Bouygues or SFR: Who is the best internet operator?, Orange, SFR, Bouygues Telecom or Free: what is the best mobile network in France?

Orange, SFR, Bouygues Telecom or Free: what is the best mobile network in France 

Orange stands out from competition on long -distance ferred axes With 88 % of web pages displayed in less than 10 seconds in TGV. Follow Free Mobile (80 %), Bouygues Telecom (79 %) and SFR (78 %). The trend is the same for calls in trains and on the roads. We invite you to consult the full study of ARCEP in source to obtain even more details.

Bouygues or SFR: Who is the best internet operator ?

Today, comparing operators’ internet boxes is essential. Among the many offers on the market, it is sometimes complicated to navigate. Bbox News analyzes the offers offered by Bouygues and SFR in order to choose the best internet operator according to your consumption.

  • The essential
  • Bouygues and SFR both offer internet box offers with the Optical fiber technology (subject to eligible housing).
  • Bouygues offers two offers triple play (Internet, TV, fixed telephony): the Bbox must and the Bbox Ultym. An entry -level offer dualplay (Internet, fixed telephony) is also available: Bbox Fit.
  • SFR offers three offers triplay with the SFR Fiber Starter box, the SFR Fiber Power box and the Premium Fiber Box.
  • The body Nperf has appointed Bouygues as being the Best operator in terms of Internet debit on domestic wifi.

Bouygues or SFR: Who is the best fiber operator ?

Appeared in 2010 on the telephony market, fiber optics provides internet access to better quality and faster. This new technology is based on a glass or plastic wire in which the Internet.

Much more efficient than the ADSL copper network, it can display a connection speed until 100 times faster.

SFR and Bouygues both offer internet boxes with the optical fiber with several services that we will detail a little lower in this article. Although many dwellings are already connected to the fiber, its deployment is still in progress on French territory. Before any subscription, you must therefore first check if your accommodation is eligible for the network.

Bouygues Telecom internet fiber offers

Bouygues Telecom offers two fiber subscriptions for the eligible housing. These are offers triple play With a 12 -month commitment. You benefit from services Internet, television and fixed telephony within the Bbox must and the Bbox Ultym.

A third entry -level offer is also offered by the operator: the Bbox Fit. This includes a subscription dualplay, with a Internet offer and fixed telephony.

SFR fiber internet offers

On the side of the SFR operator, the Fiber Internet box offers There are three. We find respectively the SFR Fiber Starter box, the SFR Fiber Power box and the Premium Fiber Box. All subscriptions require a 12 -month commitment period and includes Internet, TV and fixed telephony services.

Who is the best operator for the fixed internet ? Bouygues or SFR ?

To calculate the best internet flow rates in wifi, we take into account the connection speed from a Mobile terminal and via a web browser. Indeed, the Domestic WiFi network Displays performance that vary depending on the equipment and operators at the top of the podium are different.

Theoretical internet debits of Bbox and SFR Box: which offers the best flows ?

In fiber optics, the Bbox Fit delivers a flow until 400 Mb/s for download and shipment. The SFR Starter box offers it a flow until 500 Mb/s for download and shipment.

There BBOX Must has a connection speed until 1GB/s for download and 700 Mb/s in sending. For its part, the SFR Fiber Power offer up to 2GB/s for download and 700 Mb/s in sending.

Finally, for high -end boxes, the Bbox Ultym delivers a flow until 2 GB/s for download and 900 Mb/s in sending. The box SFR Premium fiber offer a speed until 8 Gb/s for download and 1 Gb/s in sending.

You have to keep in mind that Theoretical flows announced by operators come from results obtained under optimal laboratory conditions.

Indeed, the real flows delivered by your Internet box are often below the displayed performance. You have to take into account the different Environmental interference of each accommodation.

Best WiFi flow for Bouygues, according to nperf

The body Nperf publishes a barometer with different categories to estimate Real flows of operators. February 3, 2023, Bouygues Telecom came out (for the second consecutive time) with the Best connection in domestic wifi (on a mobile terminal).

