Certideal: an interesting model but some bad experiences – the same better, our opinion on Certideal, the specialist in the reconditioned smartphone

Reviews on Certideal: we tested the reconditioned smartphone specialist

You dream of an iPhone X, 11 or 12 but the prices prevent you from taking the plunge ? Have you thought about reconditioned ? Up to 70 % cheaper than the new, the reconditioned allows you to acquire a state -of -the -cost state -of -the -cost the quality without ignoring the quality. On Reepeat, you can find many sellers of high-tech products reconditioned, but the smartphone specialist is Certideal ! You want to know our opinion on Certideal ? We tell you more in this article !

Certideal: an interesting model but some bad experiences

The detailed route of the site and opinions on the web invites caution vis-à-vis Certideal.
For reconditioned smartphones, you can also orient yourself at Smaaart.

Of “trusted third parties” to “exclusive reconditioner”

Certideal is a specialized reconditioning site on smartphones and tablets, it sometimes also offers Apple Watch and accessories.

He presents himself as “The most qualitative site on the market». This platform has the particularity of Check by itself each product sold (Unlike for example in Backmarket). It is therefore not only a marketplace of the reconditioned, it is a trusted third party who checks for you the quality of the product.

If you know the clothing resale marketplaces, Certideal is comparable to a collective cloakroom (and backmarket would be comparable to Vinted).

Model change

Certideal explains that this “trusted third party” model was its own in 2016, at the very beginning of its activity, but that it is no longer relevant.

For 3 years, the site has pivoted towards a model of integrated reconditioner throughout the value chain, Like what Smaaart offers (except that the latter also offers his products in supermarkets).

Certideal is now focused only on its resale (and reconditioning) activity. 60% of their phones come from the American market (companies sell prizes of “old” phones because they use “leasing”). The remaining 40% come from European companies or individuals.

To do this, Certideal has passed standard R2: an international standard supposed to guarantee a “Responsible recycling”.

Never of private resellers ?

Certideal therefore buys lots of used smartphones that are reconditioned (tested and repaired) in its workshop in the Paris region. They are then sold. Certideal assures that he only offers products reconditioned by him (with a 24 -month warranty on all products).

The problem, and Certideal recognizes it, is that it can remain writings (on the Internet) which present it as a trusted third party when it is no longer the heart of its activity.

However, Certideal maintains in its general conditions of sales the possibility of using professional resellers (Individuals he never says, but that is not specified in the GTC)). By arguing because it is possible that he will invest new “vertical” new day (understand new markets) such as those of consoles or TV, which require skills and procedures that he does not have for the reconditioning.

Certideal assures that this will never be the case for the smartphones market (and that it will therefore never subcontract this activity). But then why not write it in its general conditions ? Certideal has already changed its model so let’s remain prudent.


Some remarkable points:

  • Battery engagement is indeed specified Contrary to what we wrote a few months ago. Certideal is now engaged on 85% of its initial load capacity (since the beginning of 2021) against 83% before. This point is also specified in the Frequently Questions on the Site. But this parameter is not necessarily very relevant (it all also depends on the speed of unloading, the lifespan, etc.)
  • When the buyer buys a product from a non-professional seller, the buyer does not benefit from No right of withdrawal . The law is recalled in the general conditions, but not at the time of the purchase. Certideal sweeps the argument by recalling that there will never be non-professional sellers as said above … but then why not modify these old CGVs ?!
  • Certideal recalls that Accessories sold with products are not original manufacturer and are sold new And Perfectly compatible and functional.

Certified accessories

When you go through smartphones reconditioning sites, you can also buy accessories (charger, hand-free kit, shell, tempered glass window). Certideal ensures that the chargers sold are fully compatible and compliant with CE standards.

For his part, Jérémy Mani, of the Wemtek company specializing in the supply of these accessories, explains that it is necessary to be careful whatever the seller.

“IIt is necessary to request CE certification documents, ROHS and reports because the certifications issued by Asian laboratories are often lax with the application of European standards».

In the mind, it would therefore be necessary to make sure that the laboratories that pass the tests to the products are the most “serious”: SGS, Intertek or TUV. Information that Certideal does not overlook its site but a member of the company assures us that All accessories come from the same French supplier and are CE and RO HS certified by SGS with marketing authorization and deee eco-tax.

