Bouygues termination: how to terminate your Bouygues contract?, Terminate a Bouygues or Bbox subscription: address and termination letter

Terminate a Bouygues or Bbox subscription: address and termination letter

You wish Anly terminate your internet subscription and your mobile package ? Two options are available to you :

Bouygues termination: how to terminate your Bouygues contract ?

You want to terminate your Bouygues Telecom package ? Whether you subscribe to a mobile or Bbox offer, you can terminate your contract at any time. However, if you have subscribed to an offer with commitment, termination fees may be charged to you. Find most of the information to cancel Bouygues.

You are looking for a mobile or internet offer adapted to your needs ?

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  • The essential
  • To request the termination of a Bouygues offer: contact customer service, connect to the customer area, or send a termination letter.
  • BBOX termination deadlines: at least 10 days
  • Termination Fee Bbox: € 59 (for subscriptions made after 03/23/2015).

How to apply for Bouygues termination ?

If you are a client prepaid card, bbox or blocked package, you can Request the termination of your Bouygues offer by contacting customer service. For customers mobile or bbox package, you can make your termination request directly customer area. No termination request can be processed in the store, and you must hold the line.

Once your request is made, you will receive confirmation by email. If not, check:

  • What address you have entered in your customer area, “Personal Information” section
  • Your spam/undesirable

It is more prudent to provide a good email address in your customer area before terminating. This address will allow you to access your customer account for 12 months after termination, be able to consult your old invoices, or even unlock your mobile, etc.

Whatever your offer, you can also terminate your contract By letter, by communicating your fixed or mobile line number. To do this, send a recommended termination letter to the following address:

Bouygues Telecom customer service
TSA 59013
60643 Chantilly Cedex

Find a Example of Bouygues termination letter that you can send to end your contract:

Firstname name
Customer number/Bouygues Télécom contract

Bouygues customer service address

Subject: Bouygues Telecom contract termination

I inform you by this letter that I wish to terminate my Bouygues Telecom contract “Indicate the name of the offer)” subscribed to the . /. /. Under the number (mobile or fixed): .. – .. – ..- .. -..

(You can indicate the reasons why you wish to terminate your Bouygues contract: change of operator, dissatisfaction, etc.)

In accordance with the provisions of article L.224-39 of the Consumer Code, I want my termination request to be taken into account within ten days of receipt of this registered letter registered. In addition, please confirm the good taking into account of the termination of my contract.

Please accept, madam, sir, the expression of my distinguished greetings.

For more information on termination conditions and “legitimate reasons”, you can consult the Bouygues Telecom site. The “legitimate reasons” bring together a set of special cases which can provide you with any termination costs. They require the sending of supporting documents.

You are looking for a box or mobile offer ? Discover the available offers and let yourself be guided in order to take advantage of the partner offer most suited to your needs (free selectra service).

The time to terminate a BBOX offer

Your termination request will be effective after a delay of at least 10 days (30 days for professionals), and can go up to 60 days maximum. You can also terminate your line on the date of your choice, the 10 days of notice being a minimum period. In the event of a move for example, you can therefore plan your termination and do it in advance.

The return of BBOX equipment

In the event of a termination of a Bbox offer, you will have access to a return voucher For each of your equipment (box/TV decoder) on your Client area. You will have to return the complete equipment, with their accessories, by aposing the return voucher, to one of the relay parcels offered. The signed part of this voucher by the relay merchant will be at keep. It is also possible to return your equipment by the Job, at your expense. Just bring them together and send them to the following address:

Electronics cord
11 rue du Nouette
Quai Building A6
Zi de Quévert
22977 Dinan

The equipment must be returned within 45 days. Beyond this period, a penalty will be applied.

What are the termination costs at Bouygues ?

Depending on your offer and duration of engagement, your termination request may be the subject of termination fees. The costs of terminating a Bbox, Bbox Fit, Bbox Must, Bbox Ultym and Bbox Smart TV offer amount to € 59 € For anyone who has subscribed to a Bbox after 03/23/2015 (or € 49 if you subscribed before). In some cases, in particular the move in an area outside the coverage or a claim, you can be exempt from termination fees. To take advantage of it, you must contact Bouygues customer service.

