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What are the different traffic signs dedicated to cyclists

Danger panels for cycling outlets indicate to drivers driving behind the wheel of a motorized vehicle that they may come across cyclists leading to their right or left. These panels, known under the A21 code, are generally positioned in terms of cycle paths, fine greenways, or other circulation spaces that are strongly likely to be borrowed by cyclists.

Bicycle road code: panels

Even if cyclists do not need a license to drive their bicycle, they must respect the Traffic Laws. A series of arrangements is applied to ensure their safety and that of others. Here is a focus on the panels concerning cyclists.

Ban, bond and danger signs

Like all the banks of the highway code, those dedicated to cyclists also have a round white format and are surrounded by a red band. Among them, the B9B panel prohibits bicycle access to a street, an area or a place open to public traffic. It is often placed where there is a track reserved for cyclists in the direction of circulation fixed.

Obligation signaling, on the other hand, have a round shape, but at the blue background. The B22A panel indicates a compulsory track or banging strip, dedicated to cyclists. The B40 panel marks the end of this compulsory route.

In the shape of a triangle and bordered by a red strip, the A21 danger panel is used to warn other users of the road to the presence of cyclists that can cross.

Indicator and directional panels

Different signaling of indications are devoted to cyclists. They are used to communicate important information on the use of the vehicle. Generally, these panels are square with blue background, surrounded by a white listel.

The C113 indicates a cycle track or strip which is recommended and reserved for cyclists. The C114 panel marks its end.

Closed by the C116, the C115 indicates a greenway, intended only for pedestrians, cyclists as well as any other means of non -motorized transport.

Created since 2012 in France, the M12 panels “Give the cycling passage to fire” gives cyclists the opportunity to turn right and/or left or go straight, even if the fire is red. However, this option does not spread the order of priority towards pedestrians.

B52 signaling defines a meeting area between cyclists, pedestrians and motorized vehicles, where speed should not exceed 20km/h.

Some safety rules to be observed

A bicycle is a simple, economical and also ecological means of transport. In addition, cycling is an excellent physical activity to keep the shape. However, before you put yourself on the handlebars, you must have adequate equipment and become aware of the associated highway code.

Thus, drive right on the right, preferably at a speed less than 20 km and respect the traffic signs. In addition, remember to regularly check the condition of your bike.

You now know the different panels to run safe. No more question of making an offense on the road. So to your handlebars !

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What are the different traffic signs dedicated to cyclists ?

Fine green panel

Cyclists and other bike drivers are very often represented on elements belonging to vertical signaling. But the over -representation of these users is legitimate. Indeed, they are vulnerable users, which can circulate relatively silently silently in agglomeration as on country roads. To minimize the risk of accident involving cyclists, various panels related to these users have been set up along the roads in order to remind bicycle drivers which ways are accessible to them, but also to point out to other users than They risk crossing these vulnerable users.

Panels intended for cyclists

In order to ensure as much as possible the safety of bicycle drivers, the authorities have set up a large number of panels to report to cyclists the traffic lanes intended for them and those prohibited from them. These different prescriptions are therefore available in the form of ban, indication or obligation panels.

The access panel prohibited to cycles

Appeared for the first time in 1955, the access panel prohibited to cycles, codified under the B9B nomenclature, is a prohibition panel implanted systematically at the entrance to the traffic lanes whose speed limit is unsuitable for cohabitation with cyclists, as on highways or express traffic lanes. In addition, these panels can be found at the level of certain works of art, such as bridges or tunnels because they do not allow motorists to leave a lateral distance of sufficient safety when exceeding a bicycle.

ACCESS Panel prohibited to cycles

Track panels or mandatory band for cycles and end of track or compulsory band for cycles

To indicate to the users traveling on a bicycle that they must continue to circulate on a cycle band or on a cycle path, the authorities can set up compulsory track or band panels for cycles, Codified B22A. The obligation ends when the cyclists meet an end -of -track or cycling tape compulsory for cycles. Users will then be required to leave the track on which they circulated to return to the road.

Band panel or compulsory cycle pathEnd of strip panel or compulsory cycle path

Green track and end of the green track sign

The indication panels C115 and C116 indicate respectively entry and exit of users on a greenway. Greenways are circulation spaces prohibited to motorized users. These ways can therefore be taken by pedestrians, all non -motorized users (such as cyclists), as well as horsemen. The green lane panel tells users that they may fall back on a track allowing motorized vehicles again to circulate.

Green lane start -up panelGreen -lane panel

The entry and exit panels of the meeting zone

The meeting areas are traffic spaces allowing the movement of all road users. These specific routes are reported in terms of their entries and outputs using indication panels, named “Entrance panel in the meeting zone”, codified B52, and “Dating zone output panel”, Codified B53.

These panels include the representation of a pedestrian, a cyclist and an automobile. Users presented on this panel therefore have the right to circulate on this path, provided that they do not exceed a maximum speed of 20 km/h.

Meeting zone panelEnd of meeting area

The dead end panel with pedestrians and cyclists

The impasse indication panel with the outcome for pedestrians and cyclists, codified C13D, tells users that, if the way is a dead end for motorized vehicles, it nevertheless includes a circulation space large enough to allow pedestrians and cyclists to leave this dead end. By following this outcome, pedestrians and cycles drivers will then be able to get out of the dead end to reach conventional traffic lanes.

Impasse panel with Pietons and Cyclists

Track panels or cycle strip recommended and reserved for cycles at 2 or 3 wheels

THE track panel and cycling strip recommended and reserved for cycles at 2 or 3 wheels, codified C113, indicates to cyclists that they can, if they wish, circulate on a track or a cycling strip dedicated to them. These users will therefore have the choice to follow the ways reserved for them, or to share the road with motorized users. The panel of End of track and cycle strip recommended and reserved for cycles at 2 or 3 wheels, codified C114, indicates the end of the recommended route. Cyclists will then have to continue on the classic traffic lanes.

Band panel or advised cycle pathEnd of tape or cycle path panel advised

“Cycles” category

THE M4D1 PANONCEAU is a pannonceau representing a cycle, and making it possible to specify that a panel is only intended for cyclists. An equivalent, named M9V Panonceau, also makes it possible to specify that the prescription present on the panel applies to all users, except for bikes.

Category Pannonceau Reserve with cycles


The M12A and M12B PANONCEAUX, also known under the term of “yield the red light cyclist”Or the“ rotating turns cycling in the red light ”are signaling elements installed under the red lights and indicating to the drivers of cycles that they have the authorization to follow the path indicated by this Panonceau even if the fire is red, provided that you give way to users benefiting from the priority to fire, as well as pedestrians who wish to cross.

Panels intended for all users

If many of the signaling panels including cycles are intended directly for bicycle drivers, other panels allow motorized users to be reported that they can meet or meet cyclists on their way.

The danger of cyclists’ outlets

Danger panels for cycling outlets indicate to drivers driving behind the wheel of a motorized vehicle that they may come across cyclists leading to their right or left. These panels, known under the A21 code, are generally positioned in terms of cycle paths, fine greenways, or other circulation spaces that are strongly likely to be borrowed by cyclists.

Cycling danger danger panel

The double -directed panel panel, the opposite direction of which is reserved for cycles

The double-directed cycle panel panel, or C24a panel, indicates to all users circulating on this path that, if it is open in both directions of traffic, one of these tracks is only reserved for cyclists. Motorized vehicle drivers can only come across users circulating by bicycle along this route.

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