Change bank: which one to choose, steps! Letter model, how to change bank? Advice and procedures | September 2023

Change bank: what you need to know | September 2023

Good to know an operation is considered recurrent from 2 transfers or samples over 13 months, made by the same person, the same company or the same organization. Occasional transfers and samples are therefore not included.

How to change banks ? Letter model to download

Change bank has long been considered laborious, even dissuasive. But in recent years, the steps to change banks have been simplified, in particular thanks to the Macron law. In addition to being free, it is often an opportunity to save money and/or access more services ! How to change banks ? Our experts detail the steps for a change of bank with ease !

Why change bank ?

There are several reasons why you may want to change bank. Here are the main causes:

  • High banking fees : if this impacts your monthly budget, it may be wise to change bank in order to obtain more attractive prices;
  • Unsatisfactory services : lack of availability of your advisor, difficulties in obtaining clear and precise information on your accounts, or too long processing times;
  • More competitive offers : the current account is not the only criterion justifying a bank change. If you have real estate projects, change bank to obtain a loan may allow you to negotiate your mortgage loan rate. Likewise, if you plan to subscribe to life insurance, change bank may be an opportunity to benefit from more advantageous conditions.
  • New offers and services : banks evolve and offer new models, such as online banks or ethical banks. If these offers correspond better to your profile, and your consumption habits, changing banks can be a good idea.
  • General dissatisfaction : if you are generally dissatisfied with your current bank, whether because of its policy or brand image, it can be beneficial to find for a bank that best corresponds to your values ​​and your expectations.

How to change banks ? Manual

There are two ways to change bank:

  • Banking mobility : the new bank will take care of all the steps. It will be in contact with your former bank, and will notably take care of the transfer of bank account, the implementation of automatic direct debits and transfers, as well as all other banking operations;
  • take steps yourself.

If you want to change the bank, you will have to follow several steps. To guide you in this change, here are the steps to follow:

  • Step 1: Open a new bank account

Inventor your needs related to your bank card, current account, or even loan products, and be attentive to the services offered. Thus, your bank change will only be more beneficial ! Then use our online and free comparator to find the bank that will best suit you.

Reasure me illustration

The best banking offer according to your needs and budget

Once your new bank is found, you can open your current account for free, Place money there to anticipate the first operations that will pass, and get your new RIB to transmit to your creditors.

  • Step 2: Notify your creditors from your bank change

Once your new RIB is in your pocket, you can send our new bank details to people / establishments that would send you transfers in particular (taxes, social security, etc.)). You can also notify your creditors so that your samples are taken from this new account (electricity, gas, insurance, telephone, internet, mutual, taxes, etc.))

  • Step 3: Close your account in your old bank

You will then have to send a registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt to inform your former bank of the fence of your account.

To avoid any payment incident, we recommend that you maintain your current account opened for a period from 1 to 3 months with a sufficient balance. This will ensure that all samples, checks and payments are treated safely and without rejection.

Our letter model to change bank easily

In the event of a bank change, which prevent exactly ? From now on, with banking mobility, you are no longer forced to carry out the transfer of your banking domiciliation yourself since your new bank automatically takes care of it !

On the other hand, if you decide not to use banking mobility, You will need to warn your creditors yourself from your bank change, But above all to prevent your old bank. To do this, you must therefore write a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt to your bank advisor.

You must also attach other documents to change bank:

  • A valid identity document
  • proof of address of less than 3 months
  • Your new RIB

Here is our example of a letter in the event of a bank change.


How to change the bank at no cost ?

Since 2005, changing bank has been free of charge ! But only if it only implies current accounts. Indeed, the fence and opening of a current account are free.

Regarding Livret A, its transfer has not been authorized since 2012, just like the other regulated booklets. You will therefore have to close your savings accounts, and reopen them in your new establishment. But don’t worry, this is free !

On the other hand, the Macron law does not guarantee the free of the following products in the event of a bank change: The Housing Savings Plan (PEL) or Housing Savings Account (CEL), the Action Savings Plan (PEA) and the Popular Savings Plan (PEP).

The costs in the event of transfers are fixed by the banks but can vary between 40 and 80 €, so this is worth spending a phone call to your bank in order to find out the possible costs.

In this case, how to change the bank at no cost ?