For the termination of a mobile package, two scenarios arise:

  • Your engagement period is over and you have set all your monthly payments: you will not have a termination fee.
  • You resilled your offer before its deadline: you must pay termination fees. It is possible to estimate the amount of these costs according to its date of end of engagement thanks to the termination fee simulator. As part of Chatel law, If you must in any case acquire all the monthly payments of your first 12 months, even if you resilled before. However, in the event of a commitment greater than 12 months, the remaining months are capped at 1/4 of the amount of the remaining monthly payments.
    More information on the duration of engagement.
Explanatory table of the conditions of termination of Bouygues Mobile offers

Commitment situation Costs
Commitment period completed None
Hired for less than 12 months Integrality of the remaining monthly payments of the 1st year + 25% monthly payments of the 2nd year
Committed for more than 12 months 25% of the remaining amount Until the end of contractual commitment

Conditions valid at 10/08/2023

Explanatory table of the conditions of termination of the Bouygues Bbox offers

Subscription date Costs
Commitment period completed None
Before March 23, 2015 (without commitment) Fixed costs of 49 €
After March 23, 2015 (commitment 12 months) Fixed costs of 59 € (+ Integrality of the remaining monthly payments until the end of the contract if you are still engaged)
Before April 11, 2016 (without commitment) Fixed costs of 49 € or 59 € (according to if the offer was taken out before or after March 23, 2015)
After April 11, 2016 (commitment 12 months) Fixed costs of 59 € (+ Integrality of the remaining monthly payments until the end of the contract if you are still engaged)

Conditions valid at 10/08/2023

In the event that Bouygues modify your contract unilaterally, you can terminate free of charge in a period of 4 months following the implementation of new conditions (consumer code, article L224-33).

Comment to his Bbox invoices and emails after a Bouygues termination ?

After terminating your line, you keep access to your customer account during 12 months. However, you must have connected to it at least once during the subscription period.

To connect to your customer area:

  • If you are a Bbox customer, no change. Your usual identifiers work.
  • If you are a mobile customer, you must go to the customer area identification page, and click on “Old client ?””. After entering the various requested information will be sent to you an email containing a 6 -digit activation code. You will be able to create a new identifier and customize a new password.

Regarding your Bbox emails, you keep access to your main and secondary BBOX mailbox for 6 months After the termination date. This allows you to consult your emails, and Configure the referral of your messages to external messaging.

Terminate Bouygues and change offers

In many cases, customers want to terminate while changing their offer. In this case, a solution is to obtain the Rio code of the fixed line (if change of box offer) or the RIO code of the mobile line (if change of mobile package). By transmitting this issue to your new access provider or operator, you can keep your phone number, and your new ISP or operator who notifies the old of your desire to terminate. You therefore do not have to make a request, and are contacted later, by SMS and by email, to pay the termination costs, or return the equipment.

To get your Rio code, call 3179 from the fixed or mobile line concerned. You can also find it on your Bouygues Telecom customer area (my offer> No more line needed ? > Get my rio).

You are looking for a box or mobile offer ? Discover the available offers and let yourself be guided in order to take advantage of the partner offer most suited to your needs (free selectra service).

Updated on 08/10/2023

Former editorial manager, Marianne joined Selectra in 2014. A graduate of a Master 2 International Media, she is the manager in charge of all the contents of the Télecom pole.

Terminate a Bouygues or Bbox subscription: address and termination letter

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Bouygues Telecom

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You want to terminate your Bouygues Telecom subscription but do not know how to do it ? You want to estimate the amount of your Bouygues termination fees ? Selectra provides you with its advice to easily terminate your Bouygues Telecom package and take out an offer adapted to your needs with a new operator.

Subscribe an offer with a new operator by phone

I want to terminate my Bouygues Telecom subscription: should I send a registered letter ?

You want to terminate your Bouygues Telecom subscription and want to know the steps to take ? Know that they depend essentially on conservation or not of your number of fixed or mobile phone. In case of Conservation of your number, The new operator is responsible for terminating your old subscription, which simplifies your steps. If on the other hand you want change Or do not subscribe to a package with another operator, you must send a registered letter to Bouygues Telecom.

You change operator while keeping your Bouygues Telecom number

It is quite possible to keep your Bouygues Telecom number, fixed or mobile, when changing operator. The procedure is also identical that it is an internet offer or a mobile package. In both cases, no termination letter needs to be sent to Bouygues Telecom: it is your new operator who is responsible for terminating your subscription to Bouygues Telecom.

