Bouygues package without obligation: offers, package without obligation up to 100 GB with B & You from € 4.99

Package without obligation up to 100 GB with B & You from € 4.99

Simple, this non -binding package offers:

Bouygues package without obligation, offers without obligation of duration

Take advantage of the freedom of without commitment by choosing a B & You package offered by the operator Bouygues Telecom ! What are the advantages of such an offer ? What are the best packages without obligation available at Bouygues ? What do customers think of their Bouygues non -binding package ? Jchange tells you everything !

Bouygues without obligation package: which mobile offer to choose ?

To cope with the arrival of Free on the mobile telephony market, the operator Bouygues Telecom is launching in July 2011, its range of mobile packages without commitment at attractive prices.

THE B & YOU packages are today still available without a duration obligation and at very competitive prices on the market. Jchange details you here Bouygues mobile packages without obligation.

Why subscribe to a Bouygues non -binding package ?

Subscribing to a non -binding package allows you to take advantage of unlimited 4G Bouygues while keeping your freedom, all at an attractive price !

If you hesitate between a package with or without commitment, be aware that mobile offers without duration are available each month at lower prices than subscriptions with a 12 or 24 month commitment. Nevertheless, you cannot benefit a subsidized mobile that is to say at a preferential price with a Bouygues mobile package without commitment.

Another asset, by choosing a mobile package from Bouygues without a commitment, you can terminate your subscription at no time. You can without hesitation benefit promotional offers available regularly on the telephony market to achieve great savings every month.

Finally, if your uses evolve, with a non -binding package, you do not have to wait a long period of 12 or 24 months to change your subscription.

The best packages without b & you from Bouygues

The operator Bouygues Telecom offers consumers a range comprising three B & You mobile packages without a duration binding from 9.99 euros per month. And to attract more and more users, this mobile operator does not hesitate to regularly integrate three special series with data at promo prices without duration of duration of duration of duration of duration of duration of duration of duration of duration of duration.

*Special B & YOU series at promo prices are available until 09/10/2019 for the opening of a new line with or without portability of the number. The SIM card costs 10 € on order. Another indication, the prices on promo are valid without conditions of duration, that is to say that they do not increase after a few months.

You can subscribe to Bouygues online or by contacting one of our Jechange advisers. The latter will accompany you to choose your cheap Bouygues mobile package without obligation. Also find the Bouygues without package range on our mobile package comparator.

Good to know this mobile operator offers at certain periods of the year such as the end of year celebrations or the start of the school year, a Bouygues package without a cheap commitment. This operator has already marketed a Bouygues package without commitment to 2.99 euros per month only or even a bouygues package without commitment to 4.99 euros per month with data to surf in peace with your smartphone.

The options without commitment of Mobile Packages Bouygues

With a Bouygues without mobile package, it is possible to enrich your subscription with options also accessible without duration obligation. You can add the Bouygues Telecom options to your package without obligation directly from your customer area.

  • The blocking option Available for free and only for 5GB plans and less, allows you to enjoy a Bouygues blocked package without commitment by preventing communications to overtaxed numbers, the mobile internet beyond the data envelope included in the package, communications from and abroad and the French overseas departments.
  • The unlimited internet weekend option Available at a price of € 8 per month with a month offered, allows you to benefit from the internet in mainland France from your phone, not deducted from the Internet envelope, weekends (from Saturday 0:01 to Sunday 23:59). This option is valid only with the Bouygues package without obligation 20 GB and the Bouygues 50 GB offer without obligation with B & YOU (excluding special series). The catalog of internet options also incorporates internet recharges from € 2 per month to enrich your subscription.
  • The Multi-Sim Internet option option For Bouygues packages at € 3 per month. This mobile option allows you to share the data envelope of your mobile offer with a 2nd equipment thanks to a 2nd SIM card. This SIM card has its own phone number.
  • “Foreign” options which allow you to call towards certain international destinations from € 6 per month or to communicate and connect to the Internet from some foreign countries from € 4 per month with an international Bouygues package.
  • Other service options such as Parental control at 3 € per month, The team at € 9.99 per month, TV Live unlimited at € 5 per month, Netflix from € 7.99 per month, Spotify at € 9.99 per month…

Customer reviews on Bouygues without obligation packages

Before choosing your Bouygues mobile plan, it is also important to know the Customer Bouygues Mobile Reviews and former customers on the packages without a duration obligation offered by this mobile operator.

Overall, feedback from the operator’s non -binding experiences are mainly good. The quality of Bouygues Telecom mobile network is one of the forces of this operator. THE customer service as well as the prices of non -binding offers are appreciated by B & YOU users. Promotions on promo mobile package valid valid without conditions of duration are also highlighted in customer reviews on this operator.

Regarding weaknesses pointed out in customer opinions, some users denounce some billing errors with their without commitment.

How to terminate your Bouygues mobile package without obligation ?

To terminate your Bouygues non -binding package, several solutions are available to you !

Terminate your package without obligation without keeping your phone number

First of all, note that you can terminate your Bouygues non -binding package, at any time at no cost, with a notice of 10 days from the receipt of your Bouygues termination request.

You can put an end to your mobile subscription by sending a registered termination letter with acknowledgment of receipt to the following address:

Bouygues Telecom
Customer service
TSA 59013, 60643 Chantilly Cedex

You can also make your online termination request from your customer area. For that :

  • Identify your space;
  • Select the “My package and options” section from the mobile line to be terminated;
  • Click on the “I no longer need the line” button at the bottom of the page and follow the different termination steps.

Terminate your Bouygues package without obligation by keeping your number

If you change operator and want to transfer your current phone number, you must communicate your Rio code to your future operator at the time of your new subscription.