You have to think about verifying that the charger has all the compulsory mentions and logos. The problem is that to do so, you have to break the charger to extract the printed circuit. Not practical. A stupid test can give you an indication. If you briefly approach a charger flame, it must be faded quickly to it. Otherwise, it is not to the norm. This is a key point because many domestic fires are likely to have non -compliant electronic devices. The printed circuit of a charger is made up of a transformer “which must respect a certain distance from the USB and be well isolated”Explains Jeremy Many.

The cables must also be able to support the intensity of the electric current required for loading the smartphone.

Another way of knowing if a business is serious is to make sure it is affiliated to a recycling organization (DEEE) . This indicates that she pays the Ecotax. The Syderep database (which centralizes information for the ecological transition agency) does not find traces of Certideal or Smaaart in its files (unlike the big players in the smartphone market, Samsung or Apple for example but also other players in the reconditioned market such as Wemtek which is Affiliate in Ecosystem)). The Downloadable Author Sheet on the Syderep basis specifies, however, that the document “does not attest to Wemtek’s respect for its regulatory obligations».

Certideal, however, is affiliated with Happy recycles for recycling of …its office waste !

Opinion on the seller

Twitter reviews: overall positive

They are generally positive. Certideal is also very active and rather good on this platform .

Opinion what to choose: some hiccups

The forums of consumer associations are by definition places of complaints and complaints. They allow to have a vague idea of ​​the frequency of dissatisfaction and to have opinions often argued.

  • One more thread 10 messages in 2019 and 4 in 2020 here: https: // forum.what to choose.Org/Certideal-Arnaque-T161093.html
  • Another here of 2 messages: https: // forum.what to choose.Org/Certideal-Sav-Scandaleux-T143873.HTML#p529389

Certideal recognizes that some customers sometimes encounter problems like with any e-commerce, especially in the reconditioned market. But the company ensures that The percentage of complaints remains very low Compared to its sales volume (we asked for the precise figure, unanswered).

On the sons of Que Choisir, in particular, Certideal says doubt their sincerity because certain negative opinions would be “false” and come from “mono-avis” accounts.

In addition, Certideal indicates that it has strengthened its after-sales service with a team of more than 10 operational people to respond to its customers. The team doubled between early 2020 and 2021 by switching to 16 people with a ticket monitoring tool . “” “We respond roughly everyone”Indicates the site. The number of slots increases during periods of strong requests with the implementation of a “live cat”.

Trustpilot opinion: in progress

We note a indisputable improvement If we only refer to figures. At the end of 2019, the number of negative opinions (from “medium” to “bad”) was 20%. The ratio increased to 16% at the end of 2020 then to 9% in February 2021.

It must be tempered by reporting that dozens of Negative notice was deleted for lack of response from the Internet user to report by certideal. The company acknowledges having asked the people who have posted negative opinions on the platform to identify themselves in “A purpose of understanding and helping problem solvings “. And obviously does not have done so to delete negative opinions. As if to choose, the company recalls that the practice of “false negative opinions” by competitors unfortunately exists and that the request for authentication allows them to be removed, if necessary.

Trustpilot has the reputation of making a “sort of blackmail” to e-merchants to force them to take a subscription at home to respond and easily moderate. On this point, Certideal remains evasive but admits having passed a contract (written or moral ?) recalling that the business model of all platforms is to scraper all sites and automatically create a review page.

“As there are very few organic positive opinions on the web, but not in the opposite case, most of the opinions that land there are negative and the note is bad”.

Certideal admits that they did not want to let your e-reputation deteriorate By passing a contract for “ask all customers to leave opinions on the platform». And he claims to systematically try to identify by herself and to contact unhappy customers via his after-sales service.

Other qualitative opinions

Below we indicate opinions which seem authentic by the details they give and which mention significant problems.

  • Signal Arnarques reports
  • A fairly overwhelming testimony on August 18, 2019 on the Jeuxvideo forum.com
  • Mishap of a buyer who had made a credit
  • Several upset messages on this site: https: // www.Ecpeased product.FR/Certideal-Avis/

Annoying or very annoying points

Ethical seller’s inconsistency

Certideal highlights its ecological commitment And “Digital detox”… and at the same time promotes the resale of Apple Watch, one of the most absurd high-tech products ecologically and which connects the user to digital more than any other (it aggravates the technological technological alienation )).