Keep your fixed or mobile phone number with portability and Rio code

Since 2003, it is possible to keep your fixed phone number by changing the telephone operator. In the case of a BBOX offer, you have a beginner number by “09”, called non -geographic number. This type of number has a portability in all of France. To keep it while changing operator, call the 3179 From your fixed line concerned. A RIO code (operator identity statement) will be communicated to you by Vocal Box. This Rio code You will then be asked by your new operator during your subscription, in order to set up the portability of your number.

home phone

If you have a geographic number Starting with 01.02,03,04 or 05, it is also possible to keep it provided that your line remains in the same ZNE (elementary numbering zone). If you move to the same municipality, you must remain in the same ZNE. On the other hand, if you move to another commune, even bordering, you may depend on a new ZNE. In the case of a mobile number portability, the approach to be taken is exactly the same: by calling 3179, a Rio code will be notified to you by Vocal Box and SMS on your mobile.

Your new operator will take care of terminating your subscription

If you want change operator All By keeping your number (fixed or mobile), you have no approach to perform. Indeed, your new operator takes care of himself, as part of the implementation of portability, to request the termination of your contract from Bouygues Telecom. Only your mobile/fixed number and the Rio code which has been communicated to you will be requested by the new operator.

You are looking for a box or mobile offer ? Discover the available offers and let yourself be guided in order to take advantage of the partner offer most suited to your needs.

You resilled without changing your operator, or you don’t want to keep your number

You may want to terminate your contract without committing to another operator, just as you may plan to change operator without keeping your number. In both cases, a termination letter should be sent to Bouygues Telecom.

Termination by registered letter sent to Bouygues Telecom

Bouygues termination letter

You want to terminate your Bouygues Telecom subscription without keeping your number ? For that you must Transmit a termination letter to Bouygues Telecom By registered letter:

  1. Go to our file devoted to termination procedures
  2. Consult the Termination Letter Model in the “Subscription Termination Letter” part
  3. In “the object”, specify whether it is an internet or mobile subscription
  4. Communicate the reference number of your contract
  5. Complete and print your letter
  6. Send the letter as a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt to the following address: Bouygues Telecom, TSA customer service 59013, 60643, Chantilly Cedex

Once the mail has been received, Bouygues Telecom will send you a writing termination confirmation, as well as a account closing invoice. In the case of an internet subscription, Bouygues Telecom will also provide you with a “return voucher” allowing you to return your Internet equipment in one of the relay packages indicated in the mail. If you have subscribed to your subscription after 05/23/2015 and you return your equipment within 30 days of taking into account the termination, Bouygues Telecom gives you a Restitution bonus of € 59. If the offer has been taken out before this date, Bouygues Telecom will send you the sum of 49 €, corresponding to the reimbursement of your security deposit.

Termination deadlines with Bouygues Telecom

Whatever the reason for your termination, Bouygues provides for a 10 days from taking into account your request before making it effective. However, you can request termination on a later date, beyond 10 days. In the case of a subscription to another operator, remember to take into account the service opening deadlines provided by the operator concerned. Indeed, by terminating your Bouygues Telecom subscription too early or by subscribing too late to a new operator, you may be deprived of the Internet for several days or several weeks.

You want to change operator ? Contact a Selectra advisor who will accompany you for free in your termination procedures and will guide you to the offers that suit you.

The amount of Bouygues Telecom termination fees


The amount of termination costs with Bouygues Telecom depends on your Subscription type (Internet or mobile), from rate and some duration of engagement remaining at the time of your termination. Bouygues Telecom, like all players in the telecoms sector, is required to comply with the termination conditions provided for by the Châtel law, Established in 2008. These conditions of termination are today more favorable to subscribers than in the past.

The termination costs of a Bouygues Telecom mobile package

Bouygues Telecom’s mobile plans termination depend on the Type of subscribed package. B & you, without obligation, do not lead to termination fees. Sensation packages are subject to a 24 -month commitment period. To calculate how much they rise, you must take into account the number of months of commitment you have left ::

Conditions for terminating Bouygues Mobile offers

Commitment situation Costs
Commitment period finished None
Engaged since Less than 12 months Integrality of the remaining monthly payments 1st year + 25% monthly payments of the 2nd year (if 24 -month commitment)
Engaged since more than 12 months 25% from the amount remaining until the end of contractual commitment

The termination costs of a Bouygues Telecom Internet package

In the case of an internet package (Bbox offer), Bouygues Telecom requires Fixed termination costs of 49 or € 59 depending on the date you have subscribed to the offer. BBOX offers now being subject to a 12 -month commitment, to this amount may be added the amount due until the end of the commitment, namely the equivalent of the remaining number of months until the end of the commitment.

