Bouygues debit test | Check your Internet connection, slow Bouygues internet: how to increase the flow of its Bbox Bouygues?

Internet slow Bouygues: how to increase the flow of its Bbox Bouygues

The flow rate of your connection is determined according to the following report: the weight of the data passing over a fixed period.

Bouygues debit test: how to test your internet connection ? (ADSL / fiber)

You are a customer of a Bbox (ADSL or fiber) and you find your connection a little slow ? You want to change operators and want to know the most efficient box ? The speed of your Internet connection is determined by several elements: your access provider, the subscribed offer, the technology used, etc. The best way to measure it is to carry out an internet debit test. How to calculate the speed of your connection ? How to decipher the results ? What are the Bouygues Telecom boxes allowing the best internet speed ? We explain everything to you in this article.

Why test the debit of the internet offer of its operator ?

When you subscribe to a internet , The operator concerned can only inform you of theoretical maximum flow rate to which you can claim according to the offer subscribed.

In reality, there is little chance that the flow that arrives at home is the same as that announced by your operator. Indeed, in addition to the nature of your offer, the speed of your connection will depend on several external factors such as: for example:

  • Network overload : the more people connect to the same network, the less it will be efficient;
  • The distance from your accommodation compared to the NRA (Subscribed connection knot) of your operator: the lower you are, the lower the flow;
  • The local network you have chosen : wifi, ethernet or CPL (online carrier);
  • The quality and maintenance of your equipment and cables.

Bouygues debit test

How to calculate the speed of my internet connection ?

It is very simple to know if your Internet line is fast or not. You have the possibility, thanks to flow tests, determine if the speed of your connection meets your expectations. It doesn’t matter whether you have a VDSL, ADSL or optical fiber line, it will always be necessary that your connection can bear the use you plan to make it.

It is therefore for this reason that there are Internet speed tests which will allow you to calculate the actual speed of your connection. These are generally available in 3 phases:

  • A response time test (Latence test): It is also called the ping, it represents the time required for a data sample to transit from your computer to the server, and vice versa. It is particularly important for online video games;
  • A descending test (data receipt from a server): also called Download, it is he who determines the speed at which you can navigate on the internet, which allows you to use the applications of your tablet or to watch streaming in streaming.
  • An ascending test (sending data to a server): also called upload, he determines the speed at which you can send emails, share photos or videos on a blog or on facebook for example.

The speed of your connection will therefore determine the loading speed of your web pages in browsers as well as the speed of downloading files to your computer or tablet.

This is not to confuse the debit test of your Internet line with an eligibility test. The latter will only inform you if you are able to benefit from the offer offered by your operator according to the place where you live.

In all cases, the connection test will be much more effective if you do it on an offer benefiting from optical fiber (instead of ADSL for example) because it is a more recent technology.

Do online videos require quick internet speed ?

If you want to look at Family online videos , Internet debit tests can therefore refer you to the quality of the movies that you can watch. Indeed, the more your connection will be deemed efficient by the test, the easier it will be for you to watch videos.

It is easy to observe that image quality has increased at the same time as Internet technologies. Therefore, it is necessary to have a minimum speed in order to be able to enjoy streaming films or series.

To watch an HD movie (1920 × 1080 pixels), you will need a speed of 5 to 8 megabits/s in order to benefit from optimal image quality.

Several Bouygues Télécom boxes will allow you to take full advantage of it:

    • The Bbox Must TV and the Bbox Ultym Plus : an offer of 180 channels, a 4K decoder and a 128 GB recorder
    • 4G Box: you can watch TV on smartphone and tablet with more than 70 channels

    Is my internet connection fast ?

    The flow rate of your connection is determined according to the following report: the weight of the data passing over a fixed period.

    The weight of a data is measured in bits or bytes, an byte being equal to 8 bits. The speed (flow) is then expressed most often in:

    • Bits per second (bit/s, b/s or bps);
    • Kilobits per second (kbit/s, kb/s or kbps),
    • Megabits per second (Mbit/s, Mb/s or Mbps);
    • Gigabits per second (Gbit/S, GB/S or GBPS).

    To simplify, the higher the speed of your internet line, the faster your connection is.

    Bouygues Télécom boxes allow the best internet connection ?

