Bouygues Telecom mobile package: Bouygues Telecom subscriptions comparison |, Bouygues offers the best 200 GB package of the moment via its B & you offers

Bouygues offers the best 200 GB package of the moment via its offers B & You

You feel lost in front of the wide range of Bouygues mobile packages ? To make the right choice, think about the services you need. If you have little use your phone, a subscription with a small data envelope will be sufficient. You want to change your smartphone ? Sensation packages with phone will then be more advantageous.

Mobile packages at Bouygues Telecom

You are looking for a Bouygues mobile package ? With the Sensation and B & YOU ranges, the operator distinguishes himself from his competitors by offering a wide choice of subscriptions. You don’t know which offer to choose ? We help you find the best Bouygues Telecom package…

B & you 40GB package classic package without commitment

40 GB
100 GB package classic package without commitment
Guaranteed price without increase 9.99 €

100 GB
B & you 5GB package classic package without commitment

5 GB
Prepaid card 5 € prepaid card without obligation

500 MB
Prepaid card 10 € prepaid card without obligation

1 GB
100 GB package Classic package engagement 12 months

100 GB
Package B & You Special series 130 GB 5G Classic package without commitment
Special series 15, 99 €

130 GB
B & YOU 200 GB package Classic package without commitment

200 GB
Prepaid card 20 € prepaid card without obligation

2 GB
Package 130 GB Classic package engagement 12 months

130 GB
200 GB package Classic Package Commitment 12 months

200 GB
Package 240 GB Classical package engagement 12 months

240 GB

What are the Bouygues mobile packages ?

THE Bouygues Telecom mobile packages are divided into two ranges:

  • Sensation packages with commitment,
  • B & you non -binding packages.

These subscriptions can be used both in mainland France and from the DOM and the European Union.

The Bouygues Sensation Packages

THE Sensation packages are offers with minimum 12 months or 24 months of engagement. They are divided into two categories: mobile offers without smartphone and offers with a new smartphone.

Sensation without new mobile

THE Bouygues Telecom packages without smartphone of the sensation range are cheaper than the others. Most of these subscriptions are made for people using their mobile phone little.

Bouygues package 2 h 40 MB 100 MB 5 GB 50 GB
Offer contents – 2 hours of calls in mainland France and from the French overseas departments and the EU
– Unlimited SMS/MMS
– 40 MB of mobile data
– unlimited calls in mainland France and from the French overseas departments and the EU
– Unlimited SMS/MMS
– 100 MB of mobile data
– unlimited calls in mainland France and from the French overseas departments and the EU
– Unlimited SMS/MMS
– 5 GB of mobile data
– Spotify premium offered for 6 months, then at € 9.99/month
– unlimited calls in mainland France and from the French overseas departments, the EU and Switzerland
– Unlimited SMS/MMS
– 50 GB of mobile data, including 20 GB usable from the EU, DOM and Switzerland
– Spotify premium offered for 6 months, then at € 9.99/month
Blocked plan Yes (free option) Yes (free option) Yes (free option) No
Commitment 12 months 12 months 12 months 12 months
Price € 2.99/month for 12 months, then € 7.99/month € 7.99/month for 12 months, then € 12.99/month € 8.99/month for 12 months, then € 19.99/month – Bbox subscriber price: € 10.99/month for 12 months, then € 25.99/month
-BBOX non-bodied price: € 15.99/month for 12 months, then € 30.99/month

THE Sensation package 50 GB is compatible with 5G which should arrive by the end of 2020.

The Bouygues Telecom Sensation Packages with phone

Bouygues also offers Sensation packages with smartphone advantages. These offers are subscriptions with subsidized phone. Bouygues’ smartphone advantages allow you to benefit:

  • of a preferential rate on your new phone now as well as when renewing your mobile plan;
  • a free phone loan in the event of theft, breakdown or breakage of your smartphone;
  • to pay your new phone in several free monthly payments;
  • recovery of your phone at guaranteed prices (only in the event of renewal of the sensation package).

The duration of engagement of these packages is at least 24 months.