On this point, Certideal recognizes a “clumsiness”. The “Detox Digital” operation had been done during the summer vacation in June 2017. The proposal was to resume an I-phone to exchange it for an old phone. Incoherent compared to its field of activity, the sale of reconditioned smartphones.

“We stay on this universe because we believe that people need it (…) No operation of this kind has been done since” assures a manager.

The Internet page evoking the operation still exists but is no longer “emilium”. Certideal promises to remove it quickly.

Suspicion of false reviews commanded by Certideal ?

On September 11, 2017, one (very TProbable) False opinion of a certain Christelle praising Certideal was spotted by a recognized member of the Dealabs forum: https: // www.Dealabs.com/discussions/des Avis-sur-Certideal-1089881

Difficult to imagine who other than a member of Certideal was able to sponsor this type of comment. Anyway, the founder Yoann replied: “We don’t know Christelle, even if she looks sympathetic.”A current Certideal official confirms by regretting the controversy:“History has made snowball as often on these forums, we have always said that it is not a false opinion». Impossible to know it. The benefit of the doubt must go to the defense ? Your turn to judge.

Certideal ensures us in any case never have used this type of practice.

On April 18, 2019, another suspicious opinion (1 only message from the author, a formulation that resembles those of false opinions) was published on CommentaCamarche following negative testimonies: https: // www.how it works.Net/Forum/AFFich-35578546-Certideal

Passes from the past

Bogus promise of a delivery within 48 hours listed in early 2018

The testimony is implicitly authenticated by the founder Yoann. In November 2019, we found this 48 -hour promise on several offers on the site.

Doubling marketing practice

There is an article probably directly or indirectly Sponsored by Certideal On a site of a professional referencing Google Sébastien Bleriot (voluntarily we do not put the link because it would bring him advantage at the SEO level). The blogger reports a purchase and tells us that everything went well until delivery. All the opposite of a serious approach that would take a report of use. No explanation either why he needed a phone at that time. Certideal told us to investigate this site without obtaining a clear response (the person in charge of this “file” no longer being in the company and visibly unreachable).

Some time ago, when you were looking for “Certideal” or “Certideal opinion”, this article (probably bogus) often emerged in the very 1st positions of Google. Which no longer seems the case today (it appears on the second page).

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Did you like this article ? The same better participates in the Dismoire project, a module, light, free, intuitive and participative which is added to your browser for advise you or alert you during our navigation, Through information “bubbles”.

A local alternative to a product ? More ethical consumption close to you ? A good free plan nearby ? A warning on the practices of a site or a seller ? A suggestion for a product more in accordance with your needs ? The idea of ​​Discoi is to no longer navigate the internet alone. To trust the experiences and expertise of other users, consumers, Internet users and citizens so as not to be had. The bubble system allows fluid navigation, the least intrusive possible. And if we started to sail together on the net ?

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Comments (32)

Very disappointed with this site.I bought an iPhone 7 18 months ago, in May 2021 and we are in November 2022! .This one was damaged at the level of the shell and did not go on properly .I made a return request and returned the phone.Everything went well, I was reimbursed some time after .
And there, 18 months later I receive several emails telling me that the phone still belongs to me because it has been blocked by my iCloud account for 18 months . I hallucinate a little.
He threatens me to file a complaint if I don’t unlock this phone ?! Funny way to contact the customer ! I believed in a scam or a false email so the situation seems incredible to me .
I check and no, this phone is no longer linked to my account.I send them a screenshot to prove my good liver …Nothing is doing it now they insist on having identifiers and password …
To avoid

Pasquet November 18, 2022

Very much offended . I order an iPhone 11 pro very good condition and receive it on April 23 (more than a week after ordering, wondering where it comes !)). Directly I find that it loads badly and that the screen is not responsive, I see that it has been changed for a non -Apple screen … well … on the 17th but I make a return and reimbursement because it really disconnect And in addition I realized that there are pixels dead on the screen !! thank you the very good condition !
They tell me to do a after -sales service on May 19 and then nothing … I never get the return good.
I’m going on vacation and I’m waiting, I’m waiting to go back, nothing.
I wait, then the screen no longer works at all, the touchscreen completely deconne, and call alone, sending emails, I even make a video to show.
And they say to me “that the phone took a shock and that it is not their fault”.
“After checking the video sent, your screen has a black spot which is the result of a shock. This therefore can cause the failure encountered. “Obviously it is the dead pixels which I sent them the photo in May . I’m not going to stop there.