Thanks to your Rio namely your Operator identity statement, Your new mobile operator will be responsible for transferring your mobile line number as well as terminating your Bouygues package without obligation.

To get the RIO of your Bouygues Telecom mobile line, call the 3179 since the latter. You will be able to know your Rio directly via the free voice box. At the end of your call, you will also automatically receive an SMS with your Rio.

All about Bouygues Telecom

  • Bouygues Telecom mobile packages
  • Bouygues Telecom fiber offers
  • Bbox + mobile packages at Bouygues
  • Bouygues Telecom packages abroad: everything you need to know
  • Refit a bouygues offer

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From Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sunday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m

Package without obligation up to 100 GB with B & You from € 4.99

B & You undertakes to always lower prices more for its customers. A non -binding package with data and 4G, all for a largely affordable rate.

As the extreme cold approach and a little later, Christmas holidays, the virtual operator offers inexpensive offers with an interesting mobile data envelope. It is already time to take an interest in these low -cost subscriptions for attractive content. To offer as a gift to his loved ones, for a 4G package towards a professional, or for a young teenager, these subscriptions attribute to all profiles.

A B & YOU -BLIGHT Package: Three offers not to be missed

B & You launches again its series of 4G packages at low prices for major services. Back on these interesting offers that adapt to all profiles: gourmets of the data, Small budgets or people who do not wish to use the Internet. Please note, they are all valid until only November 9, do not hang out.

200 MB for less than € 5/month: the 4G B & You package for small budgets

This non -binding package promises content adapted to the youngest. Can be suitable for a package for a teenager whose parents want to keep control of the Internet connection, it remains attractive. Indeed, with a Price of € 4.99/month and unlimited communication, The young person can reach his loved ones at any time. Head on this cheap and promising 4G package.

B & You 200 MO Package without obligation

This 4G package adapts perfectly to small budgets. HAS Only € 4.99/month, it offers calls, SMS and MMS unlimited In France. Without commitment, he resilled himself at any time to head towards a better offer. To lose no advantage abroad, B & You allows access to the mobile package from Europe and the DOM. The 4G proposed in the subscription has the capacity to deploy everywhere in France, thanks to the B & YOU network coverage using the lines of Bouygues Telecom. It is used in particular to use its 100 MB of the mobile package, enough to urgently look an email or an emergency web page. In Europe and in the French overseas departments, this small envelope data can also be used.

Simple, this non -binding package offers:

  • A small price without increase after a year: € 4.99/month;
  • quality network coverage;
  • Calls, SMS and MMS accessible without limit in France and from Europe and the DOM;
  • 200 MB of Internet valid in the same previous areas.

How to activate your B & You SIM card?

Also read the procedure to activate your B & You SIM card

Two big B & YOU offers: from 80 G0 from € 14.99/month

B & You Big Offers

For gourmets of the Internet, B & You also offers two beautiful offers with a large envelope of mobile data. Practices and without commitment, each of these mobile packages adapts to its user. With unlimited communication As in many current offers, the subscription still makes it possible to use the network in the European continent. Inexpensive, it is even suitable for moderate budgets. Focus on the two 80 and 100 GB subscriptions which can also suit here as a mobile package for a child.

In both offers, the non -binding package first offers without restrictions. Allowing to contact not to import what contact on French territory, whether by calls or messages, it is also used from Europe and the DOM. Practical therefore for business trips. Indeed, workers save money by not taking out an additional international package. They can be content to keep this 4G B & you even on the go. Finally, Spotify Premium is invited in both offers. With a free subscription for three months, it allows you to discover the music platform in streaming without spending anything.

Finally, the most important: Internet. The 80 GB 4G package is € 14.99/month Without an increase in package. The one at 100 GB costs € 19.99 monthly. For a few more euros, a fan of mobile data therefore has every interest in taking the most expensive subscription, in order to fully benefit from the Internet without much restriction. In addition, 4G connection promotes powerful and fluid flows, so as not to undergo any slowdown in videos of streaming Netflix in public transport, for example. Finally, B & You makes the benefit of roaming, With no less than 15 g from Europe and the DOM.

Thus, B & YOU offers two attractive offers including each:

  • A non -binding package, which can be terminated at any time;
  • calls, SMS and MMS unlimited in France, and from Europe and the DOM;
  • 80 GB for € 14.99/month;
  • 100 GB for € 19.99 monthly;
  • 15 GB of roaming from Europe and the DOM.

Pass d

Read also from a Bouygues Telecom sensation package in B & You

B & YOU options: inexpensive and for all tastes

B & You don’t stop there. Indeed, he Promotes a subscription to the image of its user. The subscriber can choose various options at low prices, in order to make his offer unique and personal. Apart from the possible mobile data recharges on request at attractive prices, or the quality of the 4G network applicable to all the mobile plans of the virtual operator, the latter goes even further. All options hold a month offered and also remain without obligation.

B & You options

First, B & You promotes the safety of his smartphone with Norton. Good safety to protect your Android smartphone or even iPhone. Thus, Norton is 5 €/month. For professionals, Holding two phone numbers can be important. With ONOFF, the 4G B & YOU package can contain two numbers without any problem. This option is available for 3 € more per month.

Finally, cultivating or even entertained is important, especially during confinement. With less than 10 euros monthly, The subscriber accesses Caefyn, an application for Read no less than 1600 newspapers. More excuses not to be aware of the latest news. Finally, watching your TV on your mobile becomes possible with B.TV. More than 70 channels invite unlimited on the mobile for 6 euros monthly, without necessarily counting the data of its non -binding package.

B & you options are therefore four:

  • ONOFF at 3 €/month;
  • B.TV at 6 €/month;
  • Norton for 5 €/month;
  • Cafeyn for € 9.99/month.

European packages without obligation

To read also which European mobile packages without commitment to choose ?

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