Brave browser, Browser’s review and test | Debugbar, Brave opinion – Our Brave browser guide

Brave opinion

This is why, as a browser based on chromium, brave supports a variety of third -party extensions which can add features to your navigation experience.

Brave, our opinion on this alternative browser

In the world of web browsers, Four main players stand out ::

  • Google Chrome, which dominates the market,
  • Mozilla Firefox,
  • Apple Safari,
  • And the former leader Microsoft, who, with Internet Explorer and his replacement Edge, continues to lose users day after day.

We can also mention the Norwegian browser Opera and its Fork Vivaldi, which do not exceed 2% of market share by them in 2020.

A new generation of less known browsers, however, begins to emerge and tickle the hegemony of historic market players. The Brave browser is one of these newcomers.

Have you heard of it ? You want to know what is worth ? Debugbar has tested it for you and gives you his opinion without compromise.

But before getting to the heart of the matter, here are the main characteristics of this navigator briefly.

Main Features
Browser Open Source chromium
Compatibility Android, Windows, iOS, Linux
Famous for Speed, security and respect for your privacy
Blocker of integrated advertisements Yes, on mobile versions and desktop
Private navigation Yes, without using a VPN
Benefits Very secure.
No advertising natively.
Lots of interesting integrated features.
Many updates.
Publishers are paid directly via the Crypto Bat.
No need to download a VPN to go privately thanks to the Tor network.
Brave blocks any type of follow -up scripts.
You can allow rewards for the websites you enjoy the most.
Disadvantages Maybe a bit slow.
Can sometimes block certain scripts.


What is the browser brave exactly ?

Brave is An internet browser that was created by Brendan Eich (Inventor of JavaScript in 95 and co-founder of the Mozilla Foundation) in 2014.

This free and open-source browser focuses on the Respect for privacy and of Users’ safety.

To do this, it is based on an original system which consists of Replace native web pages by news that it provides. These are less intrusive and more qualitative.

Its operation attracted him a lot of criticism from the editors of content at the start but ended up seducing the greatest number.

But to fully understand how brave is a browser apart and see what it can bring you, let’s take a closer look at its main characteristics.

What are the main characteristics of Brave ?

Brave features are designed to make it a versatile and efficient browser.

Among the main features that make the particularity of brave we find in particular:

  • Brave Shield : for blocking advertisements and privacy.
  • Brave awards : Reward Internet users with Basic CAPTE TOKENS (BAT) for consulting advertisements.
  • Brave Search : integrated search engine based on brave search index.
  • Brave talk : Video communication platform and secure audio integrated into the browser.
  • Office mode: To prevent websites from displaying the mobile version.
  • Brave news : Customizable news flow with the possibility of synchronizing your RSS feeds,
  • Chromium extensions : to customize your experience with your favorite plugins..

Brave Shields: advertising blocker and much more ..

brave data

Brave Shield is one of the flagship features of the browser. This virtual shield improves the confidentiality and performance of your web browser by blocking and deleting intrusive ads and data trackers.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Blocking advertisements and trackers : Brave shields automatically blocks unwanted advertisements, trackers and third -party scripts. This can not only improve your confidentiality by preventing companies from following your online activity, but also accelerating the loading of web pages.
  2. Third -party cookies blocking : Cookies are small data files that websites use to keep track of your online activity. Brave Shields can block third -party cookies, which are often used to follow your online activity.
  3. Https Everywhere : Brave Shields also incorporates the “HTTPS Everywhere” feature, which forces web pages to use a secure HTTPS connection whenever it is possible. It makes it more difficult for hackers to intercept or modify the data you send and receive. This extension should be added to other browsers such as Firefox, Google Chrome or Opera.
  4. User control : You can customize brave shields for each site you visit.

For example, if a site does not work properly with Brave Shields activated, you can deactivate it for this specific site.

  1. Protection against FingerPrinting : FingerPrinting is an advanced technique that some websites use to follow you, even when you use advertising and trackers blocking tools. Brave Shields includes protection against fingerprinting to help prevent this.

In summary, Brave Shields is a set of confidentiality tools integrated directly into the Brave browser. It is designed to protect you from unwanted advertisements, trackers, third -party cookies and other potential threats to your online life online.

Brave awards: reward internet users for consulting advertisements

Unlike traditional browsers, brave You reward for consulting advertisements.

He uses for this Basic Attention tokens (BAT), a cryptocurrency that Internet users win by consulting pubs placed by Brave.


You can then Use these tokens to tip your favorite content creators, thus encouraging a healthier and diverse web content environment.