Very very disappointed with this site I absolutely do not recommend. I ordered an iPhone 11 very fast delivery but too good to be true, after just 3 months my phone no longer walked. He died out all the time, so he made a round trip home because the site did not want to guarantee just because there was a micro crack that even I had not seen and which n ‘was not at all the cause of the problem. If I wanted to have it repaired I had to pay the half of the price I bought it because according to them the crack was too important, in short, I strongly advise you on the site on the ones you order.

S6 ordered in very good condition, arrived with 1cm stripe on the screen and under the camera at the back. Request for an exchange made but he asks me to send him back before receiving the new one so no phone while waiting for the inconvenience is their fault. With the holidays not had time to make the return since, otherwise I will have more phone and I am told that I have to pay the return ! Very disappointing return policy !

Couturier August 8, 2022

To flee … I bought an iPhone 12.
First, it is a French specialist who does not subcontract (unlike others), it was a reason for my choice. But the package arrived from Italy ! Since a tecnoutlet, well -Italian socité … failed for the French product … scam !
Then indicated delivered in 6 working days max. No information, no follow -up of the carrier, finally arrived after 8 working days without any tracking.
Compatible phone of the announced state. Good but…
Installation of data on the phone on Saturday. As of Sunday, part of the screen is stained and quickly becomes almost entirely black.
No phone number to contact them. It’s only by cat. To the goodwill of the person to answer or not … 1 day between each question/answer.
You have to wait 1 week (. ) to make an appointment for a phone call.
In the end, they indicate that it is linked to a shock while the phone is protected by a Roshield shell and screen protection. And there is no trace of shock of course.
Certideal indicates a repair cost of € 279 and are ready to make a gesture because the phone is new: 140 €…
The support does not want to hear anything. It is a shock that broke the LCD … without shock and without trace.
To flee !

Eric July 21, 2022

I join the previous comments . Purchased an XR which was indicated on shipping the next day if purchase before 2 p.m. After the regulation went to 6 days. The phone is no longer in stock after a week I had to accept another color and almost two weeks after still no shipment. No phone answers more than 48 hours after. Not serious

Mira H July 7, 2022

If I could not put a star that I would do. Worse site, to be urgently fleeing . No news from the phone for 5 days when he is supposed to be sent, without parcel follow -up and receive a follow -up email only when you groan. They forget the charger. Finally, the telephone whose battery was loaded does not hold the load, it goes out for no reason and it must be plugged in for it to turn on, the beug keyboard, it does not receive the calls sometimes, the lamp to stop to operate for several hours then without reason it works again, and so on ! In addition to that, they are not understanding half for you for idiots by offering you solutions not suitable. It is better to trust people from foreign countries on Backmarket than French people who make believe in the quality of a service because they are a small French company ! And stop making believe that confidence and quality comes from their origin.

Good morning,
Unfortunately I ordered an iPhone 12 on Certideal on May 1, 2022. I wanted to be a little more green, and get a rewind.
Over € 500 (new for the same capacity at Apple 750 €). False advertising, when they announce up to 70% cheaper than the new!
To date, that automatic responses, non -honored delivery promises, no identical speech concerning the delay in my order and no way to cancel and be reimbursed …… no more confidence on this site ! How to be reimbursed from an unrecognized phone ?

Chloupek May 10, 2022

I can only confirm the preceding opinions I buy an xr iPhone and having chosen perfect state this one presenting signs of weakness (turned off when taking the photo) after Apple verification the battery was unofficial so no taking in charge
Merchant to flee

Damien April 19, 2022

I can only confirm the previous opinions. I bought an iPhone XS white new condition in July 2021 and first waited for more than 3 weeks before receiving it because the product was not available. After having received it, the battery dropped me after 1 month. Back to Certideal who changed the battery for me for a few days the battery has been HS again. In short 2 batteries in 7 months it is a lot . The battery warranty for only 3 months I am good to go to the Apple Store. In short Certideal is finished for me, I do not recommend, go your way !

