Business Everywhere: Data Pro package for 4G 5G tablets and keys, data package: what is it? How to choose it?

What is a data package and how to choose it

Another point to note, a device can consume a large amount of flow, limiting other connected devices. An application of online or streaming video calls can for example lead to excessive consumption on a device. In addition, mobile data sharing is often not very adjustable, so it is difficult to control a device consuming a large amount of data during a sharing session.

Business Everywhere

Benefit from an automatic discount depending on the number of lines on your mobile fleet.

Package Applicable from 2 lines
initial -2 €
balance -5 €
intense -10 €
abundance -10 €

17 € 11.30 € HT/month for 12 months then 19 € HT/month for 12 months then € 19 excl. HT/month promotion valid until 12/31/2023 without commitment

  • From and to Europe Internet Mobile 10 GB on the 4G network
  • Multi -line discount – € 2 excl. Tax/month from 2 lines
  • Comfort debit option offered on request

Discover this package
15 € 10.50 € HT/month for 12 months then 15 € HT/month engagement 24 months

  • From and to Europe Internet Mobile 10 GB on the 4G network
  • Multi -line discount – € 2 excl. Tax/month from 2 lines
  • Comfort debit option offered on request

Discover this package
balance 50 GB in 5g

37 € 24.40 € HT/month for 12 months then 42 € HT/month for 12 months then 42 € HT/month promotion valid until 12/31/2023 without obligation

  • From and to Europe Internet Mobile 50 GB on the 4G/5G network
  • Multi -line discount – 5 € HT/month from 2 lines
  • Comfort debit option offered on request

Discover this package
Refund of € 75 on invoice
balance 50 GB in 5g

38 € 26.60 € HT/month for 12 months then 38 € HT/month promotion valid until 12/31/2023 commitment 24 months

  • From and to Europe Internet Mobile 50 GB on the 4G/5G network
  • Multi -line discount – 5 € HT/month from 2 lines
  • Comfort debit option offered on request

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Intense 100 GB in 5g

59 € 39.80 € HT/month for 12 months then 64 € HT/month for 12 months then 64 € HT/month promotion valid until 12/31/2023 without obligation

  • From and to European Mobile Internet Europe 100 GB on the 4G/5G network
  • Multi -line discount – 10 € HT/month from 2 lines
  • Comfort debit option offered on request

Discover this package
Refund of € 75 on invoice
Intense 100 GB in 5g

60 € 42 € HT/month for 12 months then 60 € HT/month promotion valid until 31/10/2023 engagement 24 months

  • From and to European Mobile Internet Europe 100 GB on the 4G/5G network
  • Multi -line discount – 10 € HT/month from 2 lines
  • Comfort debit option offered on request

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Abundance 300 GB in 5g

125 € 84.50 € HT/month for 12 months then 135 € HT/month for 12 months then 135 € HT/month promotion valid until 12/31/2023 without obligation

  • From and to Europe Internet Mobile 300 GB on the 4G/5G network
  • Multi -line discount – 10 € HT/month from 2 lines
  • Comfort debit option offered on request

Discover this package
Refund of € 75 on invoice
Abundance 300 GB in 5g

125 € 87.50 € HT/month for 12 months then 125 € HT/month promotion valid until 12/31/2023 engagement 24 months

  • From and to Europe Internet Mobile 300 GB on the 4G/5G network
  • Multi -line discount – 10 € HT/month from 2 lines
  • Comfort debit option offered on request

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Frequent questions

What is a ONLY Data Mobile Package ?

Data packages allow access to the 4G/5G network to take advantage of the Internet using mobile data. Thus, unlike our performance pro range, you will not be able to make calls or send or receive SMS / MMS on the Orange network. These packages are more intended for compatible tablets, PCs or internet boxes. Using these offers you will be able to take advantage, when traveling, of an internet connection dedicated to your devices. These packages also have other uses. They can serve as a rescue solution in the event of a disaster or unexpected. They also allow you to enjoy a quick internet connection where fiber is not present.