Terms to terminate Bouygues Internet offers

Subscription date Costs
Before March 23, 2015 (without commitment) Fixed costs of 49 €
After March 23, 2015 (commitment 12 months) Fixed costs of 59 € (+ Integrality of the remaining monthly payments until the end of the contract if you are still engaged)
Before April 11, 2016 (without commitment) Fixed costs of 49 € or 59 € (according to if the offer was taken out before or after March 23, 2015)
After April 11, 2016 (commitment 12 months) Fixed costs of 59 € (+ Integrality of the remaining monthly payments until the end of the contract if you are still engaged)

Compare internet and mobile offers of the moment by phone

How to terminate my Bouygues Telecom subscription at no cost ?

Removing your Bouygues Telecom subscription always leads to costs (except for B & YOU mobile packages, or if the commitment period of your Sensation Mobile Package is completed). However, you can be exempt from it for “legitimate reason”, If you are in one of these situations:

  • You have moved Outside the ADSL or Fiber Bouygues Telecom coverage area.
  • You are Handicapped/sick and can no longer use the services offered normally.
  • You have been prison sentence of more than 3 months in a prison establishment.
  • The portability procedure failed: you then have 12 days to terminate.
  • You are unemployed following a dismissal of a permanent contract occurred during the commitment period.
  • You have received a notification of admissibility on the part of the individual over -indebtedness commission.
  • In case of death of the subscription holder, the family can also obtain the termination of the free offer.

This list is not exhaustive and can integrate other exceptional reasons. In addition, during a unilateral modification of the contract from Bouygues, the customer has 4 months to request, if he wishes, a termination at no cost.

You must call Bouygues Telecom’s customer service in order to validate the legitimacy of your reason and be able to be exempt.

Then send a registered termination letter to Bouygues Telecom by providing the supporting documents agreed with customer service. The mail shipping address is as follows: Bouygues Telecom, TSA customer service 59013 60643, Chantilly Cedex.

How to obtain reimbursement of Bouygues termination costs ?

Once the letter of termination has been sent, Bouygues Telecom will send you a termination confirmation as well as a account closing invoice. Bouygues Telecom will also send you a list of relay parcels where you can return your Internet equipment within 45 days. This period elapsed or in the event of degradation of the equipment, penalties will be imposed on you.

If you want change operator, Remember to ask Bouygues Telecom vouchers attesting to the termination carried out. Most operators offering the reimbursement of the termination costs of their competitors, you can save a few tens of euros, or even up to € 100, with your new operator. To do you Refund Bouygues termination fees With your new operator, you must:

  • Subscribe an offer to your new operator
  • Send him the last invoice received from your former operator indicating the amount of Bouygues termination fees
  • Send it a request for reimbursement for reimbursement of Bouygues termination fees

Summary of Bouygues termination in case

Review with Bouygues Telecom has nothing of the obstacle course. However, the procedures to be carried out differ depending on whether you have already chosen a new operator or want to keep your fixed or mobile phone number or not to keep your fixed or mobile phone number. Bouygues termination conditions and costs may also vary depending on whether you are an internet subscription or a mobile package.

You change operator, but you have not yet taken out a new offer

You have decided to change operator but have not yet taken out a new offer ? Once your new offer has been subscribed, your new operator will support the entire termination procedure with Bouygues Telecom.

You want to take out a box offer ?

You change operator and have already taken out a new offer

You have decided to change operator and have already taken out a new offer ? If you want to keep your fixed or mobile phone number, simply claim your Rio code by calling on 3179, then communicating it to the new operator. This will take care of setting up portability and carrying out your termination with Bouygues Telecom.

Do not delay however, because the number must always be active or recently terminated (the duration depends on your new operator). If you do not want to keep your fixed/mobile phone number, you must send a termination letter in Bouygues Telecom.