If you do not benefit from free, you can try to negotiate the costs with your bank, Especially if you stay in a bank of the same network (eg CIC and Crédit Mutuel), or opt for the only transfer of your free banking products.

If you are a professional, know that it is possible to change account for free. Do not hesitate to compare online the professional bank accounts offered on the market to find a bank that will meet your needs and your budget.

How to change bank with a credit ?

It is not uncommon to want to go for saving for savings when you have a credit to be reimbursed ! But can we change bank with a credit in progress ? The answer is yes but under certain conditions. The Macron law does not include credits under reimbursement in banking mobility. The solution to change bank with a mortgage is therefore to make a credit repurchase by your new bank or to settle your credit in progress.

In the event of credit repurchase, before changing bank, you should find out about interest rates. Indeed, the repurchase of your credit will only be attractive if the rate offered by your new bank allows you to make real savings.

The other solution is indeed to settle your credit with your current bank If you have the possibility, but ask about any early reimbursement allowances (IRA) that we could oppose you.

This limitation to change bank also applies to consumer credit or life insurance.

Want a bank change ? Change for an online bank

Leaving your bank has never been easier so why not take the plunge for an online bank ? Indeed, changing bank for an online bank may have many advantages: lesser management and bank card costs, monitoring of your online operations and absence of income conditions. Online banks are therefore very competitive, so it would be a shame to deprive themselves of it !

The formalities do not differ from a classic bank, All you need to do is complete an account opening request form online and to sign your contract electronically. You will then have to transfer your supporting documents (proof of identity, domicile and your RIB) and request banking mobility from your new bank. The latter will inform your creditors of your RIB change. To find out the best offers from online banking establishments, the most effective is to use a comparator. Reassure me offers your free and 100 % online tool.

How to change the bank account when prohibited banking ?

The best way to change the bank when you are banned is to enter the Banque de France after closing your account, which in the name of the right will automatically designate your new bank.

Can we change bank with an overdraft ?

The answer is no ! Before leaving your bank you are asked to reimburse your discovery, otherwise you will find yourself registered with the FICP (File of reimbursement of credits to individuals).

Can we change bank when we are over -indebted ?

It is possible to change bank when you are in over -indebtedness procedure, but the Banque de France should be notified which manages your file in an over -indebtedness committee.

Is it possible to change bank with your booklet A ?

If you change the bank and want to transfer your booklet to this is impossible. You will need to close your savings book to your old bank before opening a new one with your new bank. This approach is free !

How long for a bank change is effective ?

The deadline to change the bank varies depending on if you have signed a mandate of banking mobility, or if you do the procedures yourself. In the event of banking mobility, the maximum period is 22 working days, or 1 month. If you change the bank alone, the deadline will then depend on your responsiveness as to the steps to be taken.

How to change bank ?

There are two ways to change bank:
Banking mobility : The new bank will take care of all the steps;
take steps yourself.

Change bank: what you need to know | September 2023

change bank easily

The change of bank in France has become a simple approach. We observe an increasing number of new players (online banks, neobancs) and the Macron law of February 6, 2017 facilitates migration thanks to the Banking Mobility Aid Service. The customer can now change bank without having to take care of the various steps. However, the French change little bank and the account closing rate is very low in the bank sector. So here’s how to change the bank easily and why you should do it.

up to 120 € offered

Monabanq offers you up to 120 € For a first current account opening.

Boursorama Banque offers you Until 100 € For very first account opening.

Up to € 230 offered

Fortuneo offers you up to 230 € For a first account opening.

�� What interest in changing bank ?

A Survey conducted by Statista in 2018 has notaded the main reasons pushing the French to change bank:

  1. For 41% of them, these are more attractive prices;
  2. For 21%, these are the services;
  3. For 11%, this is the result of a unpleasant attitude of the advisor;
  4. Finally, 11% say they want to change because they have a negative image of their bank.

Although this study was carried out several years ago, the reasons mentioned are still relevant. Indeed, an individual can Save several hundred euros by changing banks. Online and neobank banks compete with traditional banks with accounts at competitive or even free prices, in exchange for a 100% online after -sales service.

There Quality of the tools made available can also be a reason to want to change the bank. Neobanques, in particular, bet on the innovation and the features of their mobile apps to delight their customers and make life easier for them.