Bouygues package 10 GB 60 GB 90 GB 120 GB
Offer contents – unlimited calls in mainland France and from the French overseas departments and the EU
– Unlimited SMS/MMS
– 10 GB of mobile data
– Smartphone advantages
– Spotify premium offered for 6 months, then at € 9.99/month
– unlimited calls in mainland France and from the French overseas departments, the EU and Switzerland
– Unlimited SMS/MMS
– 60 GB of mobile data, including 25 GB from DOM, EU and Switzerland
– Smartphone advantages
– All bonuses Bouygues
-Multi-Sim Internet
– Spotify premium offered for 6 months, then at € 9.99/month
– Unlimited calls in mainland France and from the French overseas departments, the EU and Switzerland + unlimited calls to the mobiles of Canada, the USA, China and the fixes of more than 120 destinations
– Unlimited SMS/MMS
– 90 GB of mobile data including 35 GB from the EU, DOM and Switzerland
– Spotify premium offered for 6 months, then at € 9.99/month
– Smartphone advantages
– All bonuses Bouygues
-Multi-Sim Internet
– Unlimited calls in mainland France and from the French overseas departments, the EU, the EU, the Switzerland, the USA and Canada + unlimited calls to the mobiles of Canada, the USA, China and the fixes of more than 120 destinations
– Unlimited SMS/MMS
– 120 GB of mobile data including 50 GB usable from the EU, DOM, Switzerland, Canada and the USA
– Spotify premium offered for 6 months, then at € 9.99/month
– Smartphone advantages
– All bonuses Bouygues
-Multi-Sim Internet
Blocked plan Yes (free option) No No No
Commitment 24 months 24 months 24 months 24 months
BBOX subscribers price No special discount € 21.99/month for 12 months, then € 36.99/month € 26.99/month for 12 months, then € 41.99/month € 44.99/month for 12 months, then € 59.99/month
Bbox uninvined price € 16.99/month for 12 months, then € 27.99/month € 26.99/month for 12 months, then € 41.99/month € 33.99/month for 12 months, then € 48.99/month € 54.99/month for 12 months, then € 69.99/month

Bouygues bonuses included in Sensation packages 60 GB, 90 GB and 120 GB give access to:

  • The team;
  • The Cafeyn press bouquet;
  • The Mobile Pop Culture TV bouquet;
  • Unlimited Internet every weekend.

The 60 GB, 90 GB and 120 GB packages are also compatible with the 5G network.

B & YOU plans: Bouygues Telecom’s mobile offers without commitment

If you have a small budget and do not want to commit, there are B & You offers. These Bouygues packages without obligation are particularly interesting for people looking for a complete mobile subscription, but having a small budget. The operator markets three different offers.

Bouygues package without obligation B & You 100 MB B & YOU 20 GB B & You 50 GB
Offer contents – Unlimited calls
– Unlimited SMS/MMS
– 100 MB of mobile data
– B.TV
– Unlimited calls
– Unlimited SMS/MMS
– 20 GB of mobile data including 10 GB from the EU and the DOM
– B.TV
– Unlimited calls in mainland France to the mobiles of the USA, Canada and fixed on more than 120 destinations and from the French overseas departments and the EU and the EU
– Unlimited SMS/MMS
– 50 GB of mobile data including 20 GB from the EU and the DOM
– B.TV
Commitment Without engagement Without engagement Without engagement
Price € 9.99/month € 19.99/month € 24.99/month

In addition to these non -binding packages, Bouygues Telecom markets Special B & YOU series. These temporary mobile offers are real good deals. In order not to miss them and take advantage of all Bouygues mobile promotions, consult the operator’s website regularly.

Bouygues prepaid cards: an alternative to non -binding packages

If you need a non -binding package temporarily or only to travel abroad, you can opt for a prepaid card. Bouygues Telecom markets several valid only for a few days or a few months. They are available from € 5.

5G Bouygues Telecom packages

Bouygues Telecom launched his first 5g packages. Currently, the operator markets four mobile offers compatible with this technology.