You move

In the event of a move, you can continue to take advantage of your mobile package normally. To continue to benefit from internet access, two options arise:

  1. Transfer your Bouygues Telecom line to your new accommodation. To do this, simply contact Bouygues Telecom customer service at 614. This procedure does not result in a contract termination.
  2. Subscribe an offer At a new operator. Your new accommodation may be located outside the Adsl or Fiber Cover area of ​​Bouygues Telecom. It is conversely possible that your new accommodation is now eligible for more internet access offers and that you want to benefit from better services. Finally, you may not be satisfied with your Bbox offer and you want to take advantage of your move to change operator.

You want to take advantage of the promotions of the moment ?

You want to terminate your Bouygues Telecom mobile package

Removing your Bouygues Telecom mobile package is simple and quick. If you want to change operator while keeping your mobile number, just Recover your Rio code by calling the 3179 and transmit it to the new operator when subscribing to your new offer. This Rio code allows you to set up portability and continue to benefit from your mobile number. The new operator then supports the termination procedure with Bouygues Telecom. If unlike you do not want to keep your mobile number, you need to send a termination letter to Bouygues Telecom.

Termination costs depend on your Subscription type and your remaining commitment. There Châtel law, Established in 2008, applies to the telecoms sector and allows you to supervise the conditions and termination costs. The B & You packages do not include a commitment period and do not cause any termination costs. On the other hand, the Bouygues Mobile packages include a 24 -month engagement period and may generate termination fees according to the date on which you terminate your contract (see. Explanatory table above).

Before terminating your subscription to Bouygues Telecom and engaging in another operator, Remember to unlock your mobile in order to make it compatible with other operators.

You want to terminate your BBOX Internet subscription

There Termination of a Bbox internet subscription Do not require any particular approach if you want to keep your landline number. Simply Recover your Rio code by contacting the 3179 and transmitting it to the new operator. This then undertakes to carry out your termination with Bouygues Telecom.

THE Termination Fee on your Bbox subscription depend on the date you have subscribed the offer and, in the case of a 12 -month commitment, the remaining duration of your commitment. If your line has been opened before March 23, 2015, you will have to around € 49. If the subscription is later on this date, the costs amount to € 59 (see. Explanatory table above).

You want to terminate your Internet and Mobile offers

You wish Anly terminate your internet subscription and your mobile package ? Two options are available to you :

  1. Keep your fixed and/or mobile numbers : To do this, get your Rio code at 3179 and communicate it to your new operator. This will support the termination of your Bouygues Telecom offers and will set up a portability of your numbers.
  2. Change land and/or mobile phone numbers : Send a termination letter to Bouygues Telecom. Selectra offers you to make this letter very easily. To do this, simply click on “I write my letter” above and, once it is up to the next step, quickly generate a termination letter incorporating all the information requested by Bouygues Telecom.

You are looking for a mobile offer ?

You want to keep your phone number

There number portability Allows you to change operator very easily while retaining your phone number at a new operator. To continue taking advantage of your phone number while leaving Bouygues Telecom for another operator, the only step to do isCall 3179. This service allows you to obtain the RIO code of the line (fixed or mobile), which you will then need to provide your new operator at the time of subscription so that it can set up portability.

You wish to terminate after the modification of your contract by Bouygues Telecom

Following a Unilateral modification of the contract, you can exilled at no cost Your subscription to Bouygues Telecom. This case is indeed framed by the Consumer code, Article L224-33. This one stipulates that in a period of 4 months Following the implementation of new contractual conditions, a subscriber may terminate his contract “penalty».

For that, and if you Do not want to keep your fixed/mobile number, You must send a termination letter to Bouygues Telecom by specifying the reason for your termination. If you want, however, keep your number Fixed/mobile phone, your new operator will take care of terminating your Bouygues Telecom subscription.

You want to terminate following the end of your commitment

If you are solving your contract After the end of your commitment, Whether it is a fixed or internet offer, no payment monthly payment can be claimed. Only fixed termination costs, in the case of an internet access offer, you will be requested. They amount to 49 € If the subscription took place before March 23, 2015 and 59 € If it took place after this date.

How to terminate your Bouygues subscription ?

Bouygues offers several ADSL or fiber (Bbox Fit, Bbox Must, Bbox Ultym, 4G box) and mobile (Sensation and B & You). This article explains how to terminate a Bouygues Internet or Mobile subscription.