Why use a data package in addition to a classic package ?

Many “classic” packages have a comfortable data envelope adapted to many uses. Nothing prevents us from sharing these internet access, included by his or these telephone operators, from his smartphone in “modem” mode.

The drawback of such use is that the battery of this smartphone may drop very quickly during a sharing session, because each connected device will call on this smartphone to access the Internet. It is therefore not a practical solution because your battery may fall short at any time.

Another point to note, a device can consume a large amount of flow, limiting other connected devices. An application of online or streaming video calls can for example lead to excessive consumption on a device. In addition, mobile data sharing is often not very adjustable, so it is difficult to control a device consuming a large amount of data during a sharing session.

A response to this inconvenience is to use a router modem and subscribe to a data package provided for this use.

The advantage is that the packages are separate, the main smartphone will have an envelope and a dedicated internet data volume. The other devices will therefore share their own package and data bucket. Thus, subscribing to a data package allows more flexible use and less complex battery management. Note, a router modem offers a long -lasting battery that can last several hours in a row.

Subscribing to a data package is useful in other cases. For example if a device does not have wifi access, it can have internet access using a SIM card. Another scenario, some computers and tablets equipped with a SIM card slot can also benefit from a dedicated. Subscribing to a data package therefore makes it possible to better master your uses is therefore to avoid dependence on unknown networks conducive to cyber attacks.

What data package to choose ?

Business Everywhere can go up to 300 GB.

  1. You use 4G/5G occasionally, favor intial packages
    These packages are suitable if you have an almost permanent WiFi connection and use 4G or 5G very little during your trips and transport.
  2. You use mobile data more frequently, pro balance and intense packages can better match you.
    If you attend more than two hours of video conference per day favor the intense package.
  3. Your use of 4G/5G is very intense.
    You are often on the go, you very little use the WiFi connection, the abundance package could best suit you.

What is the fact or the reduced flow ?

Your data quota is fully used ? You had the right for example at 100GB and you exceed them ? You will always have access to the Internet in reduced debit with the Data Orange Pro packages.

Fair use is thus a free troubleshooting solution that allows you to consult your emails or surf on the web. Note that the too heavy pages and content as the photos and videos will be slower to load. At any time, go to follow up on your consumption using the pro customer area.

Can we subscribe to a Data without commitment ?

A data package allows you to obtain internet access on your smartphone, tablet or any equipment that can accommodate a SIM card compatible with such use.

Orange offers a full range of data packages without commitment at competitive prices. The subscription to a non -binding package is made under the same conditions as a conventional mobile package.

A non -binding package can be used on the 4G or 5G network depending on the offer subscribed and remains usable in mainland France as well as in the European, Swiss and Andorra Union.

Do we need a 4G / 5G key to use a data package ?

The subscription of a Data Mobile package makes it possible to obtain mobile internet access on the network of the Orange operator. These packages can be used in various devices. A 3G/4G key can receive the SIM card attached to such a mobile plan. It is however possible to use a 4G/5G router box, a tablet, a laptop (if it has a SIM location) and even a smartphone to provide the Internet to one or more devices through WiFi.

For my tablet, what data package do I need ?

It is necessary to take an interest in your habits of use to get closer to the mobile data package you need.

Your tablet is a secondary tool when traveling ? The Data Intial Package could be enough to read and respond to your emails as well as surf the Internet.

You intend to replace your laptop with a product such as iPad, Surface or Android tablet type ? Opt for at least 50 GB so that you can read and respond to your emails, surf the internet.>

Last example, your tablet is your main work tool and you plan to carry out videoconferences with ? So opt for a data package with a lot of mobile internet data. The videoconference consumes enormously and you may quickly have a reduced flow that will make useless use.

For my 4G/5G box, what data package do I need ?

