Bouygues fiber eligibility test: how to do?, Fiber eligibility test: your address is eligible? | Bouygues Telecom

We test your fiber eligibility

If you are eligible for fiber, you can choose from different offers. If you are looking for an internet box without TV decoder, you can for example subscribe to the Bbox Fit. Conversely, if you want a TV decoder in addition to your box, you will have the choice between the Bbox Must and the Bbox Ultym. The latter will notably guarantee you the best wifi and the best possible speed, combined with the best of TV entertainment !

Bouygues fiber eligibility test: Find your bbox offer

You want to take out a bouygues fiber offer ? In this case, it is essential to carry out a Bouygues fiber eligibility test. This quick test will allow you to know if your accommodation is eligible for fiber and what are the offers available at home. The Bouygues eligibility test can be done on the internet in a few clicks, but you can also choose to be accompanied in your approach by a Bouygues advisor by contacting 09 87 67 18 00.

  • The essential
  • The eligibility of a Bouygues Telecom line can be done by telephone, online And in store Bouygues Telecom.
  • Bouygues Telecom offers offers in optical fiber, in ADSL/VDSL and in 4G.
  • The home address or the fixed phone number is necessary to test eligibility.

Bouygues Eligibility test: how to know my eligibility ?

As part of a subscription to a Bouygues Telecom offer, the latter must, above all, proceed to a Bouygues eligibility test of your line In order to define the offer it can offer you (ADSL, VDSL, Optical Fiber).

The Bouygues eligibility test will allow you to know the service that Bouygues Telecom can offer you. There are three ways to carry out an eligibility test with Bouygues Telecom: on the Internet via the Bouygues Telecom site, in store or by contacting a Selectra advisor to 09 87 67 18 00 .

You want to take out a bouygues offer ?

Be accompanied during your Bouygues eligibility test

To carry out the Bouygues eligibility test, you can Contact a Bouygues advisor At 09 87 67 18 00 (Price of local communication).

He will then ask youHome Address that you want to have tested, as well as The name of the former occupant If the tested home is eligible for ADSL or VDSL. The result is given to you immediately, as well as the offers to which you can subscribe.

You will be guided.e in your eligibility, termination and subscription approach. The subscription The most suitable you will be offered Among all partner offers.

Perform your Bouygues eligibility test by phone

Bouygues eligibility test on the internet

To test your Bouygues online eligibility, you can use our Bouygues fiber eligibility test which will allow you to know, once your address is entered, if your accommodation is eligible for Bouygues fiber.

Another possibility, you can go to the Bouygues Telecom site. You will then have to enter your home phone number. If you do not know it, the eligibility test can be done with theHome Address By clicking on the “Test your address” link. Bouygues Telecom will directly offer the offers to which you are eligible.

In the event that the home tested is eligible for a Bouygues in ADSL or VDSL offer, you should know the name of the previous occupier in order toIdentify the domicile (especially as part of a building made up of several individual apartments).

Bouygues in store eligibility test

Bouygues store

To do the Bouygues in store eligibility test, you just have to give the address of the home you wish to have a Bouygues Telecom advisor, as well as the name of the previous occupier if the home is eligible for ADSL or VDSL.

What offers to subscribe following the Bouygues Telecom eligibility test ?

By testing your fixed line at Bouygues Telecom, you will be able to see the Bbox offers to which you are eligible:

  • Eligible for ADSL or VDSL2 : you have the choice between the offers ADSL Bouygues Telecom, namely the Bbox Fit, the Bbox Must and the Bbox Ultym.
  • Eligible for fiber optics FTTH On the Bouygues Telecom network: the Bbox Fit, the Bbox Must and the Bbox Ultym.

What to do if I am not eligible for fiber ?

If fiber optics and ADSL are not available in your residential area, there are alternative technologies such asInternet by satellite, or the 4G box and 5g box. Bouygues is the only operator who markets a 4G box and a 5g box with a Unlimited data envelope. These offers are also without engagement.