Discover on video how to write a letter of termination:

How to terminate your Bouygues internet subscription ?

There 4G Box is a subscription without commitment and therefore terminated at any time. The others include a 12 -month commitment period. If you have subscribed the old Ideo offer, Order in 2014, the commitment period has since exceeded. You are therefore no longer committed.

You wish to terminate a Bouygues contract in early ways ? Excluding legitimate reason, you will have to pay all or part of the remaining monthly payments.

Termination fees are applied to the line closure.

• 4G box offer: € 19;
• Bbox or B & YOU box packages: € 49 for any subscription subscription before March 23, 2015 and € 59 after this date.

A Bouygues subscriber can terminate its Internet offer by sending a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt.

Send a registered letter without leaving your home:

✓ Sending the registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt
✓ Service accessible online 7 days a week and 24 hours a day
✓ Immediate care of mail
✓ Proof of deposit immediately delivered
✓ Possibility to follow your shipment

The termination will be effective either:

• from 10 days after receipt of mail;
• on a later date if you ask.

Once the procedure is launched, you must return all your Bouygues equipment within 30 days. The security deposit paid during the subscription will be reimbursed within 10 days after receipt. Penalties may apply if the equipment is made deteriorated. A return slip to print is available directly in your Bouygues customer area. It may also be sent to you by SMS or E-mail in the form of a QR code. All you have to do is present it at the Relais Colis during the deposit.

How to terminate your Bouygues mobile package ?

THE Sensation packages include a 12 -month commitment period. This goes to 24 months in the event of a package with phone included. If you leave this operator early, you will have to pay the remaining monthly payments:

• All for the first 12 months;
• the quarter for the last 12 months.

You are concerned by a legitimate reason for termination (moving, dismissal, imprisonment, etc.) ? Upon presentation of proof, you will not have to pay the remaining monthly payments.

THE B & YOU packages are without commitment, you can terminate them at any time, without fees.

You can terminate your Bouygues mobile subscription by sending a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt. Your request will be taken into account within ten days after receipt.

Good to know :

Keep your current phone number by providing your RIO code to the new operator. To find out, call 3179 (free call) from the line concerned.

Bouygues termination letters models

Your mail must imperatively be sent to registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt:

• You have proof of sending;
• The date of receipt of the mail is taken into account to launch the termination procedure.

To save time, you solve your Bouygues subscription using the free model offered by La Poste:

Fill the fields (date, location, contact details, etc.) and specify the recommended shipping address:

For a retraction ::
Bouygues Telecom, Customer Service, TSA 59013, 60643 Chantilly Cedex
For mobile or internet termination ::
Bouygues Telecom, Customer Service, TSA 59013, 60643 Chantilly Cedex

FAQ – Frequently asked questions

How not to pay termination fees ?

THE Termination Fee And remaining monthly payments can be exempt if you justify one of the following reasons:

• Death, tutorship or incarceration;
• dismissal (after CDI);
• Recovery, compulsory liquidation or over -indebtedness;
• Movement outside the coverage area or in a place incompatible with the use of equipment (ex. : retirement home) ;
• subscription by a minor person;
• Hospitalization, illness or handicap preventing the use of the service;
• sinister, etc.

What are the Bouygues Mobile termination fees ?

If you are solving your mobile package before the end of the commitment period, you will pay all the remaining monthly payments due to the 12th month. If the commitment period is 24 months, you will also have to pay 25 % of the remaining monthly payments from the 12th to the 24th month.

What are the Bouygues Internet termination costs ?

The termination fees include line closure: € 19 for 4G box, 49 to € 59 for Bbox subscriptions. If you are still engaged (Bbox package), you will have to pay 100 % of the remaining monthly payments for the 12 -month commitment period. If you justify a legitimate reason for termination, you can be exempt from these costs.

How to write a Bouygues Telecom termination letter ?

The mail must be mentioned:

• your contact details;
• your contract number and line concerned;
• The desired termination date.

La Poste offers free letter models to simplify your procedures.

You invoke a case of force majeure to terminate free of charge before the end of your commitment period ? Remember to specify the pattern and add the necessary supporting documents.

Termination with other operators

  1. How to terminate your Bouygues internet subscription ?
  2. How to terminate your Bouygues mobile package ?
  3. The Bouygues termination letter model
  4. FAQ – Frequently asked questions

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