With the Best average descending speed (241 Mb/s) The operator also delivers:

  • The best uprights;
  • The lowest latency (it represents the network’s communication time);
  • The best web browsing;
  • The best video streaming.

SFR arrives a little further in the ranking with a Reception flow at 170 Mb/s, about 40% lower than its competitor.

Regarding fiber wifi connection with a web browser, he’s the operator Free who comes to the top of the podium with an average descending speed of 531 MB/S. Bouygues arrives in second position with a connection speed of 466 Mb/s. SFR comes in last position with a downward flow of 447 Mb/s.

WiFi 6th: the new WiFi standard

Bouygues Telecom was the first operator to offer the advantage of the new network standard Wi-Fi 6th, which explains its ranking at the top of the podium.

The ultra -fast wireless connection displays even more advanced performance than its little sister because it uses the 6 GHz frequency band, released by Arcep, The French telecoms regulator.

WiFi 6 occupies the classic bands 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. This space allows Limit interference and to offer no more flow by limiting the congestion. For its part, SFR had inaugurated the WiFi 6 standard first, but does not offer the performance of WiFi 6th in its boxes nowadays.

Contained in TV bouquets of SFR boxes and Bouygues ?

SFR and Bouygues offer in their internet box offers A full TV bouquet with many thematic channels.

SFR includes within its Three subscriptions A TV service And Bouygues offers his bouquet within the Bbox must and Bbox Ultym. The two operators offer related services with their decoder:

  • An ergonomic and customizable interface;
  • VOD and replay service;
  • Applications;
  • Vocal assistant;
  • TV recorder 100 h;
  • The Direct Control option.

Here are comparative tables bringing together TV services of the two operators with their offers which are respectively in Entrance, middle and high -end.

If you want a cheap offer with TV decoder, it is towards the SFR Starter box and its 160 channels included that you have to go. Indeed, the offer Bbox Fit offers a service dualplay with internet and fixed telephony only.

  • Bbox 4k TV decoder
  • 180 TV channels included
  • Multi-TV option
  • Application B.TV (TV on smartphone)
  • SFR BOX 8K decoder
  • 200 TV channels included
  • Netflix, Disney+, Amazon Prime offered to choose from for 6 months
  • Multi-TV option
  • SFR TV application (TV on smartphone)

The SFR Fiber Power offers a nice TV bouquet with 200 channels included. As a bonus, the operator allows you to choose a free subscription for 6 months at the platform Netflix, Disney+ or Amazon Prime.

The subscription offers the option Multi-TV which allows a second secondary decoder (which lines up with the same characteristics of the main equipment). The service is at the rate of 3 €/month and without commitment.

For its part, the Bbox Must offers a TV bouquet of 180 TV channels, But does not include offers on platforms. The subscription also offers the multi-TV option with a new decoder and its remote control. Thanks to this option, the operator allows all BBox options on a second screen (digital recorder, replay, direct control. ) For € 8.99/month (€ 1 the first month and without commitment).

The two operators offer a decoder high resolution with the 4K technology.

  • Bbox 4k TV decoder
  • 180 TV channels included
  • Disney+ and Universal+ offered for 6 months
  • Multi-TV option
  • Application B.TV (TV on smartphone)
  • SFR BOX 8K decoder
  • 200 TV channels included
  • Netflix, Disney+, Amazon Prime offered to choose from for 6 months
  • Multi-TV option
  • SFR TV application

For its high -end offer, Bouygues offers 180 channels included as well as programs Universal+ and Disney+ offered for 6 months. The option Multi-TV for € 8.99/month And without engagement is also available with this offer.

SFR displays a slightly more extensive TV bouquet with 200 thematic channels included and the same advantages as the SFR Fiber Power, a Free subscription for 6 months on Disney+, Netflix or Amazon Prime platforms (a choice). The multi-TV option is included for 3 €/month without obligation, Just like the Power fiber box.

THE Decoders in 4K version are available from both operators.