    All Bouygues ADSL or fiber optic boxes allow you to benefit from good internet connections. Here is the theoretical flow that these offers can offer:

    Offer ADSL flows fiber flows Connection Price
    Bbox Fit Boosted VDSL 400mb/s Adsl & Fiber € 14.99/month
    BBOX Must Boosted VDSL 1GB/s Adsl & Fiber € 19.99/month
    Bbox Ultym Boosted VDSL 2GB/s Adsl & Fiber € 24.99/month

    These offers will easily allow you to surf the internet, download files or watch movies online. Do not hesitate to carry out a debit test of your internet connection if you have any doubts about the actual speed offered by your operator.

    How to test your phone connection ?

    The tool to test your connection that Lemon does not change whether you are on phone or mobile. Just remember to check that you are in 4G or WiFi because the results of your connection test will be very different.

    My connection speed is 50 Mbps: is it good ?

    50 Mbps is a very good connection speed. We consider that if you want to play online, enjoy a streaming platform or watch your videos in high resolution, 25 Mbps is already very good.

    I only look at Netflix: what is the minimum connection speed ?

    You will need a minimum megabit connection speed to take advantage of Netflix with full potential.

    Internet slow Bouygues: how to increase the flow of its Bbox Bouygues ?

    A slow internet connection is a very widespread but always annoying problem. You have subscribed to a Bouygues Internet offer and you want to increase the BBOX flow of your accommodation ? There are many techniques, often free, to improve the Internet Bouygues. Follow our guide to optimize your Bouygues connection.

    You want to take out a Bouygues offer with a better speed ?

    • The essential
    • The best Bouygues fiber offer allows you to enjoy an internet speed up to 2GB/s.
    • It’s important to Limit the number of devices on the BBOX and of Secure access to the latter.
    • To optimize your flow, take care of position your Bbox well in the accommodation.
    • It is possible to configure the Bbox to choose The best frequency and the best WiFi channel.

    Improve its Bouygues flow by subscribing to a higher range offer

    The Bbox Fiber and ADSL ranges are both composed of 3 Bbox offers, all submitted to A one -year commitment, which offer a maximum flow that evolves according to the price.

    You wish Test your Bouygues fiber eligibility ? Discover our eligibility test and check in less than a minute If your lOmentment is well compatible with Bouygues fiber Before taking out a box offer.

    Going from a Bbox Fit fiber offer to a Bbox Ultym offer therefore allows multiply its maximum descending speed By more than 6, and also provides other advantages (for example, the Bbox Ultym offer also gives the right to 6th WiFi, a 4K HDR TV decoder and the Svod Disney+ service offered for 6 months.

    These are theoretical maximum flows: the flow announced by Bouygues can only be reached under optimal conditions. Depending on your installation and location, The flow that you will really receive could be significantly reduced.

    If you subscribe to Bouygues Adsl, you can test your fiber eligibility. The fiber offers a maximum speed much higher than that of the ADSL: the adsl bouygues offer with the best speed allows to reach 15MB/s (100Mb/s in VDSL), against 2GB/s for the fiber fiber offer.

    Boost your flow with the flow+ bouygues option

    If you want to boost your speed effectively, the option Speed+ proposed by Bouygues is the ideal solution.

    You just have to Change the optical module Located at the back of your Bbox, which will allow you to reach flows going up to 8GB/s for download and 1GB/s in sending (or 2GB/s for Bbox Pro+).

    You can subscribe to this option at any time on your Bouygues customer area For 5 €/month, without commitment. You can therefore terminate it at no cost as soon as you wish and Your initial debit will be automatically restored Without needing to spare the optical module.

    Please note this option is only available for customers Bbox Ultym and Bbox Pro+ residing in Paris Intramuros. It should be extended to new areas by the end of 2023.

    Relieve the Bouygues bandwidth to increase its flow

    Check the number of connected devices

    Your internet Bouygues is slow ? Too many devices in your accommodation connected to the BBOX may cause serious problems with speed of speed. It is possible to consult The list of devices connected to the Bbox By identifying with the Bouygues administration area. To do this, just access the Mabbox URL.Bytel.en via the internet browser of a device connected to the Bbox.

    Once connected (default, the login and password are “admin”), you can click on the “Scheme of my network” tab in order to have the list of devices connected to the network. Many standby devices remain permanently connected to the Internet and occupy part of the bandwidth. You can then sort and disconnect Non -essential devices.

    You want to increase your Bbox Bouygues flow ?

    Improve the safety of your Bbox

    If you have noticed devices that you do not recognize By consulting the list of machines connected to your Bbox, someone else may be identified on your Internet network.