It is also common for the French to decide to change bank to reach the one who granted them a credit. Whether by choice for practices of practicality or by obligation, this change of bank occurs

�� What are the steps to change bank ?

  1. Compare banks and market offers
  2. Open a new bank account
  3. Transfer transfers and samples
  4. Close the old bank account

1. Compare banks and market offers

The first step is to find your new bank. There are dozens of establishments in France, which can be separated into three categories: traditional banks (BNP Paribas, Crédit Agricole, Société Générale, etc.), online banks (subsidiaries of traditional banks like Fortuneo, Boursorama, etc.) and neobancs (Revolut, N26, etc.))

Each bank offers various offers and prices which should therefore be compared. To help you, you can consult our ranking of the best French banks or that of the best banks online.

2. Open a new bank account

THE change of banking establishment impliesOpen a new bank account. The opening of a new account is generally free (especially among online banks), but sometimes subject to conditions (income for example).


Once the new bank has been chosen and as soon as the account is validated, you can start the account transfer and place money on the new. A new RIB will also be provided to you to update transactions (transfers, samples).

  • Open a bank account: Find the guides of the bank opening procedures by bank
  • Open a Boursorama Banque account
  • Open a Monabanq account
  • Open a BforBank account
  • Open a Hello Bank account!
  • Open an HSBC account
  • Open an LCL account
  • Open a BNP Paribas account
  • Open a N26 account
  • Open a General Society Account
  • Open a revolut account

3. Transfer transfers and bank directors

This step, which consists in transferring all the automatic samples and transfers from the old to the new account, can be rather delicate when it is made independently. Good coordination is necessary.

Indeed, this step involves prevent all organizations likely to take regular direct debits and transfers from your account, the change in banking domiciliation. It is necessary to provide the new RIB or IBAN.

An attempt to direct debit on your fenced account will give rise to a Payment Incident and will cause intervention commissions. It is essential to identify and list all current operations.

Good to know the old bank nevertheless has the obligation to inform its former customer for free that a check is presented on its fenced account.

Here are some debtor organizations:

  • Energy suppliers
  • Internet access providers
  • Insurers
  • Lessor (rent payment)
  • Credit organization

Here are some crediting organizations:

4. Close the old bank account


When the transfer procedures have been carried out, the last step is to close its bank account. The customer then indicates to the banking establishment that he leaves his bank via a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt. Since January 1, 2005, the Closure of a bank account is free.

The bank then closes access to banking services associated with the old account. The customer can therefore no longer use his old bank card or checkbook. Payment means must also be returned to its former bank as part of the termination of the bank card. Access to the customer area on the bank’s website is also closed.

Good to know if the customer has several accounts, he has the right to close only one.

A customer can abandon his old bank account. However, the establishment is likely to make him pay inactive account fees.

Finally, before proceeding to change the bank, you must ensure that no check or transfer will be taken in the transition weeks between the two banks. Ideally, it is recommended to leave your account supplied.

�� How to take advantage of bank mobility assistance to change bank ?

If a private individual chooses to change bank alone, He must in theory contact all the organizations related to his old bank account. We can notably cite the telephone operator, the provider of internet access, electricity, gas, water or the tax center.

It is the same for the transfers made on the old account: payment of wages by the employer, perception of social assistance (unemployment allowance, CSR, housing aid, etc.)). The customer owes their transmit your new rib (Bank identity statement), send them a letter of change in banking domiciliation, and above all close operations on the old account.

This step is therefore tedious, hence the interest of opting for a mandate with his new bank. She then takes care of everything, at no cost.

The mandate of banking mobility: how it works ?

change bank

The mandate of banking mobility is a free service:

  • which is only addressed to individuals (professionals do not have access to it);
  • which applies only to Deposit accounts (current accounts) or payment accounts open to PayPal type payment services;
  • whose mandate of banking mobility is not compulsory and does not lead, unless explicit request, the closure of the old bank account.

THE Automatic transfer of banking domiciliation is then fully borne by the new bank. The customer gives him his former RIB and signs the mandate allowing the establishment to initiate the process. He is working to contact All organizations that maintain recurring operations with the customer in the last 13 months.