Bouygues or SFR: Who is the best operator for fixed telephony ?

Both Cheap Internet box, The SFR Starter and the Bbox Fit both offer a fixed telephony offer with Unlimited calls to and since the fixes in France and DOM. However, Bouygues Telecom’s offer, however, appears to be more extensive than its competitor:

  • Unlimited calls to fixeds include a list of 110 destinations around the world with the Bbox Fit and 100 destinations with the SFR Starter box.
  • Calls to Mobiles of France are billed € 0.35 per minute with SFR when Bouygues offers a unlimited offer to mobiles in France and more than 50 destinations in the world.

In general, the offer of telephony included in the Bbox Bouygues is more enriched than that of SFR boxes. Here is a comparative table of the four offers, SFR Fiber Power and Premium as well as the Bbox Must and Bbox Ultym ::

  • Unlimited in France
  • Unlimited to 110 Destinations in the world
  • Unlimited in France
  • Unlimited to 50 Destinations in the world
  • Unlimited in France and Europe
  • Unlimited to 110 Destinations in the world
  • Unlimited in France and Europe
  • Unlimited to 50 Destinations in the world
  • Unlimited in France
  • Unlimited to 100 Destinations in the world
  • Unlimited in France and Europe
  • Unlimited to 100 Destinations in the world

Bouygues stands out in particular thanks to his List of calls to mobiles in the world. Its offers, Bbox Must and Bbox Ultym both offer a list of 50 destinations with unlimited calls to mobiles in the world. Here is a table grouping in detail the destinations included:

Operator Bouygues
Destinations with unlimited calls
mobile verse
BBOX integrality : The Azores, Germany, Andorra, England, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canaries, Cyprus, Corfu, Crete, Croatia, Cyclades, Denmark, Spain, Estonia, Finland, France, Gibraltar, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Balearic, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Madeira, Malta, Norway, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Republic-Tchica, Romania, Sardinia, Sicily, Slovakia,
Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, Vatican, Canada, United States, China, South Korea,
Singapore, American virgin islands, Dom.

However, keep in mind that your communication needs remain subjective. It is for this reason that it is useful to consult the exhaustive list of destinations included In the offers of the two operators.

For example, SFR offers Unlimited calls to Vietnam fixed phones When Bougyues does not include this destination in its three boxes.

Who is the best operator between Bouygues and SFR in terms of price ?

In terms of price, all Bbox offers offer a more advantageous price that the SFR boxes (apart from the Prix de la Bbox Must and the Bbox Ultym the second year).

To visualize Price evolution Different offers, here are their prices on 12 and 24 months ::

Starter fiber box

€ 215.88

€ 251.88

SFR Fiber Power

€ 299.88

€ 335.88

SFR Premium fiber

€ 371.88

€ 407.88

€ 983.76

The best value for money is calculated according to your consumption needs as well as your preferences in terms of services offered. For example, if you want an offer low price triplay, the box SFR Starter is advantageous.

On the other hand, it will come back to you more expensive than the Bboxe Fit and this, from the first year. If your interest is on telephone communications, Bbox Fit and its very attractive price remains the best option.

Bouygues and SFR Internet box offers have 1 year of engagement. You can therefore decide to terminate your subscription after the first year.

Want a Bbox from Bouygues ?

Bouygues customers: what are the opinions ?

Bouygues is one of the most important operators on the telephony market. To date, it has more 4 million Bbox subscribers. On the Trust Pilot online notice site, the operator holds the average note of 1.2 out of 5. Notices allow future customers to get an idea of ​​the customer service, technical service or product satisfaction level.