Sébastien March 5, 2022

When a minor commands a telephone and signs a contract of “3 times free of charge” and that on the contract the “Identity piece” box is empty (proof that at no time did it check its age, and when ‘We realize that the young person lied … Well we start the obstacle course, since the Cetelem credit organization tells us that for this type of contract it is the seller site which is responsible for checks ! Testimonials on this subject ? Complaint will be filed tomorrow, I specify it !

Merglen January 27, 2022

I confirm the negative opinions on Certideal. I ordered an iPhone XS on this reconditioned site “like new”. He worked 3 weeks then black screen. The laptop protected by a Rhinoshield shell and a protective screen posed by Certideal has undergone any fall or shock (no shock trace). There was a small scratch on the protective screen (not on the laptop screen). Certideal excluded the warranty because it identified an “internal crack” (internal therefore invisible). I obviously have no evidence that this internal crack was not present from the start. It’s their word against mine. I could not be reimbursed for this defective laptop. I do not recommend this site.

Hélène January 12, 2022

Painful customer experience
Order on 12/15/21 Delivery scheduled for 6 days. Too good to be true ! On 27/12 still received nothing … Customer service unable to give a delivery date, no explanation on the delay ..
It is clear that I will no longer trust this site and I will not fail to let me know with me.

Hernandez December 28, 2021

I can only confirm the comments below: very bad experience with Certideal. The phone sent has obviously never been tested … since the battery does not load and that it does not light up. After a first return to after -sales service, I received the same phone that lights up … but only when it is in the sector; I am delighted to have a fixed iPhone !! And there the after -sales service asks me to do battery load tests to find out if they take charge of replacement.. Foutage de mouth and my daughter will not have her gift for Christmas (phone ordered on 06/11)

Guillaumin December 16, 2021

Same comment as the one who follows !! Very worried… apparatus ordered on November 16 (iPhone 11 for a price of 585 euros debited 3 days later)… Succession of delays and aircraft still not delivered to date December 14 despite a chronopost delivery announced on December 7 .Contacts and multiple emails without real answer … The device seems to be evaporated … I come to doubt the veracity of Chronopost’s announcement .very disappointed with the investigation that choosing which made it a reliable reference site .

Gayet December 14, 2021

Certideal: that DESCESS I cannot judge the quality of their services because I still do not have my phone ordered on November 2, 2021 and we are December 13, the collection was very fast, a day.
The sending of emails does not necessarily have an answer and to reach them you have to wait until you have a telephone appointment
I got caught once but did not get back to me
Avoid this seller if you do not want to have the impression of having made a check in the void

Marc Douchin December 13, 2021

I bought for the first time a phone reconditioned iPhone 12 at Certideal. The opinions given on the company were good, the video showing the process of reconditioning the device trusted.
Order placed Oct 30, received only on Nov. 15. No information on the extension of the period (announced 6 days maximum). The device arrived in accordance with the description.
So I trusted and ordered a charger two USB C sockets. Order placed on Nov 26, 21, still not arrived on 13. My account on the Certideal site indicates “processed order”, the amount was deducted from my bank account on Nov 29. I have an email of 26/11 accusing receipt of the order with a reference, then an email of 27/11 telling me that the order is being prepared
No information since: I tried the emails by the hello address …, contact … without response. There is no phone number to reach them. By reading the conditions of sale, I found the mention of VC Technology which seems to be the company which is responsible for shipments. Disastrous opinion on this company on the Internet.
I will go into contact with the mediator to get out of this dead end.

Maillet December 13, 2021

Thank you Philippe for your testimony. Regarding backmarket, we wrote this article: https: // www.lmem.Net/back-market-ACHART-RISQUE/

Maarten October 28, 2021

I bought an iPhone 8 mid July this one broke down the battery impossible to turn it back so he returned at mid October knowing that yours was slightly split not guaranteeing the problem come from the battery it asks me 139 euros to change the window while the battery is worth 40 C really [moderate] I had bought a device on black market where everything was going well go to black market you will not be disappointed

Philippe October 28, 2021

Regarding the sending of the phone, no worries.
On the other hand, after -sales service, a disaster. Phone broken down since June 2021, it must be changed.
And since I’ve been waiting . Emails and telephone contacts that promise a quick ship … but 3 months later, still nothing !
It is only lies and suddenly more telephone and always a subscription to pay ..