Good to know an operation is considered recurrent from 2 transfers or samples over 13 months, made by the same person, the same company or the same organization. Occasional transfers and samples are therefore not included.

Interlocutors are then informed of the change of bank and receive the new RIB to direct the withdrawals and transfers to the new account. THE Macron law device also establishes regulated deadlines to accelerate the approach.

Attention ! Remember to prevent organizations such as health change health insurance. Indeed, the reimbursement of medical care will not appear as regular payment on your account and the bank may miss out during banking mobility procedures. It is therefore essential to take a magnifying glass to his surveys To not forget any creditor.

What deadlines ?

Concerning the Deadlines for the mandate of banking mobility, The new bank has:

  • 2 working days to ask the initial bank for relating information recurrent operations observed on the old account over the last 13 months;
  • 5 working days to receive this information;
  • 5 working days to inform The various transmitters of samples and transfers.

To integrate the change in bank details, creditors have:

  • 10 days worked for Specimens ;
  • 10 days worked for transfers.

Good to know if a creditor makes a levy from the old account beyond this period, He must compensate the customer for the damage suffered In the event of a payment incident. Nor can he charge him penalties under a rejected operation.

To respond to the reception bank, the departure bank therefore has 5 working days. In total, the change of bank must be made in 22 days maximum.

Between February and December 2017, a million mobility mandates were signed according to the French Banking Federation (FBF). This figure represents only 1.25% of payment accounts or deposits held in France.

�� How to transfer your booklets to another bank ?

Changing bank also involves the transfer of savings booklets And this approach is not included in the bank mobility assistance service. So you will have to take care of it personally.

Some savings products cannot be held in several establishments simultaneously (booklet A, LDDS, etc.)). Others involve transfer costs (PEA, PEL, etc.) or are not transferable (like mortgage).

Transfer regulated booklets: booklet A, LDDS, Young booklet, LEP

The law prohibits having two booklets of the same type when it comes to regulated booklets such as booklets A, LDDS, Young booklet or LEP. The bank always proceeds to a Anti-Doublon verification. They cannot be transferred and it is not possible either to open a new one before having closed the old.

If you change the bank and want to transfer your savings booklets from one bank to another, you will first need to close the booklet to the old bank, then open one with the new bank. This operation is free.

Transfer other booklets: Pel Cel, securities, life insurance

Banks must consent to be able to transfer CEL, PEL booklets or even securities accounts. If they accept, the transfer can take place and allows Keep the seniority of the Savings Booklet. Most of the time, the operation is paid to the customer.

As for life insurance contracts, the transfer conditions are more complicated. Indeed, you will have to close the contract in the old bank and then open a new one with the new. This operation will have the consequence of making you lose and possible advantageous life insurance taxation. Moreover, the pricing conditions of the new contract may change : costs and management methods, costs on transfers, etc.

❓ frequent questions

How to change bank with a credit ?

In theory, an individual can completely change bank even if he has a credit in progress with his bank. However, This does not mean that the credit will be transferred to the new establishment. Only current accounts and booklets can be transferred from one bank to another.

In the case of a credit in progress, three solutions are available to the Customer:

  1. Keep the current account and y Pour the corresponding sum Each month (reimbursement + interest);
  2. Make your credit redeemed by the new bank (the conditions set will therefore be brought to evolve);
  3. Refund the entire credit early.

Change of bank: what about the salary ?

If you opt for the bank mobility assistance service, Your new bank will inform your employer of your new bank details, at nochy. In the event that you yourself ensure the transfer procedures, you only have to send your new RIB to your company for future salary transfers. This can be done through a registered letter, or by simple email.

Change bank: procedures, user manual and deadline

Change bank

How to change banks ? For a long time, the steps were complicated, even discouraging. Nevertheless, thanks to the Macron law of 2017, the change of bank is now simplified. And even for consumers anxious to carry out the procedures themselves, the steps are easily achievable. Comparabanques explains everything to you.

�� Change bank: is it so complicated that ?

THE change of bank is a less laborious process than it seems. Two methods are available to consumers, which they will have to consider carefully according to their needs and possibilities.

How to change bank: two methods

When you want change bank, It is not always easy to know where to start. For many years, the administrative procedures were complicated, which often discouraged individuals. But since 2017 and the implementation of banking mobility system, Included in the “Macron law”, the whole process has been largely simplified.