Nevertheless, it must be kept in mind that an unhappy customer will have much more easier to make it known than a satisfied customer. The remarks of dissatisfied customers are carried on the Fiber installation process for some people :

I was contacted by a salesperson from Bouygues Télécom to approach the Bbox. Finding its interesting offer, I decided to change operator, but today, I have bitterly regret, because it’s been a month and a half now that I am waiting for the technician for the installation of the box (meetings canceled and postponed several times without my warning . )). Not very professional all that.
De Marc – January 2023

However, it must be kept in mind that customer reviews are mixed And some users are a positive customer experience and reactive staff ::

We don’t think about putting positive opinions. But I wanted to emphasize that my experience with the technical support service went super well. Professional advisers, a suspension of invoicing during the technical problem. And the time available for a 4G key until the problem is solved.
From Nell S. – March 2022

My recent experience with Bouygues Télécom following a welding problem on the Optical Terminal Take was excellent, very good contact with the technical service (accessible in less than a minute), sending a technician, pleasant and competent, the next day , he diagnosed and repaired very quickly. I congratulate Bouygues Telecom for his technical service and his responsiveness.
Of José G. – March 2023

SFR customers: what do Internet service think ?

SFR is also one of the largest operators on the telephony market, with not far from 4 million subscribers with a fiber box. Like Bouygues, the operator knows his share of dissatisfaction.

On the Trust Pilot site, it totals 13,162 reviews with a total note of 1.4 out of 5. Disgruntled customers are a sometimes unstable connection In some places in France:

Nothing is going to flee the connection is disastrous yet I am in fiber it looks like I minitel it is anything even in 4G I have a better connection ”
Pinsorp L. – April 2023

Satisfied customer notices, however, demonstrate the efficiency of customer service and an efficient fiber connection:

Excellent value for money, € 18 for 1 year, for a coaxial connection that SFR is the only one to offer, because still no fiber access with us (92210). Installation on the agreed, fast and clean date. We can finally telework in good conditions. Refund of the termination fees of my former operator. Warm and responsive customer service. My only regret: to have waited so long before subscribing to them.
From Véronique D. – December 2022

Looking for a new Internet supplier to have a better speed, the SFR 4G box seems to meet my expectations with a Mbit’s debit much higher than ADSL for a monthly subscription price equivalent to my current package.
From FUFU – November 2022

Updated on 09/19/2023

Ophélie discovers Selectra during an internship as web editor after obtaining a professional license. After being in charge of writing telecom content and the news section, it is In charge of the Bbox-News site since 2018 and makes you benefit from his unparalleled knowledge of Internet and mobile offers of Bouygues Telecom.

Orange, SFR, Bouygues Telecom or Free: what is the best mobile network in France ?

Best mobile network

TF1 Canal Plus

As every year, the Regulatory Authority for Electronic Communications (ARCEP) publishes the results of its measurement campaign concerning the quality of mobile services. Who from Orange, Bouygues, SFR and Free has the best mobile network in 2022 ?

For the 23rd edition of its annual survey measuring the quality of the mobile service in 2G, 3G, 4G and 5G, in France, ARCEP carried out millions of measures in mainland France between the end of May and the end of August 2022. They were carried out both inside and outside the buildings, as well as in transport. Here is his verdict.

Which operator has the best mobile internet network in 2022 ?

ARCEP does not go there by four paths, saying that “The four operators have very high results to the web pages display test”. That said, Orange is doing well by displaying web pages in 2G/3G/4G in less than 10 seconds in 98 % of cases. Bouygues Telecom is not far away with 95 % success, followed by free mobile at 94 %. SFR closes the walk with a score of 81 %.

Streaming video viewing “In perfect quality” was also measured. An exercise that is not always easy depending on the density of the area in which we are. However, the four operators are doing very well in dense areas with 98 % at Orange, 97 % at Bouygues Telecom, 94 % at Free Mobile and 88 % at SFR.

Unsurprisingly, the results are less good in rural areas, with a classification that changes slightly: Orange is still in the lead with 89 % success, followed by free mobile with 85 %. SFR and Bouygues close with only 78 % success.

A 5G “still being deployed”

Middle descendant rate mobile operator

For these same tests, the arcep also looked at the differences in results in 2G/3G/4G, then redone the tests by adding 5G. For the regulatory authority, “The experience appears similar”, recalling that 5G is still being deployed and that its immediate benefit is mainly perceptible where “Mobile networks are strongly asked, even saturated. »»

On the other hand, the average descendant flows measured are higher in 3G/4G/5G (94 Mbits/s) than when they are only measured in 3G/4G (63 Mbits/s). There is a significant progression compared to last year.