Good September 14, 2021

Several bad successive experiences for the purchase of an iPhone on Certideal the first concerning delivery times They do not correspond to reality at the time of the order . In addition, the impossibility of joining the service service it does not respond to emails and the full form . To summarize I ordered an online phone I paid I can no longer access my account my email address would be invalid or my account nonexistent my account was it deleted any information on the subject. Impossible to reach the after -sales service

Monier July 27, 2021

I am very angry with Cercedeal I sent a phone in after -sales service a phone that I have never used and which has never worked since April 21, 2021 I do not stop relaunching them from week to week he The promises for the following week and this always no news he plays on the patience of people at the end of this week we are on June 15, 2021 I transmit to a consumer association almost two months to be walked for a repair that ‘They will never do it’s a shame

Certideal to flee;
Purchase of an iPhone 6 classified “very good condition”. Reception of a phone not corresponding to the color ordered with already a protective window and a shell and especially configured in Japanese. So return to after -sales service for the first time.
A few months after defect in the iPhone of the charging connection. Back to after -sales service a second time.
A few months after unwillingness, after -sales service tells me that the warranty does not work to address a repairer. The repairer certifies that the battery is actually starting to be used but that it is above all a motherboard problem. Motherboard has changed. So a year and a half after the purchase of a 2 -year warranty I have nothing more and it was necessary twice a return. Certideal to avoid absolutely

Attention certain iPhone no longer take the updates and this is not mentioned in their descriptions and characteristic of the product
very disappointing no exchange with another similar product

Shabby after -sales service, after receiving my phone, it worked for 2 weeks and then impossible to light it. After a return to after -sales service and an expectation of more than 10 days, the observation is final, the phone is HS and will be changed. Another 10 days of waiting to receive an email indicating me that it will be shipped shortly. I had to restart them and take a telephone appointment to obtain an extension of 2 months of the warranty because it does not make “compensation” and that they strive to do its maximum, that the negative opinions are only a tiny minority and which they communicate as well as possible.
I am waiting for the phone to check his condition but I admit that I do not advertise them and that I will never go through them again.

Smaaart, in our view, remains the best seller of reconditioned in France. But he doesn’t always have a stock.

Maarten March 29, 2021

After reading all these comments and looking for a reconditioned smartphone site I don’t know who go to buy one? The real headache when you want to buy occasion without being scammed from all sides ..

Fleutry March 29, 2021

Thank you Jonathan for your remarks ! I recommend our article on backmarket if you want to check your hypothesis ^^.
Basically you are right, this article deserves a little more attention. We are planning an update soon.

A link backmarket in it ? This smells of marketing attack. In any case the writing to a rereading work to be done between forgotten spaces (>>> and “the Digital Detox”<<>> One more thread 10 messages in 2019<<<).

Jonathan March 4, 2021

Good morning,
I fully share your opinion: disastrous customer service and devices that stop working (battery and network access) very quickly. In addition, do not trust the opinions on Certideal ! I had left a fairly flattering and certideal comment asked me to withdraw this comment in exchange for a voucher to be used on a future purchase … They were very surprised when I refused to withdraw my comment. I suppose that the majority of people accept … @ Certideal, rather than doing this, I advise you to offer adequate service and compliant products !

Anais S. February 17, 2021

Certideal the trap! Everything is done on the site so as not to be able to reach them apart from their blog! and their reviews verified no negative on thousands ! You who do not have enough silver to buy you a new phone especially has not purchased a reconditioned from themselves guaranteed two years it is flan ! Each time it comes out the oxidation argument so as not to fix it and you are for your money! To flee me it cost me 280 euros

Panzer February 12, 2021

Impossible to cancel an order placed two hours earlier.
Several messages sent and emails that remained unanswered. And the status of the order continues to move forward as if nothing was and now displays “in preparation”. Unable to find a phone number to reach them !

Reviews on Certideal: we tested the reconditioned smartphone specialist

You dream of an iPhone X, 11 or 12 but the prices prevent you from taking the plunge ? Have you thought about reconditioned ? Up to 70 % cheaper than the new, the reconditioned allows you to acquire a state -of -the -cost state -of -the -cost the quality without ignoring the quality. On Reepeat, you can find many sellers of high-tech products reconditioned, but the smartphone specialist is Certideal ! You want to know our opinion on Certideal ? We tell you more in this article !