If he wants to change bank, the consumer has two options that are available to him:

  • Use banking mobility : in this case, the new bank will take care of carrying out the change of bank And all the steps that go with. She will be in contact with the old bank, and will take care of the Bank account transfer, the implementation of automatic samples and transfers, as well as all that relates to the current account;
  • Take the procedures yourself : It is then enough to follow simple steps, which we detail in this guide. For the customer, it will be necessary in particular to request the transfer of account (s), and make the contact with the various entities having the authorization to carry out direct debits and transfers in order to provide them with new bank information.

Change bank is therefore not so complicated these days, especially for those who opt for the device banking mobility. But the change of bank thanks to the Macron law is not compulsory. Some may prefer the administrative procedures themselves.

Account transfer and account change: what difference ? It is impossible to Transfer your bank account to another bank. It is necessary to close the old account and open another with the new bank. When we talk about transfer of current bank account, this generally is equivalent to appointing a Banking change of domiciliation.

Change of banking domiciliation: what is ?

If we are determined to change bank, we will be interested in the various steps to take and will quickly meet the term ” Banking domiciliation »». So what is it ? Banking domiciliation is simply centralizing the management of its income and expenses on a single current account, open to a specific bank.

The banking domiciliation bank must be able to RIB From the bank account to his client, the document he will need to transmit to all companies and to all organizations likely to take recurring withdrawals and transfers from his account.

Banking domiciliation does not prevent having several accounts.

�� How to change bank easily ? essential steps

Then, concretely, How to change banks When you want to do the steps yourself ? Here are some steps and information to know.

Anticipate your bank change and compare offers

Changing banks is a simple but not trivial operation because you have to make the right choice. To do this, it is important to anticipate your change of bank in :

  1. Wondering why change bank and take stock of your needs;
  2. Listing banking products subscribed within its current bank;
  3. Comparing bank offers to find the best.

Before embarking very concretely in the procedures, it is always interesting to take stock and wonder Why change bank. The wish of change bank is often due to dissatisfaction with the offer to which we are currently subscribing. For the consumer, it will therefore be crucial to identify their real needs and things being lacking in their current formula. He will have to determine what he wants to find in the new offer, preferably with good value for money.

In addition, when you want leave his bank For a news, the procedures may vary significantly depending on the Banking products held by the individual. So do not hesitate to list them: savings booklets, mortgage, consumer credit, bank accounts, etc.

Another element to list: automatic and regular operations on its current account, in order to know each company and organization to contact to update its information. It is also possible to claim from your bank a Complete list of recurring operations on the account.

Once these needs have been identified, it is recommended to study the available offers through a online comparison. This method is simple and effective, since it guarantees the consumer good visibility to make their choice.

Tip: Think of your dematerialized bank documents ! Nowadays, it is not uncommon to opt for the dematerialization of your administrative documents. Before change bank, It will therefore be necessary to think of going to your personal space to download all the available documents, like account statements.

Open an account with your new bank

As soon as the new bank is selected, there is only to open an account at home. The customer can directly go to an agency or perform a Online subscription.

Once the opening of the account was opened – it takes between eight and fifteen days depending on banking establishments – it will be necessary to prevent all companies and organizations proceeding to recurring and transfers and transfers and transfers provide them with the new RIB (Bank details). Thanks to this, the various credit and debit entities will only have to update the information so that future operations are issued on the new account.

At the opening of the new account, the bank will provide different elements to its client:

  • His personal identifiers for his online space;
  • His bank card, with four -digit confidential code;
  • His bank identity statement;
  • His checkbook (on request).

This goes without saying, in addition to the initial deposit often requested by banks when an account is opened, it is imperative toSupply the new account so that banking operations can be done without problem. It is obviously recommended to leave money on your old bank account if sums remain likely to be deducted. Finally, it is advisable to make a Progressive bank account transfer To make sure not to forget anything, and take the time to familiarize yourself with your new bank.

Once the consumer is certain to have done the necessary to guarantee their Bank account change, It will only have to close the old.

Change bank for an online bank: the most economical alternative ? Each year, bank charges increase. So for change bank easily and at low prices, It is now particularly interesting to opt for an online bank>. All the steps to change banks are dematerialized, as well as the services, and the prices are generally more interesting than with a traditional bank.