Operating average descendant debits

For the detail by operator at this same test, Orange offers the best descending speeds with an average of 143 Mbit/s on the whole of France and 217 Mbit/s in dense zone. SFR arrives second on flows with 84 Mbit/s on average on the territory and 163 Mbit/s in dense areas. Follow Bouygues Telecom with 84 Mbit/s and 167 Mbit/s and free with 64 Mbit/s on average, in dense zone as at the national level.

Voices, SMS and transport

ARCEP also notes vocal quality in 2022. Operators obtain very close results in terms of average call for calls. Same observation in terms of call rate maintained for two minutes and without audible disturbances. All operators are above 90 %, with the exception of Free which displays a score of 87 % to this test. Regarding SMS, it takes less than 10 seconds to all operators to receive them.

The flow rate flows have been measured. Important figures to find out which operator will be the most reliable according to your means of travel. On road axes, 95 % of web pages are displayed in less than 10 seconds, whatever the operator. The same cannot be said in TGV, intercités and ter where this figure falls to 81 %. RER and Transilians are doing better (90 %), but remain behind the metros (95 %).

Orange stands out from competition on long -distance ferred axes With 88 % of web pages displayed in less than 10 seconds in TGV. Follow Free Mobile (80 %), Bouygues Telecom (79 %) and SFR (78 %). The trend is the same for calls in trains and on the roads. We invite you to consult the full study of ARCEP in source to obtain even more details.

If you want to know the best operator near you, go to My mobile network, One of the tools offered by ARCEP.

SFR vs Bouygues: Who is the best internet operator ?

In a world where internet access has become essential to stay connected and fully enjoy our online activities, choosing the right internet operator is a crucial decision. Among the most popular access providers in France, SFR and Bouygues Telecom stand out by offering quality internet services. But faced with such a choice, how to determine which of these two operators is the best to meet your needs ? explores for you the offers and services offered by SFR and Bouygues Telecom, to help you make an informed decision. We will review different criteria such as the network, connection speeds, different subscriptions, offers with Smart TV and much more.

SFR vs Bouygues

Posted on 02/16/2021 | Updated on 06/16/2023 | by Vanessa Rollot

SFR vs Bouygues: which offers the best internet offer ?

Whether it is ADSL or fiber internet offers, the question of knowing which offers the best internet offer between SFR and Bouygues Telecom cannot be decided simply. Indeed, although the boxes of the two suppliers seem similar at first sight, their offers have many differences. When it comes to making a choice, it is important to take into account the needs and preferences of each.

Who has the best Internet box without television ?

SFR exclusively offers subscriptions ” triple play “(Internet + TV + Fixed telephony) for its internet offers. However, when subscribing, Customers have the possibility of choosing not to include Box TV in their subscription. Whether you opt for an SFR internet offer with or without TV decoder, the cost remains the same.

Bouygues Telecom, As for him, offers a Unique Internet offer without TV, called Bbox Fit. In May 2023, it was one of the most affordable boxes on the market in terms of price.

Here is a summary of Fiber and ADSL SFR and Bouygues internet offers without TV ::