You have a 4G or 5G Internet box ? Make sure it has these two specificities to make the most of the speed of the Orange Pro network. To do this, refer to his technical sheet, user manual or box.

  1. Adequate frequency bands

The 4G Orange network is based on 5 frequency bands: 700 MHz (B28), 800 MHz (B20), 1800 MHz (B3), 2100 MHz (B1) and 2600 MHz (B7).

For the 5G network in addition to the 2100 MHz and 700 MHz frequencies, make sure your box is compatible with the 3500 MHz band (N78).

If you lose yourself in all these signs and frequencies please note that 1000 MHz is equivalent to 1 GHz and that 700 MHz and 2100 MHz can also be named N28 and N1.

If your box is not compatible with all the strips mentioned above do not panic, know that in theory the more you have access to certain frequencies better will be your network reception. In addition, if you have not found these figures on your box, it may be that if it is recent and bought in France, it is more likely to correspond to the frequencies cited than a box acquired abroad.

  1. The number of connected devices

Your network is shared between connected devices. So if you connect 10 devices simultaneously your connection can be slower than with a single connected device. Like frequency bands, search for this information on the technical sheet, manual or box. For example, our 4G/5G boxes called Airbox or Flybox allow you to connect up to 128 devices simultaneously for the 5G box.

Your current device does not meet you, do not meet the criteria mentioned above, is not reliable or is very slow ? Choose from our 5G, 4G+ or 4G Internet boxes. If you have an Orange Pro Internet offer, take advantage of a special discount on our 4G and 5G boxes with the Airbox Comfort Pro option. Note that you will need a 5G package to take advantage of this innovative mobile network. Indeed, all the internet offers we have are 4G compatible and some allow you 5G connectivity.

What uses consume the most mobile data on a data package ?

Mobile data consumption is strongly dependent on the uses of its smartphone. It is also necessary to clearly distinguish calls made via the classic network of calls made by the data network.

1/ Data calls made by third -party applications like WhatsApp, FaceTime, Microsoft Teams, Zoom, etc.

When these applications are used, the classic network is not asked directly but it is indeed the mobile data that comes into play.

A 5 -minute call passed by the WhatsApp application for example represents 20 MB on your data package. Facetime is a little less greedy but the order of idea remains the same.

2/ surf the internet using your tablet or smartphone with a data package

Consult websites or use social networks will cause consumption of approximately 1MB to 1.5MB per minute of time spent according to the sites. The more the site contains images the more the volume data explodes.

3/ Listening to music via streaming (Spotify, Deezer etc.))

We can count with such use a consumption of the order of 2MB to 3MB per piece of music listened to. Which will represent 40 to 50MB over an hour. Note that some platforms offer the option to record your music as you go. This will allow you to listen to offline in transport, abroad, in Europe during a mobile roaming.

4/ Streaming video using YouTube, Netflix but also social networks

It is the highest use and which will have the strongest impact in consumption on the data package.
In simple definition that is to say with the lowest quality, it takes about 500 MB per hour.

When HD is activated, the use of mobile data is climbed to 1 GB per hour and on certain platforms like Netflix you can reach 3 GB per hour per hour.

5/ Video calls with FaceTime, WhatsApp or Microsoft Teams

Close to video streaming, consumption is also high with these uses. It takes between 250 and 500 MB the time spent in communication.

The Data Business Everywhere packages are Data Mobile 4G and 5G packages that do not include telephone calls by the classic network. It is however possible to call via the use of data only, that is to say through applications like WhatsApp, Skype, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, etc.

The good uses of a Business Everywhere package are as follows:

  • On a tablet: if your iPad Apple or any other Android tablet has a SIM card slot, then the use of a Data Mobile Business Everywhere package is possible. This will allow you to quickly obtain the Internet through the 3G/4G/5G network of Orange in France and via a partner operator for homelessness in Europe.
  • With a 4G / 5G router modem: this is by example the use it is offered with airbox or flybox 4G / 5G of orange orange. These boxes use the Orange mobile network in France to provide the Internet and a local operator during roaming in Europe. The flows are dependent on the proximity of the antennas but also on the antenna technology. With a Data Mobile Package in 5G the flows are clearly higher at Orange compared to the 4G network.