Leave your bank and close the old account

In order to close your old account yourself, you will have to send a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt to warn your banking establishment. Once we decided to leave his bank, By ensuring beforehand that everything is in order, it is essential to destroy the former means of payment linked to the account: generally checkmen and bank cards. It is also possible to return them to the old bank.

To avoid unpleasant surprises during a Bank account change, It is crucial to take precautions and verify that no payment by check or card may be presented to the old account after its closure.

Note that the closing of the account is not compulsory for the Banking change of domiciliation. It is quite possible to keep the old as a secondary account.

Any automatic levy occurring once the account will be rejected by the old banking establishment, without cost.

Costs for the change of bank: which banking products can be transferred ?

When you decide to change the bank, it of course means making a current bank account change, but not that.

THE change of bank very often involves entrusting all of its banking products to a new establishment. For this reason, consumers will have to be vigilant. Because if some banking products can be transferred, this is not the case for all. In addition, all authorized transfers are not free.

Bank change: costs of transfer operations

Banking products Transfer Costs
Current account Free
Term account Paying
Accounts titles Paying
Cel (Housing Savings Account) (with agreement of the two banks) Paying (loss of advantages in the event of a fence)
PEL (Housing Savings Plan) (with agreement of the two banks) Paying (loss of advantages in the event of a fence)
PEA (Action Savings Plan) (with agreement of the two banks) Paying (loss of advantages in the event of a fence)
A booklet Free
LDDS (Sustainable and Solidarity Development Booklet) Free
Young booklet Free
LEP (Popular Savings Booklet) Free
Life insurance Paying (procedures indicated in the contract, losses of the advantages at the end)
Mortgage Paying (a mortgage can be bought)

Updated information in September 2023

Depending on the quantity of banned banking products, Bank change costs can therefore quickly become important. The cost of transfer operations can change from one bank to another.

So that a change of bank is completed in its entirety, It will not only be necessary to close your old current account, but also all banking products for which the transfer is impossible. And obviously, reopen and transfer those to whom we wish to have access to his new bank.

In general, this process is very long, and can take up to about three months If the change of bank and the new banking domiciliation involve more than a simple current account.

Recall that the bank mobility assistance service only concerns current accounts. If a consumer wishes to reopen a booklet A, a young booklet, a LDDS or a LEP with his new bank, he will have to take care of the steps to close the old.

➡️ Change bank with the Banking Mobility Service

When an individual wants to change the bank thanks to theBanking mobility assistance, He will have to sign a mandate with the new establishment to trigger the Bank account transfer. This mandate therefore officially gives the bank the authorization to carry out all the steps necessary for him.

Today, most banks provide this Free Banking Domiciliation Change Service – But it is always interesting to check upstream. Very concretely, the finish bank will obtain the complete list of companies and organizations making recurring transfers and samples from the old current account (mutual, energy suppliers, taxes, etc.), as well as that of all checks not conceded at the time of procedures – simply because they are likely to be debited after closing of the old account. The information transferred to the new bank concerns the thirteen months preceding the signing of the mandate.

Once it has this information, the finish bank will then be responsible for contacting the companies and organizations concerned to notify them of the change in banking domiciliation of their customer.

If the individual has other current accounts with his former bank, the banking mobility system also includes taking charge of their closure.

⌚ What is the deadline for the change of bank to be effective ?

From the moment the mandate is signed, the finish bank will have a short month, or Twenty-two days, To take care of the steps. In detail, after signing the mandate:

  • Two days to make contact with the old bank;
  • The latter then five days To provide him with all the information and documents necessary in order to proceed to Banking change of domiciliation ;
  • Once the new banking establishment has received everything, it has five days To prevent all the companies and organizations behind the recurring samples and transfers from the old account;
  • And finally, when all this is done, it is necessary to count ten days For the full update of individual information and, obviously, confirmation of the change in banking domiciliation.

With the banking mobility assistance system, the consumer does not take care of anything – with exceptions. Nevertheless, this requires precisely to leave the management of their finances to someone else, which is not necessarily the preference of everyone. If the individual refuses to sign the mandate, he will have to inform his former bank himself, and write a letter of change of banking domiciliation.