Fai SFR Bouygues
Internet SFR Fiber Starter SFR Starter Adsl SFR Fiber Power SFR POWER ADSL SFR Premium fiber SFR Premium ADSL Bouygues Bbox Fit + Fiber Bouygues Bbox Fit Adsl
Connection speeds • 500 Mb/s in descending speed
• 500 Mb/s in update
• 20 Mb/s in descending speed
• 1 Mb/s in update
• 2 Gb/s in descending speed
• 700 Mb/s in update
• 20 Mb/s in descending speed
• 1 Mb/s in update
• 8 Gb/s in descending speed
• 1 Gb/s in update
• 20 Mb/s in descending speed
• 1 Mb/s in update
• Up to 400 Mb/s in descending speed
• Up to 400 Mb/s in upward speed
• Up to 15 Mb/s in descending speed
• Up to 1 Mb/s in update
Home phone Unlimited calls to fixes in France Unlimited calls
Towards fixed and mobiles in France
Unlimited calls
towards fixed and mobiles in Europe
Unlimited calls to fixes in France and more than 110 countries
Equipment • SFR Box 7 WiFi 5
• WiFi repeater (wifi coverage throughout the house) optional + € 3/month
• Guaranteed internet (4G flashbox for an optional connection) as an option + € 5/month
• SFR Box 7 TV optional
• SFR Box 8 WiFi 6
• Smart wifi repeater (WiFi 6 throughout the house) optional + € 3/month
• Guaranteed internet (4G flashbox for an optional connection) as an option + € 5/month
• Optional Android TV Connect TV
• SFR Box 8 x WiFi 6
• Smart wifi repeater (for accommodation over 80 m²)
• Guaranteed Internet (4G flashbox for without interruption connection)
• SFR Box 8 TV optional
Bbox Fit
12 months
In € TTC
€ 20.99/month for 1 year
then € 34.99/month
€ 27.99/month for 1 month
then € 39.99/month
€ 33.99/month for 1 year
then € 46.99/month
€ 17.99/month for 1 year
Then € 31.99/month
€ 17.99/month for 1 year
Then € 27.99/month
Means to subscribe • Online
• In SFR store
• By phone at 1099
• With an advisor to (by phone or comparator)
• In Bouygues store
• By phone at 3106
• With an advisor to (by phone or comparator)

Comparison of fiber box offers and ADSL without SFR TV and Bouygues
Prices in force in May 2023

THE SFR TV offers are distinguished by more attractive flows and equipment. In addition, this operator also offers a more extensive choice of TV subscriptions. Nevertheless, theBBOX offer from Bouygues is positioned as the cheapest offer, whether with or without promotion.

  • Advantage to SFR for flow and equipment.
  • Advantage in Bouygues for the price.

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SFR BOX or BBOX: What is the best box + TV ?

Unlike SFR, Bouygues Telecom offers only 2 fiber box subscriptions and 2 ADSL subscriptions with TV. Despite this more limited selection, these 2 Bboxes with TV remain very competitive offers in terms of price and features. There Distinction between SFR boxes and those of Bouygues Telecom lies in the number of channels offered and the equipment included.

Comparison of SFR and Bouygues boxes with TV

In general, the Internet offers with Bouygues and SFR TV are more or less similar.

Here is a comparative table of Triple Play Fiber and Adsl offers from SFR ::

Internet SFR Fiber Starter SFR Starter Adsl SFR Fiber Power SFR POWER ADSL SFR Premium fiber SFR Premium ADSL
Connection speeds • 500 Mb/s in descending speed
• 500 Mb/s in update
• 20 Mb/s in descending speed
• 1 Mb/s in update
• 2 Gb/s in descending speed
• 700 Mb/s in update
• 20 Mb/s in descending speed
• 1 Mb/s in update
• 8 Gb/s in descending speed
• 1 Gb/s in update
• 20 Mb/s in descending speed
• 1 Mb/s in update
Television 160 TV channels and services 200 TV channels and services included
Svod Choice, for 6 months:
• Netflix included then € 5.99/month
• Disney+ included then € 8.99/month
• Amazon Prime Video included then € 6.99/month
Choice, for 9 months:
• Netflix included then € 5.99/month
• Disney+ included then € 8.99/month
• Amazon Prime Video included then € 6.99/month
Home phone Unlimited calls to fixes in France Unlimited calls
Towards fixed and mobiles in France
Unlimited calls
towards fixed and mobiles in Europe
Equipment • SFR Box 7 WiFi 5
• WiFi repeater (wifi coverage throughout the house) optional + € 3/month
• Guaranteed internet (4G flashbox for an optional connection) as an option + € 5/month
• SFR Box 8 WiFi 6
• Smart wifi repeater (WiFi 6 throughout the house) optional + € 3/month
• Guaranteed internet (4G flashbox for an optional connection) as an option + € 5/month
• Connect TV Android
• SFR Box 8 WiFi 6
• WiFi repeater (wifi coverage throughout the house) optional + € 3/month
• Guaranteed internet (4G flashbox for an optional connection) as an option + € 5/month
• Connect TV Android
• SFR Box 8 x WiFi 6
• Smart wifi repeater (for accommodation over 80 m²)
• Guaranteed Internet (4G flashbox for without interruption connection)
• SFR Box 8 TV
• SFR Box 8 WiFi 6
• WiFi repeater (wifi cover throughout the house)
• Guaranteed Internet (4G flashbox for without interruption connection)
• SFR Box 8 TV
12 months
In € TTC
€ 20.99/month for 1 year
then € 34.99/month
€ 27.99/month for 1 month
then € 39.99/month
€ 33.99/month for 1 year
then € 46.99/month
Means to subscribe • Online
• In SFR store
• By phone at 1099
• With an advisor to (by phone or comparator)

