre-defined contacts, the perfect world in a way.
The other behemoths of the web then landed
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, you know all of these applications which were nothing more than there were nothing. And yet, even if today you know them all, know that they have not revolutionized the genre by showing a lot of creativity. Let’s take a closer look at that which copied the fundamental principle of chats.
The word tie
This is the name given by the French Academy to Anglicism that all good twittos knows: Hashtag. But by the way, what is the hashtag ?
This is a word starting with a tie # and referencing all the sentences concerned by this word under a theme. It is then that I will explain to you the operation of a little more detail chat: you will see, you will quickly understand !
The lounges
But what can this word say that designates the living room of accommodation ? On a chat, generally before connecting, you choose a list of rooms (also called lounges) on which you want to enter your connection: these rooms are characterized by a theme and name. Preceded by character # (dip).
Finally the masks fall, this sacrosanct Hashtag is indeed the culprit and there is nothing other than a fundamental principle initiated in 1988 by the creator of the IRC: Twitter took it back and gave him a Lifting by giving it a nice English name to the ear and allowing discussions to never expire and be forever accessible to anyone has internet access.
Following the next episode, we will share with you the turn and evolution possible as we imagine it from the different actors. Until then, good chat !
Our chat takes care of your eyes
Did you know that your eyes are the most delicate organs of the human body ? We did not know it until we do a little research on the internet.
Since May 2018, we have launched a new version of the chat. This one is more sober, it has less aggressive colors to the eye.
We want the best for our users and that is why we have chosen these colors and this new presentation. You don’t like it or you have a suggestion ? Do not hesitate to let us know in the “Writing” section at the bottom of the page.
Many websites have tried fashion of the darkest, darker, but not necessarily for the preservation of your view. Thus, a mirror site of the most famous search engine boasted of saving energy to Internet users using it to do their research. As the requests progressed, the site proudly sported a watts counter saved in the world.
We just have to wait for the next invention in terms of fashionable color, who knows, maybe we will all put ourselves in pink or yellow. Prepare the sunglasses !
You will no longer come on Net-That by chance !
The cat experience of your passage on our network is important. We constantly improve the quality of our service and are attentive to your complaints, thanks and/or congratulations.
We have developed incredible options on our chat applet: anti-private is a functionality that blocks private unwanted messages.
Our system is able to differentiate people who seek to meet (or share intimate moments) from those who simply want to dialogue without ulterior motives.
Do not hesitate to “ignore” to make the chatters disappear that do not interest you.
The content distributed via our chat is strictly controlled (videos, radios), which is why you should only trust the messages that you see arriving outside the cat.
Certain website links sent by other catters contain viruses and could compromise your computer security.
The “video of the day” is a section that promotes video sharing. Send us suggestions for unusual, humorous, news, debate. We will publish them in the videos of tomorrow !
You want to listen to a webradio ? Webradio links were directly integrated into the cat interface. It is no longer necessary to go through a third party.
This novelty incorporates our partner radios while reducing the discomfort of popups (or multi-stupids) for chat.
You want to chat with people from a particular geographical area ? For the moment, we offer an oriental chat room that is thematized in the reception of the Maghreb chatteurs and a Moris Chat room that is themed on Mauritius and the Mauritians (blood or heart). We are thinking about creating rooms for other geographic areas.
Connection to TCH@t
Europnet is a Federation of European Irc Networks, i.e. The Alliance of Several Independent Real-Time Cat Networks, With this specificity: Each Network that Joins Europnet Carries on its own While Keeping its Community Alive, as well as contributing to Europnet.
This means that each member of the network links its servers with Europnet, Pools its service database (NickSserv, Chanserv, etc.) and APPIES THE SAME BASIC SET OF RULES. For the Rest, Each Network Keeps Its Name, Website, Channels and Staff, and Keeps on Making Them Live.
Europnet was created by Several Objectives:
- Pooling Our Networks ’Technical and Human Resources, in order to provide users with the best service. INTOSTEAD OF SEPARATELY MAKING EFFORTS TOWARDS Offering the SAME BASIC SERVICE, SUCH as Stable Servers, A Website and a Few Extra Tools, We Feel that we can go Further as a Group, Creating New Offers While Improving The Existing ONES.
- Setting Up A European Communication Space Geared Towards Multiculturalism, Providing A Meeting Place for Internet Users All Over Europe, and Getting People from Other Countries to Know More About Us.
- Developing a long-la-la-la-la-la-lashing, independent and free communication space.
Our hand goal is to improve the organization and services, while keeping a friendly and relaxed atmosphere on the network.