Brave Search: your search engine focused on respect for your privacy

Brave Search

The Brave browser comes with its own search engine, Brave Search. Built from its research index, it provides precise results while prioritizing the confidentiality of users.

Unlike other search engines, It does not follow or sells user data, guaranteeing private and secure navigation experience.

Brave Talk: secure communication has never been easier

brave talk

Brave Talk is simply a secure video communication platform and audio integrated in the browser.

She encrypts all communications using the Transport Layer Security Protocol (TLS) and Bridge video encryption (Vbe), making your conversations more confidential and secure.

Brave News: Personalize your news flow

The Brave News functionality allows you to personalize your news flow in order to benefit from a better experience.

Concretely brave news allows you to ::

  • discover new content,
  • Subscribe to personalized flows and suggestions,

All from your browser.

But brave does not stop there. Among the future improvements on which the Brave teams work, are:

  • An advertising version,
  • mobile alerts,
  • Multiplateform synchronization,
  • Import/export options,
  • and integration with other brave products and features.

Office mode: Enjoy an optimal display of web pages

With brave, you have the possibility ofprevent web pages from displaying their mobile versions, Even when you access it from a mobile device.

The office mode guarantees that you benefit from the full experience directly on your smartphone or tablet.

Floc blocking: priority to the confidentiality of the default user

In consistency with its commitment to user confidentiality, browsers brave block the federated learning of cohorts (Floc), a technology that categorizes users according to their web history and is used for personalized advertising.

This default setting allows you to Navigate without fear that your data will be used for targeted marketing.

Chromium extensions: Add features to your browser

You will understand, Brave offers a lot of features compared to some of its competitors. But he obviously cannot integrate everything in himself alone.

This is why, as a browser based on chromium, brave supports a variety of third -party extensions which can add features to your navigation experience.

Easily install your favorite tools and rationalize your interactions on the web from one place.

As you can see, Brave really offers lots of features. Despite all that you still hesitate to opt for this browser ? So the rest should convince you to install it on your devices.

The strong points of brave (in our opinion)

The Brave navigator presents many advantages but there are 3 which really allow him to stand out:

  • Security and respect for your privacy.
  • Speed ​​and efficiency.
  • The concept of Bat Rewards.

Brave browser: anonymity and security of your data

You will understand, the Brave browser is very demanding regarding compliance with user data.

  • As we saw above, He natively incorporates https Everywhere and allows to display in secure mode (HTTPS) of sites that are not.
  • The default search engine configured with the Brave browser is qwant, which respects user privacy. It is of course possible to change for a more or less respectful search engine:
  • Google,
  • DuckDuckGo,
  • Bing,
  • Ecosia
  • Or startping are the alternatives offered.
  • The Brave browser gives you the possibility of providing private navigation via the TOR network with a single click. This network is known for its ability to navigate the Deep Web (or Dark Web) without VPN (Virtual Private Network), but also to allow many Internet users to bypass their government’s censorship.

Navigation via Tor can be slow and capricious. When it works well, no worries, we don’t notice the difference. But when it bug, it can become a real ordeal.

Brave Browser

  • The network also allows the blocking of trackers and prevents monitoring of user connection Thanks to multi-layer encryption.

The Brave browser is fast and efficient

The Brave browser is fast, very fast. Whether on Windows or Mac, Desktop or Mobile, Brave navigation is comfortable.

With the brave shields, blocking advertisements, trackers, cookies, and all kinds of follow -up scripts, The pages are loaded much faster.

He thus uses much less of RAM (RAM) than his competitors, navigation is faster and the battery of your device will discharge less quickly. It is by testing via slow connections (3G or ADSL) that we really realize the gains obtained.

With a computer or an old generation smartphone, which often have less RAM and a less powerful processor, we finally forget the problems of overheating and slowdown in the system.

If the autonomy of your computer or smartphone is starting to leave something to be desired, we can only recommend that you use brave, you will save valuable minutes of navigation.

Brave Rewards, BAT and distribution of advertising revenues

Adblock Plus had already embarked on this path. Brave also wishes to offer an alternative for the redistribution of advertising revenues.

Brave allows you to replace the advertisements of standard control rooms with those it offers. The Browser provides a wallet, Wallet, which is necessary to activate in Preferences> Payments.

We attribute a monthly budget that we want to pay to the various sites that we visit. Brave redistributes the sum according to its internal algorithm. For a site to recover its remuneration, it must contact the browser in order to obtain the “verified” status.