Comparison of Box + Fiber and ADSL SFR TV offers
Prices in force in May 2023

Here is a comparative table of Triple Play Fiber and ADSL offers from Bouygues ::

Fai Bouygues
Internet Bbox Must Fiber Bbox must adsl Bbox Ultym Fiber Bbox Ultym ADSL
Connection speeds • 1 Gb/s in descending speed
• 700 Mb/s in update
• Up to 15 Mb/s in descending speed
• Up to 1 Mb/s in update
• 2 Gb/s in descending speed
• 900 Mb/s in update
• Up to 15 Mb/s in descending speed
• Up to 1 Mb/s in update
Television • More than 180 channels
• More than 90 HD channels
• More than 40 replay channels
• Resumption of the start and control of the direct
• Application B. TV
Svod • Disney+ 6 months included
• Universal+ 6 months included
Home phone Unlimited calls to fixed and mobiles in France and to fixes of more than 110 countries Unlimited calls to fixed and mobiles in France/Europe/Switzerland and to fixed to more than 110 countries
Equipment • Bbox must Wifi 6
• Bbox 4K TV decoder
• 100 -hour TV recorder
• Bbox Ultym WiFi 6th latest generation
• Bbox 4K HDR TV decoder
• 50 GB 4G mini boxes on request
• 2 WiFi 6 repeaters included according to WiFi diagnosis result
• 100 -hour TV recorder
12 months
In € TTC
€ 24.99/month for 1 year then € 41.99/month € 24.99/month for 1 year
then € 37.99/month
€ 30.99/month for 1 year then € 50.99/month € 30.99/month for 1 year
then € 41.99/month
Means to subscribe • Online
• In Bouygues store
• By phone at 3106
• With an advisor to (by phone or comparator)

Comparison of Box + TV offers Fiber and ADSL Bouygues
Prices in force in May 2023

Are you sure you don’t pay your internet too expensive ?


The number of channels and TV bouquets

When it comes to the number of TV, SFR and Bouygues Telecom channels present some similarities. Bouygues Telecom offers a total of 180 channels with its basic offers Bbox Must and Bbox Ultym, While the offer SFR Fiber Starter offer 160 and offers Power or Premium Allow access to 200 channels.

About the TV, SFR bouquets Allows its subscribers to benefit from it with or without commitment:

  • sport ;
  • cinema and series;
  • Entertainment and discovery;
  • youth ;
  • world ;
  • music.

As of Bouygues, The operator allows you to benefit from bouquets with commitment such as the Canal+TV bouquet, or without commitment such as:

  • Bbox family;
  • Entertainment ;
  • Large cinema;
  • OCS;
  • Cinema;
  • Youth ;
  • Sport Pack;
  • etc.