You are under 26 years old ? Take advantage of theoffer -26 years which allows you to benefit from the 4G box at € 22.99/month or 5g box at € 27.99/month, The whole without engagement ! In addition to this advantageous rate, you can also take advantage of 12 months offered on Amazon Prime Video, And you will be free to suspend your subscription during 2 months once a year.

Frequent questions about Bouygues Telecom

How to test your eligibility for a Bouygues Telecom line ?

The eligibility of a Bouygues Telecom line can be carried out by phone, online or in store.

What internet technologies offers Bouygues Telecom ?

Bouygues Telecom offers 4G, 5G, ADSL, VDSL and fiber optic fiber.

How to do your eligibility test in Bouygues store ?

To do the eligibility test in stores, you just have to give the address of the home you wish to have a Bouygues Telecom advisor, as well as the name of the previous occupier if the home is eligible for fiber, l ‘ADSL, or VDSL.

Updated on 09/21/2023

Former editorial manager, Marianne joined Selectra in 2014. A graduate of a Master 2 International Media, she is the manager in charge of all the contents of the Télecom pole.

We test your fiber eligibility ?

Maximum speed with fiber, enjoy a connection up to 60 times faster than an ADSL line. Hang on your belts, it is breathtaking !

Total fluidity bye bye slowdowns when you have several to surf at the same time.

Optimal TV quality thanks to fiber, the quality of the TV image is the best possible. Sit, get the popcorn out, enjoy.

To you the fastest wifi, simply !

In 2023, we are once again “operator n ° 1 in wifi” according to NPERF*. Clear ? We offer you the fastest wifi on the market. Quite simply !

*Average descendant flows 240.56 Mb/s and average rate amount 189.67 Mb/s. Source NPERF on 03/02/2023: WiFi barometer of residential internet connections in mainland France in 2022

Fiber ? There is no faster !

Fiber 5g box VDSL
Flow down to* 2 Gb/s Flow down to* 1.1 Gb/s Flow down to* 100 Mb/s
Start up to ** 900 Mb/s Start up to ** 58 Mb/s Start up to ** 33 Mb/s

*The downward speed: the higher it is, the faster you take a page, start a video, save a file.
** The upright debit: the more powerful it is, the faster you publish photos, send videos, store a file.

And if we were talking about your eligibility “ ?

By phone in store

We call you for free

Our team will immediately remind you to validate with you your visit to the fiber ! Be called upon by an advisor

We are waiting for you in the store

To go to fiber, you can also make an appointment in the shop closest to you ! Find my shop

Our articles around eligibility

How to change internet operator

Good news: change operator is very simply. We explain how to do.

How to install fiber at home

We reassure you: for installation, we take care of everything, and for free of course ! We show you ?

How does fiber work

Want to understand how fiber allows you to surf at lightning speed ? It’s this way !

Your frequent questions about fiber eligibility

How to test my eligibility ?

To find out if you can take advantage of the fiber at home, just enter your address in the eligibility test available at the top of this page. In a few seconds, you will then know what our internet offers available at home !

Which internet box to choose if I am eligible for fiber ?

If you are eligible for fiber, you can choose from different offers. If you are looking for an internet box without TV decoder, you can for example subscribe to the Bbox Fit. Conversely, if you want a TV decoder in addition to your box, you will have the choice between the Bbox Must and the Bbox Ultym. The latter will notably guarantee you the best wifi and the best possible speed, combined with the best of TV entertainment !

What is the cost of installing the fiber ?

Fiber installation is 100% key in hand.

What to do if I am not eligible for fiber ?

If your accommodation is unfortunately not yet eligible, the results of the eligibility test will allow you to discover the offers currently available at home. While waiting for the arrival of the fiber, you may be able to enjoy a 4G box or a 5G box for a more powerful flow than the ADSL.

When will I be eligible for fiber ?

If you are not yet eligible, you can send us your contact details so that we can warn you as soon as the fiber is available at home !

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