Many Internet users adhere to this idea of ​​direct remuneration which is close to short circuits and premises. Brave obtains many positive opinions on the web, as many people who are satisfied with its comfort of use, as of very positive opinion on its alternative remuneration system.

This better distribution of income is allowed thanks to the Ethereum blockchain. The Bat (Basic Attention Token) is a standard token that emanates from the Ethereum network. Advertisers, via blockchain, can do without intermediaries.

You see, these advantages are rather attractive. However, they come with a few minor drawbacks.

Brave disadvantages

Brave does not have a lot of drawbacks but we can however regret a certain slowness, especially when using the TOR network.

In addition, he pays the price of respect for your private life and your online safety since they want to do too well It sometimes blocks essential scripts. This can therefore lead to certain difficulties concerning the display of pages.

But if not, overall, we didn’t find much to blame him.

Brave does not convince you yet ? You hesitate with a better known browser ? So let’s compare it to the best known browser, Google Chrome, to see how it comes out of it.

Choose between brave and chrome: a detailed comparison

Google Chrome may reign on the world market for browsers, but brave gradually wins the field.

In October, the latter had eight million active users per month and 2.8 million active users per day. Enough impressive for a new actor looking for a place in a market dominated by giants like Mozilla, Google, Microsoft and Apple.

Google Chrome Brave
Speed ​​and efficiency Fast and fluid performance. Potentially faster thanks to the integrated advertising blocker.
Data transfer Easy data transfer for chrome users.
Compatibility with extensions Large choice of extensions options. Possibility to use all extensions compatible with chrome.
User confidentiality Satisfactory protection. Integrated advertising blocker and cookie blocker for better confidentiality protection.
User interface Ergonomic interface and simple to understand. Possibility to display too many tabs but configurable in the settings

Speed ​​and efficiency

Brave claims to offer an energy speed and efficiency greater than those of its competitors – an affirmation supported by scientific references and anecdotal experiences.

His emphasis on the user’s time economy is obvious : The Brave browser displays the time saved by users when they open a new tab.

Data transfer and compatibility with extensions

Built on the Open-Source Chromium project, Brave ensures Easy data transfer for chrome users.

Therefore, all extensions compatible with chrome can also be used in brave.

In principle, It is possible to reproduce all the fundamental features of Chrome on Brave in less than five minutes.

Confidentiality features

Brave is praised for its strong position in terms of user privacy, while Chrome is clearly not a model of the genre.

Unlike Google Chrome, Brave has an integrated advertising blocker and a cookie blocker. This inherent emphasis on confidentiality gives brave an advantage in the current debate on digital confidentiality.

Interface and accessibility

While Google Chrome’s interface is greeted for its fluid and ergonomic design, Some users think that brave can display too many tabs at the same time.

But it should be remembered that this is a question of personal preference and that adjustments can be made in the settings. Regarding accessibility, Google Chrome is available worldwide while access to Brave is limited to certain countries.

Brave vs. Chrome: our final opinion

In this battle, each browser has its own strengths.

  • Google Chrome’s strength lies in its large number of daily users (approximately 6.9 billion), its speed and its simple interface.
  • For its part, Brave is distinguished by its strict confidentiality measures, its speed of processing information and its integrated advertising blocker.

The two offer constant performance but if your priority is strongly involved in data confidentiality and advertising blocking, you may want to try brave.

If you are looking for speed and simplicity above all – then stay with Chrome, who has proven himself.

In the end, the choice between brave and chrome depends on the needs and individual preferences of each user.

Brave Browser in short ..

The Brave browser is fast, efficient and secure software that offers a lot of interesting integrated features. This is undoubtedly one of the best alternatives to the main browsers (Google Chrome, Firefox, Chromium …).

If it has certain drawbacks as a certain slowness at times or the occasional blocking of scripts, the advantages of using Brave Browser largely prevail over these problems.

One of its most distinctive features is the possibility that users offers to pay the publishers directly thanks to its beating cryptocurrency system which eliminates the need for intermediaries.

Overall, we believe that the Brave browser is an excellent choice for any internet user looking for a more private and secure navigation experience.

  • The Brave browser protects the privacy of users without using a VPN thanks to the Tor network.
  • It offers a lot of interesting integrated features.
  • This browser uses a reward model called “BAT” which allows users to give money to certain websites.
  • It is possible to download the browser brave from Google Play Store and the Apple App Store.

Brave opinion


Your tool for browsing the Internet is your web browser. The last two decades have seen the boom in chrome and safari, while others, like Microsoft Edge and Firefox, have remained popular. THE Brave browser is a newcomer to the group, and its developers build it with a view to respecting privacy. In simple terms, the team behind Brave deliberately built its browser to be different.