    In this case, we highly recommendImprove the safety of your Bbox in order to regain control over the use made of it. You must return to the Bbox administration space, then go to “WiFi”, “WiFi network” then “WiFi configuration”. You can then enter a new WPA security key, necessary to connect to the Bbox.

    After a change of password and a restart of the Bbox, all the devices will be disconnected box: use the new password to reconnect.

    Change the location of its Bbox to improve its flow

    A Good positioning of the Bbox is essential to ensure a good internet connection in the accommodation. The BBOX allows devices to connect to the Internet by transmitting WiFi waves. These waves have a limited scope and are embarrassed by walls, obstacles and interference potentially caused by other electronic devices (especially microwaves). You must therefore follow several recommendations to properly place your Bbox:

    • It is advisable to Place the Bouygues box in the center of the house, in order to cover a maximum of parts on the internet.
    • The Bbox should not be placed on the ground: it is better Place it on a piece of furniture, more than a meter from the ground, to facilitate the spread of waves.
    • The Bbox should not be put in a piece of furniture such as a cabinet: the scope and the power of the waves would be limited from their emission.
    • Avoid puttingOther electronic devices directly next to the BBOX. The box should not be installed in a kitchen for example.

    You can look at the WiFi logo of your device to ensure the good reception of WiFi waves. The more the icon bars are filled, the more powerful the signal is powerful.

    If the range of your BBOX is insufficient to cover your entire accommodation, you can use a WiFi repeater to extend the Bouygues WiFi coverage area. Subscribe a Bbox Ultym offer allows you to benefit from the up to Two WiFi repeaters, Depending on the WiFi diagnostic results offered by Bouygues.

    Boost the Bbox flow using an ethernet cable

    Ethernet cable

    If your Internet connection continues to be slow or unstable, there is an alternative to WiFi: The Ethernet cable. The latter makes it possible to connect a device directly to the BBOX, via their respective ethernet ports: the connection is then made of wired rather than by WiFi waves. The wifi icon of your device should be replaced by the Ethernet icon, which confirms the proper functioning of the connection.

    The wired connection has several advantages compared to the WiFi connection: the Internet by Ethernet is More stable, faster and safer. It is however compulsory to be physically near the BBOX, and the device connected by Ethernet loses mobility compared to a wireless connection.

    Make sure the device you want to connect by Ethernet hasA compatible port : this is generally the case for most computers and game consoles, but not smartphones.

    Configure your Bbox and optimize its Bouygues Internet connection

    What frequency wifi to choose ?

    Two WiFi frequencies exist and can be used by a Bbox: The 2.4 GHz frequency And The 5 GHz frequency.

    • The 2.4GHz frequency is used by the default BBOX. This frequency allows WiFi waves to expand on a very large area and to have better penetration of obstacles, But the maximum flow is much lower than in 5GHz.
    • 5GHz frequency offer better speed (sometimes more than twice higher than 2.4GHz flow) and better resistance to interference, But the scope is shorter and the WiFi waves more sensitive to obstacles. It is recommended if you are in the same room as the Bbox.

    To change the wifi frequency of a BBOX, you must go the BBOX administration space, via the Mabbox URL.Bytel.Fr . Once connected, you have to go to the “WiFi” tab and press the “All devices” button. You can consult the frequency on which your devices are connected, and an estimate of its efficiency. You will also have the possibility of configuring the two frequencies, to choose which you connect and Correct your Lent Bouygues Internet.

    On which WiFi Bouygues channel to connect ?


    It is also possible to Choose the WiFi channel on which the Bbox connects. This is particularly useful in a building, where many other boxes are nearby. Changing the WiFi channel allows you to choose a less saturated by the neighboring boxes and enjoy a better speed. There are 14 WiFi channels accessible by the Bbox and 3 are particularly recommended for the best possible speed: 1, 6 and 11.

    To see and change the WiFi channel used by your BBOX, you must once again go to the “WiFi” tab of the BBOX administration space. In “WiFi configuration” you can then modify the WiFi channel, manually or automatically. It is advisable to test several channels to determine the one that allows the best Increase its Bouygues Internet connection.

    You are looking for an offer to increase the Bouygues Internet speed ?

    Updated on 08/08/2023

    Armand mainly takes care of writing articles and guides on SFR and Bouygues operators. A graduate of a Master in Digital Marketing and Data Analytics, he joined Selectra in December 2020.

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