5g bouygues packages 50 GB 60 GB 90 GB 120 GB
Offer contents – unlimited calls in mainland France and from the French overseas departments, the EU and Switzerland
– Unlimited SMS/MMS
– 50 GB of mobile data, including 20 GB usable from the EU, DOM and Switzerland
– Spotify premium offered for 6 months, then at € 9.99/month
– unlimited calls in mainland France and from the French overseas departments, the EU and Switzerland
– Unlimited SMS/MMS
– 60 GB of mobile data, including 25 GB from DOM, EU and Switzerland
– Smartphone advantages
– All bonuses Bouygues
-Multi-Sim Internet
– Spotify premium offered for 6 months, then at € 9.99/month
– Unlimited calls in mainland France and from the French overseas departments, the EU and Switzerland + unlimited calls to the mobiles of Canada, the USA, China and the fixes of more than 120 destinations
– Unlimited SMS/MMS
– 90 GB of mobile data including 35 GB from the EU, DOM and Switzerland
– Spotify premium offered for 6 months, then at € 9.99/month
– Smartphone advantages
– All bonuses Bouygues
-Multi-Sim Internet
– Unlimited calls in mainland France and from the French overseas departments, the EU, the EU, the Switzerland, the USA and Canada + unlimited calls to the mobiles of Canada, the USA, China and the fixes of more than 120 destinations
– Unlimited SMS/MMS
– 120 GB of mobile data including 50 GB usable from the EU, DOM, Switzerland, Canada and the USA
– Spotify premium offered for 6 months, then at € 9.99/month
– Smartphone advantages
– All bonuses Bouygues
-Multi-Sim Internet
Commitment 12 months 24 months 24 months 24 months
BBOX subscribers price € 10.99/month for 12 months, then € 25.99/month € 21.99/month for 12 months, then € 36.99/month € 26.99/month for 12 months, then € 41.99/month € 44.99/month for 12 months, then € 59.99/month
Bbox uninvined price € 15.99/month for 12 months, then € 30.99/month € 26.99/month for 12 months, then € 41.99/month € 33.99/month for 12 months, then € 48.99/month € 54.99/month for 12 months, then € 69.99/month

The 60 GB, 90 GB and 120 GB package engagement period is at least 24 months old, because these subscriptions include a new mobile phone, which is not the case with the 50 GB package of Bouygues Telecom. Note that to use 5G, having a compatible mobile package is not enough. You must also have a smartphone compatible with this network.

The 4G Bouygues Telecom key packages

THE Bouygues Telecom key packages 4G allow you to stay connected to the Internet when you are on mobility. These non -binding offers are to be used with a tablet, a 4G key or a hotspot. Currently, the operator markets three packages of this type:

  • the 20 GB package at € 16.99/month;
  • The 40 GB package at € 26.99/month;
  • The 60 GB package at € 42.99/month.

How to choose your Bouygues Telecom package ?

You feel lost in front of the wide range of Bouygues mobile packages ? To make the right choice, think about the services you need. If you have little use your phone, a subscription with a small data envelope will be sufficient. You want to change your smartphone ? Sensation packages with phone will then be more advantageous.

Before you start comparing Bouygues mobile packages, Do not forget to determine your budget. To help you find the ideal subscription more quickly, has implemented an easy -to -use mobile tender comparator. Thanks to the different filters, you will find in just a few minutes the package that suits you. You can always add additional options to personalize your mobile subscription.

What is the quality of the Bouygues Telecom mobile network ?

Bouygues Telecom is one of the main mobile operators in France. At the end of March 2020, it covered in 4G 99 % of the French population and 85 % of the territory. According to the arcep (regulatory authority for electronic communications and posts), Bouygues Telecom is the operator who offers the Best 2G, 3G and 4G mobile network in rural areas.

These last years, Bouygues also deployed its 5G network whose official launch should take place by the end of the year. In the meantime, the operator already markets smartphones and 5G packages.

How to terminate a Bouygues mobile offer ?