What is the browser brave?

Brave is a web browser based on the Open-Source Chromium software project, the same software on which Google has built Chrome. This means that brave is compatible with extensions and chrome applications. From there, Brave is distinguished from chrome in several ways.

Developers have undertaken to design brave differently. First of all, Brave is a browser focused on the protection of privacy which puts security in the foreground. It automatically blocks advertisements and trackers, preventing site owners from collecting your data and selling it to advertisers.

The blocking of advertisements and trackers naturally makes browsing the web faster. Most users immediately see a significant speed improvement. Brave also offers private navigation similar to that of Chrome and Firefox, but it also offers the possibility of navigating the TOR Network (The Onion Router). The use of TOR increases even more the protection of your privacy by preserving your anonymity when you browse online.

How to install and configure brave?

There More recent version of Brave is available for Windows, Mac, Linux, iPhone and Android. Windows, Mac and smartphone versions are the easiest to install. Download the Windows and Mac versions directly to the Brave website; The iPhone and Android versions are available on the Apple App Store and the Android Play Store.

Linux users have a little more work to do. Rather than download and install directly, they must use the command line functions. Brave publishes them on his website. Users only have to copy and paste each order in the terminal.

All users will have to configure the browser at the first start, regardless of the operating system. It is not difficult, and brave presents a series of screens with various options you can choose. You don’t have to worry about making a bad choice either, because you can always go to the browser settings later to make changes.

Why use brave?

The main reason to use Brave is in the very nature of the Internet. What started as a public directory of information has become a gigantic interconnected network filled with people wishing to buy and sell your data. This is the reason why brave is so important and if necessary.

You should use brave if you are tired of the websites that follow you on the internet. You should use it if you are tired of websites who collect your data and sell it to the most. You must absolutely use brave if you fear that bad players do not use your browser data to facilitate malicious activities.

In Tor navigation mode, Brave provides the confidentiality and safety of a VPN without service costs. Just know that Tor navigation can be a little slower than standard navigation, depending on traffic volumes and download needs.

Although there are more deprived ways to browse the web, Brave is a good option for the average person who uses the Internet.

Brave vs Google Chrome vs Firefox

Each browser on the market has its fans ready and willing to proclaim their favorite product king of the hill. Individual opinions and user opinions are not necessarily scientific, so it is useless to base your decision concerning your browser on what others think. We are more interested in concrete data, which is why we turned to Venture Beat and its January 2020 reference tests.

Venture Beat has done eight different reference tests to compare Brave, Microsoft Edge, Firefox and Google Chrome:

  • Basemark – Brave won
  • Jetstream – Edge won
  • Kraken – Firefox won
  • Motionmark – Edge won
  • Octane – Chrome won
  • Speedometer – Edge won
  • SunSpider – Edge won
  • Webxprt – Firefox won

As you can see, no navigator dominates the peloton. They have all their strengths and weaknesses according to the reference test used. For us, the final decision to recommend Brave therefore always amounts to the protection of privacy and security. None of the other browsers offer the same level of confidentiality and security as brave. And as brave blocks all advertisements and trackers by default, it beats other navigators in terms of raw speed.

How to configure the awards on Brave

Another point that makes you interesting is that it allows users to win cryptocurrency tokens as they sail the web. You can win the brave attention token (“bat”) by voluntarily registering for Brave Ads, which sends between one and five notifications per hour with announcements from different advertisers. The bat is an ERC-20 token. You can then either collect your bats in a Uphold wallet, Either use your Bat rewards to give tips to websites, youtubers, Twitter profiles, etc. that you want to support. The goal is to compensate for the fact that Brave blocks advertisements, thus depriving income from websites and other web creators.

You can set up the rewards during the initial configuration. To do it afterwards, just click on the main menu, then on Brave awards. You can also click on the multicolored triangle at the top of the browser window, then on Reward parameters.

What can you do with your Bat rewards?

As indicated previously, the brave bat tokens allow you to contribute anonymously to the participating websites that you choose to support. It’s quite easy. You can make occasional contributions using the “send a donation” function in the reward panel. You can also use browser settings to establish regular and automatic donations on a monthly basis. Everything you need to configure your donations is in the settings. If you need help, Brave offers a complete guide in the FAQ section of his website.

If you just want to use your bats and send them to your Ethereum wallet, you must first create a wallet with Uphold (which will verify your identity during the first use / KYC) to be able to withdraw your BAT.

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