Whether the use is carried out using a tablet or in a 4G/5G box, you will have to take care to select a mobile package with enough data compared to your uses. There is no unlimited unlimited Data Everywhere at Orange at Orange. Discover all 4G/5G Orange modems and routers.

What is a data package and how to choose it ?

the access to INternet from the mobile phone has become essential in recent years and all the more with the development of technology through the deployment of 4G+ and 5G. Today, it is unthinkable to find a mobile package without internet. This is why, all packages now include a data volume to go on the internet. As with voice or SMS, these packages can be limited in data volume. It is therefore necessary to check well before subscribing what each package offers in terms of data.

What does “data” mean ?

The term “data” means in English ” data “. For the mobile we commonly speak of data package to designate an internet package that will allow Download a variable data volume Depending on the packages. As soon as you go on the internet (to do a search on Google, consult your emails, watch a video. ) you use data, in other words, you download a certain volume of data.

Data and “Fair Use” package

When you subscribe a mobile phone plan, You have a Data envelope in general limited Unless I was unlimited to unlimited internet packages. If this envelope is exceeded, applies what is called the “Fair Use” which consists in limit the use of the Internet once the threshold set by the operator reaches.

In this case, operators have the choice between these four cases:

  • Internet access always possible but reduced flow,
  • Internet access always possible, but you are charged for each MB downloaded beyond the fixed data volume,
  • More internet access to the renewal of the package the following month,
  • More internet access to the renewal of the package the following month, but the possibility of buying gigas recharges.

It’s important to Do not confuse the maximum volume of downloaded data (fair use) and the flow. The flow rate corresponds to the connection speed: the higher it is, the more you can surf and download quickly.

Good to know smartphones are almost all equipped with applications installed by default or downloaded by their users. Automatically synchronized with the device, these applications are constantly connected and consume data even if we do not use them. To avoid this, deactivate “automatic synchronization” in your smartphone settings.

What data package for what needs ?

If you are a big internet consumer, prefer Packages including several gigas per month or save your data package to avoid exorbitant surpassing fees.

If you only use the Internet very rarely from your mobile, there is no need to pay more to have a package with a lot of data. What we call “small packages” not exceeding 3GB to 5GB can then be enough for you.

In all cases, Be very careful If you have a package that invoices the MO in case of exceeding. It can indeed cost very quickly very expensive ..


Take advantage of 100MB at 220GB with SFR

How to assess your data plan consumption ?

Before choosing a mobile plan, you must Estimate your Internet need according to your usual data consumption. If you have no idea your monthly data needs, here are some indications that will allow you to estimate your use. These are average values ​​that vary depending on several parameters: file weight, software or application used.

Data volume consumed

Mail sent with attachment


Mail sent without attachment


Music download


Download an application


1 hour of navigation


1 hour of video on YouTube


You can see that Some uses are very greedy in data. If your use is limited to surfing and some email shipments, your needs are modest. If you are a follower of YouTube and Downloads, you will need a higher data package.

Good to know when you use the internet by being connected to a WiFi, public or private network, your data consumption is not deducted from your Internet package regardless of the mobile offer you have subscribed. You can then surf as much as you want as long as you are connected in wifi.

Volume of data from mainland France and abroad

An important element to take into account in the choice of a mobile plan is the geographic area from which you consume data. Indeed, operators today offer Interational packages Very interesting for people who travel regularly abroad and who wish to continue to use the Internet.

In the majority of cases, The packages include two distinct data envelopes : an envelope to be used from metropolitan France and an envelope, less important, for the international. In other cases, Gigas abroad are part of international options To be subscribed in addition to your basic package.