For thirteen months, the former bank is forced to keep its client informed in the event of any operations presenting on the old account, from the time of its fence.

✉️ Letter to change bank: what information should it contain ?

Crucial step in the change of bank, the end of your old bank account. You must notify your old bank of the desire to close your bank account via a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt. Discover below A letter model to change bank

Your first name and name
Your postal address
Your phone number
Your email address

Name of your old bank
Postal address of your old bank

Date of the day of your shipment

Subject: Closing request for a bank account

I ask you, by this, to close my current account (name of the account holder, number of your account) open in your establishment.Please proceed to the transfer of the balance of this account on my new bank account. I am attached to this purpose a bank identity statement. I hope that the closing of my account takes effect without delay, upon receipt of this letter. Please accept, madam, sir, the expression of my distinguished greetings.

�� I want to change the bank, which one to choose ?

Deciding to change bank can have multiple motivations: the consumer is not satisfied with the services offered by his bank, he finds that the offer is not rich enough or that the prices are too high. Whether or not whether or not the Macron law for his change of bank, he will have to find the offer that will motivate him in his efforts.

THE change of bank is free -Macron law or not-, but only if it only implies current accounts and certain types booklets. THE Bank account transfer current not being possible, the consumer must carefully consider the characteristics of his new offer in this regard. But that’s not all.

What services does the bank offer ? Is there a service for the Banking change of domiciliation ? The costs relating to the transfer of savings products are reimbursed by the new bank ? Is the welcome bonus interesting ? These are some of the questions to consider when we Compare the offers.

From 3 €/month

  • Bank offers without income conditions
  • Wide range of banking products
  • Available mortgage available

Welcome offer: ✔️120 € offered

From 0 €/month

  • A fairly wide range of banking products
  • An attractive scholarship offer
  • A children’s savings book: Booklet + Children.

✔️ Welcome offer: up to € 230 offered

From 0 €/month

  • Full offer of banking products
  • Among the most advantageous banking costs of the market
  • Elected the cheapest bank 2022
  • Free bank cards and without income conditions

✔️ Welcome offer: 100 €

✔️ from 0 €/month

✔️ An offer dedicated to families
✔️ Bank costs among the most advantageous on the market
✔️ Discovered authorized

From 0 €/month

✔️ Choice of 3 bank cards including 2 free
✔️ Additional bank offers: life insurance, loan and credit, savings, etc.
✔️ Check deposit service

Welcome offer: ✔️ 80 € offered

From 0 €/month

  • Attractive prices, Most daily services are free
  • Overdraft
  • Very varied product range
  • BNP Paribas network

✔️just that 180 € of advantages

From € 7.20/month

  • A large choice of bank cards: visa, mastercard, etc.
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Welcome offer: € 80 offered + Sobrio € 1 for 12 months for a Visa or Visa Premier card

Updated data September 2023

Nowadays, favoring online banks is highly recommended. The tender comparator is a sure way to take advantage of their attractive advantages and prices. More and more customers also value ethical banks.

�� Your questions about the change of bank

�� Change bank with a booklet A: What about ?

If you want change bank, Unfortunately, it is not possible to transfer your booklet to from one bank to another. You must close it and then reopen another in your new bank. The fence of your booklet A generally takes 15 days. FYI, when you close your booklet A, it is likely that you lose the accumulated interests.

�� What are the costs to change bank ?

THE change of bank is completely free. There is therefore no bank charges to pay.

In addition, if you use the banking mobility, All steps are taken care of by your old bank. So you have nothing to do !

�� Change bank: what documents are needed ?

To make a change of bank, Or to open an account, you will need certain documents:

  • valid identity document (Identity card, passport)
  • proof of address less than 3 months old
  • Revenue proof : all banks do not ask for it, but online banks tend to ask for it

If you have chosen to use the banking mobility, It is the new bank that will take care of all the steps to carry out the change of bank !

�� Good deals ��
Banking promotions

Until 100 € offered

Until 230 € offered

The most read finance guides

  1. Change bank: procedures, user manual and deadline
  2. Free bank card: Find the best offers !
  3. Black Card: What conditions to obtain a black card ?

Comparabancs.FR: Independent information site on banking offers in France is noted

by customers. THANKS !

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