You can Refit your Bouygues Telecom mobile plan in two ways:

  • free from your customer area;
  • By sending a postal letter or by contacting Bouygues Telecom customer service. In this case, the operator will charge you € 6 for the processing of your request, even if you have a B & YOU package without obligation.

If you have a sensation mobile offer and your contract is still in progress, you will have to pay termination fees. For a package with 12 months of engagement, you will have to pay all the remaining monthly payments. On the other hand, for a subscription lasting 24 months, the Chatel law provides the following costs:

  • In the event of termination during the first 12 months : you must pay all the remaining monthly payments of the first year + 25 % of the monthly payments of the second year. For example, you resilled your package at € 5/month after 7 months of engagement. You must pay 25 € for the five remaining monthly payments of the first year + 15 € for the second year, or 40 €;
  • In the event of termination from the 13th month of engagement : you have to pay 25 % of the remaining monthly payments. For example, for a plan at € 5 terminated after 14 months of engagement, you must pay 25 % of the 10 remaining monthly payments, or € 12.50.

When terminating your Bouygues Telecom package, You will always have the possibility of keeping your current phone number by indicating to your new mobile operator your RIO code (operator identity statement).

Types of mobile packages at Bouygues Telecom

  • Packages with unlimited calls at Bouygues Telecom
  • Mobile -free packages at Bouygues Telecom
  • Packages without obligation at Bouygues Telecom
  • Smartphone packages at Bouygues Telecom
  • 4G/4G+ packages at Bouygues Telecom
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Bouygues offers the best 200 GB package of the moment via its offers B & You

Bouygues Télécom has decided to follow the trend and align with its direct competitor by offering a 200 GB mobile package for only 15.99 euros per month. It even does better by offering more data abroad than Red by SFR.

You are tired of always having to take a look at your Go consumption to avoid going to “EGDE” at the end of the month ? Bouygues Télécom has followed Red and currently offers a 4G mobile package of no less than 200 GB for a largely affordable price and all without commitment. What make your smartphone a real mobile router ! Watch out for the battery anyway !

This B & YOU mobile package, what offers ?

  • Calls, SMS, unlimited MMS
  • 200 GB in France including 25 GB in Europe
  • A price that does not move even after a year

The new B & YOU package without commitment with 200 GB of data is available at 15.99 euros per month and does not move even after the first year.

A giant package to finally avoid Wi-Fi

As with their habits, the Low Cost mobile package operators are flocking to get the best offer first, and thus ensure maximum visibility. If last week, it was Red who had pulled the first blow with his package (always valid at the time when we write his lines), this time it is Bouygues Telecom’s turn with his b & you branch to do the same. We therefore have the right to a mobile without commitment, at a reduced price and without changing prices even after a year. They include unlimited calls, SMS and MMS in mainland France. From Europe and the French overseas departments, we find the same conditions, but only towards a French number. The big advantage on the price side is that it does not increase after a given period.

With regard to data, the envelope granted in France amounts to 200 GB on the Bouygues Telecom network, which is the guarantee of having quality 4G coverage throughout the territory (more than 99 % according to ARCEP). This amount of data is more than enough to meet all your mobile digital needs, whether to listen to music or watch streaming videos without fear of being too limited. And, above all, without having to use your domestic Wi-Fi. We can even think of this package in the case of use via 4G box in areas little served by ADSL or fiber, very practical to call your family in Visio when it is not possible otherwise.

Also cut to travel abroad

The Internet is not unlimited outside of French borders and this package also offers an envelope of 25 GB usable from abroad (Europe and DOM), 1 more GB. This 4G data amount is more than enough to stay in touch with your loved ones, to browse the Internet or use GPS to orient yourself, for example.

How to keep my number ?

You can obviously keep your current mobile number by changing your package. First of all, it is necessary to add 10 euros in total of your order to obtain the new SIM Triple cut. The change of operator is then done without cuts if you keep your number. It’s free and Just provide the Rio code of your line during registration. If you don’t know how to do it, see our tutorial to ask for your rio.

4G package comparator

In order to discover always more mobile offers, we invite you now to use our comparator to find The best 4G packages without obligation from the moment.

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