Be careful however, if you exceed your internet package abroad, you expose yourself to much higher costs than if you are off-forming in France. Do not forget to take a look at your contract before a trip to find out your volume of data that can be used abroad and the tariff conditions of your operator.

Some practical tips

  • First of all, before subscribing, Check the conditions well that allow you to change offers. If you have badly estimated your internet consumption, it is useful to be able to easily change your mobile plan.
  • We advise you to Monitor your consumption in data If you are a regular Internet user.
  • Favor WiFi connection if you can, this will save you from using your data package.
  • Optimize your connection time if you have a limited package. If you have a heavy file to download or an update to be performed that can wait, Wait until you have access to your Wi-Fi network To make these downloads.

Mobile internet package for a maximum of gigas

If you believe you have a very important monthly internet consumption, we recommend that you choose a suitable mobile plan. Find in this table, Mobile plans with the most gigas internet.

Red 200GB package
01 86 26 53 94
15.99 €/month
Without engagement
B & YOU 200GB package
subscribe online
19.99 €/month
Without engagement
200GB Prixtel Package
subscribe online
20.99 €/month
Without engagement
Free 210GB package
subscribe online
19.99 €/month
Without engagement
SFR 220GB package
01 86 26 53 94
64.99 €/month then 64.99 €/month
24 -month commitment
Orange 220GB package
Compare the offers
64.99 €/month then 64.99 €/month
24 -month commitment
Bouygues 240GB package
01 86 26 53 94
54.99 €/month then 69.99 €/month
24 -month commitment

Mobile internet package for average consumption

If you estimate your rather reasonable monthly internet consumption, you can turn to Cheaper mobile plans with sufficient data envelope To cover your needs.

Depending on your consumption, the average can be in the high range (over 80GB) or the low fork (between 10GB and 80GB). This is the majority of the packages, so you will have no trouble finding the one that suits you. Here is a selection.

Nordnet 70GB package
01 86 26 53 94
24.99 €/month
Without engagement
SFR 80GO package
01 86 26 53 94
15.99 €/month then 30.99 €/month
Without engagement
Bouygues 100GB package
01 86 26 53 94
15.99 €/month then 30.99 €/month
24 -month commitment
Red 100GB package
01 86 26 53 94
11.99 €/month
Without engagement
Free 110GB package
subscribe online
12.99 €/month then 19.99 €/month
Without engagement
Prixtel Package Le Grand 120Go
subscribe online
12.99 €/month
Without engagement
B & you 130GB package
subscribe online
15.99 €/month
Without engagement
Orange 140GB package
Compare the offers
22.99 €/month then 34.99 €/month
Without engagement

Small internet mobile package

If your Internet uses are limited to consult/send a few emails, surf on social networks, listen to music outside download. No need to have a lot of data. A Package between 10 and 40 gigas will be more than enough.

If you want to allocate a very small budget to your package and you consider using the Internet little, there are “Small packages” with less than 5GB/month at very low prices. However, be vigilant to overcome because it is quite quick to reach the limit on low volumes of data.

50mo free package
subscribe online
2 €/month
Without engagement
SFR package 2h 100mo
01 86 26 53 94
4 €/month then 7.99 €/month
Without engagement
Red 1GB package
01 86 26 53 94
9.99 €/month
Without engagement
B & you 1GB package
subscribe online
4.99 €/month
Without engagement
Nordnet 1GB package
01 86 26 53 94
9.99 €/month
Without engagement
SFR 5GB package
01 86 26 53 94
13.99 €/month then 16.99 €/month
Without engagement
Bouygues logo
Bouygues 5GB package
01 86 26 53 94
11.99 €/month then 20.99 €/month
Without engagement
Orange 20GB package
Compare the offers
16.99 €/month then 19.99 €/month
Without engagement

Jacket economy

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