Certideal logo

What is Certideal ?

Created in 2015 by Yoann Valensi and Laure Cohen, two French entrepreneurs, Certideal specializes in the sale and reconditioning of smartphones. The company wishes to be able to offer its customers guarantees similar to those of new products. Before being put up for sale, a telephone reconditioned by Certideal goes through three stages: verification, test and validation.

Regardless of your choice, the grade only concerns the external aesthetic aspect of the product. Rest assured, under the hood, everything is 100% functional.

The 32 control points

To ensure the proper functioning of its phones, Certideal experts have developed a list of 32 control points which are systematically tested when reconditioning a device.

List of 32 control points carried out by Certideal on a reconditioned smartphone

The batteries of the reconditioned phones sold by Certideal have an optimal performance capacity. However, when you purchase, you can decide to add the “Premium Pack” option which allows you to replace the battery with a new battery. For an iPhone 8 or a lower model, this option amounts to only € 18.75. For more recent models, the price of the option increases at € 29.

Oil products

  • An iPhone 11 128 GB without Touch ID at € 506.92 instead of € 649.90.
  • An iPhone 8 64 GB without Touch ID at € 166.06 instead of € 212.90.

To our knowledge, these are the only ones to offer this type of offer, which can however be very interesting in terms of price.

What happens if I break my iPhone bought from Certideal ?

To protect your new reconditioned smartphone, Certideal offers a Zen pack which contains a 3 mm thick tempered glass protective window (which Certideal technicians will take care of) as well as a cover suitable for the smartphone you have chosen.

If despite that your phone experiences a little fall that would break its screen, Certideal has thought of everything. A “Ice Broke” warranty supports screen repair for 1 year after your purchase (this option is available the iPhone 5 models at the iPhone XS Max).

In addition to these options which allow you to lengthen the life of your mobile, Certideal offers a 24 -month warranty for all its renewed phones. This warranty, included in the purchase of any device, covers material and technical problems as well as manufacturing defects not indicated or described on the advertisement. When purchasing, you can even if you wish, subscribe to a warranty extension which extends the warranty at 36 months.

How is the delivery of a refurbished phone with Certideal ?

When ordering Certideal.fr, you have several delivery options: delivery in relay point or home delivery. Revived delivery is completely free while costs amount to € 3.99 for home delivery.

Your Certideal order will be delivered between 2 and 6 working days depending on the product. When you place an order on the site, the delivery time is specified. After shipping the product, Chronopost takes care of delivery.

Smartphones packaging sent by Certideal

Your new phone (as well as its accessories) comes in Certideal packaging which offers it optimal protection.

Can we return your smartphone reconditioned to Certideal if we are not satisfied ?

When you receive your phone, you have 21 days to change your mind. To send it back, simply go to your personal space on Certideal.com in the “My purchases” section then contact the after -sales service. Report the type of problem encountered then follow the procedure to follow. The return of the product is supported by Certideal if it is a return for a dysfunction of the device or an aesthetic defect.

The story of Certideal

After its creation in 2015, Certideal raised a first fund of 2 million euros from the investment funds of Citizen Capital and Inter Invest Capital. In 2018, the start-up launched on the Spanish market. A year later, she joined the French Tech 120 program, a label of the French government which targets start-ups in hypercroissance. Currently, the label has 123 French companies. This program allowed Certideal to develop more. Indeed, between 2017 and 2019, its turnover doubled. In April 2020, she raised a second funds of 8 million euros led by the MAIF Avenir and carried by BNP Paris Development. Following this fundraising, Certideal intends to open its market more international. It targets Italy and Belgium notably.

Conclusion: Our opinion on Certideal

If you want to buy a reconditioned phone from the Apple or Samsung brand, Certideal offers many advantages. 100 % French reconditioning makes it possible to do a more eco -responsible action. Indeed, less journey = less carbon emission. And when we consume refurbished, it is that ecology is important to us !

However, if you are interested in other brands, you will have to look elsewhere … Indeed, Certideal only offers the brands of the two giants Apple and Samsung.

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