Boxes with Smart TV

SFR and Bouygues also market Offers with Smart TV Included at preferential prices. At SFR, you can include a TV with any box. In this case, the duration of your subscription will be at least 24 months. At Bouygues, the Smart TV is offered with the Bbox Must and with the Bbox Ultym. The contract is also of a period of 2 years. If you want to buy a new TV stand at an advantageous price combined with an internet offer, discover our comparison of offers with Smart TV. It will allow you to find the offer and the smart television model that will suit you.

In addition to its offers with Smart TV, SFR also offers offers Internet + PC and offers Internet + PS5 (PlayStation 5). Bouygues also offers another offer, this is the offer Internet + video projector.

Which offers the fastest internet flow ?

In May 2023, it was SFR which offers the fastest flow with its offer SFR Premium fiber. In reality, the connection speed depends above all on your place of residence. This is why it is advisable to look at which internet service provider covers your geographic area best and to make an eligibility test.

Which offers the cheapest box ?

In terms of prices, Bouygues and SFR offer very advantageous discounts the first year. For example, the Bbox Fit is only € 17.99/month during the first twelve months and the SFR Fiber Starter with or without TV is € 20.99/month during the same duration.

Result: if you are looking for a low price box with TV, you will have to go to SFR which offers one of the cheapest television subscriptions on the market. While if you want a cheap box without TV, the Bbox Fit can satisfy you.

What box includes the best services ?

The SFR boxes and Bouygues have one thing in common: they include many services. Some are similar and others are completely different. At Bouygues, you will benefit from a better telephone offer, especially if you choose the Bbox Ultym.

At SFR, with the offer Premium fiber, You can enjoy certain SVOD platforms (Netflix, Disney+ and Amazon Prime Video) free for a period of 9 months, While Bouygues offers access to Disney+ and Universal+ for 6 months with its Bbox Ultym offer.

In the end, the options included in the boxes of the two FAIs are rather identical and are equal. On this criterion, Bouygues Telecom and SFR are equal.

Bouygues vs sfr: which has the best network ?

Currently, there are several optical fiber technologies including:

  • the fiber Ftth (Fiber to the Home, that is to say the fiber to the home). This means that the connection node is pulled to the subscriber’s home;
  • the fiber Fttla (Fiber to the last amplifier, that is to say the fiber to the last amplifier), also called “fiber by coaxial termination”, because the optical fiber stops at the connection knot which is generally located in the street or the cellar of the building. The rest of the connection is then ensured by a coaxial cable.

There FTTH fiber is considered to be much better, because it offers superior quality and speed speed. It is for this reason that Bouygues Telecom has chosen to develop its network only with this type of connection. SFR is the only operator to offer FTTLA fiber to its subscribers. To be able to compare the 2 operators fairly, we will only process the data resulting from the FTTH fiber.

According to the NPERF barometer of fixed internet connections in mainland France in 2022, Bouygues Telecom subscribers took advantage of the best performance on type connections:

  • “High speed” with 54,509 npoints for Bouygues against 46,663 for SFR;
  • “Very high speed” with 170,492 NPOINTS for Bouygues against 162 705 for SFR;
  • FTTH (optical fiber) with 183,280 npoints for Bouygues against 182 237 for SFR.

NPOINTS are a unit of measure giving a global image quality image.

SFR and Bouygues Telecom both participate in the very high speed national level launched in 2013 (initiative aimed at covering 80 % of the French territory in very high speed at the 2022 maturity). In this perspective, the 2 FAIs (Internet access providers) are elbow regarding the number of fiber cities with:

  • just over 23,000 for SFR;
  • just under 23,000 for Bouygues.

Result: Bouygues wins this round with its NPERF performance.

Box Bouygues or SFR: Who wins the match ?

Bouygues and SFR both offer attractive internet offers. To make your choice, it will therefore be necessary to determine beforehand what your needs are.

For example, if you are looking for a quality fiber network and a cheap TV box, you will have more choice at SFR.

If you still hesitate, you can use our Internet box comparator to find an offer that really corresponds to your desires and your budget.

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